
Junichiro | Joined since 2016-02-16

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2017-09-08 12:01 | Report Abuse

The Transport Ministry is willing to study the need of airline companies to offer additional insurance coverage to their passengers to protect them against any untoward incidents abroad.

Read well: "any untoward incidents abroad" i.e. while they are in a foreign country after disembarking from the plane. It involves the passenger paying for it. I do not see how it can be compulsory. The passenger may well have insurance fr AIA. Great Eastern ... not necessary from the airline. Now, why airlines want to go into insurance business ?? May be gomen should pay for it.

By the way things are going on, it won't be long everyone is compulsory to have a mobile phone and internet connection. Ha


2017-09-06 10:29 | Report Abuse

It is a matter of perception. Likely there is no impetus for palm oil stock to rally. Daily movement in CPO prices doesn't have a big effect.
IOI is range bound.
Lotte move up because of speculation after a big fall. The news that hurricane in US may force a shortfall in supplies probably move the share up. But, are they are buying from Lotte or Pchem? We do not know unless u are an insider. New plants in China have already started production. But that is enough to move the share up.

News & Blogs

2017-09-05 16:22 | Report Abuse

North Korea’s nuclear test site at risk of imploding, Chinese scientist says

If mountain under which last five bombs were ‘almost certainly’ detonated crumbles, radiation would leak across region, expert warns


2017-09-04 10:38 | Report Abuse

Lotte fast tracked its IPO after achieving a one-off financial yr super normal profit. Its listed subsidiary in the Jakarta SX went up substantially due to its TRES derivative. The took the opportunity to ask for the IPO price of $8.00.
When market conditions normalised, it could no longer achieve the one-off spectacular result.
By the time the qtr results came out, the share price of its listed subsidiary dropped substantially, requiring it to make loss provisions.
The water problem is only a small part of the decline in profits.

It may well have dropped a lot, but I do not buy those analyst reports giving at TP of $7 to $8 unless it can achieve those super normal profits. By the second half, new plants in China are starting to add the supply. All in all, it is for the long term.

News & Blogs

2017-09-04 10:16 | Report Abuse

China will not do this dirty job for Trump. Xi said "some ppl shakehands in front of you but backstab u from behind." He is obviously referring to US and Britain.
China will not faciliate a reunification with S Korea to see US forces at its doorstep.

News & Blogs

2017-08-24 20:15 | Report Abuse

Recession would probably come after the completion of TRX. Wahid said the project would go on regardless of the economy. U can google and see the correlation with recession and skyscrapers.

News & Blogs

2017-08-15 18:24 | Report Abuse

A "masuk angin" dictator meets his match in a "masuk angin" president.

Kim have to think twice now. He might end up like Qadaffi or Gen Noreiga of Panama.

News & Blogs

2017-08-11 19:46 | Report Abuse

I bought my new car 2 yrs back n the car company insured my car with Tune. When it came out for renewal, I went to Tune office (the signboard says Tune Insurance Bhd) n I found the staff there is not actually Tune's staff. They outsourced it to this firm which also sells insurance of other insurers. Then I got a shock. They asked me to go back to the car distributor to renew my insurance. I took the more easy way by going to an insurance company owned by a bank.

I do not hold any shares in Tune now, having sold all my holdings at abt 1.64 (whenever I noticed that whenever the directors giving notice to deal with their shareholdings, there would be huge sellers to bring the price down.


2017-08-09 19:23 | Report Abuse

All these Kim's drama. If he dares to launch a strike at Guam, The US will bomb Kim back to the bronze age if not the stone age.


2017-08-07 16:16 | Report Abuse

SFC of Hongkong has proposed to make IPO sponsors liable for the contents of listing prospectus. I am doubtful it will happen in Bursa. Most likely they will be reprimanded - a slap on the wrist. What is the use? Investors have already lost their $$$.

News & Blogs

2017-08-07 14:52 | Report Abuse

Hi Calvin, today's Edge stated that higher crude oil prices means higher cost of feedstock for the refiners.

Both the refiners are relatively unaffected as the price of crude oil is still considered low. Both of their shares are already cornered n if those big players do not throw, they can still march up. Both have small trading volume.


2017-08-07 09:48 | Report Abuse

The Edgeweekly:-
PNB & Eastpring are probably nursing their wounds.

While the crash of the Titan took place, that top guy in Lotte defended himself by saying he thought all those issues are immaterial.
He further said $6.50 is a bargain.

Institutional investors complained that Lotte did not highlight the implication of TRES that wipe out 22 million loss to its earnings during their roadshow prior to listing

The earlier 1st qtr saw the one off super-normal profit of 44 million on butadiene. This qtr saw a drop in profit because normalisation of prices.

The well known excuse is of course the cut in water supply which resulted in a fall in 72 million in profit.

Analyst have thus got their forcast off the mark.

Looking ahead: the 3rd qtr will be dampened by the scheduled overhaul of its first Nafta cracker.

Listing cost of $100 million will be booked in the 3rd qtr

Normalisation of butadiene prices means profits should be much less than the first qtr.


2017-08-01 09:40 | Report Abuse

Probably some cornerstone investors trying to buy as low as possible to average down their IPO price.


2017-08-01 09:37 | Report Abuse

Hi niki, I am also of the view that below $4 is a safe bet. Maybank surely knew of all the new developments beyond its historical figures presented during IPO and they did a lousy advising job.


2017-08-01 09:32 | Report Abuse

current yr to date EPS is 26.38 cts. This the 2nd qtr result. The latest qtr EPS is 6.58 cts. Assuming for the rest of the 2 coming qtrs EPS of 7 cts, the full year EPS 'could be' abt 40 cts.


2017-08-01 09:26 | Report Abuse

Provided EPF is not one of the cornerstone investor during the IPO. Otherwise, they have to bite the bullet now. A few insurance companies are some of the cornerstone investors.


2017-08-01 09:18 | Report Abuse

Joseph Stiglitz s "Free Fall".


2017-08-01 09:17 | Report Abuse

Do not know if EPF is one of the cornerstone investor. If it is, it will be a disaster for all.


2017-08-01 09:10 | Report Abuse

Maybank, as its advisor, knew about the coming overcapacity due to new plants in China starting production n should have reduced the IPO price by a wide margin or by a share split.


2017-08-01 09:03 | Report Abuse

It means that they won't be achieving the historical high EPS reported in their prospectus. Grossly overvalued share.


2017-07-31 15:49 | Report Abuse

See how those analysts at Maybank will value Lotte now. I think they dare not issue any analyst report on Lotte.


2017-07-31 15:37 | Report Abuse

The question really is "have Tune finished its correction'? KWAP which holds a big chunk of Tune did not buy to support it.


2017-07-31 15:34 | Report Abuse

I hope most of u have sold back to Lotte at 6.50.


2017-07-31 15:33 | Report Abuse

Ask Maybank what the hell is happening since they are the lead IPO advisor.

News & Blogs

2017-07-25 09:37 | Report Abuse

By the time the capital controls came into force, an important event took place. The Fed lower its interest rates n in response the currencies of those affected countries which did not implement capital controls such as Thai Bath, Won, Rupiah etc went upwards bringing the episode to an end.


2017-07-24 17:08 | Report Abuse

Yes, Tong's insight is enlightening. Alibaba's subsidiary Lazada has its own logistic arm known as Lazada Express which would deliver its goods without resorting to other couriers.

News & Blogs

2017-07-24 09:56 | Report Abuse

I beg to differ. Diversification for all its intent and purpose increase the risk. When a big crash comes, the only solution is to sell.
Fund managers diversify because they cannot sell all their shares in their portfolio. But to the common man, he can.
I have done in prior to to the 1997 crisis. When the Thai Bath was attacked, I sold off all my shares, some even at a loss. At that time, the KLSE already looked toppish. I bought again on 2nd Sept 1997 when the capital controls came into force. I made a tidy sum three months after.


2017-07-20 15:00 | Report Abuse

Maxis is way ahead now


2017-07-20 14:50 | Report Abuse

Maxis 2Q net profit up at RM574m, pays 5 sen dividend


2017-07-13 17:10 | Report Abuse

All telcos are adjusting to the new 'normal'. Digi used to trade above $6.00. But the new normal requires it to trade between the range of $4-$5.00.

It still pays a divi abt 200.00 per yr. Business is still OK. Other stocks just paying 60.00 in divi per yr n u can see ppl clapping hands.

To me, it is just adjusting to a new reality. If u have accumulated it above $5.00, u will have to keep it for ages.


2017-07-12 11:22 | Report Abuse

EPF is here to make $$$. Just look at how EPF sold down Axiata n push it up again. The other one is IHH.


2017-07-12 08:44 | Report Abuse

Sori, it is inside Market Blogs


2017-07-12 08:42 | Report Abuse

M.A. Wind 's piece is an extract from Bloomberg news. It is inside this forum if u wish to read the whole article.


2017-07-11 22:29 | Report Abuse

Maybank Investment Bank Bhd (Maybank IB) has bought 17.1 million shares in Lotte Chemical Titan Holding Bhd as part of its exercise to stabilise the share price of the integrated petrochemical firm which was listed today.
Maybank said it is allowed to buy up to 27.77 million shares, equivalent to a 4.8% of the total number of shares offered under the initial public offering (IPO).

They are running out of bullets soon !!!


2017-07-11 22:26 | Report Abuse

An excellent piece by M.A.Wind -the outlook is not good. It means more downside to come.


2017-07-11 22:23 | Report Abuse

Copied from M.A.Wind -
"Back when Lotte took the unit private, the global economic recovery was driving strong demand for the raw materials used to make plastic and synthetic fibers used in everything from appliances to automobiles.

But as the years went on, Lotte Chemical did almost nothing to expand capacity -- unlike its global competitors -- despite having ample cash, according to Smartkarma analyst Toh Zhen Zhou.

In the absence of investment, revenue growth slowed. Lower prices for inputs such as oil have helped prop up profit but as the sales outlook for products like cars weakens, demand for Lotte's offerings has waned. Meanwhile, raw material prices have declined and overcapacity in China is further pressuring the industry."

Is this the reason for its poor foreign reception ??


2017-07-11 17:02 | Report Abuse

Nepal’s central bank bars Axiata from repatriating dividends

News & Blogs

2017-07-11 16:54 | Report Abuse

retailers are made to carry the baby.

News & Blogs

2017-07-11 16:31 | Report Abuse

Everything is short term. In the long term, we are all dead.

News & Blogs

2017-07-11 16:28 | Report Abuse

Maybank buying now. Probably it will end above 6.40 to save some of their face.


2017-07-11 16:18 | Report Abuse

Bursa would probably be flat. 1. Not much foreign investor interest 2. EPF too active selling down n buying back
Sell when there is profit. Risky to keep. I do not believe those investment advisor asking ppl to keep their shares for years.


2017-07-11 16:11 | Report Abuse

What makes u think it will start in Msia ?


2017-07-11 16:09 | Report Abuse

Stabilizing manager trying to stabilize it at 6.36. Look at the queue on the buy side.


2017-07-11 16:02 | Report Abuse

the coming IPOs are risky. QSR now is trying to relist its out-of-the-trend food business. In KL, a lot of the big names in food business are closing down. QSR would probably be a business with zero growth. What a joke!


2017-07-11 15:06 | Report Abuse

stabilization manager does not have to stablize, I think, since Lotte is itself buying back the retail investors portion at 6.50.


2017-07-11 12:32 | Report Abuse

QSR gonna relist again....also tak boleh beli - Kentucky already out of date. Just ask the youngster .....


2017-07-11 11:25 | Report Abuse

Beware of the Brunei bank which is going to do IPO here. Brunei depends on oil for its well being. Investment banks here would spin all the good stories abt Brunei's economy n price its IPO at the maximum.


2017-07-11 11:22 | Report Abuse

"By looking at the EPS and PE at 11 of LCT, pls enlighten me if how does LCT "overpriced" at 6.50?"

If I am not wrong, even in their prospectus, there are other competitors in other countries which are below PE of 10. Maybe we should price it below the PE of 10.


2017-07-11 09:48 | Report Abuse

the important lesson is "All IPOs are priced to the maximum" leaving little or no dedak for us.


2017-07-11 09:44 | Report Abuse

"no suppprt price found so far till 6.39"

Where can we see the support level? Since it is IPO, there is not much we can see fr its chart.