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1 month ago | Report Abuse

I'm ok with sendai. Not a smart investor.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Profit is good. No need to feel guilty to take.....huat ar


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Be greedy when others are fearful...collected all the way from below 0.90 to 1.10....huat ar


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Sept 2024 (Simeprop-)

From 1.26 to double up

By paktua73

yes .soon rm1.60 also many will rushing buy in..
better load today price still lower..

remember ytlpowr from 1.10 now above rm5
vstec from 1.50 now 3.74

so simeprop now rm1.26 how????

tut tut
looking forward to see above rm2.50 by sept24


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Unstoppable kah?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Glad that I'm back on time....phew


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Congrats, Calvin. U manage to get bilises to sapu all your expensive tickets above 2.45


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The concept of "Malaysian Malaysia" envisions a nation where all citizens, regardless of ethnicity, religion, or culture, are treated equally and have equal opportunities. While this ideal seeks to foster unity, progressiveness, and equity, it faces several significant challenges:

1. **Dilution of Cultural Identities**:
- Malaysia is home to a rich tapestry of ethnic and cultural groups, each with its unique traditions, languages, and customs. A push towards a homogenized national identity risks eroding these distinct cultural identities, leading to a loss of heritage and cultural richness. For many communities, maintaining their cultural practices and values is crucial for their sense of identity and belonging.

2. **Exacerbation of Social and Economic Disparities**:
- Despite the goal of equality, a blanket approach to unity might overlook the historical and socio-economic disparities that exist among different groups. For instance, the bumiputra policy, which provides certain privileges to the Malay majority, was instituted to address economic imbalances. Abandoning such policies without addressing underlying inequalities could widen the gap between communities, leading to increased social tensions.

3. **Destabilization of Political Balance**:
- Malaysia's political landscape is heavily influenced by its ethnic composition, with political parties often aligned along ethnic lines. A move towards a "Malaysian Malaysia" might disrupt this delicate balance, potentially leading to political instability. Ethnic-based parties might resist changes that threaten their traditional support bases, leading to heightened political friction.

To achieve true unity and progress in Malaysia, the following approaches could be more effective:

1. **Respect and Celebrate Diversity**:
- Policies that recognize and celebrate the diverse cultural landscape of Malaysia can promote mutual respect and understanding. Celebrating cultural festivals, preserving languages, and supporting cultural education can help maintain the rich cultural heritage of various communities while fostering national pride.

2. **Address Specific Community Needs**:
- Tailored policies that address the unique needs of different communities can help bridge socio-economic gaps. For example, affirmative action programs that target underrepresented or economically disadvantaged groups can promote equity without neglecting the needs of the majority. This targeted approach ensures that progress is inclusive and benefits all segments of society.

3. **Ensure All Groups Feel Valued**:
- Creating an inclusive environment where every group feels their contributions and identities are recognized and valued is essential for national unity. This can be achieved through inclusive policymaking, equitable representation in government, and encouraging cross-cultural interactions and collaborations. When all communities feel they have a stake in the nation's future, it fosters a stronger sense of unity and shared purpose.

By balancing the aspirations for a unified national identity with respect for cultural diversity and addressing socio-economic disparities, Malaysia can achieve a more harmonious and progressive society.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Temporary turbulence because of repeated conversion of loan stock at a price that is lower than the market over the past one week.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

GCB is my favourite


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Huat ar....lai...lai..lai...


1 month ago | Report Abuse

This is a Tenbagger. Just lock the tickets in the safe box. And don't monitor


1 month ago | Report Abuse

This is a Tenbagger. Just lock the tickets in the safe box. And don't monitor


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Can start collecting bit by bit now


1 month ago | Report Abuse

PEG ratio about 0.7 ? Over the past decade, Formosa Prosonic Industries (FPI) has shown notable growth. Analyzing the available data, FPI's earnings per share (EPS) have increased significantly, highlighting a robust performance trend.

In recent years, the EPS growth has been quite strong. For instance, the EPS for 2022 was RM0.42 compared to RM0.39 in 2021, and earlier, it was RM0.21 in 2020 versus RM0.17 in 2019. Over the last five years, the company has achieved an annual EPS growth rate of about 25%, indicating a consistent upward trajectory in its financial performance.

Additionally, the company's dividend payments have also increased, reflecting its growing profitability. From 2014 to 2024, the dividend grew from MYR0.06 to MYR0.23 per share, demonstrating an annual growth rate of approximately 14%.

Overall, FPI has maintained a strong growth rate over the past decade, making it an attractive investment option within the materials sector.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I invest in other counters for now. Return later


1 month ago | Report Abuse

That's was what Calvin did in TSH, Jtiasa & Rsawit last month. Now they have to sell cheap there and chase high here. That's why >90% traders suffer loss


1 month ago | Report Abuse

What life values that children learn in......

-encourages mutual understanding and cooperation among different groups
- values the contributions and perspectives of various cultural backgrounds. This diversity of viewpoints can lead to more innovative solutions to societal challenges
- promotes a richer tapestry of arts, literature, and traditions

Vs National
- forcing everyone to be narrow-minded and conform to a dominant culture


1 month ago | Report Abuse

U jerung shark takut apa? Many bilises coming next week


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Below 15 ok ok


1 month ago | Report Abuse

SSDs consume less power than HDDs, making them more environmentally friendly and attractive for data centers and consumers looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

With less heat generation, SSDs contribute to lower cooling requirements, further enhancing their environmental and economic appeal.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

While SSDs have historically been more expensive than HDDs on a per-gigabyte basis, the gap has been narrowing. When considering the total cost of ownership, including factors like energy consumption, cooling, maintenance, and the operational benefits of higher performance and reliability, SSDs often prove to be more cost-effective in the long run.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Future-proofing new data centers with SSD (Solid State Drive) rather than HDD (Hard Disk Drive) is driven by:

### 1. **Speed and Performance**
- **Read/Write Speed:** SSDs are significantly faster than HDDs. They provide quicker access to data due to the absence of mechanical parts, which is crucial for high-speed data processing and retrieval required in modern data centers.
- **Latency:** SSDs have lower latency, meaning they can start reading and writing data almost instantly. This results in faster application performance, which is essential for real-time data processing and high-performance computing tasks.

### 2. **Reliability and Durability**
- **No Moving Parts:** Unlike HDDs, SSDs have no moving parts, which makes them more durable and less prone to mechanical failure. This reliability is critical for maintaining data integrity and uptime in data centers.
- **Longevity:** SSDs typically have a longer lifespan due to their resistance to physical shock and wear and tear, leading to lower failure rates over time.

### 3. **Energy Efficiency**
- **Power Consumption:** SSDs consume less power compared to HDDs, which can lead to significant energy savings. This is particularly important for data centers, which aim to reduce operational costs and their environmental footprint.
- **Heat Generation:** SSDs generate less heat than HDDs, reducing the need for extensive cooling systems, thereby further lowering energy costs and improving overall efficiency.

### 4. **Physical Space**
- **Form Factor:** SSDs are smaller and lighter than HDDs, allowing for higher storage density in data centers. This efficient use of physical space enables data centers to store more data without requiring additional physical expansion.
- **Scalability:** The compact size of SSDs facilitates easier scalability, allowing data centers to expand their storage capacity more flexibly and efficiently.

### 5. **Performance in High I/O Environments**
- **Input/Output Operations Per Second (IOPS):** SSDs offer higher IOPS compared to HDDs, which is crucial for environments that require handling large volumes of simultaneous data transactions, such as databases and virtualized environments.
- **Bandwidth:** SSDs provide higher data transfer rates, supporting faster access to large datasets and enhancing the performance of bandwidth-intensive applications.

### 6. **Data Integrity and Security**
- **Error Rates:** SSDs have lower error rates than HDDs, ensuring better data integrity and reliability. This is vital for applications where data accuracy and consistency are paramount.
- **Encryption:** Many SSDs come with built-in encryption features, providing an additional layer of security for sensitive data stored in data centers.

### 7. **Technological Advancements**
- **Evolving Technology:** SSD technology is rapidly advancing, with continuous improvements in storage capacity, performance, and cost-efficiency. Investing in SSDs aligns data centers with the latest technological advancements, ensuring they remain competitive and capable of meeting future demands.
- **Software Integration:** Modern data management and storage software are increasingly optimized for SSDs, enhancing their efficiency and performance in data center environments.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

While SSDs may have a higher upfront cost compared to HDDs, their benefits in terms of performance, energy savings, and reliability can lead to lower total cost of ownership (TCO) over the lifespan of the storage infrastructure.

Scalability and Future-Proofing: As data storage demands continue to grow, the scalability of SSD-based solutions becomes more attractive. Data centers can more easily scale up their storage capacity with SSDs, ensuring they can meet future demands without significant overhauls of their infrastructure.

Given these advantages, it's clear why modern data centers are transitioning to SSDs and other advanced storage technologies. The shift enhances performance, reliability, and efficiency, making HDDs increasingly obsolete in the high-stakes environment of data centers.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Because of their indoctrination, they inevitably fail to consider alternative perspectives or engaging in open-minded dialogue with members of outgroups. Instead, they may interpret any information or evidence that contradicts their beliefs as further proof of the righteousness of their indoctrination, leading to a reinforcement of their polarized views.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Children who are heavily indoctrinated tend to view the world through polarized lenses, especially when it comes to outgroups—those who do not share their beliefs or ideologies. They see members of outgroups as fundamentally different and often as adversaries or enemies. This polarization leads to an "us versus them" mentality, where individuals are more likely to demonize, stereotype, or dehumanize those who are not part of their ingroup.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Dan Zanger, a renowned trader known for his record-breaking returns, emphasizes the importance of caution after a prolonged bull run, even for the best-performing stocks. According to Zanger, when a stock or the overall market has experienced a significant and extended upward trend, the risk of a massive sell-off increases. This is because:

1. **Profit-Taking:** Investors who have seen substantial gains may decide to lock in profits, leading to increased selling pressure.
2. **Overvaluation:** Prolonged bull runs can push stock prices beyond their fundamental value, making them susceptible to sharp corrections when market sentiment changes.
3. **Market Sentiment:** After an extended period of optimism, any negative news or economic indicators can trigger fear and prompt a rapid shift to bearish sentiment.
4. **Technical Indicators:** Indicators such as overbought conditions, divergence between price and momentum indicators, and other technical signs often signal that a correction is imminent.
5. **Institutional Selling:** Large institutional investors may also start selling to rebalance their portfolios, which can exacerbate the downward pressure on stock prices.

Zanger advises traders and investors to be vigilant during these times, employing strategies such as tighter stop-loss orders, reducing exposure to high-risk positions, and being prepared to act quickly to preserve capital.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Let it rest- up a lot from below 2.00 not long ago. Let it rest longer

Announcements & Events

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Watch closely to buy back.....and huat another rip


1 month ago | Report Abuse

IWcity got no land for data centre?

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Here comes the real bursa star of 2024....


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Government-linked corporations (GLCs) are gateways to inefficiency, corruption, and money laundering.

1. **Inefficiency**: GLCs can suffer from bureaucratic inefficiencies due to their close ties with the government. Decision-making processes in these corporations are often slower, as they are subject to political considerations and regulatory constraints that do not typically burden private sector companies. This can lead to delays, higher operational costs, and an overall lack of competitiveness compared to their private counterparts.

2. **Corruption**: The intersection of government and business in GLCs can create fertile ground for corruption. Political interference in corporate governance can lead to appointments based on political loyalty rather than merit, resulting in a lack of accountability and transparency. This environment can foster corrupt practices such as bribery, embezzlement, and kickbacks. When government officials have vested interests in these corporations, there is also a greater risk of conflicts of interest and favoritism in the awarding of contracts and business opportunities.

3. **Money Laundering**: GLCs can be used as vehicles for money laundering due to their complex structures and the significant flow of funds they handle. The close relationship with government entities can provide a shield against regulatory scrutiny, making it easier to conceal illicit financial activities. Additionally, the international operations of many GLCs offer opportunities to move and launder money across borders under the guise of legitimate business transactions.

4. **Lack of Accountability**: GLCs often lack the same level of scrutiny and accountability as private sector firms. They may be subject to less rigorous auditing and regulatory oversight, particularly if there is a perception that they are protected by the government. This lack of oversight can enable corrupt practices and financial mismanagement to go unchecked for extended periods.

5. **Political Patronage**: The presence of political patronage in GLCs can undermine their efficiency and integrity. Politicians may use these corporations to reward loyal supporters with jobs or contracts, regardless of their qualifications or the impact on the corporation’s performance. This can result in a workforce and management team that is more focused on serving political interests than on achieving business goals, further entrenching inefficiency and corruption.

6. **Economic Distortions**: GLCs can distort market competition by benefiting from preferential treatment such as subsidies, government bailouts, and exclusive contracts. This can create an uneven playing field, discouraging private investment and innovation. Over time, the lack of competitive pressure can lead to complacency and inefficiency within GLCs.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Government-linked corporations (GLCs) are gateways to inefficiency, corruption, and money laundering.

1. **Inefficiency**: GLCs can suffer from bureaucratic inefficiencies due to their close ties with the government. Decision-making processes in these corporations are often slower, as they are subject to political considerations and regulatory constraints that do not typically burden private sector companies. This can lead to delays, higher operational costs, and an overall lack of competitiveness compared to their private counterparts.

2. **Corruption**: The intersection of government and business in GLCs can create fertile ground for corruption. Political interference in corporate governance can lead to appointments based on political loyalty rather than merit, resulting in a lack of accountability and transparency. This environment can foster corrupt practices such as bribery, embezzlement, and kickbacks. When government officials have vested interests in these corporations, there is also a greater risk of conflicts of interest and favoritism in the awarding of contracts and business opportunities.

3. **Money Laundering**: GLCs can be used as vehicles for money laundering due to their complex structures and the significant flow of funds they handle. The close relationship with government entities can provide a shield against regulatory scrutiny, making it easier to conceal illicit financial activities. Additionally, the international operations of many GLCs offer opportunities to move and launder money across borders under the guise of legitimate business transactions.

4. **Lack of Accountability**: GLCs often lack the same level of scrutiny and accountability as private sector firms. They may be subject to less rigorous auditing and regulatory oversight, particularly if there is a perception that they are protected by the government. This lack of oversight can enable corrupt practices and financial mismanagement to go unchecked for extended periods.

5. **Political Patronage**: The presence of political patronage in GLCs can undermine their efficiency and integrity. Politicians may use these corporations to reward loyal supporters with jobs or contracts, regardless of their qualifications or the impact on the corporation’s performance. This can result in a workforce and management team that is more focused on serving political interests than on achieving business goals, further entrenching inefficiency and corruption.

6. **Economic Distortions**: GLCs can distort market competition by benefiting from preferential treatment such as subsidies, government bailouts, and exclusive contracts. This can create an uneven playing field, discouraging private investment and innovation. Over time, the lack of competitive pressure can lead to complacency and inefficiency within GLCs.

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Can use them to bribe politicians, launder $$,$$$,$$$,$$$ etc etc

Posted by chinaman > 16 minutes ago | Report Abuse

time to evaluate how GLC beneficial to poor citizens except for big belly directors??


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Oh Anwaromics kah? Ok ok Faham

Posted by klee > 8 minutes ago | Report Abuse

To prepare for petrol subsidy rationalisation,pmx has implemented epf ac3,raised civil service salary by step....jack up amanam saham bumiputras company shares.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

AirAsia's business prospects, represented by AAX (AirAsia X) and Capital A counters on Bursa KLSE, show potential for strong growth within the next five years post-pandemic, due to several key factors:

1. **Recovery of Air Travel Demand**: As the world recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, air travel demand is rebounding sharply. AirAsia, being a low-cost carrier, is well-positioned to capitalize on this surge as travelers seek affordable travel options. The return of tourism and business travel will boost passenger numbers and load factors, driving revenue growth.

2. **Cost Management and Operational Efficiency**: AirAsia has a track record of maintaining low operational costs through efficient management practices, fleet commonality, and digitalization. Continued emphasis on cost control and operational efficiency will help AirAsia remain competitive and improve profit margins.

3. **Digital Transformation and Diversification**: Under Capital A, AirAsia has diversified its business model, investing heavily in digital initiatives such as the AirAsia Super App, which offers a range of services including travel bookings, food delivery, and e-commerce. This diversification reduces dependence on air travel alone, creating multiple revenue streams and enhancing overall business resilience.

4. **Strategic Expansion and Network Optimization**: AirAsia X has restructured and optimized its route network, focusing on high-demand and profitable long-haul routes. The strategic expansion into new markets and the reopening of previously suspended routes will provide new growth opportunities and increase market share.

5. **Strong Brand and Customer Loyalty**: AirAsia has built a strong brand with a loyal customer base due to its value-for-money offerings and extensive route network across Asia-Pacific. Leveraging its brand strength, AirAsia can attract a steady stream of passengers, contributing to sustained revenue growth.

6. **Government Support and Industry Outlook**: The aviation industry is crucial to economic recovery, and governments are likely to support airlines through favorable policies, financial aid, and infrastructure development. The positive industry outlook, coupled with supportive government measures, will create a conducive environment for AirAsia's growth.

7. **Environmental Initiatives and Sustainability**: AirAsia's commitment to sustainability and reducing its carbon footprint aligns with global trends and regulatory requirements. Investing in more fuel-efficient aircraft and sustainable practices can lead to cost savings and enhance the company's reputation, attracting environmentally conscious travelers.

Given these factors, AirAsia's AAX and Capital A counters on Bursa KLSE are well-positioned for significant growth over the next five years, as the company leverages its strengths, capitalizes on market opportunities, and adapts to evolving industry dynamics post-pandemic.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The Malaysian stock market, Bursa Malaysia (KLSE), has seen significant shifts in investor sentiment and trading activity in recent years, swinging dramatically from pandemic-related glove counters to AI-related tech stocks. This phenomenon reflects broader global trends and investor behavior in response to evolving market conditions and emerging technologies.

Pandemic Glove Counters
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for personal protective equipment (PPE) surged worldwide. This led to a massive rally in the stocks of companies producing gloves, such as Top Glove, Hartalega, and Supermax. Key factors driving this surge included:

Increased Demand: The pandemic created an unprecedented global demand for medical gloves and other PPE.
Supply Constraints: Supply chain disruptions and increased production costs further emphasized the importance of established glove manufacturers.
Earnings Growth: Glove companies reported record earnings, attracting both retail and institutional investors.
Speculative Trading: Many investors speculated on the continued demand for gloves, driving stock prices even higher.
Transition to AI-Related Tech Stocks
As the pandemic situation stabilized and vaccination efforts progressed, the focus of investors began to shift. The end of the pandemic-driven demand for gloves led to a sell-off in glove stocks. Concurrently, attention turned to technology, particularly AI and related sectors, for several reasons:

Technological Advancements: Significant advancements in AI, machine learning, and data analytics created new investment opportunities.
Post-Pandemic Recovery: As economies recovered, the emphasis shifted towards innovation and technology as drivers of future growth.
Digital Transformation: The pandemic accelerated the digital transformation of businesses, increasing the demand for AI solutions in various industries.
Government Initiatives: Government policies and initiatives promoting technology and digital infrastructure, such as Malaysia's push for a world-class data center, spurred investor interest in tech stocks.
Market Dynamics and Investor Sentiment
The rapid shift from glove stocks to AI tech stocks in Bursa Malaysia illustrates the dynamic nature of market trends and investor sentiment. Key aspects include:

Volatility: The market experienced high volatility as investors reallocated their portfolios in response to changing economic conditions and growth prospects.
Speculation and Hype: Both sectors witnessed speculative trading. Initially, glove stocks were overbought due to pandemic fears, while tech stocks benefited from hype around AI advancements.
Sector Rotation: Investors often rotate their investments from one sector to another based on anticipated growth. The rotation from healthcare to technology is a classic example.
Long-Term Vision: While glove stocks were seen as a short-term pandemic play, AI and tech stocks are viewed as long-term investments driven by continuous innovation.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The game of stock market (The main theme)


1 month ago | Report Abuse

So, how? Can overtake osk kah?

Posted by TheContrarian

QR out