
Karlos | Joined since 2018-07-13

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2022-01-26 09:58 | Report Abuse

Please do not compare KPower with SCIB as the two companies have each totally different history and business.
Just take a look at KPower, from a losing fabric manufacturing company then suddenly turn itself into a construction companies winning a no of mainly hydro power projects from all over the world and turn itself around with big profits within such a short time, just like a magic show.


2022-01-24 09:40 | Report Abuse

Watch out this counter for coming good news!!!


2022-01-19 09:28 | Report Abuse

The Annual Report for Year ending 30 June 2021 was given clean opinion by the Auditor. It is only certain transactions subsequent to the year end that was qualified. Please do not compare it to that of Serba Dinamik accounting issues.


2022-01-11 15:56 | Report Abuse

The last 3 Private Placements were all done at 95 sen, all above the current market price!


2022-01-11 07:58 | Report Abuse

Must understand the company you are investing throughly before you invest. Experience and knowledge in the biz in which Cypark is involved together with some understanding of accounting and finance are required to value the company properly.
Otherwise if you just looking on the surface the current high gearings and negative cashflows with out understand what behind those numbers, you may not make the right valuation. One more thing, investors always look to the future not in the past or even what is happening now.

News & Blogs

2022-01-10 14:52 | Report Abuse

Agree heavy borrowing not backed with assets that have no guaranteed future income can be dangerous. Heavy borrowing by itself can not be automatically construed as unhealthy. Must understand in detail how the borrowings are spend on.

News & Blogs

2022-01-10 14:39 | Report Abuse

Heavy borrowing is due to Cypark biz model. Cypark develop, own and operate, not merely as a contractor, a no of RE projects with REPPA with TNB as the off taker. The power purchase contracts for example, for solar. is 21 years and Cypark will reap future benefits with little risk by owning these capital intensive projects and mind you debts for financing these power projects are ring fenced.
It is worth nothing that many Cypark solar projects, for example, were developed earlier where the returns of investments are much more lucrative.


2022-01-10 09:21 | Report Abuse

"The Board of Directors also wishes to advise that the Company had submitted its application to Bursa for the Relief Period to be extended beyond 7 January 2022 and is currently awaiting for Bursa's decision."
Today is already 10 January 2022 and AA is still being quoted and traded! Does it not mean that AA application for Relief Period extension is already approved in principle ?


2022-01-07 14:50 | Report Abuse

SKS Airways receives full air service license effective Jan 1, 2022. Very unexpected some one dare to start an airline now during this pandemic. Could it be that the future of this biz is bright and there is still not enough competition?


2022-01-06 17:57 | Report Abuse

Cypark has completed an EPCC for a 30 MWac/49 MWdc solar farm project for a client in Kedah ahead of time. Cypark to do the O&M as well for 21 years for the project and provide the financing too. Excellent and Syabas to Cypark!


2022-01-05 14:44 | Report Abuse

Started to build base on the way up. Cypark is much undervalued and misunderstood. It is in fact the leading renewable energy company here in Malaysia and started in this sector some time ago already and will reap good returns going forward,
Cypark had managed to developed and still continue to add a large portfolio of renewable energy projects ranging from solar, biomass, biogas to WTE. It is worth noting that many of the for the projects, for example solar farms were built much earlier where the rates of returns were much more lucrative than now.


2022-01-03 08:38 | Report Abuse

More likely to be limit up rather than down!


2021-12-29 10:04 | Report Abuse

At best, KPower market value will go back down to the time before Karim came in.


2021-12-28 15:28 | Report Abuse

Serba Dinamik Holdings Bhd has confirmed that it has defaulted on its US$222.22 million (RM939.77 million) sukuk andFitch Ratings has further downgraded Malaysia-based energy service provider Serba Dinamik Holdings Bhd's long-term issuer default rating to "RD" (restricted default) from "C".
Not to forget there are cross default provisions in the other debts as well.
Best of luck to the equity holders, the last to get whatever left over, if there is any.


2021-12-28 15:15 | Report Abuse

Or may be these people are all hiding in some shop lots!


2021-12-28 14:56 | Report Abuse

Be very extra careful with counter!


2021-12-28 09:42 | Report Abuse

Even at current todays price, the market value of Pestech is only slightly above RM 800 m!


2021-12-28 08:39 | Report Abuse

Any how, Pestech is certainly not a speculative stock.It will likely to offer good returns for the knowledgable and patient shareholders.


2021-12-28 08:32 | Report Abuse

During such a long term engagement with KLIA, there will be likely further expansions or modifications to the APM system or other works in the national airports that will place Pestech in a good position to get involved further.


2021-12-28 07:38 | Report Abuse

Normally if the contract is from A to Z, the profit margin not only attractive but will have steady and robust cash flow over a long period of time.
Pestech is well established in this kind of project packages especially in overseas like Cambodia Ect.


2021-12-27 20:30 | Report Abuse

Syabas Pestech for winning APM project at KLIA that not only Design, Supply and Install but also O&M and Financing as well. Beautiful, can't get any better than this!


2021-12-24 10:03 | Report Abuse

The most recent one were issued at on 11.3 sen only!


2021-12-22 16:58 | Report Abuse

Huge amount of dilutive PP shares issued very recently at cheap prices!


2021-12-18 09:08 | Report Abuse

In fact those directors really own and run the company!


2021-12-17 09:01 | Report Abuse

The new shares issued at 11.3 sen via PP will be traded from today.
Imagine some one sold earlier at say 15 sen and then cover back the sold share via PP subscription at only 11.3 sen, you can made a profit of 32.7% with no risk and within a very short time! Very smart move!


2021-12-16 20:33 | Report Abuse

I fully agree with you on this issue @ykloh. Some companies abuse this method of issuing new discounted shares and to make matter worse, the regulator now allow companies to issue up to 20% via PP.
PP is always done with no transparency and we never know who are the subscribers and how they were selected, Existing shareholders should be given the first right of refusal for these new issues but instead they were completely kept in the dark.
New discounted shares issued via PP will definitely have negative impacts on existing shareholders.


2021-12-16 14:35 | Report Abuse

29,800,000 new shares issued at 11.3 sen via PP to be quoted from tomorrow !


2021-12-14 15:25 | Report Abuse

Karim entry into Power that had driven the share prices irrationally upwards and hence the exit of Karim should logically drive back the share price to that era before Karim entry.


2021-12-13 18:59 | Report Abuse

Pestech listed subsidiary in Cambodia has declared a dividend of USD 0.0065 per share. Syabas Pestech !


2021-12-13 13:05 | Report Abuse

Good bye MMC. Hope to see you again soon!


2021-12-11 10:06 | Report Abuse

Don't be surprised if the reality in KPower will turn out to be as bad if not worse than that of Serba Dinamik!


2021-12-10 11:05 | Report Abuse

Do not confuse Supplements with Medicines. Almost any body can produce and sell supplements. Supplements are not considered medicines.


2021-12-10 10:59 | Report Abuse

Now Hall become big taiko, every body must kowtow to him!


2021-12-09 16:14 | Report Abuse

We don't think that these people do really care about all those rights mentioned. Tell them how many countries they have bombed quite recently, killing and displacing millions of innocent people, destroying their national herbage sites and then make these countries suffer economically and politically. Millions of refugees going to UK, and who creat these refugees in the first place?
In the Middle East the only country that refuse to kowtow, Iran, is being punished unreasonably and so are Lebanon and Yemen to a certain extend.


2021-12-09 15:25 | Report Abuse

@salemt. Definitely they have an agenda. Any how these people comping from such countries like UK still have the mentality that we Asians must submit to their ways of doing things, the only right way.


2021-12-09 15:15 | Report Abuse

I was thinking to buy some products from Dyson, they are overpriced but I did make some money from the stock market why not splash a bit. But now I have decided to abandon the idea completely buying Dyson products as Dyson only care to exploit cheaper costs in Asia to maximize it's own profits.


2021-12-09 14:57 | Report Abuse

Dyson also exploits cheaper costs of doing biz by moving from UK by avoiding higher taxes and labour in UK and to be nearer to its cheap suppliers. Certainly Dyson can not say they really care about ESG issues but in reality only care to maximize profits. Just ask what people in UK said about Dyson moving out of UK to Asia. It certainly not that Dyson really care about its employees and obligations to pay fair taxes in moving away from UK.


2021-12-09 14:42 | Report Abuse

Wonder why people like Andy Hall do not raise similar issues on labour in country like Bangladesh where we are sure the working conditions and salaries are not better than here. Bangladesh produce and export a lot of garments for well known international brands.
This also a good lesson for our companies that before this always tend to prefer foreign labour to locals and not investing enough in high tech to replace or reduce labour requirements. If foreign labour are needed in the future, better to import from neighboring countries, not from far away places to avoid similar problems.


2021-12-09 09:42 | Report Abuse

This counter is not the type that will simply go limit up and then limit down. WZ1 is in the process of changing it's biz direction with the entry of new biz together with impressive new shareholders. This will bode well for WZ1 going forward!


2021-12-07 11:52 | Report Abuse

Just wondering why this Andy Hall so concerned about foreign workers here? Why don't he take a look at the issues of labour in say Bangladesh, India, Nepal act ? Who actually pay him? Surely he does not do it out of good intention using his own money, after all he has to earn a living and he has a good and expansive lifestyle to fund unlike the typical cheap labour!

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2021-12-04 09:00 | Report Abuse

On the other hand, these workers are not grateful that they get employment in Malaysia and no body were forcing them to come here to work here. Most of the exploitations were actually done by their own fellow country men during recruitment that involve among other thing lending money at usurious rates to these workers.
In their own countries these so called forced labour can't get jobs and the working conditions are far worst than here.
I must state that I am against any forms exploitation, and labour must be treated with respect and fairly paid. What is surprising however, many well known international clothing brands for example, are using very cheap labour working in horrible and unsafe factories in for example Bangladesh and elsewhere too, but we don't often hear from these importer countries banning these imports?


2021-12-04 08:43 | Report Abuse

Delay in getting cash due to Bursa was closed on 3 Dec. Thank to not so clever minister. Government servants have been staying at home due to cover 19 for almost 2 years, but still want to declare another day off?


2021-12-03 16:45 | Report Abuse

@Johnzhang,PP investors are not simpletons otherwise how come they got chosen and able to subscribe those new shares? Just take a look at the stock price of Cyparks. What if these investors sold their shares or short them when the price were above the current low price just quite recently and then cover or buy back via PP. We know the price for PP share will always be at a discount and the management can wait for the "right price" to fix the PP share's price.

News & Blogs

2021-12-03 16:07 | Report Abuse

Availability of cheap labour will not encourage the industries to be more efficient and investing more in technology. Salary for labour has not kept up with the cost of living and the gap between the workers at the bottom are huge and the gap continue to increase. These issues if not recognized and addressed urgently will have social, economic and political consequences, sooner or later.

News & Blogs

2021-12-03 14:10 | Report Abuse

Malaysia addiction to foreign has been mentioned again and again for many years already and yet we continue to have more and more foreign laborers despite the fact that many Malaysians are jobless.
Many employees prefer to employ foreign workers as these workers can be easier to control apart from being "cheap". In addition there exist an industry to supply labour to countries like Malaysia. There are many recruiting agents in both in Malaysia and in the foreign labour countries that greatly benefit from import and export of labour. Even the medical sector that provide health screenings and testings equally benefit from this industry. And of course some politicians and even civil servants had some thing to gains in the biz of foreign labour.
A lot of people apart from employers themselves got some thing to gain from this biz of foreign labour. No wonder Malaysia continue to prefer foreign labour. Yet many of our own people are working in foreign countries like Singapore, Australia etc.


2021-12-02 18:12 | Report Abuse

Just keep in mind that Mustakim is the one running the show in KPower!


2021-12-02 17:36 | Report Abuse

Are we sure that Mustakin is the one being conned? Not the many of us that simply believe without thinking and greedy are the real ones being conned? Conned by our own naivety and greed!


2021-12-02 17:30 | Report Abuse

In investing or biz, just like in our own life, sometimes we win, other times we lose. Must accept the reality and move on.


2021-12-02 17:17 | Report Abuse

We should move on to find similarly misunderstood and hence likely undervalued like MMC. Fortunately there are a no of them but most people are attracted or prefer to chase whatever popular or the stock du jour.


2021-12-02 06:26 | Report Abuse

Never let emotions and irrationalities guiding your investments. Let others lose their heads but keep yours' !