
Huangbk72 | Joined since 2013-11-21

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2021-10-27 15:32 | Report Abuse

leno Sebak has been considering to to give kpmg a slap on the wrist,
and now bursa simply slap sebak face.
27/10/2021 3:29 PM

At least we can have a small conclusion..

SD will not win the legal suit against KPMG.. settlement probably which includes :

1) Public apology by SD to KPMG
2) SD to bear all legal costs

After adding millions paid to Shafee, SD ended losing the most in this ridiculous legal suit against KPMG.


2021-10-27 15:23 | Report Abuse

I had posted very early on..

This Karim has no experience in crisis management.

Just take the impairment and move on. By doing dirty laundry in public, it opens up everything to every available microscope.

No listed company can withstand such scrutiny.

Answer : SD probably will be doing BAU by now if they just took the impairment hit

supafly83 I am just trying to wonder if karim had just "moved-on" from kpmg's audit, would we be in this mess now?
27/10/2021 3:18 PM


2021-10-27 15:15 | Report Abuse

Release SIR now, everyone can dump this stock.

Keep SIR buried, company delisted.

Which will be a better option for SD? You know the answer


2021-10-27 14:45 | Report Abuse

SIR scope is very specific.

When Bursa says its ready to be published, means its done, completed. No piecemeal or missing pieces.

100% completed.

Its a really good report for KPMG, probably they already started popping champagnes there.

Nikmon Even though SIR is incomplete, those information should share with shareowner, this is responsibility of a public listed company.

Which scope has complete which is not and due to what, nothing to hide and not business secret...just verify the transaction, supplier and customer...who are there and are those transaction legal.. after 4 month nothing can share...


2021-10-27 14:20 | Report Abuse

No SIR no trading....

To Bursa, the SIR is 100% completed and ready to be published.

To SD, findings are inconclusive.

"Berani kerana benar, takut kerana salah"

Lets continue to see who will blink first.

Lesson.. never fight Bursa, tofu ship cannot hit brick wall.


2021-10-27 09:54 | Report Abuse

Fight Auditors
Fight Bursa
Fight Everyone

This type of character, investors will trust ??

Only Gamblers will play.

All these problems are self inflicted by SD.. I think they like BDSM, no pain no shiok


2021-10-27 09:05 | Report Abuse

OpporturnityHunter they didnt realize that when one angry, easy to show ppl their rips, hehehehe
27/10/2021 8:40 AM

This is true and agree wholeheartedly

People writing pattern hard to change, once they get rattled, all nuts drop out.. hahaha


2021-10-27 09:04 | Report Abuse

Haha… wirajati hits it head on

We are doing a social service here sharing our experience. Hate seeing people falling into shark trap. Even Saving 1 is good enough for my time.

Am a true believer of Karma… it will come back to haunt or reward unexpectedly



2021-10-27 07:55 | Report Abuse

If investing in stocks is so easy, buy based on rumor, everyone will be rich.

Learn to read and understand financials yourself, help yourself and invest yourself.. it’s much more gratifying

Figures never lie, people do


2021-10-27 07:42 | Report Abuse


Yeah.. plenty paid promoters here, reborn id too. Interfund aka iHunter, Pearlwhite aka Conpipi

You should add to the list :



2021-10-27 07:15 | Report Abuse


I didn’t realize you also play foreign bourse.. haha

USA very active now.


2021-10-27 07:10 | Report Abuse

I’m staying here to see how all you fanatics self destruct..

Money gone, savings gone, good life gone

Padan Muka to all the promoters


2021-10-27 05:36 | Report Abuse

SIR is delayed

In turn AR will be delayed, confirmed 100%

6 Q no report, still BAU? Hahaha

Listed status will be in jeopardy


2021-10-26 20:39 | Report Abuse

For someone using monopoly money... why not buy? hahaha

Being a paid promoter doesnt really pay much..


2021-10-26 20:32 | Report Abuse

Cash rich company even suspended can be BAU.

ICU patients like Karim related 3 companies will collapse with no money to pay anyone...

Fake CEO doesnt even know about cashflow??


2021-10-26 20:28 | Report Abuse

No worries for SD holders.

They always trumpeting sue KPMG get back billions..

Might as well sue EY and Bursa for billions lost too.. EY using new recruit to conduct SIR review while Bursa using cleaners to sit in SIR meeting..

A pattern is developing in SD and related stocks of Chef Karim..... wonder anyone sees that? haha


2021-10-26 19:55 | Report Abuse

Eh.... where are the pompom boys for SCIB and KPOWER???

Didnt they talk that SIR is good, so its green yesterday..

Today means SIR is bad cos its red?

What if 1 is red and 1 is green???


2021-10-26 18:00 | Report Abuse

As long as SIR findings is inconclusive, SD can claim it’s not complete

Inconclusive findings mean can verify or cannot verify?

Address can find or cannot find ?

Inventory can find or cannot find ?

Company can find or cannot find ?

Human can find or cannot find ?


2021-10-26 16:52 | Report Abuse

One has to read again the role and responsibilities given to EY for this SIR

After this press release:

I am super confident 100% that SIR is ready and bad to SD.

The role of EY is very specific, to verify transactions, inventories, receivables etc. The answer is only CAN or CANNOT verify.

If EY can verify, means findings will be conclusive. SD will rejoice and immediately publish the findings. No need to take impairment, accounts all lovey dovey.

If EY cannot verify, means findings will be inconclusive. Means the items to verify, cannot be verified.. hilang di langit.. hahaha

Regardless of how many times SD rejects EY findings, it will come out sooner or later.

Or SD can bury the SIR findings forever, and stay suspended.

Shit has truly hit the fan... hope less people are in the same room.


2021-10-26 16:36 | Report Abuse

Depeche So based on the news, the meeting was conducted in an alien language which Bursa representatives misconstrued the
briefing from EY.... their work was still in progress... findings were preliminary only...LOL
26/10/2021 4:32 PM

LOL... best thing I read today



2021-10-26 16:27 | Report Abuse

RedEmperor Judging by this statement “ EY did not suggest that they were in a position do so”, it is obvious that EY is unable to verify the veracity of the financial statements. This is so elementary, a failed 1st year accounting student would have no problem deducing it.
26/10/2021 4:18 PM

Wow... EY started working since July ...

Yet cannot confirm a few transactions?????

LOL... no wonder KPMG cannot verify the same said transactions.

But this is not the "truth"

Truth is:
SIR is completed. Bursa people also attended the same meeting. Why SD claims its not completed?? different set of accounting knowledge between SD and Bursa?

Will Bursa reply to SD allegations? or straight continue suspended account?

So many questions. jeng jeng jeng


2021-10-26 15:45 | Report Abuse

Today no talk about Kpower or SCIB stocks here??


2021-10-26 14:51 | Report Abuse

(d) Allow the said accounting firm or the accounting firm, with international affiliation appointed to undertake the SIR, to report directly to Bursa Malaysia and the Securities Commission Malaysia, periodically, on the progress of the SIR, and on the findings upon completion of the SIR.

this pretty much sums up the actual situation. SIR completed, SD not agreeable


2021-10-26 10:29 | Report Abuse

Sir report is in Bursa hands. That why they know it’s completed


2021-10-26 10:05 | Report Abuse

EY as a professional body do not report publicly their findings. Just like KPMG doesn’t reply publicly to legal suit by SD.

Onus is on SD to publish the findings


2021-10-26 09:24 | Report Abuse

In summary

Bursa appointed EY as SIR = Special Independent Reviewer.

Roles clearly defined.

EY reports to both Bursa and SD

Refer to Bursa announcement below

Regardless of summary report as at 30th Sept, the fact is SIR is completed in the eyes of EY and Bursa.

SD dont agree with SIR findings. ( this is my interpretation when Bursa says SIR is done while SD says its not)

This stalemate will take a long long long time to resolve. So be prepared to have your money stuck in SD a long long long time.

Today hopefully will see a response from Bursa over SD claims yesterday.

The saga continues..... ( things can be resolved so much earlier between KPMG and SD, now drag into months and maybe years).... totally irresponsible management style.


2021-10-26 06:21 | Report Abuse

This saga has spilled beyond the realm of anti and pro SD camps.

Everyone should unite and get the SIR report out. The way it’s going, long term suspension is a clear possibility.

Let’s look at SIR role as defined by Bursa below. Take note item (d)

As it’s requested by Bursa, EY updates bursa and has all the info for them to decide if SIR is completed or not. It’s not a full audit, just to confirm findings. Very rudimentary role, either Yes or No.

SD latest stance is, they are not accepting EY findings. That’s why to SD, the SIR work is not done when Bursa and EY says it’s finished. Similar situation with KPMG earlier.

To have clarity for the investment community, everyone should make an effort to make SIR going public through their own means


2021-10-25 19:52 | Report Abuse

gohkimhock When Bursa said until further notice, means Bursa will have the last say. Correct me if I am wrong.
25/10/2021 7:48 PM

Yes.. Bursa has the power.

They also have the power to release SIR findings themselves. EY reports the findings to them under power given as SIR.

Lets see the show


2021-10-25 19:45 | Report Abuse

To that 2 monkey promoters..

IR and SIR is different. Pls read up before posting nonsense.


2021-10-25 19:43 | Report Abuse

Dont forget.. Bursa are updated directly by EY. They have a copy of every report.

SD is playing a dangerous game by claiming ignorance or " sounds like me, looks like me but its not me game"

"Clap Clap"


2021-10-25 19:36 | Report Abuse

SIR is to prove either "Yes" or "NO" on all the KPMG highlighted issues

How difficult is that to announce the findings??

I really admire this phrase:

Berani kerana Benar, Takut kerana Salah


2021-10-25 19:34 | Report Abuse

That kinda reply from SD.. a big face "slap" to Bursa..

Hahaa... many black faces now over there.

Wonder how will they respond.


2021-10-25 19:28 | Report Abuse

Wasted buying a big box of popcorn for show..

Confirmed stalemate…

See who blink first..first time seeing a listed company teaching Bursa what the the law.

Lol… to all holders of SD, can keep it in fridge and forget about. Money all stuck there now


2021-10-25 12:18 | Report Abuse

Why so many comments here when SD is suspended and SIR result not out??

So many counters in bursa to invest in.. bad time management.. lol

Make money elsewhere first.


2021-10-24 13:45 | Report Abuse

Basic investing..

NTA wont help you if company go bust, you think you will be able to get a piece of concrete piling or a barrel of oil from SD? hahaha

Once impairment hits, inventory reversed out, collectibles reduced.. NTA will drop really fast.


2021-10-24 13:41 | Report Abuse

As most of the forum members has seen, the fake CEO loudly proclaimed on Sept 8th and 9th that SIR report is completed and handed to Bursa. Bursa didnt want to release it to absolve SD..

Again fact checked to be false with latest Bursa announcement. SIR only completed end Sept..

Your work is pathetic and should not even be paid to promote SD. KPI all failed. Spinning stories with no facts.

Better you change again your id and start again.. lol


2021-10-24 13:12 | Report Abuse

Lol... fake CEO throwing fake insinuations again.. everyday something new. His arsenal never depletes.

If you sneeze, do you get thrown into Covid quarantine center? No. cos First they need to see your Covid Swab result..

Sheesh.. school boy mistakes again.


2021-10-23 23:30 | Report Abuse

Every step of the way, SD is testing "He-Man" tolerance level.

1) Bursa has to forcefully appoint EY as SIR..

2) Bursa has to force SD in releasing SIR report..

If "clean", need to be forced?? If you cannot answer this, ask an 8 year old... hahaha

Only the 90% dummies believe in the Chef...


2021-10-23 23:25 | Report Abuse

Monday or Tuesday no difference.

SIR will confirm KPMG findings. Big Impairment coming up. Definitely Audited accounts will be delayed.

Shit will hit the fan.

I will be on the sideline munching my popcorn and watching the carnage.

See which sharks will swim faster next week. Brilliant move by Bursa to suspend SD.. now big sharks, small sharks, wannabe sharks are stuck.. lol


2021-10-23 20:44 | Report Abuse


Have to post these messages now.. it should have been applicable in July, and not now.

Better write down and paste on your room wall.. maybe you can convince yourself it will come true.


2021-10-23 19:01 | Report Abuse

1)Having SIR findings and not disclosing to public

2) selling and buying sd shares and warrants

Pretty much sums up insider trading


2021-10-23 13:33 | Report Abuse

Huatexpert Serbak management should be scratching their head how to raise billion to pay debt and millions to support every quarter 400 mil cash burning business....
Nobody want to buy their new bond issue...
How much right issue shares should raise and what is the price of right issue shares...
Does CEO still got money to subscribe right issue shares...
Plenty of questions discussed....
How to business as usual for Serbak, financially very tight now... 400 mils + cash can only last for 1 quarter....
Can it be the next Sapura Energy with massive right issue shares.
Looking forward for next episode of the drama .... This is second time Bursa ordered Serbak complete the task requested within a time frame....
Title of the next drama episode : SIR and survivor of Serbak...
23/10/2021 12:42 PM

No need to scratch.. use chainsaw also useless.

This company is much in debt, it is practically insolvent.


2021-10-23 13:31 | Report Abuse

Lets bring clarity to this matter.

On Oct 21st, final findings of SIR is presented to Bursa and SD. Findings as at 30th Sept.

Bursa been waiting for SD to disclose the findings publicly. ( this is contrary to the fake billion dollar CEO here who has been saying SD is forcing Bursa to suspend share trading and disclosing the findings). Fact checked and fake again.

SD is the party that is sitting on the SIR findings and refusing to disclose it. Is the SIR good or bad to SD? Make your own conclusion.

Now Bursa is forcing SD to disclose the findings by 26th Oct ( Tuesday)

As I have repeatedly stated

1) EY will confirm KPMG findings
2) Hope you are not in the room when shit hits the fan.

We will see which shark will sell faster come Tuesday..... brilliant move by Bursa to suspend SD.

I will be bringing my lounge chair and popcorn this Tuesday.


2021-10-23 10:43 | Report Abuse

Lol… the fake billion dollar company CEO never stops spewing nonsense.

All his timeline on SIR findings happened in his dream. What authority and experience does he have? He has been weighted and found lacking.

Few more days and we will have firm conclusion of SIR and what a “true” joker he is.

Results and Time will prove everything. He has been proven wrong thus far.

By the way, use back your old ID in July.. don’t hide behind new ones


2021-10-22 15:45 | Report Abuse

Actually all the promoters here are investing using Monopoly money..

So dont pay too much attention to how many shares they buy.. they have endless supply.


2021-10-22 15:42 | Report Abuse

The role of "He-Man" is very specific

He is the protector of the Stockniverse. The mandate and laws are setup to protect investors.

For them to suspend trading of SD only means 1 thing, it was done to protect the investors.

Look at SD shareholding structure.

More than 38% are held by the management of SD, 50% free float. No much institutional investors left. So SD are mainly held by retailers.

Suspension by Bursa means only 1 thing... 100% bad news.

I am changing my mantra as the end game is near.

1) EY will confirm KPMG findings

2) Hope you are not in the room now as the shit is hitting the fan.


2021-10-21 14:19 | Report Abuse

Good luck to those holding SD stocks.. high or low floors

Great job to those on the sidelines waiting for SIR report

My last message now till SIR report comes out.

1) EY will confirm KPMG findings
2) Dont be in the same room when shit hits the fan ( aftermath washup ok la... haha)


2021-10-21 13:52 | Report Abuse

To that dummy that talks nonsense without facts. In fact, he has been checked mate so many times. One of his main argument is EPF still holds SD stocks....again his nonsense fact checked below

Now more and more financial portal are updating the institutional shareholdings of SD.. i cant seem to find EPF anymore.. in fact, more and more big boys are missing..

God is really fair.. Allah is great too.
