
Huangbk72 | Joined since 2013-11-21

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2021-12-04 19:43 | Report Abuse

Fraud people must be condemned

Fraud accounting must be condemned

Fraud company must be condemned

If you dont condemn, means you are also a fraud?


2021-12-04 14:41 | Report Abuse

Dont think anyone will be "dumb" enough to repost such nonsense in any group.. its actually comment fillers and wasting bandwidth.

bojed I've been joining two of the biggest and most active SD Telegram groups there are for the past few months already but your posts are nowhere to be seen.


2021-12-04 14:29 | Report Abuse

If PearlBlack was a junior accountant.. he will fail

If PearlBlack was a junior litigator… he will fail

If PearlBlack was a junior investment banker.. he will fail

I wonder what he is good at?

Simply pathetic.. All postings are a joke and proven wrong so far



2021-12-02 09:15 | Report Abuse

Mabel is losing sanity and credibility

Exposed and tagged as a fraud

Continue posting cut and paste nonsense pls…

You are just a sideshow act..

Repent and you may have salvation.. hahaha


2021-12-01 22:05 | Report Abuse

Actually EY found other skeletons... refer item (f)

Very very sure if another auditor comes in to do another audit.. more skeletons will be found.

Getting different people look into SD accounts, more discrepancies will be found.

If SD plays along the rules of the game, it will not deteriorate into this situation.

I hope someone or anyone can wake up Karim and get him to release the SIR.

No SIR. No AR.. delisting on the way.


2021-12-01 10:59 | Report Abuse

agree that Mabel has no knowledge

disagree that Mabel knows how to write long long articles.. cos its mostly copy and paste job.


2021-11-30 22:53 | Report Abuse

For fraud accounting, delisting can commence immediately. No stipulated time frame


2021-11-30 19:31 | Report Abuse


Nothing SD says now makes sense...

Proven time and time again, they are trying to delay the inevitable...


2021-11-30 19:29 | Report Abuse

This saga has descended from "Shit hitting the fan" to "Shit drowning everyone in the room".

Mockery to the system, disdain for rules and regulation, saving a few and sacrificing the thousands.

Really "no eye see"

Hope the regulators rein in this loose cannon and restore order immediately.


2021-11-30 15:49 | Report Abuse

I’m here to see Karma punish people like you.

Biar kena kawkaw.

I’m enjoying free show… hahaha


2021-11-30 12:18 | Report Abuse

Not everyone got scammed...

Smart investors all staying on sidelines waiting for SIR....


2021-11-30 11:53 | Report Abuse

Already known..

Mable is expert in cut and paste job......

Others.. not so good.


2021-11-29 12:26 | Report Abuse

Pretty sure next announcement is from Bursa


2021-11-29 00:04 | Report Abuse

It’s actually scary reading Mable post..

It’s actually SD before audit issue blow up..

It’s actually Mable gone back in time and living in the past…

I wonder if I’m watching Netflix science fiction drama..

I hope Mable gets professional help soon..

Madness… pure delusion on SD position now


2021-11-28 20:00 | Report Abuse


Now complaining people not listening to him and cancel out his voice..

If he insists on the earth is flat.. probably residents at Tanjong Rambootan will listen.. normal people wont..

Sick in the head and pathetically incompetent


2021-11-28 18:14 | Report Abuse

Suddenly Leno becomes so philosophical and write long long


2021-11-28 18:13 | Report Abuse

Cut didi and become Dong Fang Bu Bai??

i3lurker what a long complicated explanation for "Jow Foh Yup Moh"


I already learnt that at kindergarden, from kung fu comics and also kung fu movies.
28/11/2021 6:05 PM


2021-11-28 18:11 | Report Abuse

This I agree.. hahaha

shareinvestor888 @Huangbk…. No remedy for Pearl Putih cos her correspondence address is at Tanjong Rambootan…registered address is Tanjung Rambutan


2021-11-28 17:43 | Report Abuse

Figures don’t lie

People lie

If people cannot read and understand figures, pls retire from investing instead of listening to nonsensical posts like PearlBlack. It’s confirmed he truly belonged and rightfully slaughtered in any abattoir


2021-11-28 10:07 | Report Abuse

BobAxelrod @Huang,....SD accepting this SIR would not tantamount to Frauds and Cheating?........isn't accepting this would be a full confession, and in Court?

How can SD be relisted if so? Bankers will say let's forget and forgive?

Of course it will be admission of guilt..

That’s why I still say SD will be delisted to protect someone

Hopefully law will take its course and SD releases the SIR


2021-11-28 09:12 | Report Abuse

It’s simple

SIR is deemed completed even with financial impact of RM1.43 B filed in court papers. That’s final

Nexia or any audit firm will have same findings as the 2 bigs if asked to check … That’s final too.

No need to pusing and trying to understand further

If SD accepts this SIR, then possible resumption of trading

If NOT, confirmed delisting


2021-11-28 08:29 | Report Abuse

My definition of delisting is involuntary

SD has no means for voluntary delisting.


2021-11-28 07:50 | Report Abuse

KPMG detected Fraud

EY detected Fraud

Nexia can sign off clean AR?? 100% not possible

Prepare for delisting.

Unless SD accepts the SIR….

Shareholders should go SD office to make noise: it’s your money burnt and trust betrayed


2021-11-27 21:52 | Report Abuse

This fella post here while looking in the mirror…

All he writes fits him actually:. Haha


2021-11-27 21:33 | Report Abuse

My dog can bark

Does it mean you are my dog?


2021-11-27 20:35 | Report Abuse

This stock.. will make syndicates vomit back all their gains.. LOL


2021-11-27 19:14 | Report Abuse

SIR report by EY brings quick closure to this saga.

It shows how money will make people lose sanity, lose civility, lose humanity... ultimately moral compass.

From BOD, INED, Promoters...

All carry these sins..

Hope they all burn in afterlife...

Karma will come for you all.

I still sleep like a baby...


2021-11-27 16:51 | Report Abuse

Start suing the filing clerk and work their way up...


2021-11-27 15:36 | Report Abuse

The financial impact from SIR findings is RM1.438 B from TheEdge report.

Not impossible for SD to impair..

Problem is for the self preservation of the BOD, SIR is blocked.

So.. to those holders, time to demand for action.

For us, add popcorn supply to see a good show.. hahahha


2021-11-27 15:26 | Report Abuse

Hate to repeat myself since im always proven right

Without SIR.


Delisting on the way..

So... pls go Karim house, office and demand SD release the SIR, so trading is allowed.

God help all SD holders


2021-11-26 19:38 | Report Abuse


Now left hand talking to right hand..

I only see 2 scenario

1) SD Delisted
2) SD Delisted

So you need to fully prepare for either one of the scenario above


2021-11-26 12:22 | Report Abuse

Man.. u are sharp


PSAi3alert Hahaha.

Pearl black dan rakan rakan, bodoh accounting services PLT.

Is Pinky a partner in the firm?

He has lots of cost-based, cost-plus, milestone-based, kilometrestone-based, progressive, regressive, conclusively inconclusive accounting methods for non-existent projects.


2021-11-26 12:03 | Report Abuse


Who checks inventories like that for construction based business ???

Pearl black and bodoh accounting services PLT??

Laugh me die

This fella really don’t know what he is talking about


2021-11-26 11:13 | Report Abuse

It’s actually strange.

It actually felt I’m reading forum postings from an alternate universe.

Put it bluntly, SD investors had been “shafted” in the back.: yet I still see many happy campers..


2021-11-26 11:11 | Report Abuse

@ psai3alert

Chef Karim has all the numbers..

He knows and we know.. only the dummies don’t

Delisting is the way to go.

Best option for him


2021-11-26 11:09 | Report Abuse

I really try to read and understand

I really did try to understand and not laugh

I can’t !!!!


Everyday that Fake CEO keeps posting conjunctures which has been proven fake and fake all the time..

This fella face must be “thicker than coffin wood”

SD must still be paying him


2021-11-26 08:06 | Report Abuse

No Assumption.. SD books are cooked

No Accusation... SD books are cooked

No Denying SD books are cooked

SD will be delisted

Dont need to be creative when I know the end result.


2021-11-25 15:29 | Report Abuse

Bursa says findings are complete

EY says that findings are complete

SD says findings are incomplete.

Its a 2 -1 final score..

So you go ask SD why the finding is not complete.

solomolo u ask EY lah..why their finding is not complete...just wait Nexia maybe their finding will complete
25/11/2021 3:22 PM


2021-11-25 15:25 | Report Abuse

Looking at the actions taken up so far by SD to the point of suing Bursa,

EY SIR is all about :

- KPMG findings are correct. All disputed transactions cannot be verified.

bojed I couldn't care less about SD's AR.

I want to know the findings in its SIR.
25/11/2021 3:19 PM


2021-11-25 15:23 | Report Abuse

He will... he lives in a fantasy world filled with imaginary battleships and handsome HK actors..


Nikmon Haha, I doubt this stupxd will post any comment after

Huangbk72 quoted
Delisted soon.

Then Mable happy SD delisted and sleep like a baby.. said so himself
25/11/2021 3:07 PM
25/11/2021 3:11 PM


2021-11-25 15:07 | Report Abuse

There is no 31 Dec 2021, 2022 and so on...

No SIR.. No AR....

Delisted soon.

Then Mable happy SD delisted and sleep like a baby.. said so himself


2021-11-25 15:04 | Report Abuse

U also cat right?? hahaha

leno the story of
a cat shouting at the beach
"SHARK !! SHARK !! Get OUT from the water"

Conman say cannot simply shout,
could just be a fake shark
see, i am walking in the water now,
okay leh, nothing happen leh,
come come join me swimming in the sea
so NICE !

The END.
25/11/2021 2:59 PM


2021-11-25 14:59 | Report Abuse

Your greed is to be blamed...

Months and months of hints.. yet still stuck in SD...

Padan muka

Vicky Come on bro. No one is guilty unless proven otherwise in court. Do not put unneccesary words into these companies. Remember many investors are involved and big loss for them. Whose fault ? Bursa Malaysia !!!
25/11/2021 2:47 PM


2021-11-25 14:58 | Report Abuse

That FAKE CEO has no corporate knowledge.. cant even read cashflow analysis.. to expect him to understand corporate workings.. you are asking a pig to climb a tree.. hahhahahah

leno someone say
SIR not important because AR will be release next week.
so how now ?
25/11/2021 2:49 PM


2021-11-25 14:06 | Report Abuse


U truly flatter yourself.. guess you are living on a different universe.

I dont even have to quote your full fantasy post., Just 1 paragraph shows how good you are. I dont even read your posting much anyway.. too much rambling and hardly to the point.

To your point... Delisting is ok?

Funny... if delisted, what do shareholders get from a negative cashflow company?

From an investor viewpoint, what you have written so far are pure fiction stories with no substance.

In other words.. you bring nothing to the table


2021-11-25 12:14 | Report Abuse

All I see are promoters talking nonsense when SD is still suspended

All I want is to laugh at their nonsense

I’m here to kill snakes… ignore me



2021-11-25 11:39 | Report Abuse

First time I see this…

Delisted or not, still ok.

You need professional help ..

Delisted or not, Serba will still be part of Mabel Energy Battleships, Super Tankers and Jet Fighters. Serba still has lots of value and it also touches the lives of many people and many Investors in PNB, EPF, BlackRock, VanGuard etc


2021-11-24 20:14 | Report Abuse

There is no half baked SIR

There is no grey area SIR

SIR answer is yes or no..

Can or cannot find customers, suppliers or stocks.

So:. SD is trying to bury truth, that’s the bottom line