
Huangbk72 | Joined since 2013-11-21

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2021-07-12 22:38 | Report Abuse

madmatts SD bukan O&G company Huangbk72, dia buat service utk O&G company.Kalau kat Msia dia saja ada certain expertise.

Kalau begitu.. compare to Deleum then .


2021-07-12 22:33 | Report Abuse

madmatts Pinky hahahahahahahahahahaha
shoplot auditor never audited/worked for O&M company.........yang lagi kesian org yang tak understand SD nature of business. One rotating comp shaft can cause 1.5 million, itu lah duit dia, saya rasa lah bagi saya yang tak tahu apa apa ni.
12/07/2021 10:01 PM

Biasa orang kata.. tak tau better diam diam..

I’m comparing SD with other O&G companies. Same nature of business kan?


2021-07-12 22:31 | Report Abuse

Uncle_Lim Huang really need to take alzheimer ubat lor.. long time stay at home, until that dungu one.. go jogging a bit tomorrow to unblock the blood clot in your cerebrum.. comparing petronas with serba really show your stpdity one.. i dunno you which side ad, you believe KPGG or serba??
12/07/2021 10:25 PM

Wow.. ur intelligence just dropped another few level.. if it continues like this.. it will go to primordial level.

I didn’t say I support KPMG.. since when? From beginning till now, I am talking about the “auditing” process.

And by the way,,.. I am comparing SD with the top 10 market cap listed O&G companies which included Petronas owned companies..

If you don’t understand English, translate using google pls.

By the way, u forgot to reply :

1) EY finding today?
2) Karim share buyback?
3) SD 60c ( this rather old story since last week)


2021-07-12 22:26 | Report Abuse

People claiming to be working in accounting can be so aversive.

All I’m asking is comparison SD vs other O&G companies… main main buah guli pulak


2021-07-12 22:23 | Report Abuse


Why you so stubborn…

You now say it’s OK for SD to maintain GP and NP margin over 5 years because it’s normal.

Compared to other O&G companies, SD is special? Don’t la insult your intelligence, I’m asking comparing Apple to Apple.. why U talk other industries ?

How come other O&G companies in Malaysia cannot maintain GP and NP stable over 5 years? SD is not O&G? They in magic industry?


2021-07-12 22:14 | Report Abuse

Uncle_Lim Huang, why you contradicted yourself one.. said you believe KPGG PLT, then questioned 5 years book audited by KPGG. damn so high leh.. that's why I said these suit you well:

1. Some people do have a tendency to think they are the smartest people talking here.
2. Wanna be smart.. think outside your world before opening your mouth.
12/07/2021 10:00 PM

I’m relieved you remain as un-intelligent as ever.

I have posted…

SD has no locus standi to sue KPMG for loss of capitalization.

Shareholders of SD should sue KPMG for negligent auditing if EY confirms KPMG findings.

Empty cans really can make loud noises


2021-07-12 22:10 | Report Abuse

When people can’t answer.. only respond we get are hahahaah… hohoho…

Again avoiding the question why SD GP and NP margin remains stable over 5 years.

Other listed companies in Bursa including Petronas owned, other bigger cap companies cannot maintain a stable 5 years profit margin. They are all audited by big4.

This question is still unanswered. All operate under same set of external and internal conditions. What made SD so special ?


2021-07-12 21:46 | Report Abuse

When pinky talk normal.. it shows he/she is a normal person

When pinky talks accounting.. it shows he/she is a fake.

When accountant talk... we use facts.

I asked why SD GP and NP margin for 5 years is stable at 18% and 11% respectively.. pinky answered hypothetically A+B+C+D. Hypothetical is on books.. in real world its not possible.

I asked for an example of Bursa listed Oil and Gas company which includes Petronas owned companies.. that can keep both margin stable for last 5 years..

Pinky avoided, and started calling names and going defensive,

To understand why.. because no Oil and Gas companies including Petronas and other 10 top market cap companies can do this.

So to recap...

Test is given, Pinky failed to answer which is proven that he/she is not from accounting background or someone pretending to be one.


2021-07-12 21:40 | Report Abuse

Abraham Wait till end of the s gonna be 50 - 50 verdict.... For sd and kpmg ...that in itself is good news for SD....those who know me know I have a good source of already reached.
12/07/2021 9:34 PM

Another "weird" post.. man. we are getting more and more of these type of desperate people.

In Audit... there is no settlement especially this has come under Bursa attention. They have the documents from both SD and KPMG.. they are all professionals.

Deal reached? Haha.. what nonsense.

Deal is possible when KPMG asked for IR, Deal is possible before SD sue KPMG.. now deal is not possible.

You get your information from Conpipi?


2021-07-12 21:36 | Report Abuse

Uncle_Lim Huang what you type described you well one la lol

1. Some people do have a tendency to think they are the smartest people talking here.
2. Wanna be smart.. think outside your world before opening your mouth.

really shoplot mindset one
12/07/2021 9:31 PM

wanna talk.. why not try thinking of answer for below?


Jul 12, 2021 8:21 PM | Report Abuse

Uncle Boy Lim... since you suffering from dementia.. what happened to :

1) EY confirm findings today
2) Announcement Karim buy back shares
3) Price 60c... already more than 3 trading days.

Sniping wont work on me..


2021-07-12 21:30 | Report Abuse


Jul 12, 2021 8:20 PM | Report Abuse

According to Chef Karim, when questioned by reporters, he only knew about the problem with KPMG very much later? Unbelievable statement. He is the chief of all chef and he does not know that there is a problem with the health inspector?

Posted by leno > Jul 12, 2021 7:52 PM | Report Abuse

Sebak Chairman already been caught Lying.
U think this small fellow azhan or whoever from sebak is not lying like sebak chairman meh.
Sure TIPU one.

If Sebak so good, why 4 independent resign TOGETHER ?
Previous chairman also resign.

WAH ... Sebak So good waa ... so good until FIVE independent directors resign !!
Beli cepat beli ... FIVE independent directors resign !! Veri good AAAAA !!


Actually can stop listening to what SD says these days.. all talk is probably scripted to skirt around major issues.

Like what you said.. no problem at SD.. claims credit.. Big problem at SD, claims I dont know.

Mcm famous quote " Sounds like me, Looks like me... but its not Me" or

Another famous person.. During PM tenureship.. protect Jlow .. Becoming Ex-PM.. all Jlow fault.

If Karim is so sure of audit final findings, he wouldnt have to lose money from margin call.. He so sure, he would have topped up the margin cos he knows the stock price will recover..

Action speaks louder than words


2021-07-12 21:18 | Report Abuse

Some people do have a tendency to think they are the smartest people talking here.

Anyone who is so sure EY will confirm KPMG findings.. would have borrowed, sell house, sell everything to invest in SD.. make a new name in SD top shareholders list..

If anyone else believe EY will confirm KPMG findings.. what are they waiting for?? they would have easily become a top shareholder of SD and we will have the announcement.

The problem with his reasoning... all the smart people believe EY will confirm KPMG findings.. that why share price is the best answer... Why never LU and trading range bound??

Wanna be smart.. think outside your world before opening your mouth.


2021-07-12 21:06 | Report Abuse

There is no upper hand..

The die is cast.. the guilty has admitted by delaying the appointment of IR.

The guilty has been shown by firing Chairman, Sue auditor, Existing INEDS left

The market has found SD guilty by dropping market Cap from RM6B to less than RM2B now and it will continue to drop

All Guilty Verdict.

Only left for you is lower or no hand..

Wont stop.. cant stop.. enjoy fully the moment antagonizing someone that likes to threaten and Sue

Conman that yells BUY calls since high 70c... everyday without fail for countless days.. no basis also call to buy..


2021-07-12 20:59 | Report Abuse

I believe EY will NOT proof SDK innocence due to human error or negligence or miscommunications ....fundamental and financially NOT remains NOT as usual closed. SDK will NOT fly to the moon ....everyone happy endings except FANBOYS and those that has too much to lose..


2021-07-12 20:28 | Report Abuse

Okla.. to release tension of fanboys..

I support SD ok??

Happy punpipi ok??


2021-07-12 20:23 | Report Abuse

marah sendiri ya.. kalau endgame habis semua..

All facts already presented.. terima or not.. up to you.

No need angry.. this is public forum.. tak happy..buka forum SD fanboys and can shiok sendiri.


2021-07-12 20:21 | Report Abuse

Uncle Boy Lim... since you suffering from dementia.. what happened to :

1) EY confirm findings today
2) Announcement Karim buy back shares
3) Price 60c... already more than 3 trading days.

Also ya..

SD got caught with his hands in the cookie jar.. now everyone finds him guilty except the fanboys and goreng kaki here.. share price is clear indication.

Haha... any auditors will tell you he is in big trouble.


2021-07-12 20:04 | Report Abuse

From the same interview.. Karim says its not left pocket and right pocket transactions..

Its not what people alleged.. it is what he admitted in the first place..

You own the farm, you appoint yourself as farmhand.. double revenue when sell produce..

If this is not right hand, left hand.. then its upper body and lower body deal??


2021-07-12 19:59 | Report Abuse

haha.. Azhan didnt even want to talk about the biggest elephant in the room...

How GP and NP remains same 18% and 11% over 5 years??

Only dare to focus on receivables and inventories.

Like talking about tyres of the car.. but dont dare to show the rest of the car..

Good job.. this will surely limit up counter tomorrow


2021-07-12 19:50 | Report Abuse

leno appoint EY in may ?
Gila meh ?
if appoint in may, now Sebak 60 feet under lor.
12/07/2021 7:47 PM

Cannot talk too tough and rough to SD fanboys here... they get offended too easily.. haha


2021-07-12 19:42 | Report Abuse

Trivial findings so says SD...

If Trivial findings.. why not appoint EY in May to solve this issue... then matter dont blow up like this.. Senang beres.. kacau jadi mcm ni.. bodo btul SD people..

SD and their new uncouth chairman announcing proudly at press conference in June that they are not considering this IR.. At the end of this torturing period, lanlan forced to appoint EY due to command given by SC.. ( SC is He-Man of Bursa Universe.. Ultimate powerrr)

Actually there is a difference.. KPMG requested EY as IR ( simple work scope) ... Bursa forcing SD to appoint EY as SIR.. pangkat naik, power to korek also naik.. cos any not "cooperative action" by SD, terus complain to boss SC..

I foresee more Skeletors to be uncovered by our He-Man


2021-07-12 19:33 | Report Abuse

i dont think i remember any past cases that audit red flag turns out wrong.. haha..

All i remember is audit red flags are always correct..


2021-07-12 19:29 | Report Abuse

i3lurker All study together in 1 same class, about 40 audit firms.

so activities are all the same as well, play badminton, karaoke, mamak shop, shopping, see movies etc etc

some even inter-marry

ha ha ha

obviously both conpipi and suepipi dun know anything at all.
Somehow, thats not surprising that both dun know anything, kakakakaka

Huangbk72 Yeah.. ppl dont know auditing fraternity is very close.. staff interchange alot.. always accepted to go other big4 to learn more about different industries.
12/07/2021 7:11 PM

For someone like him likely to be suffering from personality disorder, its not surprising.

Too many accounts to log in and talk from.. will cause all these " know nothing yet talk like know everything syndrome"

The more lies he tells himself, from his multiple accounts, eventually he will think its true.

Already he is lost from reality.. hahaha....


2021-07-12 19:07 | Report Abuse

Yeah.. ppl dont know auditing fraternity is very close.. staff interchange alot.. always accepted to go other big4 to learn more about different industries.

What only mamak... KTV also go ler.. haha.. sing till mabuk..

Only people that pretend to know a lot will make up all these useless conspiracy theory..


2021-07-12 18:39 | Report Abuse

amirf1221 Absolutely. They try to lawan each other

Posted by Steady Punpipi > Jul 12, 2021 6:25 PM | Report Abuse

EY and KPMG never BFF know I know hahaha
12/07/2021 6:34 PM

There is never a need to "lawan".. business is almost packed.. getting in new clients also a problem.

Jangan lupa ya...

KPMG recommended EY... tak kawan, why recommend to check audit findings? Why not recommend PWC or Deloitte?

haha.. maybe a trap set by KPMG.. habis la SD kalau benar.


2021-07-12 16:56 | Report Abuse

iHunter The next question is, can we wallop 45.5 cents when panic sellers still selling ?
12/07/2021 4:54 PM

Still not giving up??

You lost credibility...

Talk big all you can..

The mould is set.. die is cast.. all will be determined when EY confirms KPMG findings.


2021-07-12 16:50 | Report Abuse

i3lurker its all done by 1 guy

Posted by Huangbk72 > Jul 12, 2021 4:40 PM | Report Abuse

alenac He has only 35 postings, just his effort to spreading confidence in Serbak.

Posted by siaokar > Jul 12, 2021 4:35 PM | Report Abuse

Would be more worth it if you managed to persuade ur family members and relatives to sell all belongings and sailang this counter to the max.
Seriously, practice what u preach.
12/07/2021 4:38 PM

He got caught out la.. says he is from UK.. haha.. self introduction also need to cheat
12/07/2021 4:46 PM

Haha.. yeah.. seems like it..

Wasted my ticket to come watch the supposedly show titled " Up and AWAY"

Ended up.. " Wasting time watching self proclaimed Sharks can do nothing"

Dunno can claim ticket refund?


2021-07-12 16:44 | Report Abuse


Jul 12, 2021 4:15 PM | Report Abuse


Jul 12, 2021 2:20 PM | Report Abuse

Get your hopes up.. Get your engine started.. get your popcorn ready.. get your bets in....

iHunter and Uncle Lim are taking action soon to boost up to 54 and 60..

Save as many people as you can.... let the retailers escape.

Make sure net size is small...dont let other sharks escape too...

Its almost 4.15pm now..

Bunga also layu... api also lesap... habuk pun almost tarak..

Where is the 54 and 60??

Time is running out!!!

Its almost 4.45pm now...

Bunga also mati.. api also mati.. habuk is like gone with the wind.....................

No need hope for 54 and 60..

Turning green also is an achievement..

Self proclaimed shark... LOL..

Like some smart fella commented.. dogshark most likely.


2021-07-12 16:40 | Report Abuse

alenac He has only 35 postings, just his effort to spreading confidence in Serbak.

Posted by siaokar > Jul 12, 2021 4:35 PM | Report Abuse

Would be more worth it if you managed to persuade ur family members and relatives to sell all belongings and sailang this counter to the max.
Seriously, practice what u preach.
12/07/2021 4:38 PM

He got caught out la.. says he is from UK.. haha.. self introduction also need to cheat


2021-07-12 16:19 | Report Abuse

iHunter Now 45 cents.. Anybody else selling before we increase to 45.5 cents...
12/07/2021 4:18 PM

No need to ask ..

you need to up another 9 cents le... time is short.. just do it


2021-07-12 16:18 | Report Abuse

madmatts Thank you @ Huangbk72
12/07/2021 4:16 PM

I mean what i say.. making money from investing is already hard enough.. whats more from this shark infested pond with so many conmen doing propaganda.

So... good job!


2021-07-12 16:15 | Report Abuse


Jul 12, 2021 2:20 PM | Report Abuse

Get your hopes up.. Get your engine started.. get your popcorn ready.. get your bets in....

iHunter and Uncle Lim are taking action soon to boost up to 54 and 60..

Save as many people as you can.... let the retailers escape.

Make sure net size is small...dont let other sharks escape too...

Its almost 4.15pm now..

Bunga also layu... api also lesap... habuk pun almost tarak..

Where is the 54 and 60??

Time is running out!!!


2021-07-12 16:11 | Report Abuse

madmatts Ha...ha..Huangbk72 I bought at bottom la. Want to earn more...
12/07/2021 4:09 PM

Thats good to hear.... ganbatte..


2021-07-12 16:10 | Report Abuse

iHunter Some forumers, trying their hard to confuse other forumerers as me...
Think logically, when I shorting this counter last time, didn't conpipi still promoting this counter..

One thing I allergic is to be closed with BODODH individuals.
12/07/2021 4:07 PM

One thing I noticed about Conpipi.. when he gets agitated.. his verb and vocabulary will go all over the place.. like a ball in arcade machine..

Now, you are doing the same ..

Haha.. now im very certain.


2021-07-12 16:08 | Report Abuse

siaokar FYI, ihunter = conpipi dupe

Looks like you are right.. haha..

You very li hai..


2021-07-12 16:00 | Report Abuse

madmatts LOL...we don't care Fraud company, fraud accounting, fraud promoter.. all plastic surgery.. ka.. janji SD price naik, tak naik tunggu, turun beli. Cukup masa jual.
12/07/2021 3:59 PM

Haha.. another caught bilis..

Already said many times.. what you learn in investment.. buy low sell high... This is not even the bottom low..

Better wait 0.20 baru beli.. betul ke?


2021-07-12 15:58 | Report Abuse

@ iHunter

You better make good your promise ya.. you have promoted several times already..

Can lose money, cannot lose face!!


2021-07-12 15:57 | Report Abuse

iHunter :)

Why so excited?

Relax Bro... Just enjoy the trade...
12/07/2021 3:56 PM

I happy grape.... i dont have any position in SD..

Just having popcorn and enjoying the show titled " Fraud, Fraud and more Fraud" .. haha


2021-07-12 15:54 | Report Abuse

Wow.. 1 day almost gone and it looks like down goes iHunter reputation as savior of SD... down a very deep drain...

Uncle Lim no need to say.. he stays in longkang all the time...

Fraud company, fraud accounting, fraud promoter.. all plastic surgery..

Wanna drown, dont pull others with you.


2021-07-12 14:34 | Report Abuse

654321aaa This ihut and Lim are conman indeed , if u truth them will get killed...promoted Sapnry from 0.32 to 0.10...said millions millions rupia to buy..
12/07/2021 2:26 PM

Haha... give them benefit of the doubt..

See later today what happens.....

Also Uncle Lim loudly announced today will see:
1) EY Findings
2) Karim buy back shares of SD..



2021-07-12 14:20 | Report Abuse

Get your hopes up.. Get your engine started.. get your popcorn ready.. get your bets in....

iHunter and Uncle Lim are taking action soon to boost up to 54 and 60..

Save as many people as you can.... let the retailers escape.

Make sure net size is small...dont let other sharks escape too...


2021-07-12 12:35 | Report Abuse

If u add consistent NP margin of 11% over the same years , it is 1 in a gazillion probability.

He-man will always outmuscled puny Skeletor.. a single fart, skeletor is forced to appoint EY.

PSAi3alert Huangbk72


The odds for Serba's revenue growths and GP margins is probably one in a trillion.

Is He-Man going to take on Skeletor to save the Capital Market Integrity?

Serba Revenue Gross Margin (GP/Rev)
31/12/20 6.014B 17.52%
31/12/19 4.529B 17.9%
31/12/18 3.283B 17.73%
31/12/17 2.722B 17.78%
31/12/16 1.409B 16.68%

Huangbk72 @PSAi3alert

There will always be overlapping of judicial laws and powers.. All the acts enacted will try to be as wide as possible permitted under each jurisdiction.

But the general rule.. SC has the most power.. the all powerful.. haha.. like He-man, masters of the universe.
12/07/2021 12:06 PM
12/07/2021 12:21 PM


2021-07-12 12:06 | Report Abuse


There will always be overlapping of judicial laws and powers.. All the acts enacted will try to be as wide as possible permitted under each jurisdiction.

But the general rule.. SC has the most power.. the all powerful.. haha.. like He-man, masters of the universe.


2021-07-12 11:52 | Report Abuse

This is typical sign of a deteriorating stock price counter...

Dont forget this is a penny stock counter.. rely on heavy volume turnover.

When transaction volume keeps going down, price will drift down lower as sharks clear their holdings.

Sharks are never investors like whales... they feed and move on.

Seems like sharks has a new feeding ground now..


2021-07-12 10:58 | Report Abuse

tradersampah come on, come on, RM1.00 atleast this weeeekkkkk
12/07/2021 10:55 AM

Boleh la..

Uncle Boy Lim already said today will announce KY ( opps EY) findings.. and Karam ( opps Karim) share buyback 0.465

Sure rocket .. mcm Branson to the space.


2021-07-12 10:57 | Report Abuse

siaokar Huang, face mia hal deswai use ihunter.
12/07/2021 10:53 AM

Ok got it..

didnt know Conpipi has a face value.. haha.


2021-07-12 10:52 | Report Abuse

siaokar ihunter = conpipi dupe account
12/07/2021 10:50 AM

Really ah?

Split personality now? hahaha


2021-07-12 10:50 | Report Abuse

iHunter Hahhahhaaa...

Rileks.... Sometime, we need to create panic so that panic sellers can clear theirs... They are blocking our way...
12/07/2021 10:45 AM

Go go Go

Save as many SD holders here...


2021-07-12 10:41 | Report Abuse

No fanboys is not a good sign....

Where are they now?


2021-07-12 08:18 | Report Abuse

Market is the best “judge”

Market will always be right in pricing a stock

SD dropped till this level and will be in this range till EY confirms KPMG findings.

By the way, saw someone posted over the weekend that SD appointing EY is a + development for SD.. i think not.. to rehash his memory

All the below information is given by SD in their press conference:
1) Audit issue started in April 2021
2) KPMG requested for EY as IR ( why KPMG wants EY specifically? Anyone knows??)
3) SD refuse
4) KPMG goes to SC and INED
5) SD sues KPMG and insisted no IR
6) Bursa steps in and insisted EY be appointed
7) At the end, after all the brave words and chest thumping war cry, SD lost so much time and market value, EY instead of a normal IR role, elevated to SIR.

Again, haters will always be haters,
If they think the world is square, nothing will change their mind.
My target audience are the fence sitters, smart investors and people who looks at fundamentals.

The advise to them is still the same:

SD has no more whales, all sharks and bilis now
SD has no more stabilizing and uptrend as no more whales. Sharks will feed and move on eventually
SD is only for day traders now
Wait till confirmation of EY findings before even putting money in this stock.