
Junichiro | Joined since 2016-02-16

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2019-09-09 17:13 | Report Abuse

But they also want mainland business. When the mainland shut their border with HK and mandate that all goods bound for mainland must be unloaded in Shanghai or Shenzhen, it will be the end of their port. By then, we will probably heard comments like "white terror".

News & Blogs

2019-09-06 15:55 | Report Abuse

The writing is already on the wall since Aug.

"Earlier this month Indonesian Minister of Communication and Information Technology Rudiantara signalled his displeasure when he told the Indonesian media that his ministry would conduct a review of the proposed merger. His grouse stemmed from Telenor being Norwegian and part of Europe — while the European Union had passed laws in June to restrict and ban palm oil usage in biofuel by 2030."


2019-09-06 15:10 | Report Abuse

The writing is already on the wall since Aug.

"Earlier this month Indonesian Minister of Communication and Information Technology Rudiantara signalled his displeasure when he told the Indonesian media that his ministry would conduct a review of the proposed merger. His grouse stemmed from Telenor being Norwegian and part of Europe — while the European Union had passed laws in June to restrict and ban palm oil usage in biofuel by 2030."

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2019-09-04 09:25 | Report Abuse

Take yr tongkat to work.

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2019-08-30 14:55 | Report Abuse

Germany, the strongest economy in EU, is also on the verge of a recession.


2019-08-30 14:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by apple168 > Aug 30, 2019 1:42 PM | Report Abuse

Will trump sabotage his own country into recession? This is no brainer answer!

It depends on what angle u look at it. If it is really trade war, the possibility is less.
But, if this is a US policy to contain China, the answer is not a complete "no".
Bolton's view is to use this means to damage China once and for all, irrespective of the consequences. If a recession occurs, the top few percentage of the US population would not be affected. The 1% of ppl holds a huge chunk of US's wealth. Duck's view is the US economy is able to withstand it.

News & Blogs

2019-08-30 12:18 | Report Abuse

I expect nothing to come out of those talks. The gap is too wide.

Duck complained abt subsidies China gave to its state owned companies. The question is does US gave subsidies to aid its industries ? The answer is a clear "Yes". Boeing receives huge subsidies from the US government. So does Airbus.

With a position like this, there is probably no trade deal.


2019-08-30 11:38 | Report Abuse

The question is how to u view the ongoing trade war ? I do not expect any resolution in the near term. Their gap is wide. How is this going to affect our investments. Unless u have deep pockets, it is hard to keep averaging down.


2019-08-30 11:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by apple168 > Aug 30, 2019 10:26 AM | Report Abuse

Those who sell Genting shares below 6.00 now really brainless! Failed in maths!

Look at the bigger picture. The trade war will affect all markets irrespective of whether the stock is good or not. If the Duck were to invoke the law to force US companies out of China, US would fall into a recession as deep as that in 2009. Then QE 5 will come into the picture.


2019-08-30 11:26 | Report Abuse

The latest results have not factor in its investment in that loss making casino.

That's it :
"No doubt its a good company, but most view the current price not the level they are comfortable with to get in or top up."

News & Blogs

2019-08-29 14:26 | Report Abuse

Bush gave citizenship to ex-communist soldiers of Poland to fight in Iraq. The duck now wants to take it back. A brillant idea.

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2019-08-29 12:31 | Report Abuse

"America system is broken" simply means that wealth is not equally shared among its citizens. The US n western powers benefited from globalization but the income of the ordinary citizens dropped. The question is where the benefits went to? It went to the few percentage of the richest. The yellow vest in France vent their anger at Macron while Trump created a narrative that only China benefited.

In the China, 88% of the population has been pulled out of poverty. Otherwise, the CCP would have been overthrown long ago.

But this does not have a connection with stock mart performance in US. The rich, the hedge funds .. have all the means to play the market up n down.

News & Blogs

2019-08-28 11:33 | Report Abuse

No Hong Kong housing crisis if ex-leader Tung Chee-hwa had stuck to goal of 85,000 flats a year.
“However under the pressure of public opinion, especially the opposition bloc in the Legislative Council, we couldn’t continue our push,”

The Pan-Democrats responsible for the housing crisis. They fear the value of their apartments will come down.


2019-08-28 09:25 | Report Abuse

Why is petro-chemical industry a sunset industry ? It is like any industry being subject to supply and demand.

News & Blogs

2019-08-27 16:12 | Report Abuse

Just listen to what Ray Dalio, the hedge fund manager of Bridgewater Investment said when asked by the audience abt China's debt. He said China's debt are all internal n can be proactively managed. Ray Dalio has lived in China for over 10 years. It is a talk at a forum in US (avaliable in Utube)

News & Blogs

2019-08-27 16:02 | Report Abuse

why do freedom loving ppl block foreigners from boarding planes at the airport ? At least, these foreigners will spread the news of what happened to them when they finally reach their home.

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News & Blogs

2019-08-27 15:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by enning22 > Aug 27, 2019 10:49 AM | Report Abuse

don't be silly , the outcome already out there, massive unemployment is happening now in China, that you won't know,business shut down everywhere, currency devalued , food price sky rocketing ,massive foreign deinvestment , all these are fact , not imagination,

The RMB is not convertible except for the amount marked for trade and investment. China is purposely devaluing it agst USD. It is foolhardy to try to prop up RMB in face of trade war as the Duck would like. With limited capital flight, it should be able to weather uncertain times.

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2019-08-27 15:43 | Report Abuse

Beijing has cast doubt on whether trade talks are set to resume, with its foreign ministry contradicting US President Donald Trump’s claim that China had sought a return to the negotiating table and state media saying the countries were in touch only at a “technical level”. (SCMP)

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2019-08-27 12:29 | Report Abuse

XI himself is a US graduate. They want to learn ideas of the West and adapt the good ones to the betterment of China. They do not follow the West blindly. China itself does not practise the original communism of Marx. It is a hybrid of capitalism n communism. The hybrid system that makes all its citizens well to do.

News & Blogs

2019-08-27 11:58 | Report Abuse

If US companies were to close shop in China, the US economy will plunge like the Financial crisis of 2009. The global economy will enter a recession. By that time, US will do a QE5, I think.


2019-08-27 09:23 | Report Abuse

From The Edge Weekly,... China's output per year of nitrile gloves is 12 billion pieces while M'sia's output for the same category of gloves is 102 billion pieces.
Thus the 10% tariff on medical gloves is not likely to benefit M'sia's glove sector much.


2019-08-27 09:12 | Report Abuse

From the Elliott Wave perspective, the Dow is now at its minor 4th wave n is set to retest its former low made days ago.


2019-08-25 23:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by laychee > Aug 25, 2019 3:18 PM | Report Abuse

No matter what, it is an escalation of the ongoing trade war.

If the US is still ahead in military might, WWIII would already have started as US wants to wallop all nations that threaten its dominance.

Unfortunately, Russia has already overtaken US in hypersonic missiles for which US has no defence. China's hypersonic missiles is expected to become operational in 2020 i.e. next year

So, the Duck now resorts to trade war.

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2019-08-23 14:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3 > Aug 23, 2019 11:24 AM | Report Abuse

their teenagers are very proud HK have the most free economy in the world...free to screw themselves.

Exactly! What is the value of this pride ?? Zero value except for bragging online. LKY is wise and correct. LKY does not allow unbridled capitalism in S'pore.

News & Blogs

2019-08-22 20:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by Apple Juice > Aug 22, 2019 2:44 PM | Report Abuse

Qqq3! Madam,China took advantage of US patronage for 25 years!

It can also be said US took advantage of China's cheap labour and vast market. There are 2 sides to it.

News & Blogs

2019-08-22 14:32 | Report Abuse

Today :
"The RMB, which earlier this month breached 7 per dollar for the first time since the financial crisis, weakened 0.15% to 7.0740 per greenback as of 12:30 p.m. in Shanghai, extending a six-day drop to 0.7%, the biggest in Asia. The offshore rate fell 0.27%.

The weakness comes as U.S. President Donald Trump said overnight he was the "chosen one” to wage a trade war with China and asserted that he’s winning.

The Chinese government is making arrangements for the possibility that no trade deal is reached with the U.S., Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of the state-run Global Times, wrote in a tweet Wednesday."

China preparing for the possibility of no trade deal with US. China is weakening the RMB. Will there be another crash in Wall Street ?

News & Blogs

2019-08-22 11:42 | Report Abuse

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China is considering testing a ban on gasoline-powered vehicles in some parts of the country and may set a timetable to eventually phase out such vehicles, according to the industry ministry.

The oil age is begining to wane.

News & Blogs

2019-08-21 15:51 | Report Abuse

Today :
President Donald Trump again showed no signs of backing down in his tussle with China, declaring on Tuesday a confrontation was necessary even if it caused short-term harm to the U.S. economy.

News & Blogs

2019-08-21 15:33 | Report Abuse

It is the US which pressed China to open up for trade decades ago. In the minds of US, China could not catch up with the West even for 100 years.

Then, suddenly, they come to realise that their calculation was all wrong !

Now, comes the US containment policy, the last of which ended with US defeat in Vietnam. Unfortunately, their memories are short.

After withdrawal from Vietnam, US left Thailand to her fate. US use its airbase in Thailand to bomb Vietnam. Phan Van Dong threaten to invade Thailand after the US withdrawal. Now, US is seeking to place their intermediate range missile in other Asian countries which could be destroyed in retaliation.

News & Blogs

2019-08-20 16:22 | Report Abuse

Hang Seng drops 60 pts at close. Everything is bearish in HK

News & Blogs

2019-08-20 16:15 | Report Abuse

SHK Properties is known to have bid up the prices of their apartments themselves. Culprits are property tycoons n British gomen.

"Actually it was caused by LKS and the British." That is the true picture.

News & Blogs

2019-08-20 16:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by laychee > Aug 20, 2019 3:42 PM |

Youth in HK thought Chinese from mainland caused property price to surge.

Actually it was caused by LKS and the British.

The main culprit is the British colonial government. Governments have executive powers. They can make laws to prevent the construction of shoebox flats like S'pore did. But they didn't do.


2019-08-19 15:53 | Report Abuse

They talk abt freedom but they denied foreigners of their freedom by making them hostages at their airports.

News & Blogs

2019-08-16 22:49 | Report Abuse

This is the legacy of British rule, namely unbridled capitalism. Total free market. Making a fortune during those times are never easy. Wealth inequality is great simply because the British cares only abt their own colonial interest not "Golden Rule". Yet, the protesters are worshiping the British like gods.

Just look at KL. A decade ago,in response to complaints abt developers building expensive condos to cater for foreigners, Hishamuddin replied "this is free enterprise" and that the government cannot intervene.

News & Blogs

2019-08-16 14:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by laychee > Aug 16, 2019 2:08 PM | Report Abuse

Extreme measure will invite western countries' intervention. It could into a big snowball.

It is within the Basic Law that PRC can move in at the request of HK government. Of course, if the inevitable comes.
Macao government have made such request after the flooding caused by Typhoon Mangkhut to assist in the clean up.

News & Blogs

2019-08-16 14:18 | Report Abuse

Hong Kong protests could threaten city’s status as an international shipping hub, analysts say.

While Beijing has never spoken publicly about the economic consequences
of the escalating protests over the past two months, a widely shared view within China is that the central government should reduce its reliance on Hong Kong as its key financial and logistics gateway to the rest of the world.

This could result in mainland ports having greater autonomy in managing the shipment of goods into and out of China, analysts said.

China this month upgraded and expanded
a free-trade zone in Shanghai, which covers an area about the Hong Kong Island and Kowloon combined, with the ambitious goal of becoming “China’s bridgehead integrating into a globalised economy by 2035”.

Dr Collin Wong Wai-hung, associate dean of the School of Decision Sciences at the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, estimated Hong Kong could lose all transshipment rights in the non-Pearl River Delta region, which could translate into a loss of 2.4 million container twenty food-equivalent units (TEU) – a measurement of standard container sizes. Should China fully relax cabotage rules in other parts, this could dent Hong Kong’s annual container throughput (the cargo passing through the port) by 14 per cent. (SCMP)


2019-08-16 10:12 | Report Abuse

From a technical perspective, the strong pivot for Pchem lies at abt 6.85

News & Blogs

2019-08-14 19:23 | Report Abuse

I read fung shui from Lynn Yap: stock market outlook 2019 - share prices in the stock market can collapse around Sep/Oct. There is a big crash and this is the year.

News & Blogs

2019-08-13 16:20 | Report Abuse

There is no absolute freedom of expression everywhere. For example, in Thailand, if u poke fun on the royalty, u will be arrested. What is the value of freedom of expression if the consequence is everything gets burnt down ?


2019-08-13 09:39 | Report Abuse

From the technical aspect, Genting looks set to retest its previous lows having breached its important support at 6.19

News & Blogs

2019-08-09 12:18 | Report Abuse

"weaponise" is not the right word. The companies are passing the tariff to the buyers just like glovemakers passing their increase in cost to buyers.


2019-08-07 16:41 | Report Abuse

This round it is likely to be liquor.


2019-08-07 14:56 | Report Abuse

Genting is for long term investors. If I remember, the history of Genting have seen a lot of these controlling shareholder transactions. Yet, Genting continues to grow to this day.

Genting holds 100% of its new Las Vegas casino. New startups are bound to incur losses in the beginning. If u want to have Genting in your portfolio, u must be mentally prepared.


2019-08-06 09:33 | Report Abuse

Allowing a country's currency to move according to market forces without intervention is manipulating ??

News & Blogs

2019-08-06 09:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by nhbeen > Aug 6, 2019 8:49 AM | Report Abuse

I have noted his postings for quite a while. He always posted after some market news, be it negative or positive. Meaning he is using historical figures to post his views. I believe anyone also can be great with a view of the past. Why don't he share some predictions about the upcoming market trends for us to witness? If he is right, I will definitely follow his blog even closer.

One consultant used to post his Elliott Wave chart on the net before the event n got it right mos of the time and is stacking his reputation as a consultant. I do not see it here. Merely discussing about capitulation brings nothing.

News & Blogs

2019-08-06 09:19 | Report Abuse

KADR Projects HSI to Open Down 538 pts to 25,613

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2019-08-06 09:18 | Report Abuse

Even IMF said there was no manipulation of RMB as alleged by Don. It is just market forces interacting.

News & Blogs

2019-08-06 09:16 | Report Abuse

Now, not intervening to defend RMB and let the market forces decides, becomes manipulation.