
Karlos | Joined since 2018-07-13

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2021-10-01 12:16 | Report Abuse

EPF had been buying this counter steady for some time already


2021-10-01 11:15 | Report Abuse

Taking private or not is not really important as KPJ is still much unappreciated and undervalued at current prices although Johor Corp the controlling shareholder has indicated that it is considering taking KPJ private before Covid 19 appeared. KPJ owned and operated the largest no of hospitals in Malaysia and also operates hospitals in Thailand, Indonesia and Bangladesh. It also involves in medical training college and retirement homes in Australia.


2021-10-01 09:02 | Report Abuse

@mni. You are right about Cypark gearing/debts and its cash flows at the present time. Cypark is putting a lot of capital to mainly green and environmental related projects which need big capital and take some time to develop. However when these projects are completed and operated, these projects will bring in ample and robust cash flows and lucrative profits as these projects are backed by long term purchase agreements for example with TNB in the case for power projects for normally a duration of 21 years. On top Cypark in still in the growth stage with more projects expected to come and this continue to need more capital funding.
However later on, Cypark will be reaping huge amount of robust cash flows and good profits. This counter is not for some one to expect quick speculative profit but for serious investors who understand Cypark business and its business models. Not surprising if you look at the shareholding structure to find that Cypark is virtually being owned by the insiders (Management and Directors) and institutions.


2021-09-30 15:45 | Report Abuse

Now a group of buyers collecting any offer at 195 or below.


2021-09-30 14:54 | Report Abuse

This MMC deal is a win-win for both the Offeror and the minority shareholders many of whom been suffering due to very depressed price for long time. Now this SCR provide good opportunity to exit, probably with some gains as well.


2021-09-30 14:49 | Report Abuse

@Benhoben, you are absolutely right on many others talking about and doing so many MOUs but nothing materialized at the end.


2021-09-30 12:06 | Report Abuse

Let us move on to other counters. There are many highly misunderstood and thus undervalued.


2021-09-30 12:03 | Report Abuse

And those who simply believe such amours need to be examined!


2021-09-30 12:00 | Report Abuse

Best just look at official stock prices ! After all we do all our transactions purely based on price, not based on other things.


2021-09-30 11:52 | Report Abuse

No real need to know official result lah!


2021-09-30 11:50 | Report Abuse

Any how Fortune Favours the Braves !


2021-09-30 11:46 | Report Abuse

Official result has to be carefully scrutinized and properly audited especially in this case of some one taking an important and strategic company private. Some parties may even try to contest the validity of the whole thing. I am not suggesting in any way this is happening here.


2021-09-30 11:34 | Report Abuse

Now the country is opening up, time to go for well deserved travels and funs. Thank you the Offeror and the minority share holders.


2021-09-30 11:30 | Report Abuse

Very happy making some quick intraday gains.


2021-09-30 11:29 | Report Abuse

Well done and well deserved to those who were rational and not listening to rumors and illogical arguments etc. Easy gains to them all.


2021-09-30 11:17 | Report Abuse

If fails, the Offeror can now collect cheaper shares below offer price ! Big loss to minority shareholders.


2021-09-30 11:13 | Report Abuse

Attend the meeting just to collect door gifts and quarreling with directors why no food to tapau ?


2021-09-30 11:00 | Report Abuse

Companies should stop giving gifts as it attract wrong crowds, should instead give good dividends to attract wright people or investors


2021-09-30 10:57 | Report Abuse

@Johnzhang. Most of attendees at AGMs or EGMs were for door gifts and foods ! Some companies make the mistakes giving gifts or food attracting the wrong crowds hustling into these meetings. Many bringing in all sorts of people as proxies to get maximum no of gifts!


2021-09-29 17:25 | Report Abuse

@ValueInvesting, you caught them red handed !


2021-09-29 17:23 | Report Abuse

Yes best to give your proxy to the Chair to vote on your behalf.


2021-09-29 16:02 | Report Abuse

Never listen to any rumor in investing. Use your own understanding and be rational at all time.


2021-09-29 15:59 | Report Abuse

Yes, if the Proposal fails, minority shareholders have more to lose and the Offeror may even gains by buying more MMC shares below RM 2


2021-09-29 15:51 | Report Abuse

@raven, be careful it it fails for whatever reason price may even go pass the offer price!


2021-09-29 15:49 | Report Abuse

Any how we all, except those that sold recently, are finally a happy lot!


2021-09-29 15:46 | Report Abuse

@WenJun, I though you predict if it fails, price will exceed the offer price?


2021-09-29 15:14 | Report Abuse

Then why the price of MMC dropped recently ? If SCR passed, it will rise to RM 2, if fails it may go over RM 2 ?


2021-09-29 14:55 | Report Abuse

The Offeror has more to gain if this offer fails and the minority share holders have more to lose!


2021-09-29 14:44 | Report Abuse

It seems if the offer fails, the Offeror may get to take MMC private via a longer but cheaper way. Very ironic!


2021-09-29 11:21 | Report Abuse

@menotassossin. I agree on what you said. If SCR fails, the minority shareholders got nothing to gain but most probably will suffer loss. On the other hand the Offeror can buy cheaper than the failed offer price of RM 2. Take it private directly via share purchase at lower cost!
That is why I have been saying it is crazy to oppose the offer on the table now.


2021-09-29 10:31 | Report Abuse

@Johnzhang, well deserved. You have done the most rational thing!


2021-09-27 15:07 | Report Abuse

Relax, just enjoy the flight !


2021-09-27 11:00 | Report Abuse

Exactly SincereStock. As non controlling shareholders, we will gain nothing by rejecting the offer even if we believe it is unfair. There is more to lose than to gain. If those who really believe RM 2 is unfair price then just buy whatever available now below the unfair price, no need to waste time and effort to just say it is unfair. Life is short, just buy it all below the unfair price!


2021-09-27 10:38 | Report Abuse

Well always wise to remember what, Keynes, the great well known economist said that “In the long run we are all dead”


2021-09-27 10:34 | Report Abuse

In investing or trading, it not whether you are right or even wrong is the cardinal issue. It is quite simply can you make money or not out of the market. We have to be wise to admit to ourselves that the market may not want behave exactly to our own wishes. As I said it is a complex adaptive system.


2021-09-27 10:25 | Report Abuse

Finally in any market that include the stock market, we can only buy or sell at what the market offer not at what we think it should be priced. Market always disregard subjective individual opinions as the stock market, as we know it, is a complex adaptive system.


2021-09-27 10:17 | Report Abuse

Why against the proposal? If we think MMC undervalued at offer of RM 2.00, we should have bought it all quite recently at much less than RM 1.00 or even at the current price of well below RM 2.00. If RM 2.00 underpriced, certainly current price is a very good bargain. No need argue not fair at RM 2.00, just buy all the available shares currently being offered for sale at much below unfair price!


2021-09-26 21:30 | Report Abuse

The Offeror I believe must have done at the very least some homework before embarking to take MMC private as it is a large company with strategic assets, not just another small company in non strategic biz.
Earlier some years back, the same Offeror had successfully taken Malakoff in private in 2006 valuing the company some RM 2.6b and got it relisted later on.


2021-09-26 21:10 | Report Abuse

At the current price level, it will make little difference if the non interested shareholders will vote for or against the SCR as the intrinsic value of MMC is way above RM 2 anyway. Any how there is no reason for these shareholders to vote against as it may cause the price to go down in the short term. But over the longer term, MMC price may finally reflect its true value.


2021-09-24 15:12 | Report Abuse

Be careful of what you wish, you may get it !!!.


2021-09-24 10:56 | Report Abuse

Returns on investments on new solar project are still attractive for those that have strategic edge or advantage like availability lands, cheap financing and good track records. The early developers like Cyparks will however enjoy very lucrative returns on each solar project over the 21 years period via REPPA with TNB


2021-09-23 09:22 | Report Abuse

@wan161, yes Cypark can go up beyond 1.80 provided the management stop issuing cheap underpriced new shares via ESOS and Private Placements.


2021-09-22 21:10 | Report Abuse

Price was depressed today probably due to listing of 50.6 m heavily discounted new shares issued from Private Placement at the issue price of only 92 sen


2021-09-22 16:45 | Report Abuse

Yes trading below NTA but Tanco has seen a lot of interests for some time already, trading with big volume and, on plus, the controlling family continue to accumulate.


2021-09-22 09:08 | Report Abuse

A huge achievement for a small company ! Well done Tanco


2021-09-21 21:27 | Report Abuse

Tanco was awarded a contract to reclaim 120 acres of land in Melaka.


2021-09-21 08:31 | Report Abuse

Cypark is still very much undervalued but unfortunately being pushed down in price mainly due to cheaply issued shares via private placements and ESOS to the detriment of other shareholders.


2021-09-15 09:41 | Report Abuse

Continuous heavy volume indicates strong interest


2021-09-15 09:31 | Report Abuse

Good things are now all in lined finally for Eden :

; 20 MW hydro power plant already fully rehabilitated and in operation
; 30 MW thermal power plant new PPA has just be signed
; Langkawi where most of the hospitality biz of Eden is located, is the first holiday destination to
be opened
; Our political situation is now stable
; And finally the "right" people still in power

What more we need to expect ?


2021-09-15 09:10 | Report Abuse

Those willing to wait will always be rewarded !