
Huangbk72 | Joined since 2013-11-21

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2021-09-14 14:12 | Report Abuse

Your entry price is 39/40c.. still in?

InterFund Lari kuat-kuat................ received news from fellow fund managers there will be 5 more 50million blocks to be dumped.......................
14/09/2021 2:10 PM


2021-09-13 16:21 | Report Abuse

If the posts are not deleted.. starting 8th Sept by Pearlwhite.

wolfbroker Who claimed?

Is it really that EY has cleared it?

Posted by Huangbk72 > Sep 13, 2021 4:13 PM | Report Abuse

Section 188 of CMSA - Insider Trading

Insider trading or dealing is the purchase or sale of a company's securities effected by or on behalf of a person with knowledge of relevant but non-public material information regarding the company that may affect the price of the company's securities (price sensitive information) if made public.

This is related to claims that :

1) Bursa has SIR results and not releasing it for public for the past 3 weeks.
2) EY has cleared SD of audit issues and "someone" here claimed to have the report.
13/09/2021 4:15 PM


2021-09-13 16:13 | Report Abuse

Section 188 of CMSA - Insider Trading

Insider trading or dealing is the purchase or sale of a company's securities effected by or on behalf of a person with knowledge of relevant but non-public material information regarding the company that may affect the price of the company's securities (price sensitive information) if made public.

This is related to claims that :

1) Bursa has SIR results and not releasing it for public for the past 3 weeks.
2) EY has cleared SD of audit issues and "someone" here claimed to have the report.


2021-09-13 15:36 | Report Abuse


danger for you also..

You bet if 0.30.. u cut kuku

Hope you get to keep it safe.. haha
13/09/2021 3:35 PM


2021-09-13 10:25 | Report Abuse

haha.. just watched this video again.. press conference on June 22.

Macam-macam threats by SD..

New chairman insisted its trivial issue raised by KPMG... trivial issues need 3 months to solve??


2021-09-13 09:47 | Report Abuse

@ Depeche Been saying the same thing since July and it turned out I am right so far.. no money to be made here until SIR report is out. Either way, im on the sideline since 70/80c. Those bought in then, lost 50% or more invested money. All thanks to promoters here.

IF SIR is good to SD, i will buy in. That intention is stated here way before today.

If SIR is bad to SD... god help those stuck here..

So.. my mantra :

1) EY will confirm KPMG findings
2) Dont be in the same room when shit hits the fan.

Depeche @Huangbk72. Kinky dream, wild dream or wet dream. Supporters have bought in and naysayers have one eye wide opened... once SIR is out and if no issues, they will help to pump up the price... just make sure u be honest when u make big $$ here.
13/09/2021 9:37 AM


2021-09-12 21:15 | Report Abuse

InterFund Possible to go down 30cent if SIR report out and SERBADK at fault........ but that would happened last week since insider already have the news......... but that didn't happened........ that means SIR favours SERBADK........
12/09/2021 6:42 PM

Went down lowest 305 without SIR result.


2021-09-12 21:13 | Report Abuse

Lowest 305. Dream is not wild, maybe kinky.. haha

Depeche Lowest it went was 0.32... which already absorbed all bad news, forced selling... so logically it won't go down to 0.30... so can only happen in your wildest dream... keep waiting lo.
12/09/2021 5:47 PM


2021-09-10 14:41 | Report Abuse

pearlwhite Huangbk72,

It stops here. Move on with your life and take a break to cool down your emotions.
10/09/2021 2:40 PM

I stop replying to your post if its true.

Other than that, it goes on.


2021-09-10 14:39 | Report Abuse

You really have to look into a mirror.

All you have posted for the past few days is full of conjunctures, fake news, nonsense.. If it makes sense, i would not have replied to your post.

When asked in detail, you simply brush away and hide. Behaving like an eel, does it show your capability.

Look at my posting since July.. i have remained steadfast in my findings. Never waver never change.. Its not called panicky, its called resolve.

You have been measured and found lack of weight, so your advice, pls keep to yourself.
10/09/2021 2:38 PM

pearlwhite .
As for Huangbk72, this is what I would say to you as a person.

If you are the management of a company and there is a crisis, you will sink the company. You are a panicky individual.

You have shown nothing but negativity (yes I understand your situation) and didn't take the rational approach to engage in ways either to identify the causes and attempt to explain how it happened. In fact, you did not do any investigative work at all. Its all jump in the bandwagon and protest.

You make assumptions based on emotions of the consequence that befell on you, as a person. Not as an investor.

In real life, you are not a leader nor able to withstand the vigours of running mega corporations, projects, etc etc.

Take this as a piece of advice.

And if you think that some disagreements here and there means lacks weightt and bites the dust, then you haven't been there yet.

10/09/2021 2:31 PM


2021-09-10 14:20 | Report Abuse

pearlwhite .
"This is as far as it goes" per previous reply.

10/09/2021 2:07 PM

When you write and promote in public forum, be prepared to be measured.

Seems you lack weight....

Another one bites the dust.

Being able to write in English doesnt make you an expert.


2021-09-10 13:28 | Report Abuse

Basically u cornered him into a corner. I don’t think he truly comprehend what u wrote. So the classic “few liners” explanation

PSAi3alert pearlwhite,

So, it's now a 'few remittance advice' to cover receivables from projects that do not exist?

You do realize the implications of your allegations on disconnected money flow, don't you?!

pearlwhite .
I didn't suggest anything nor specify the project details.

All I wrote were "'few remittance advice", which you correctly quoted.

10/09/2021 1:13 PM
10/09/2021 1:23 PM


2021-09-10 13:16 | Report Abuse

Due diligence on a red-flagged listed entity with no audited accounts over 1 year ??

The one saying this clearly have lack of experience.

Fund managers operate under clear guidelines.. what you are suggesting bends the goalpost too much.


2021-09-10 13:05 | Report Abuse

No audited accounts for more than 1 year and talking about fund managers coming in to take SD private..

This is epic …


2021-09-10 12:57 | Report Abuse

It’s nice to come in here and see the all the struggling SD holders promoting heavily with dumb statements. It does release stress.. lol

Worse is yet to come.. brace for EY confirming KPMG findings.


2021-09-10 12:54 | Report Abuse

Can privatize if SD cash pile really is RM2.7b… lol


2021-09-10 10:18 | Report Abuse

No point I repeat myself what is the job scope of SIR for SD. Its clearly defined in bursa/media announcement,

You are overlapping SIR work with Audit work. In EY case, all questions are laid out for them to confirm. They dont have to go beyond that. Comprende??

Why do I have to hint why EY will confirm KPMG findings. No need to hint, i know and its my personal opinion.

You are different., you claimed to have access to SIR report. That is a dangerous remark made maliciously.

pearlwhite .
As for Huangbk72, I symphatise with your situation with SD. However, to continuously say that

"EY will confirm KPMG's findings"

means that you want them to confirm issues as at 31/3/2021. It seems that you are stuck at that time.

In accounting, there is this thing called "post balance sheet events" where the time of consideration can be many months longer than 3 months. In the case of this SIR, today is 10/9/2021 and the report is not out. If you assume 31/3/2021 till now, it is more than 6 months.

A lot of things can happen in 6 months and not to forget, KPMG stopped work on 4/5/2021, 2 weeks after the draft accounts were given to them.


"What will happen when customers/vendors give their confirmation of balances" in June 2021?

SIR Auditors know what to look for and what to ask for to satisfy the claims.

Hint : SIR has been going on for 2 months now, and it would be a completed very quickly if it were to merely focus on 31/3/2021. Clearly it is not, because they are focusing on post balance sheet events, hence the time taken.

So far, I have not seen you make any hint/suggestions as to how EY will prove KPMG right or wrong otherwise. That is very telling.

If you were the Mgt Team of SD, would you be sitting there all day focusing on 31/3/2021 or look forward for BAU?

That is my question to you.
10/09/2021 9:37 AM


2021-09-10 07:14 | Report Abuse

In a nutshell, Pearlwhite claims SIR is done and he has information on this.

Also claimed SIR final report is with Bursa and claiming Bursa is trying to get KPMG off the hook by delaying the release date

This 2 above is enough to show releasing into public domain materials which is highly private and confidential.

Below are mostly imaginative work.

Claimed he worked with SIR previously with SC/Bursa and even Bukit Aman. Surprisingly doesn’t know the actual work ot reviewer.


2021-09-09 12:42 | Report Abuse

Promoters getting really DESPERATE...

Now throwing all sorts of non-sensical conspiracy theories.... pathetic!

Everything is based on SIR report and later audited accounts.. till then, price will go downhill.

My mantra :

1) EY will confirm KPMG findings
2) Dont be in the same room when shit hits the fan.

Wait on sideline and enjoy the show.


2021-09-09 10:44 | Report Abuse

haha.. wasted my popcorn and still no show.

Funny all promoter comes out strongly after breaking below 40c..... the theory is right then, more margin call coming soon.


2021-09-09 08:42 | Report Abuse

Pearlwhite already disclosed SIR findings.. all positive to SD.. today limit up surely.

Getting my popcorn and beach chair ready now

i3lurker Does that mean SIR and QR info had been leaked out?
09/09/2021 8:34 AM
09/09/2021 8:41 AM


2021-09-08 16:51 | Report Abuse

Typo error above.. its EA and not IA


2021-09-08 16:50 | Report Abuse

your statement is wrong, wrong and wrong. To say you worked with Bursa/SC/Bukit Aman.. geesh. I cringe when I see your comments below.

SIR has a pre-determined job scope all preset/pre-determined. Thats the role of independent reviewer. Its not audit work.

Anything out of SIR is IA work.. comprende?

pearlwhite .
Thats why I say the SIR is not a report of the KPMG issue @ 31/3/2021.

It cannot be a report that confirm the issues upto 31/3/2021. It has to be more than that.

It will be up to the date of approval from SC/Bursa, be it 9/9/2021 or thereafter. Its fluid.

Bear in mind, KPMG stop work on 4th May 2021? Many things can happen from then.

If KPMG is found not having done sufficient audit evidence (yeap, they stop work on 4/5/2021 ya), KPMG will be banned from conducting audits for all Public Interest Entities (PIEs). That is the SC Listing rule.

KPMG is gone from M'sia.
08/09/2021 4:44 PM


2021-09-08 16:42 | Report Abuse

risekita8 If really umno can help SD, hopefully really big rise up

Posted by matthewming > Sep 8, 2021 10:37 AM | Report Abuse

UMNO is back don't worry.
08/09/2021 4:38 PM

Dont need UMNO... pearlwhite is the savior for you guys.. already he confirmed EY findings that proves SD is innocent.

So pretty much can 'showhand' this stock and make 3-4x profit


2021-09-08 16:38 | Report Abuse

Nice sleuth work.. All SD problem goes away.

Then no problem issuing the SIR report then.

Eagerly awaiting to see if your stories pan out..

pearlwhite .
Here is 3 facts that EY have to deal with (and eventually Bursa/SC)

Fact 1 (and applies to all disputed customers actually)

KPMG said this customer owe alot of money, maybe hundreds of millions. The revenue in since 2019 amounting to billions of ringgit. Seems like never get paid.

Then miraculously, post 31/3/2021, this "disputed" customer not only paid in full (or nearly full and within credit terms) the amount owing, but also confirm the balances outstanding at 31/3/2021.

Furthermore, these customers were able to suddenly provide "work site / project site" details that were previously shown in google maps as barren and/or empty land.

Bank transfers for these payments verified against the receiving bank as from the "disputed" sender.

Fact 2 (vendors)

KPMG said these vendors provide services cannot be located and pricing is dubious. But eventually, during SIR, they are shown the equipment and managed to contact the vendors. Vendors also confirm the outstanding balances at 31/3/2021. And SD procurement dept. were able to show quotations from other vendors of the same items before approving to appoint so-called "disputed" vendors.

Bank transfers for these payments verified against the vendor bank as to the "disputed" vendor. Even this documentation is tallied with BNM forex transfer disclousure.

Fact 3 (assets)

Suddenly, assets can be verified physically and then even confirmed by the "companies" that warehoused them previously with documentation.

08/09/2021 4:20 PM

08/09/2021 4:20 PM
pearlwhite .
Of course with in this senario, KPMG is screwed because they didn't obtain sufficient audit evidence.
08/09/2021 4:22 PM


2021-09-08 16:09 | Report Abuse

you will be the 1st in line if graded for baseless, illogical and non-facts. LOL

Be careful ya..

A sword cuts both ways

pearlwhite .

LOL. Many here are being monitored. But only monitor those who spew baseless, unlogical and non-facts.

"NICE try but learn how to piss straight lah as hunters normally tend to break into cold sweat when their easy meat prey turns the table around, and come looking for them instead.".

It will be over soon, and times up.

Time to up the antics with everything you got. LOL


2021-09-08 13:03 | Report Abuse

08/09/2021 11:55 AM

pearlwhite Huangbk72,

EY reports to Bursa/SC not SD. So disclosure or non disclosure in on their court, not SD.

There will be no disclosure on this by SD on the SIR (unless requested by Bursa to do so - see the latest disclosure on status of SIR which was weirdly worded to point that Bursa requested the disclosure).

However, what SD can disclose is, without EY/SC/Bursa approval, the issues pertaining to "revenue, trade debtors, fixed assets, vendors, payables" even on a piecemeal basis.

So far, there is none.

I did not mention SD will be the one doing the disclosure. I specifically mentioned SD case.

There will NOT be piecemeal disclosures.

The whole scope of work by EY are inter-related.

So we just wait for EY findings to see if SD is innocent or guilty.


2021-09-08 11:55 | Report Abuse

No disclosure is bad or good news depending on situation.

For SD case, no disclosure till now is bad news.

EY task is to verify KPMG findings. No lengthy audit work required. Should be a clear Yes or No case scenario.

The time taken is too long, meaning EY cannot verify, keyword is "VERIFY"

If SD is clean and no issues, the SIR will be done within weeks, and not months.


2021-09-08 10:52 | Report Abuse

Its nonsense to tie SD fortunes to political party like UMNO.

Even UMNO indirectly owned public stocks are not doing well despite having the PM position.

I remember few months back, someone loudly proclaimed his theory of "CABLE". SD price still around 50/60c.

Now.. he is sitting on losses around 20% believing in cable.

Be a savvy investor.. look at the whole picture. Smart investors only look at figures, ignore the rumors.


2021-09-08 10:36 | Report Abuse

Promoters are getting desperate.. everyone here can see. Unrealistic target price simply being bandied about.

SD is getting desperate.. all investors can see.. once drop to 40c, press release and video starts circulating.

Investors are smart.. Gratz to all

Lets wait till SIR report comes out.

My mantra:

1) EY will confirm KPMG findings
2) Dont be in the same room when shit hits the fan.

Good luck to current SD holders.


2021-09-07 03:58 | Report Abuse

LOL.... this 'hello' needs help.. and having mimpi tahap dewa.

The time taken for EY in this SIR proves that

1) The issues raised by KPMG is not trivial as claimed by gangster chairman
2) The simple act of confirming transactions, suppliers, stocks and customers is not rocket science.. either you can or cannot.

2 months is WAY too long to review an audit issue. EY doesnt even have to open SD books to audit, they only need to confirm the entries.

So good luck to those still holding SD stocks.

My mantra continues:

1) EY will confirm KPMG findings
2) Dont be in the same room when the shit hits the fan.

hello Pengumuman point no.1) "The Independent Non-Executive Directors of the Company have been provided with the progress
updates from Ernst & Young Consulting Sdn. Bhd. (formerly known as Ernst & Young Advisory Services
Sdn. Bhd.) on a bi-weekly basis. " - Ini bermakna EY sudah buat kerja special audit mulai 2/7, EY telahpun melaporkan kepada SERBADK dan BURSA keputusan yang didapati dari special audit setiap 2 minggu sekali iaitu pada 16/7, 30/7, 13/8, 27/8 dan akan datang pada 10/9, 24/9, 8/10...dan seterusnya jika audit masih berlanjutan. Point no.2) "The Company will make an immediate announcement for any material development on the Special
Independent Review Audit." - Ini bermakna, hanya "any material development" atau Ada apa-apa yang tak kena atau tak betul atau yang didapati salah akan SERBADK dan BURSA mengumumkan kepada pelabur-pelabur umum "immediately" kalau ada jumpa. Lain makna, Sudah sekian lama EY buat special audit, sudah 4 kali laporan update kepada SERBADK can BURSA, tak dapat pun apa-apa kesalahan sepertimana yang KPMG ungkapkan! SUMMARY : EY SPECIAL AUDIT "ALL CLEAR" ESOK LIMIT UP RM 0.695 pada pukul 9 pagi.


2021-09-01 11:11 | Report Abuse

Pathetic promotion.

Bila dah lemas, jgn tarik lain mangsa join. Biar mampus sendiri.

Everything expected by investors are not done by SD management.

Late SIR
Late QR
Late Audited Accounts

Only promotional talk by Karim. None believed, share price stuck in a rut.

The way its going, SD is speeding downhill now. No way SIR takes more than 2 months and no conclusion yet.. SD Chairman himself stressed it was trivial matters highlighted by KPMG, trivial matters means easy to settle. Turns out its not so trivial after all.

My findings remains unchanged.

1) EY will confirm KPMG findings
2) Dont be in the same room when shit hits the fan.


2021-08-27 07:25 | Report Abuse

No SIR clearance.

EY will confirm KPMG findings

Don’t be in same room when shit hits the fan


2021-08-23 16:23 | Report Abuse

InterFund kita sama cina must support olang kita Sii Chiong Wei..................
23/08/2021 4:19 PM

This is the biggest difference between Chinese and you.

We dont support based on race.. we support based on merit.


2021-08-20 10:56 | Report Abuse

Im surprised to see many die-hard fans here flogging the dead horse.

Fitch ratings is out of SD and will have factored in the future events.. they dont change ratings on whim and fancy. The accounting grapevine is abuzz with rumors of EY confirming KPMG findings.

As mentioned by current gangster SD chairman, the issues raised by KPMG was trivial... unfortunately EY found it not trivial. The days and weeks taken and not concluded doesnt bode well for SD.

My advise again:

1) Dont buy into SD and wait till EY findings released
2) EY will confirm KPMG findings
3) Dont be in the same room when SHIT hits the fan. Stay on the sideline for now.


2021-08-06 15:24 | Report Abuse

sharewiz118 RM 0.60 Good - RM 0.45 better - RM 0.42 best - RM 0.38 excellent and RM 0.35 sell all cut losses. RM 0.60 buy and keep, RM 0.45 buy and keep. RM 0.42 buy and keep, RM 0.38 buy and keep and RM 0.35 - Mati Katak. CARA IKAN BILIS INVESTMENT
06/08/2021 3:19 PM


.35 they also say keep and relax... maybe .20 start to Mati Katak..


2021-08-06 13:34 | Report Abuse


If lose money in stocks, blame yourself. Putting blame on others, forever you will fail! Cannot berak, dont blame the ground is hard.

Everyday we have winner and losers.

Admit your mistakes, learn and be a better investor.

For SD.. no action till EY findings.. so stop flogging the dead horse. Wait for the "good show"


2021-08-06 09:55 | Report Abuse

tradersampah yg bengong p juai murah2 ni aku xphm la betui la..mabuk ketum ke apa? Company tgh discount lg mau buang harga ka
06/08/2021 9:43 AM

Jangan tak beli... regret seumur hidup..

Minta abah, mak, bang, kak, jiran, kampung semua beli.... confirm untung besar2

Pinjam bank, ahlong, kawan beli... confirm profit.

Go Go Go


2021-08-04 10:40 | Report Abuse


1 day green after 2 weeks red.. and we see heavy promotion now.. all senseless marketing talk

EY will confirm KPMG findings
Don’t be in the same room when shit hits the fan.
Invest wisely


2021-08-03 11:19 | Report Abuse

This is the real "happening" now.

Sharks ( not bilis pretend to be shark ya.. here a lot) collected below 40... biggest daily volume days. Average holding cost 34.

Price up above 40 then drop daily.

Sharks are disposing their holdings daily now. Can see reduce volume and reducing price.

Bilis can never outsmart the sharks.. accept this fact.

So.. there is no need to FLOG the dead horse... it will not run anymore.

Wait EY findings.. then play.


2021-08-02 19:17 | Report Abuse

@Gerrardo You seems very sure on the EY will confirms KPMG.

Let see the end later

I am sure EY will confirm KPMG findings.. 100%

If by miracle that Im wrong, then 100% i will buy into SD...

For now, many are on sidelines waiting for EY results. Either way, we wont lose.


2021-08-02 19:13 | Report Abuse

Everyday I sympathize..

Everyday I felt pity for the SD holders..

Everyday I felt happiness seeing Suepipi suffer...

Everyday I laugh when i see Uncle Lim posting messages from Hospital Bahagia

Everyday i say the same for weeks and weeks....

EY will confirm KPMG findings.. Dont be in the same room when shit hits the fan.

Stay sideline and enjoy the show..


2021-07-30 20:28 | Report Abuse

Crazy people cannot differentiate between weekdays and weekends.. LOL..

Uncle need medication over weekend because stock market closed.....


2021-07-30 19:58 | Report Abuse

DickyMee How come everyone on i3 bought at 30+ sen? No one bought 40+ sen, 50+ sen, RM1+? All so accurate?
30/07/2021 7:34 PM

No le.. not me.. not buying till audited report is out.

To those fanboys, they always adjust their holding price... From high 70 till now, still claim holding cost is 30.. lol


2021-07-30 19:56 | Report Abuse

bilisutara Huangbk72.. tak perlu kutuk-kutuk orang.. Jaga duit you sendiri.. Orang lain tak kutuk you pun..
30/07/2021 6:40 PM

Takut pedas.. jangan makan cili..

This is a public forum. You post nonsense, be prepared to be measured.


2021-07-30 18:40 | Report Abuse

22nd June.. SD in their press conference claims the KPMG audit red flag are trivial matters.

2nd July... EY was appointed as SIR under directive from Bursa.

30th July... EY hasnt finished the SIR report.

For such trivial issues as claimed by SD, 20+ days is way too long to finalize this the matters are trivial or not??


2021-07-30 18:29 | Report Abuse

bilisutara As of now.. we are still making profit in Serba..
Kalau harga turun kami happy.. kalau naik pun kami happy...
We know what we are doing... We are already in share market since 1995... Mungkin masa tu you masih sekolah lagi.. Haa.. haaa.. haaaaaa...
30/07/2021 6:22 PM

From the way you promote..

From the way you write...

In 1995, you are still a telur..

Dont la embarrass yourself.. most forumers here are astute investors. Wanna brag, talk to your friends.


2021-07-30 17:57 | Report Abuse

hahahaha.. now start telling stories

I also an say I buy Tesla when its USD58.. sold off at USD700. Shiok sendiri.

Bilis Brain already muddled from the paper losses...

SD is DIFFERENT from all listed companies.. They have AUDIT issues. No companies can recover from this.

Once EY report is out, it will drop till oblivion...


2021-07-30 12:54 | Report Abuse


I dont hate, I pity.

Been saying the same thing since June.

hanna20 The haters coming

Posted by Huangbk72 > Jul 30, 2021 12:16 PM | Report Abuse

Sorry my bad.. today he added 2 ridiculous claims.. i have to add in. LOL

Crazy SD claims:

1) he will make SD price 0.60 since 2 weeks ago.. till now.. nothing.. FAILED
2) Dont worry.. he is big shark and will work with Karim to boost price to RM5.0... FAILED
3) Karim bought back shares 0.465 last week.. till now no announcement. FAILED
4) PWC will be final external auditor for SD..... PENDING to FAIL
5) EY insider collecting shares ..... PENDING to FAIL
6) Najib back in power this counter shoot RM130 like nestle de.. SURE FAIL
7) Sapura different industry and share also 12 billion more than serba. EPF secretly buy can still see their citigroup nominies order ...... SURE FAIL
30/07/2021 12:21 PM


2021-07-30 12:16 | Report Abuse

Sorry my bad.. today he added 2 ridiculous claims.. i have to add in. LOL

Crazy SD claims:

1) he will make SD price 0.60 since 2 weeks ago.. till now.. nothing.. FAILED
2) Dont worry.. he is big shark and will work with Karim to boost price to RM5.0... FAILED
3) Karim bought back shares 0.465 last week.. till now no announcement. FAILED
4) PWC will be final external auditor for SD..... PENDING to FAIL
5) EY insider collecting shares ..... PENDING to FAIL
6) Najib back in power this counter shoot RM130 like nestle de.. SURE FAIL
7) Sapura different industry and share also 12 billion more than serba. EPF secretly buy can still see their citigroup nominies order ...... SURE FAIL