
Junichiro | Joined since 2016-02-16

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2018-08-29 10:27 | Report Abuse

IHH's central piece of growth strategy is Turkey. With Turkey's economy now in shambles, so is IHH's strategy.

News & Blogs

2018-08-24 14:02 | Report Abuse

If he is impeached, trade war would end. If Nixon can be impeached, why not Trump ?

News & Blogs

2018-08-24 11:35 | Report Abuse

From the Elliott wave perspective, Lay Hong has completed its 5 wave moves n the correction is to correct these 5 waves, hence the steep fall. We are now probably at wave iii n this has not even achieved 50% of the previous 5 waves.
Markets do not fall straight down. This is not how the market behaves.You are probably betting for a small retracement in a down channel. I would say it is risky for a short term player.



2018-08-23 14:30 | Report Abuse

"You think TM Bosses so stupid sharing line with Maxis."

The boss of TM is the government. If those TM directors have run out of ideas, they should look for employment elsewhere.


2018-08-23 09:33 | Report Abuse

The problem is the share is not liquid with low volumes. Most who bought at 4xxx are those funds which sold on its first day of listing.


2018-08-22 20:29 | Report Abuse

In the short term, its EPS would be reduced due to cut in prices. In the long term, it has now another source of growth since there are so many unserved or under-served areas which TM would not venture.

News & Blogs

2018-08-22 16:28 | Report Abuse

He is not happy with Fed for raising interest rates. But rising interest rates is a consequence of QE. Otherwise, a hyperinflation will take place if Fed does not continue to exit QE. By then, US will face the same inflation problem as Volker faced in the 1980s. He still thinks it is good old days in US. There he is, showing his "ketuanan orang putih" mentality by not playing by the rules set by US themselves.


2018-08-22 14:33 | Report Abuse

By opening up the last mile, those under-served and unserved areas by TM will eventually get fast broadband.
Maxis latest offer is compelling. I paid $150 for a 8 Mbps speed. Now Maxis offer 100 Mbps speed for $129.

How will TM survive? The best route is to merge with Axiata so it can offer both mobile n fixed broadband.


2018-08-21 10:01 | Report Abuse

I am charged $150 for streamyx which I am using for years. But the web site shows streamyx at $160 ????


2018-08-19 11:00 | Report Abuse

This question remains unanswered : What is the purpose of a GLC ? TO maximize profits like a private company ? The reality finally dawns.

Even before GE14, EPF has already started selling. They probably knew something we do not know. It now transpired that MCMC has requested TM to cut broadband prices as early as Jan 2018.

I bought TM at 5 xx but I sold it off n just managed to make $30 per lot when I happen to discover some anomalies.


2018-08-15 09:37 | Report Abuse

IHH borrowed USD loans from EU but its revenue from Turkey is in Lira.


2018-08-15 09:34 | Report Abuse

There is not much the EU could do. Which EU country can afford to throw $$$$ from the helicoptor? Mobius said the possibility of capital controls in Turkey is real.
Erdogan offended Russia, EU n China. Maybe IMF is his friend now.


2018-08-14 20:10 | Report Abuse

"GLC says implementation of the MSAP will hurt its earnings due to lower broadband prices"

What is the purpose of a GLC ????


2018-08-14 15:41 | Report Abuse

Mobius warns of ‘real possibility’ of capital controls in Turkey

News & Blogs

2018-08-13 16:24 | Report Abuse

So much milk to suck. Sure looks like 1 month baby.


2018-08-13 16:06 | Report Abuse

Why must EU support Turkey?? Turkey is not part of EU. Maybe IMF will support Turkey.

News & Blogs

2018-08-13 15:08 | Report Abuse

Whenever I see this type of reports in newspapers, I just turn the page away as it is all sendiwara. When BN was in power, they have all the means and chance to bring him back. But they acted as though nothing had happened.


2018-08-13 14:49 | Report Abuse

The Turkish venture is the centre piece of IHH's growth strategy. This venture is bleeding eversince the Turkish Lira dropped against USD. It means whatever profit it made were totaly wiped our by forex losses.

"The lira is now down more than 40% against the dollar since the start of the year, making it far harder for Turkish companies to pay back loans they have taken out in the US currency."

News & Blogs

2018-08-09 22:51 | Report Abuse

The $$$ inside the trust account is for refund of input tax n it belongs to the various businesses. It is not meant for the gomen to spend it for development projects. By the way the ex-minister is saying, it means that the gomen has no intention to refund the $$$ to businesses.

News & Blogs

2018-08-08 23:37 | Report Abuse

Joseph Stiglitz said "macroeconomics always prevails". The US has one problem - inadequate savings. China does not have this problem.


2018-08-05 18:59 | Report Abuse

There are so many unserved or underserved areas in which TM is not interested. So Singh says give other companies a chance to do so.


2018-08-03 14:58 | Report Abuse

"Yes...all correct,in addition, for some streamyx user cannot upgrade to unifi and cannot enjoy free upgrade speed and somemore no reduce price, this is the biggest problem."

My sis-in-law lives in Tmn Johor Jaya but her housing estate has no Unifi. TM is fast asleep. Only Green Globin can wake them up!

News & Blogs

2018-08-02 22:47 | Report Abuse

Kandsamy's job was to tell the voters everything is fine in 1MDB.


2018-08-02 20:03 | Report Abuse

That is how TM's monopoly will end.

News & Blogs

2018-08-02 15:07 | Report Abuse

Mr Koon has already said that he is not obliged to tell anyone when he is selling, notwithstanding that he recommended the stock.

It remainds me of one of my co-workers who asked us to buy this stock or that stock. The stock he recommended went up but he sold quietly. Suddenly, we heard him telling all share-kaki in our office that the stock is no good. It became a mystery to us then until one wise staff told us he had probably sold the stock to take profit.

News & Blogs

2018-07-31 22:55 | Report Abuse

I still have that book. It is abt fundamentals of investment. Anyway, Dr Neoh in an interview with The Edge, more than a decade ago, admitted that he missed the bull run of 1993.

News & Blogs

2018-07-26 14:58 | Report Abuse

In the near future, Thailand will build a new "Panama" waterway in Songkla with China's silk route initiative. What will happen then, I leave to yr imagination. Be afraid.


2018-07-20 20:11 | Report Abuse

Do note that warrants issued by RHB Inv B with strike price of $5.10 is expiring this month, the last trading day of this warrant is 23 Jul.
Likely RHB Inv B is selling to stop it from advancing further.


2018-07-13 20:44 | Report Abuse

Gobin said :"I have also asked TM to consider extending new and improved price packages to all sectors of society as opposed to just the targeted groups," he said.
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2018/07/13/gobind-urges-telcos-to-provide-cheaper-broadband/#ROzxA05f398WymAM.99


2018-07-12 22:36 | Report Abuse

"Just a matter of lip service after all. Package 60 GB...only 2 weeks, finished !. Speed 30 MB, snail speed olready."

Yes, it is lip service.


2018-07-12 22:30 | Report Abuse

No reduction in prices for other Unifi n streamyx packages? Lets see what globin singh has to say abt this.

News & Blogs

2018-07-11 17:09 | Report Abuse

Putin is a smart man n he will slowly play out Trump. Putin wants Russia to be as powerful as US if not the most powerful. As for Europe, they should form their own European Force n rely less on NATO. Trump is not talking abt leadership n morals but $$$$$


2018-07-06 22:41 | Report Abuse


The fung shui chart u read refers to Hong Kong stockmart or KLSE. It isn't the same.

News & Blogs

2018-07-06 11:47 | Report Abuse

US changed the goal post when they lost. The last time, they were talking about free trade n any nation that oppose free trade was deemed a pariah. Now that they find their dominance diminishing, they talk different things.

The technology they said China stole is actually from joint ventures with Chinese companies using a common platform to make money. All those ventures are handsomely rewarded with huge profits. WTO rules allow this. Now the US said WTO is unfair to them.

Talking abt military technology, some like stealth technology was freely given by US when one of its F117 stealth aircraft was shot down over Serbia using 60s Russian technology. Now US said China stole the stealth technology.

News & Blogs

2018-07-04 12:01 | Report Abuse

"The problem is when you want to buy in bull and sell in bear."

Hi Jon, I got the answer. It is enlightening reading yr postings!

News & Blogs

2018-07-04 11:37 | Report Abuse

Hi Jon, I notice that u have Petron in yr portfolio. What puzzle me is why do u invest big time in a company with little liquidity? Most of the time, the seller is at the mercy at the buyer.

When I was very young, I bought shares in a company which has little trading. When I wanted to sell, I found a big gap between the buyer price n seller price. My senior advised me not to trade in illiquid shares. That was my first lesson.

News & Blogs

2018-07-03 22:22 | Report Abuse

Hi Jon, enlightening reading yr post. Talking abt diversification, from my experience, it would do nothing to protect yr portfolio in a big downturn. In anticipation of a downturn, I just sold all my shares rather than sitting on paper losses.
I did it in 1997 on the start of Asian crisis and continues to do so. Nobody knew it would be that bad. After the Thai Bath was attacked, I sold all my shares considering KLSE is already toppish.
Then , on 2nd Sept 1998, I went into the market buying 50000 shares of only one company. I did not diversify. Some 3 months later, I made a big gain which was far more than I lost when I sold out at the start of the crisis.


2018-07-02 22:42 | Report Abuse

In the Edgeweekly: "why TM's minimum RM700m dividend promise has run its course".


2018-06-29 10:11 | Report Abuse

so much for the "stealing" claim


2018-06-29 10:10 | Report Abuse

Under WTO rules, they are free to seek technology transfer from their foreign partners on a commercial and voluntary basis.


2018-06-28 23:37 | Report Abuse

" a long long ago" should read as "not long ago"


2018-06-28 23:36 | Report Abuse

China requires foreigners to joint venture with local company. Stanley Morgan said in doing so, the joint venture company will use a common platform to cut cost. This is how technology was transferred. not outright stealing as implied. This is stated in a long long ago article in The Edge Weekly. At the end of the venture, Stanley Morgan did make a huge sum of money.

Even Dr M talked abt technologyn transfer. Who would transfer their core technology to u?


2018-06-28 23:30 | Report Abuse

"with the old fella is back.."

We need this old man. It is jibby who raise spectrum fees and put telcos on slippery slope. Why is BN gomen so hard up for $$$. Now it is clear that 1MDB have put M'sia in financial strain. Jibby is living on borrowed time. Even if BN is in power, crash will come.

All the wasteful gomen spending by Jibby such as TRX is just to put M'sian temporarily on cloud 9. Now there is oversupply of office space.
By the time TRX is completed, we are likely to see a recession. Google to see the correlation between recession n skyscrapers.


2018-06-28 23:21 | Report Abuse

"since listing maxis had paid dividend amounting to RM 2.80.those who apply the IPO at 4.80 now still make.5.27+2.80=8.07"

U are right. But if u have sold at $7.00, u would have make even more.
Business dynamics now does not favour telecom sector. High debt, high spectrum fees, fierce competition ....


2018-06-28 23:12 | Report Abuse

"When China is weak and poor, people rush there trying to help and urge china to reform for economic growth. Okay now china grew strong, people do everything they can to stop china. Pathetic human.
Should we prevent India from becoming the next china?"

They will also do this to India. Because if they do not do this, they have nothing to exploit. When China built the 3 Gorges Dam, the west were all crying abt environmental damage. They hope other ppl with continue to light oil lamps in their homes and they will come as tourist to enjoy the scenery.

When u are weak, others will grab yr land. Macao n HongKong are examples. Why Falklands belong to Britain ???


2018-06-28 09:21 | Report Abuse

"Looks like a real news! TM in discussion with Axiata on merger and acquisition exercise.Informal meeting underway to lay out future of both companies...isn't this good news?"

Is this real? If it is, it is good for TM. TM can hive off GreenPacket which is bleeding red ink. It will become the most powerful telco with dominant fixed line business and mobile business. It can afford to lower broadband rates.


2018-06-27 20:32 | Report Abuse

Where is the Valuecap?


2018-06-26 20:47 | Report Abuse

"Do not fall in love with stocks u are holding". Once the 5 Elliot wave cycle ends, a correction is expected. Shares do not go up forever.

The first event that changed the business dynamics for telcos occurred when the then BN gomen ask for hefty spectrum fees.

Sensing that the good times of telcos are ending, I sold my entire holdings of telcos n be happy with the gains I made even though I did not sold at the peak price. It is only human nature to hold on to stocks with good dividends.

We play the same stocks over and over again n it is only the timing that matters.


2018-06-26 20:30 | Report Abuse

It is the previous BN gomen that ask telco to share networks instead of each building their own to avoid duplication.
I am sure lower broadband rates also applies to all telcos besides TM.
U can see all telcos, Digi, Maxis ...on the slippery slope.

TM will not die. It is only that lower rates will decrease its EPS n hence, a lower valuation. This also applies to all telcos.