
Huangbk72 | Joined since 2013-11-21

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2021-11-05 11:31 | Report Abuse

Big YES.. no issue SD close down

MAS lost more workers when delisted


2021-11-05 10:44 | Report Abuse

We are not here to gloat

We are here to kill the ‘snakes’

They are tough adversaries


2021-11-05 07:08 | Report Abuse

Regardless how good your investment record is….

You can burn it if promoted this counter.

A thousand year merit can be burned in 1 day.

Crudely put:

From winner to a loser now


2021-11-05 07:05 | Report Abuse


Keep up the good work!! The world needs you to be a better place.

Good Karma will reward you.

Save as many innocent souls as possible


2021-11-05 07:04 | Report Abuse

@ wongchin

Only the 10% smarties can read.

The other 90% dummies won’t understand this article. They prefer to dream that everything is BAU.


2021-11-04 19:22 | Report Abuse

Horror stories are told in June.. its too late now.

Now SD holders are living in the horrifying nightmare when they refused to wake up..


1) No SIR, no AR can be completed. No auditor willing to sign off with so many qualified opinions.
2) SIR dont need 4 months to complete. Its not a full audit process.
3) As a listed company, you dont fight against regulator. Wanna stay listed, play by the rules.

So..... all points to delisting unless SIR is published.

Lets stock up months of popcorn to see show.


2021-11-04 18:31 | Report Abuse

I really try to understand

I really do…

How can promoters say we missed this gem?

We have been asking people not to buy since 60-70c level..

Anytime we buy now, will be cheaper than current stuck holders of SD..

U all think you got it cheap, we can get it cheaper..

If SD ever lifted their suspension, I will see bloodbath and carnage..

Too many sharks think they’re smart, got outwitted by Bursa.. now they stuck… and keep posting positive vibes when in reality, this is a goner


2021-11-04 15:30 | Report Abuse

I try to understand.....

I really did try...

1) Stock drop from 1.60 level to 0.30 level
2) Audit red flagged
3) Sue auditors
4) Forced to appoint SIR by Bursa
5) Not willing to release SIR report
6) Fitch Rating dropping SD to junk bond status.
7) Resignation en bloc of Independent directors.

Still trust in SD?

Do people still have logic anymore??

Dont need 7 reasons above, just 1 will be enough to sell of shares way earlier in May.

Every shareholders had months to escape.. instead more and more got trapped.


2021-11-03 13:18 | Report Abuse


You people still take that fake CEO aka clown seriously??

Since day 1, all nonsensical post.. bordering on insanity..

Wasting bandwidth actually.


Huge conflict with statement you shared, this is the outcome SD management talk with rating agencies?
03/11/2021 1:07 PM


2021-11-02 10:27 | Report Abuse

So much useless talk.. Schoolboy report included.. irrelevant to all

Top line, bottom line...bla bla bla.. useless

Just release the SIR... then we can execute all we want.. including Karim's head.


2021-11-02 07:52 | Report Abuse

What will happen when SD ever reopens for trading ???

Cue “rocky soundtrack”

We will see a race of who sells faster:::

Plenty of sharks stuck here now:


2021-11-01 09:00 | Report Abuse

I will agree that all holders are emotionally desperate . Normal reaction when you see an incoming wrecking ball.

Shit has truly hit the fan.

Look at pre and post audit issues at Chef Karim related companies. This shows sheer incompetence. No way it will go back to their heydays under his stewardship.

Let’s bring more popcorn and coke to enjoy the show. It’s a rare and limited edition movie.:


2021-10-30 10:39 | Report Abuse

Its all optics..

You can say you make tons of money...

In reality, its unverified.. just stick to facts. No one will believe how much money you made. Its all purely self gratification measure.

In psychology terms.. its called "unfulfilled dreams" when you have to brag about how good you are..

Who knows, the next Id posting here can claim he is Elon Musk.. does it give lend him more "truth" to what he says.


2021-10-30 10:09 | Report Abuse

LOL.... insane comment from paid promoters again....

SIR is not important?? Not Relevant?? Nexia can close accounts without SIR??

If this is workable, every listed company that faces audit issue with current auditors, just fire them and change a new one..

Walah.. problem solved...

What a joke!!!! hahahhahah


2021-10-30 08:17 | Report Abuse

EY will never ask KPMG or SD to clarify “Any” issues.

It’s not within their job scope.

Clarify is the job of KPMG/ Nexia with SD as their past and present auditors, EY is NOT.

That’s what SD is trying to mislead.


2021-10-30 07:08 | Report Abuse

SD owners at last day of trading... All stuck except EPF and PNB... good job to those 2..

Institutional Ownership


Top 10 Institutions


Mutual Fund Ownership




That is a big float of 48.53% ready to run if SIR is bad.. see who is fastest.....

Institution Name Shares Held
(% Change)
% Outstanding
Kumpulan Wang Persaraan (Diperbadankan) 168,851,006(-0.71%) 4.53
State Financial Secretary, Sarawak 126,000,000(0.00%) 3.38
Lembaga Tabung Haji 51,945,500(+1.39%) 1.39
The Vanguard Group, Inc. 38,659,276(+0.49%) 1.04
Public Mutual Berhad 36,450,290(+0.66%) 0.98
Principal Asset Management Berhad 31,040,400(-0.16%) 0.83
BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A. 30,072,210(+0.08%) 0.81
AIA Bhd. 26,960,190(-4.47%) 0.72
Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad 17,486,700(0.00%) 0.47
Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P. 14,047,070(0.00%) 0.38
Mellon Investments Corporation 6,984,900(+0.01%) 0.19
Eastspring Investments Berhad 6,155,130(-0.03%) 0.17
Principal Asset Management (S) Pte Ltd 5,884,900(+0.16%) 0.16
BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited 4,988,850(+0.00%) 0.13
California Public Employees' Retirement System 2,618,930(+0.03%) 0.07


2021-10-30 07:04 | Report Abuse

You dont understand us..

Its a battle Good vs Evil

You are standing in Evil Corner.

Its up to us to destroy you to save mankind.. Karma will reward us and punish people like you.

Back to a more serious note:

100% of anti-SD forum member has NONONONONONONO intention to buy SD or SCIB or KP shares for long term investment. Swing trade yes.

1) The management is crap
2) Accounts not trustworthy
3) No respect for established rules and institutions.

And SIR report already set in stone cos Bursa as a copy.... it cannot change, positive or negative

Honesty People just dont waste their time here talking fake negative news and pessimism comment UNLESS they are interested in joining the gang with a cheaper price !!

Your strategy is really a bad one now with the suspension!! Do you think the share will re-open out of a sudden without the SIR result??
Please la dont be naive and waste your time talking to an empty room!!

Between, with all the time Serba have now without worrying a dip in share price, dont you think they will iron out a positive SIR??
Please la again grow up !! We all know what is the outcome of this privilege timing ~~
29/10/2021 10:30 PM


2021-10-30 06:57 | Report Abuse

Depeche Logically speaking. It's unthinkable that Karim will fold his billion ringgit empire.... cos he won't be able to get the biz community and banks to trust him ever.... so he should be focusing on getting the SiR and AR right and don't get into the same mess ever again.
29/10/2021 8:16 PM

That is right..

But desperate people dont follow logic. Ask Bernie Madoff or Elizabeth Holmes. Study their trial.

Now its pure self-preservation time for Chef Karim.

You jump, I dont jump scenario.


2021-10-30 06:55 | Report Abuse

This statement below taken from above article is misleading.

"The group also assured stakeholders that the Board is currently communicating with Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad, Ernst & Young Consulting Sdn Bhd and other relevant authorities to resolve the issue."


1) There is NEVER a need to communicate with Bursa or EY. The SIR findings are final. Only for SD to decide whether to release or not

2) Delay weeks, months or years, SIR report stays the same. It will not change. SIR IS NOT AUDITING REPORT and UNCHANGEABLE!!

3) SIR is a report to either agree or disagree with KPMG findings. IT WILL NEVER CHANGE.

4) Communication only happens between SD and their auditor during normal Auditing process. Auditor find something weird, SD will communicate and resolve it.

To resolve this impasse, release the SIR report since it cannot be changed.

The more SIR is delayed, the more problem it will create for the 3 brothers. Cash flow immediately affected. Banks will NEVER tolerate this behavior.


2021-10-29 20:02 | Report Abuse

If Karim is genuine, no worries

if he is not, then plenty to worry about

His recent actions in selling SD warrants, SCIB and KP stocks doesn’t really inspire confidence. Bad optics


2021-10-29 19:25 | Report Abuse

Another week is gone.

The feeling of being “Shafted” is bad

Looks like SIR will be buried forever….

Hopefully SD grows a conscience and release it…

Good or bad, they have a duty to their investors.


2021-10-29 05:00 | Report Abuse

Keep misleading

Keep cheating

Keep lying

Surely God or Allah will bless you a long life

Surely Karma will not bite you

Knowingly leading people to buy a Shit stock like SD, SCIB and Kpower are Evil.

Hope u all sleep well at night


2021-10-28 22:18 | Report Abuse

Lol.. Later the fake fund manager transform into fake Elon musk, worth over 200b.

No one here believes him anyway...he is singing to an empty hall


2021-10-28 17:29 | Report Abuse

Shoplot chairman never mention shoplot auditor and shoplot Bursa??

He scared ? Lol


2021-10-28 16:30 | Report Abuse

"Buy when others are fearful"

Kinda missing this quote from the promoters..


2021-10-28 16:27 | Report Abuse

As Leno will say...

What shit are you smoking? by the way, i like to eat crab... just so you know


Layman2020 IF good in predict, i do hope some peoples here can predict KPMG will red flag Serba previously. better cut the crab and wait for SIR out.


2021-10-28 15:55 | Report Abuse

Bursa has a copy of the final report...

Nice or Not Nice, we all want to see.

Bursa and EY deemed it final report... SD thinks otherwise ( same situation with KPMG earlier)

nicholas99 SIR is requested by Bursa. of course needs give to BURSA. or is it report not nice?
28/10/2021 3:46 PM


2021-10-28 15:32 | Report Abuse

from now on.. only 2 things will happen

1) SIR released... we will see a game of "who can run fastest"

2) SIR buried ... we will see who cry first...

Shit has hit the fan as forewarned.

Gratz to all on the sidelines.. we have ring tickets to see the Grand Finale.


2021-10-28 15:13 | Report Abuse

That fake fund manager..

Buy in 2 million at 40c, just 2 days ago..

Today sitting at almost 50% losses.... LOL

That is what i call a "Legend"


2021-10-28 15:11 | Report Abuse

First lesson.... when you see audit red-flag..

Run for your lives...

Promoters are all paid to lead you to your losses.. your loss, their gain.


2021-10-28 15:09 | Report Abuse

Where are the pom-pom girls that keeps saying SCIB and Kpower price shows if SD SIR is good or bad??

Say something......

All i hear are cricket sounds now.. hahaha


2021-10-28 11:44 | Report Abuse

Right answer.. as always.. Leno is smart cat.. lol


2021-10-28 11:43 | Report Abuse

Sebak Slap who's face then??


2021-10-28 09:36 | Report Abuse

con by paid promoters here


2021-10-28 08:44 | Report Abuse

If you know their HEAD... pls pass this message to them

Their current batch of promoters are bad.. not believable.

Pay peanuts and they get monkeys..

i3lurker the id is always created by the Head Scammer
and then they pass created id to those part timers to post Scam Posts

normally the Head Scammer just try to be funny and fook other forumers.

Its actually not his id at all.

Posted by Huangbk72 > Oct 28, 2021 8:22 AM | Report Abuse

Thats cruel.. lol
28/10/2021 8:26 AM


2021-10-28 08:23 | Report Abuse

Another new day...

The ball now is in SD court..

Hope they reply to Bursa announcement yesterday.

Staring match ongoing, see who blinks first..... kekeke


2021-10-28 08:22 | Report Abuse

Thats cruel.. lol

i3lurker those who understand cantonese will know that "something" stands for crazy guy no brains.

look and laugh


soh loh moh loh => crazy guy no brains

abbreviated its just solomolo
28/10/2021 8:21 AM


2021-10-28 07:46 | Report Abuse

If EY confirms KPMG findings ( which they had)

Can throw away all existing FA


2021-10-28 07:13 | Report Abuse

Kesian.. lose money till gila


2021-10-27 21:23 | Report Abuse

You are right!!!!

We are talking about the trash...

Happens to be SD and Chef K


2021-10-27 21:20 | Report Abuse

Did I just walked into an asylum??

That guy need his medication now


2021-10-27 20:33 | Report Abuse

Bursa + Ined + EY are in same meeting..

There is no confusion


2021-10-27 20:23 | Report Abuse

Believe Bursa or Believe SD?

Similar to SIR scope,,,Can or Cannot find,, Yes or No

Bursa has replied to SD allegations:

In a separate statement later that day, Bursa reiterated that a listed issuer must make immediate public disclosure of any material information as stipulated in the Main Market Listing Requirements (MMLRs).

"Bursa Securities has advised SERBADK that the factual findings update on the SIR as at Sept 30 2021 (Factual Findings Update) is material information in accordance with paragraph 9.03 of the MMLR.

"Accordingly, it is imperative that this material information is disclosed comprehensively to the market in a timely manner. This is to provide clarity to the market to ensure an orderly and fair market.

"Based on our understanding, soft copies of the Factual Findings Update were provided to the independent non–executive directors (INEDs) of SERBADK on Oct 22 2021 and as requested by the INEDs, physical copies of the same were in addition, delivered to the INEDs on Oct 23, 2021," added Bursa in a media notification.


2021-10-27 18:17 | Report Abuse

Big 4 confirm cannot solve..

Big 10 also cannot...

AliMuthuChong can..

Only shoplot auditor can audit shoplot company

Stockisnotfun Still got another two big audit firm haven't try yet. Let's see whether Serbadk biz is like unsolvable formula in audit world.
27/10/2021 6:15 PM


2021-10-27 16:21 | Report Abuse

Both still here.. suepipi using new id.

Macgyver11 Where is barking punpipi and uncle lim. Give hopeless hope now cabut lari. Dreaming for 1.00 hahaha
27/10/2021 4:18 PM


2021-10-27 16:14 | Report Abuse

Karim flying to Dubai to lead a team of archaeologist to dig for the missing SD inventories?


2021-10-27 16:12 | Report Abuse


Buy SCIB 2million @ 40c yesterday

Today SCIB @ 29c

Going to be suspended..

Wonder how much monopoly money he lost?

This is what we call "Karma".. getting burnt in whatever you touch, even monopoly money.


2021-10-27 15:57 | Report Abuse

Haha.... try profiling me?

100% fail.. same as your prediction about SD..


2021-10-27 15:37 | Report Abuse

Our fake fund manager bought 2m shares SCIB yesterday at 40c

He also been buying SD since 40c.

If use real money to invest, he would have run road...