
Junichiro | Joined since 2016-02-16

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2018-02-07 15:04 | Report Abuse

The centrepiece of IHH's strategy is Turkey. It was before the turmoil in Turkey n Lira. A few years down the road, what are the prospect of IHH business in Turkey? Recurring forex losses.
It is a tightly held by Khazanah n when it drops drastically, EPF is seen buying in like other GLCs.

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2018-02-06 12:51 | Report Abuse

The consequence of exit fr QE 2. PPl thought that when bond yields start their climb, the Dow will go up n up.
Now which is which? Interest rates goes up - Dow goes up or Interest rates goes up - Dow goes down.


2018-02-05 22:47 | Report Abuse

"might" .....

News & Blogs

2018-02-03 18:52 | Report Abuse

The theme conjured up by those foreign funds then include: "Pacific century", "tiger economies" .. which resulted in the super bull of 1993.
Krugman was quoted saying SEA economies are built on quicksand. He was right.
While those foreign funds were busy buying, the Japanese were busy selling. The Japanese are smart.

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2018-02-03 18:47 | Report Abuse

Those were the days when we were labelled one of the 'tiger economies'. But those times are already long gone. Now the structure of KLSE is that the dominant force are the local institutions eg. EPF .... which are active daily with a small portion of retail players and foreign funds.
The KLCI managed to move up due to foreign buying. But the market breadth is negative! It is not like those days prior to 1997.

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2018-02-01 19:53 | Report Abuse

China is a man show. It can do things extremely fast unlike US which can keep debating the same things for years without any decision.

The breakneck speed to do away with petrol engines means that in the future oil price is likely to trend lower. By 2025, China will see all its car on the road using electricity. In Shenzhen, public transport buses now all run on battery.

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2018-01-25 10:01 | Report Abuse

Bursa does not need a crisis to sell down. It is the gomen funds that engineer a sell down n after hitting a low, they buy back n we, the ikan bilis, also chase after the shares on seeing it rebounding. Gomen funds e.g. EPF ... survives using this method since they are the dominant force in Bursa. Retail n foreign funds make up only a small percentage.

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2018-01-17 20:35 | Report Abuse

Obviously something wrong with this Dr. She should read Milton Friedman's book "Free To Choose". That is how the economy functions.

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2018-01-09 09:47 | Report Abuse

It still depends on when u buy those funds. If u buy them when the mkt is up & up, it is like buying at an overvalued price. When the mkt corrects, the value of those funds will also drop.
Several of my co-workers buy into those funds offered by banks n all of them suffer losses.


2018-01-03 19:22 | Report Abuse

The Edge FD gave est of Sime Plt's 2018 EPS as 20.5 cts & div to be 14 to 15 cts


2017-12-11 16:04 | Report Abuse

U must have bullets to hold this counter. If yr strategy is to make some hundred bucks n run, it probably won't work.

After its results for 3 qtrs, its eps is 36 cents. It has one more qtr to go. It has the honour of being the cheapest petro chemical stock in Asia.

Last week, I met a friend working in an investment bank. I ask her if her investment bank was caught in this Lotte IPO, She said "yes, a bit". "A bit" means a lot for the retail investor.

It is the institutional funds which prop up many of falling counters e.g. Maxis, Digi (no growth story), IHH (huge forex losses).

And the problem in KLSE is the small retail investor participation in contrast to the active institutional participation. Once the institutional funds do not buy, the shares would drop.


2017-12-01 16:36 | Report Abuse

This big cap Titan is totally halal with prospective eps at 50 cts! Not surprising as syariah funds are short of these stocks to invest.


2017-12-01 10:35 | Report Abuse

The whole IPO debacle is rightly blamed on its principal adviser, Maybank. Lotte achieved super-normal profits in 2016 n used its financial results to come to IPO price at 8.00. But, once normalization comes, Lotte would certainly be unable to repeat the feat.

Maybank should have known abt this but still went on with IPO at $8.00. It means that post IPO, Lotte's price will trend down. By doing so, Maybank spoilted the entire picnic for investors.

Well, that is history. Now, Lotte is likely to achieve normal financial results. If u are looking for super-normal results, u are likely to be disappointed.

If everything goes on smooth, the more optimistic EPS for the whole yr would likely be 50 cents.


2017-11-30 20:52 | Report Abuse

The cumulative EPS after 3 qtr is 36 cents. The last qtr result should see its full financial yr EPS at abt 46 cents (If I take the last qtr results to be similar to its 3rd qtr)

Their IPO prospectus stated their dividend policy is 50% of its profits ie. abt 23 cts per shares.

Most, if not all, retail players who applied during IPO hve sold it back to Lotte at $6.50.

It is my thinking that those institutional funds who were allotted a big chunk of shares fr IPO also sold all the way down to $4.30 n bought it back. They now hold shares at the lowest range of the price.


2017-11-28 15:26 | Report Abuse

u must have bullets to hold this counter. It is not for hit n run. It is a company with solid business with no bank borrowings as at 30 Sept 2017. Never mind the IPO price. Below $5.00, it looks attractive.


2017-11-24 18:33 | Report Abuse

As to why some stocks with low PE etc still drop, it is likely that they have finished its 5th Elliot Wave n have entered its corrective wave.
That said, Digi has indeed finished its 5th Elliot wave from its peak.


2017-11-24 18:28 | Report Abuse

The weekly n monthly charts of Digi displayed a head n shoulders pattern with 4.36 its neckline.


2017-11-24 16:41 | Report Abuse

If u buy it cheap n get good divi, no need to bother about Sharia index.Every yr getting good $$$


2017-11-24 16:40 | Report Abuse

Compare Maxis chart with Digi chart n u know what I mean.


2017-11-24 16:38 | Report Abuse

It would probably mimic Maxis fall to 5.47 recently on charts.


2017-11-24 16:26 | Report Abuse

I see it as an opportunity like I bought Maxis at 5.52. Remember, Maxis gapped down. Its DV yield has certainly gone up!


2017-11-24 16:22 | Report Abuse

KLCI index dragged down by Digi. Otherwise, it won't fall that much.


2017-11-24 11:36 | Report Abuse

Genting is non-halal but it is alive n well. Halal or not is non-issue.If those Islamic banks can give loans cheaper than conventional loans, every business will want to be in. But no lender can price its loans out of the market.

The fact is all telcos are overvalued. Overvalued shares are prone to drop in bearish times.

News & Blogs

2017-11-22 09:07 | Report Abuse

The structure of our mkt is:-

foreign funds - low participation
retail - low participation
local institution - high participation

Do not believe those news that foreign funds are buying etc.It is all bullshit. Most of the time it is retail players vs local institutions.


2017-11-21 19:51 | Report Abuse

The structure of our stockmart is:-
foreign funds - low participation
retail players - low participation
local institutions - high participation

To start the bull, EPF, KWAP, ASN ... must buy n buy. Otherwise, there is no bull. Phone them to start the bull.

News & Blogs

2017-11-19 18:30 | Report Abuse

Today's interesting article in the Edge by Tong. KLSE : foreign participation - low, retail participation - low, local institutions participation - high.

This explains why KLSE has little volatility. Most of the time, KLSE moves sideways.

News & Blogs

2017-11-19 18:24 | Report Abuse

Hi Calvin, those unsold properties u mentioned, got flooding or not?

News & Blogs

2017-11-15 20:19 | Report Abuse

A big drop, it won't. It will probably move sideways. That is what they call 'institutional investors market'. Local institutional investors. So, how to cari makan? Even, Nifty (India's stockmart index) performs better than KLCI.

One guru said if u want to make big money, play Nifty not KLCI.


2017-11-14 11:05 | Report Abuse

The 20 day SMA and 200 day SMA of KLCI staged a dead cross, suggesting weakness ahead. The KLCI displayed a double top formation on the charts, suggesting a bearish connotation.

Maybe those holding their positions which are still profitable are taking profits.

News & Blogs

2017-10-27 14:57 | Report Abuse

I suppose EPf is buying KLCI component stocks to push up the index. The overvalued telcos are all up.

News & Blogs

2017-10-27 14:52 | Report Abuse

What is so exciting abt the budget? Our debt level has already reached its limit. If they say our GDP is up n up, why are the common ppl suffering? Perhaps only the selected few benefited.
I believe it is the EPF buying to give the impression that the budget excites. Once they stop buying, the prices will retreat.

News & Blogs

2017-10-26 11:40 | Report Abuse

Even India's stock mart indice 'Nifty' performs better than KLCI index.
Ask those futures players. Hardly can make money playing KLCI. The answer probably lies in the way how the country is run. J Lo, Arbabr... what the hell is all these.


2017-10-17 15:30 | Report Abuse

I think the golden days of telcos are already over. Stiff competition, gomen treating them like their piggy banks, no longer able to pay big dividends ... would cause their prices to move sideways rather than up. With telco sector not performing, the KLCI does not show much promise. Even Nifty (India's stock market index) performs far better than KLCI.


2017-10-12 08:58 | Report Abuse

HLB's top pick is TDC not Digi, Maxis, Axiata


2017-10-12 08:54 | Report Abuse

Not much growth prospects for telcos. MCMC opens up 700Mhz spectrum for tender which means telcos now have to fork out another big sum of $$$ to the gomen. There is little rationale to upgrade telcos now. Gomen treating telcos like their piggy banks. That is, I think, the reason for the fall in telco sector yesterday.

News & Blogs

2017-10-11 22:23 | Report Abuse

" If BN do this winning election is like walk in the park."

The fact remains that BN wants the cheap method such as holding stage shows by Psy n expects all ppl to vote for them. Even BN parties highlighting floods in Penang has backfired. In some BN ruled states such as Perak, housing estates in Ipoh kept experiencing flash floods year after year.But the local authorities pretend that they do not know. Complaint after complaint were sent to the relevant authorities but nothing was done. So much so that ppl are fed up of complaining. Do u think they will vote BN? Yr guess is as good as mine.

News & Blogs

2017-10-09 23:27 | Report Abuse

the last sentence should be: Pakistan is nearly always where you ended, concludes Naipul.

News & Blogs

2017-10-09 23:25 | Report Abuse

Years back when Dr was still PM, I read a book (I have forgotten abt its title) written by one local by the name of mubarak ... He wrote that in the future M'sia is more likely to be like Pakistan.

V.S.Naipul travelled to Pakistan in one of his journeys. He converse with a common man in one of the streets. This man told him that Pakistan is like god to him. Naipul reasoned that the idea of Pakistan like god should have taken the country to great heights. To date, Pakistan remained a poor and backward country. What went wrong them?

Pakistan is nearly when u ended, concludes Naipul.

News & Blogs

2017-10-09 23:12 | Report Abuse

Don't buy n read these type of books. It is a waste of time. Better buy n read books on investment. GDP increase, so what? We don't even feel better. Japan, even when submerged in a recession for 15 years did not saw its GDP drop!


2017-10-09 22:43 | Report Abuse

I believe there is little foreign funds coming into KLSE even though the media use to highlight it as big news. Most of the time, the big cap shares move up n down due to trading by EPF. On any day when the EPF is not active, I observe those big caps hardly move.

News & Blogs

2017-10-04 12:04 | Report Abuse

Do u think another casino licence is possible in view of the conservative momentum ?? It is wistful thinking at most.


2017-10-03 20:27 | Report Abuse

Just ask fatty Kim to manage Lotte. He will make the difference.


2017-10-02 23:26 | Report Abuse

Tong Kooi Ong's interesting write up on hurricanes, the timber market & furniture makers in Edge weekly.


2017-10-02 15:30 | Report Abuse

Hi clavin, is Titan liable for damages to S'pore caused by the foul odour ?


2017-09-26 14:45 | Report Abuse

If the price of yr raw materials goes up, it is a disadvantage to u rather than an advantage like those glove makers. The reason being that u are unable to pass the entire cost to yr customers.


2017-09-26 14:29 | Report Abuse

That is what they initially said when Lotte was listed since lotte's raw material input comes most from oil unlike Petronas.
If they compare Lotte with Petronas, they use this to justify higher pricing for Petronas.
Now, suddenly they say the reverse.
Maybe somebody should ask this analyst not to factor in speculation into his report.

News & Blogs

2017-09-15 15:53 | Report Abuse

"I mean it's like Myammar PM coming to Malaysia and gave one billion kyat to 'strengten Malaysia economy and build it's infrastructure'!" -
You are right on spot!!
I went to the pantry of workplace with a few co-workers n laugh n laugh ....


2017-09-12 12:15 | Report Abuse

look at Ambank Cx issued by CIMB maturing on 29-9-2017 with strike price of $4.15
If Ambank goes not go down below $4.15 on expiry day, CIMB will make a loss.
What CIMB would do? I guess they would borrow Ambank shares to sell it down.

I would like to know the opinion of other forumers.

News & Blogs

2017-09-08 21:48 | Report Abuse

Regarding ASN, is it covered by Will if it is stated in the Will that all assets of the deceased shall be divided in equal shares among the beneficaries ?? Or is it necessary to state specifically in the Will as regards ASN ?
I have seen Wills made by some of my friends long before they invest in ASN but did not make a new Will to cover the situation.