
Junichiro | Joined since 2016-02-16

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2017-05-18 09:45 | Report Abuse

"10 years ago in 2007 when Lehman Brothers crisis hit hard and market collapsed world wide and Warren Buffet came out to say that the stock market just got a heart attack, the only class of stocks that saved the day was PALM OIL."

Well, palm oil saved us in 1997/98 Asian crisis. I was attending an annual dinner given by a trade association where the guest of honour was the late Minister of primary Industries, Mr Lim Keng Yaik. And he mentioned palm oil and China.

BUT, to be more direct, it was China, which bought huge quantities of palm oil from us, saved us from economic collapse.

China could have bought the commodity from Africa or elsewhere.


2017-05-12 09:14 | Report Abuse

All telcos are overvalued. Now timber stocks are overvalued.


2017-05-11 12:24 | Report Abuse

Just one example. Some investment banks put the value of Maxis at 5.30. But maxis is trading at $6.56. So much for the research report


2017-05-11 12:20 | Report Abuse

I do not buy these type of stories. Using all these methods, probably all the stocks in KLSE are overvalued. Price is just a function of supply n demand. Trading in KLSE is dominated by EPF. They can just continue to selldown n small traders would cut loss. Then EPF buy it back in small quantities quietly. Having accumulated enough, they start to push the wagon.
Look how it gap up this morning. Do u think it is coming down? I do not think so.


2017-05-04 22:45 | Report Abuse

Before BNM ruling to convert 75% of their proceeds to MYR, glove companies are able to shield themselves from forex volatility. Now this protection is gone.
Coupled with increase in the price of raw materials, labour (having to pay foreign workers levy n EIS), the sector is no longer attactive. I foresee glove makers reporting forex losses in the coming qtrs.

News & Blogs

2017-05-04 22:35 | Report Abuse

New technology has enabled cars powered by hydrogen or electricity to run as fast as those using petrol. Shell is selling its refineries worldwide n has teamed up with Toyota to build hydrogen filling stations in the US. It only means that oil comsumption is slowing but surely on the decline.
SA acknowledged this fact when it started Aramco IPO to obtain funds to diversify.
"the stone age ended not for the want of stones and the oil age will end long before the world runs out of oil".

News & Blogs

2017-05-04 22:18 | Report Abuse

In Indonesia, u can choose to study in English stream. I came to know abt this when I sent my child to a private uni in KL. Lots of Indonesian students which enrolled in the uni here can speak n write in good English. Unlike those local uni students who carry thick books but do not understand which is written due to their poor gasp of English.
Things have changed at lot since the end of the Suharto dictatorship.


2017-05-02 10:37 | Report Abuse

With palm oil prices are trending down, do u expect SOP to go up?


2017-04-28 16:28 | Report Abuse

U can see the number of sellers lining up to sell. Even if EPF wants to buy, they would offer to buy at lower prices. This is their strategy.


2017-04-28 09:29 | Report Abuse

Hi Hunter, 4.58 is a MTF support level. Provided, it can hold at this level, it has good chance to restart its wave 1.


2017-04-27 16:24 | Report Abuse

The technical picture is bearish, having broken a few MTF support levels. It has also corrected past fibo of 61.8% n is probably heading towards the 78% fibo. ($4.46)


2017-04-21 23:08 | Report Abuse

Most glove stocks are down - including Topglove, Kossan, Harta ...
The catalyst ie. rising USD agst MYR is no longer there at this moment. The USD index weakening.
Latex prices have gone up although it is trending down now.

Probably, the bullish technical setup is no longer there. If u are a long term investor ... the fridge. If you are playing short term, the obvious solution is 'cut loss'. Cutting loss does not mean losing $$ forever. U might as well use the funds to hunt for those stock with bullish technical setup n u can win back yr $$.

I have done this throughout my investing journey. I always cut loss early after seeing the technical setup pattern gone. If u start finding reasons for the decline, u may have to suffer a bigger loss. The market has no reason to give. The obvious answer is a lot of ppl are selling for whatever reasons.

Personal Finance

2017-04-19 20:20 | Report Abuse

Your friend should stay in his present job. In the meanwhile, he can still trade small during his office hours to test if he has the skill to make $$$.

That was what I did. I bought my own tablet - small enough to put into my desk drawer, a wifi device blah blah. - I did not use my office pc to do trading.


2017-04-18 16:34 | Report Abuse

This is a thinly traded share. Its buy & sell price is way apart. It is easy to get trapped unless the sector is extremely bullish.

News & Blogs

2017-04-15 18:00 | Report Abuse

On the lighter side, this what the fung shui master, Lynn Yap, said abt 2017.

1) The USD will remains strong. 2) Oil price will rise a little but will remain stable towards the end of the year.

News & Blogs

2017-04-15 17:51 | Report Abuse

If it is so easy to talk a currency up or down, every gomen would have done it long ago. No need to rein in deficit. No need to move interest rates up or down. Can overspend like no tomorrow.

I agree with Icon, all these are some burst of hot air to pander to the fantasies of futures traders.

The Plaza Accord type of intervention leads to the recession that Japan never recovered. It also leads to the 1997 Asian crisis.

What a brillant insight, Icon.


2017-04-14 19:36 | Report Abuse

Expected bumper harvest of soya bean oil.

News & Blogs

2017-04-14 19:33 | Report Abuse

What to do? we have a syok sendiri gomen here. The reality is different from what they boast. GDP is up & up.... and all the bullshit.

News & Blogs

2017-04-14 15:23 | Report Abuse

The price range of our CPO futures average around 40 points. One point is RM25-00. With some skill, u only need to scrap some 7 points or so multipy by the number of contracts u buy.

Before u short stocks in Bursa, better to find out if those candidates have ample volatility.

News & Blogs

2017-04-14 15:14 | Report Abuse

If u are like selling short, try the futures market e.g. our local CPO futures.

If the market has no volatility, ii is easy to lose $$$.


2017-04-13 20:36 | Report Abuse

"Just look at TopGlove, EPF is selling in the past few weeks to apply this strategy.
Everytime TopGlove price drop to below RM5, you can see EPF is selling.
Then they buy back again push the price up to above RM5."

Same observation as yours. That is how EPF make $$$ to pay div to its members. They have the funds & first mover advantage. Yet they lost $$$ in FGV which is not excusable.

You might have observed that suddenly the buyer side & seller side adjust themselves to almost the same quantity, apparently to maintain the price. I wonder if the buyer & seller is the same person.

News & Blogs

2017-04-12 15:43 | Report Abuse

Every new cycle in the stockmart has its new characteristics. Those who made $$$ in the 1993 bull subsequently lost it all when they use the same 1993 cycle method.

The Edge interviewed Dr Neoh after the 1993 bull and commented that he is too conservative.

News & Blogs

2017-04-12 15:27 | Report Abuse

Neoh's book was published before the famous 1993 bull market. All lot of young people then who opted to be a greater fool made tons of $$$$. Subsequently, those older ppl who followed lost their $$$.

Those who followed Dr Neoh's method did not managed to make $$$$ in 1993 bull.


2017-04-12 09:12 | Report Abuse

Today in Edge - Foreign selldown of M'sian bonds fastest in Mar 2017...the recent selldown is raising concerns abt M'sia's bond market at a time when other emerging bond markets have attracted close to USD20 billion.....
The economist is of the view that the recovery of the MYR agst USD has more to do with the weakness of the USD.


2017-04-06 11:24 | Report Abuse

In these not so bullish times, even EPF is buying n selling.


2017-03-30 15:52 | Report Abuse

If u notice, EPF is slowly accumulating after causing it plunge in the past weeks.


2017-03-24 12:22 | Report Abuse

Aminvestment said: "although we believe the set up of DFTZ will be positive on the long term growth of MAHB and the overall logistics sector, we believe it is still too early to quantify the impact of DFTZ, as it is only expected to be launched by end of 2019"

The logistic sector does not have high entry barrier. By that time, a lot of new logistic start-ups will emerge.


2017-03-19 18:09 | Report Abuse

Glove industry is expected to make normal healthy profits not windfall profit.
The good - 1) mainly in the medical field
2) price latex has come down 3) revenue in USD

The bad - 2) when USD goes up, yr customers will ask u for lower selling price

If u measure the profit against windfall profit they gained few yrs back, then it is lacklustre now.

Even furniture industry faces raw material n labour problems and lower selling price problem due to stiff competition.


2017-03-18 17:42 | Report Abuse

Low volume stocks are not good for trading purpose. Now is Shale Oil vs Opec round 2.


2017-03-17 15:21 | Report Abuse

tradeview is probably right.
TopGlove chairman said whether yr profit will increase or not depends on the price of raw materials n less on forex since in order to capture the market, u have to reduce yr selling price if USD/MYR goes up. This is what yr customers expect fr you to favour them.
This said, the price of rubber glove raw materials since the Thai floods has gone down.


2017-03-17 15:21 | Report Abuse

tradeview is probably right.
TopGlove chairman said whether yr profit will increase or not depends on the price of raw materials n less on forex since in order to capture the market, u have to reduce yr selling price if USD/MYR goes up. This is what yr customers expect fr you to favour them.
This said, the price of rubber glove raw materials since the Thai floods has gone down.


2017-03-17 14:53 | Report Abuse

The 330m is paper loss in the sense that the co is not paying off its entire USD loan as it is long term. It is only paying what is due during the financial year.
But the market is well-known for its knee jerk reaction n once the results were announced, huge selling started.
Axiata has more USD loans than IOI but it is going up after the sell down.


2017-03-16 14:07 | Report Abuse

Miracles seldom happen. IOI recovered due to co share buyback. Genting is always seeing share buyback. Nothing bad. But it means that u have to play a fast game. Once the buyback ends, it will resume its downtrend.


2017-03-16 14:04 | Report Abuse

see Bursa co announcement. No bombshell like IOI. Healthy.


2017-03-16 12:35 | Report Abuse

Why is SA listing Aramco? They know that the Oil Age is coming to an end. They want to get the $$$ to diversify.
Toyota & Shell is joining up to build hydrogen filling stations across the USA. This explains why Shell is selling off its oil refineries worldwide.

News & Blogs

2017-03-16 12:11 | Report Abuse

Yamato has a bad record here.


2017-03-15 11:03 | Report Abuse

Oil price will probably drop. US strike huge oil find in Alaska. China, USA, Canada, Argentina has huge shale oil resources.
Trump is cutting gomen regulations n tax - shale oil producers will be profitable at USD40.


2017-03-10 15:45 | Report Abuse

Its chart tells a different story. It remains inside an Elliott wave diagonal triangle. It simply implies weakness in spite of all the hype.


2017-03-10 14:12 | Report Abuse

This qtr should take into account - 1) increase in prices of raw materials 2) forex gains
Would the forex gains be offset by translation loss fr its USD loans ??


2017-03-06 13:44 | Report Abuse

Investment banks issue call warrants to earn income. In order to succeed, those warrants must expire out of the money. If not, they have to vomit out what they have eaten. I agree with darren "THE INVESTMENT BANK EARNS FROM THE LOSSES OF THE CW HOLDERS"
U can observe, when those warrants are near expiry, the mother shares would see huge amt on the sell side to make the warrants out of the money.


2017-03-01 22:19 | Report Abuse

Hi twobits, https://invst.ly/3d2zh

Actually, I like to look at the bigger pic n see if it is up or downtrend. In my mind, It is much safer to play an uptrend. Anyway, I am not playing HS but I just take a look at the chart in my spare minutes as I am tracking stocks.


2017-03-01 22:08 | Report Abuse

You can read the writeup abt Gtronics in "next trade". Google "next trade"


2017-03-01 12:22 | Report Abuse

Hi connie, its weekly charts is also a diagonal with its 5th wave turning around for a downtrend to break the lower channel.


2017-02-27 11:07 | Report Abuse

Hi niki, when I bought my new car, it was insured with Tune. When it is up for renewal, I went to an insurance co with a big signboard "Tune Insurance" at its office. To my disappointment, it is only their agent n this agent is also selling insurance for other insurers.
They are not keen to renew my car insurance n instead requested me to go back to my car dealer to renew it.

Well, I gave up n them and went to another insurer other than Tune. I now realize that Tune does not have an office by itself to service its clients. I shudder to think if their client have a claim n all their agent wash their hands off the affair.

News & Blogs

2017-02-24 23:02 | Report Abuse

In fact, TF has already started dumping when it hit $1.70. The moment, he announced his intention to deal in the shares, it started dropping. I cashed out at 1.62 after seeing the huge number of sellers not seen before the announcement.

calvin, yr mind is as sharp as ever. These 2 questions need to be pondered by retail players.


2017-02-24 22:44 | Report Abuse

A huge chunk of profit belongs to gomen now. So, probably no dividend, I think. They did it to the telcos. Now, it is the insurer's turn. It is hard to earn an honest living here.


2017-02-24 22:37 | Report Abuse

What is MBB & PBB's standing in the international investment arena? MBB is way behind PBB.


2017-02-24 20:09 | Report Abuse

"Funds might buy to 'show' stock has bottom out, than when buyers line up, they will dump."

Agree. it happened many times since last year. I was lucky because I cash out fast. They assume ppl will buy when MACD hook up. Then when ppl are busy buying, they would sell their wares.


2017-02-24 16:05 | Report Abuse

With so intense competition, it is not easy to fix Celcom.


2017-02-24 15:46 | Report Abuse

The last low is abt 4.10. But it does not mean that u just draw a trendline n expect the market to obey it. Markets does not behave like that. Trendlines can be broken easily.