
Karlos | Joined since 2018-07-13

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2021-12-03 16:07 | Report Abuse

Availability of cheap labour will not encourage the industries to be more efficient and investing more in technology. Salary for labour has not kept up with the cost of living and the gap between the workers at the bottom are huge and the gap continue to increase. These issues if not recognized and addressed urgently will have social, economic and political consequences, sooner or later.

News & Blogs

2021-12-03 14:10 | Report Abuse

Malaysia addiction to foreign has been mentioned again and again for many years already and yet we continue to have more and more foreign laborers despite the fact that many Malaysians are jobless.
Many employees prefer to employ foreign workers as these workers can be easier to control apart from being "cheap". In addition there exist an industry to supply labour to countries like Malaysia. There are many recruiting agents in both in Malaysia and in the foreign labour countries that greatly benefit from import and export of labour. Even the medical sector that provide health screenings and testings equally benefit from this industry. And of course some politicians and even civil servants had some thing to gains in the biz of foreign labour.
A lot of people apart from employers themselves got some thing to gain from this biz of foreign labour. No wonder Malaysia continue to prefer foreign labour. Yet many of our own people are working in foreign countries like Singapore, Australia etc.


2021-12-02 18:12 | Report Abuse

Just keep in mind that Mustakim is the one running the show in KPower!


2021-12-02 17:36 | Report Abuse

Are we sure that Mustakin is the one being conned? Not the many of us that simply believe without thinking and greedy are the real ones being conned? Conned by our own naivety and greed!


2021-12-02 17:30 | Report Abuse

In investing or biz, just like in our own life, sometimes we win, other times we lose. Must accept the reality and move on.


2021-12-02 17:17 | Report Abuse

We should move on to find similarly misunderstood and hence likely undervalued like MMC. Fortunately there are a no of them but most people are attracted or prefer to chase whatever popular or the stock du jour.


2021-12-02 06:26 | Report Abuse

Never let emotions and irrationalities guiding your investments. Let others lose their heads but keep yours' !


2021-12-01 17:37 | Report Abuse

Continued aggressive buying by Chen Khai Voon !


2021-12-01 09:58 | Report Abuse

Safer and better to accumulate on way up, avoiding catching falling knife !


2021-12-01 09:31 | Report Abuse

Cheap ESOS at 59.5 only


2021-11-30 16:33 | Report Abuse

Many innocents were attracted with similar companies like KPower. May be they expect the company can do magic within a very short time. Very surprised that many had chosen to ignore well tested companies that also participate in green energy space for already some time.
May be this is a good lesson for us not speculate blindly with full emotion and ignoring the likely reality on the ground. Even if we had chosen to use only our common sense, we would likely start questioning how can this company suddenly got so many contracts all over the places within such a very short time period?


2021-11-30 13:02 | Report Abuse

@ SincereStock. You claim you are new but your thinking is very rational and unemotional and I certainly believe you will do well investing in the stock market
There is no guru or sifu to follow but must chose what ever style that are most suitable for your own situations and inclinations.


2021-11-30 12:53 | Report Abuse

When investing in a company, we must look to the future and any thing in the past would likely to be fully discounted.
I believe the new biz together with new impressive shareholders will bring WZ1 to a good future.


2021-11-30 12:45 | Report Abuse

Most put the value on MMC at least RM 3.50 or even more. Those who are intelligent and patient enough to invest in MMC had harvested good gains and let us move on to other equally, if not more , undervalued counters. And fortunately there are many still around !


2021-11-30 12:40 | Report Abuse

Well don't blame any body for taking a good but much undervalued company such as MMC private. Many had chosen to invest or speculate companies with no real biz and ignore companies with excellent biz.
Still there are many much unappreciated and hence undervalued companies still remain listed. Try to understand their biz and biz models and the impacts on their capital structures and cashflows. Don't just simply assume companies with heavy borrowings and with negative cashflows are bad.


2021-11-26 15:35 | Report Abuse

A beginning of a down trend ?


2021-11-26 11:57 | Report Abuse

Those working for the activist and whistle blowers are foreigners who are already working inside the companies.


2021-11-26 11:26 | Report Abuse

Insiders had already began dumping the shares from 15 November already and many innocent ones must have been collecting those shares!
Regulators must investigate any possible irregularity in trading if it want to keep market fair and orderly.


2021-11-26 10:00 | Report Abuse

Almost all sellers qeuing up to sell at lowest price! Forced selling will cause more forced selling. Horrible scenario.


2021-11-26 09:50 | Report Abuse

To avoid or minimize possibility of investing in companies that may be affected by foreign labour issues, best to avoid export based companies and stick to companies that don't export their product overseas especially to more developed countries.
There are many undervalued stocks currently. It is a buyer's market now.


2021-11-26 09:44 | Report Abuse

The whole market being dragged down as there must be other companies will have issues on so called "forced labour".
The corporate sector must rethink on employing cheap foreign labour which later on proved to be troublesome and expensive. Government and politicians must take some responsibility for continuing allowing companies to get cheap and easily exploitable foreign labour. There were some politicians making big money in import of foreign labour.
Availability of cheap labour will not encourage the industry to be modernized and efficient. May be industry that need cheap unskilled labour should move out to where the cheap labour are available.
Malaysia will never move up economically if we continue running industries based on unskilled cheap kuli.


2021-11-25 17:34 | Report Abuse

So far it seems that those companies that employ laborers from India Subcontinent are being targeted regardless of which industry these companies operating. Both low tech and high tech companies are victimized.


2021-11-25 17:03 | Report Abuse

Irony isn't it. These so called exploited laborers come from the countries that has worse working conditions. They would be lucky in their own country if they can get any job there.


2021-11-25 16:50 | Report Abuse

Must understand it is the foreign workers themselves than complain of mistreatment.


2021-11-25 15:45 | Report Abuse

Even if ATA has many other customers, all of them will stop their relationship as well. So no advantage if you do not comply with certain requirements.


2021-11-25 15:33 | Report Abuse

Nothing wrong having a big first class client or customer as your major customer but must make sure your company comply with accepted practices, not exploiting cheap poor foreign workers. ATA gets what it deserve to get!


2021-11-25 15:30 | Report Abuse

Fully support your idea keown83. Our companies with the support of some politicians are in complicit to get cheap foreign labour in preference to locals. Cheap and easy to exploit poor foreigners and this been going for so long already. Must put to a stop. These companies are greedy and the politicians are corrupt.


2021-11-25 10:08 | Report Abuse

@Sneakpeek. Just look back at previous comments and use your own wise judgement!


2021-11-24 19:42 | Report Abuse

Continuous heavy dumping of KPower by the big boss !


2021-11-24 17:42 | Report Abuse

Any one taking up Rights Issue ? Not attractive at all. Wonder who would subscribe?


2021-11-24 09:15 | Report Abuse

Just take a look at the major share holders both the old and the new ones. They are nothing less than impressive.
The new entry of new biz and new major share holders will definitely bring WZ1 to a new beginning.


2021-11-23 18:21 | Report Abuse

Just hope that some people don't confuse Pestech with Pantech?.......


2021-11-23 18:13 | Report Abuse

Major shareholders are buying and mopping up the shares!


2021-11-23 18:06 | Report Abuse

So far KPower acts mainly as a contractor not a developer to amazingly large no of hydro projects won locally and overseas within a very short stint in time.


2021-11-23 17:19 | Report Abuse

Just pity those who subscribe to more than 90+ millions shares at 68 sen in Oct 2021!.....


2021-11-23 17:12 | Report Abuse

15m shares done today off market at40 sen !


2021-11-23 13:45 | Report Abuse

Still just wondering what caused the price to go south last week?


2021-11-22 17:17 | Report Abuse

However Tanco may find itself embroiled in the sand and land reclamation issues.


2021-11-22 16:37 | Report Abuse

@greenland, I fully agree with you. The biz and the biz model of Pestech is excellent.


2021-11-22 09:46 | Report Abuse

New shareholder will definitely will bring a positive change. For Benalec, any change can only bring a good fortune going forward.


2021-11-22 09:13 | Report Abuse

Continuous issuing of new shares via PP is not fair to the existing share holders as their interest will be diluted. One likely reason why Cypark share price continue to be weak.
Once Cypark stop issuing new shares via PP or cheap ESOS, the price will likely to surge up as the company is much undervalued at current price level.


2021-11-22 08:46 | Report Abuse

Sooner or later, we will know the likely reason or reasons for the falls in price.


2021-11-22 08:40 | Report Abuse

Any change can only be negative not positive.


2021-11-22 08:37 | Report Abuse

Now after Melaka Election with new faces, will there be any effect to Tanco land reclamation contract?


2021-11-19 13:58 | Report Abuse

The new WZ1 with the change of major shareholders and biz should not be compared with the like of Brahim or similar counters. This counter is certainly not for short term or over night speculative bets but for longer term investment to benefit from the injection of new businesses and the entry of new major shareholders.


2021-11-18 08:52 | Report Abuse

Wau ! Aaron Chen himself willing and choose to put his money directly in this turn around stock, there must be a be a bright future as he could have invested elsewhere. He has all the choices in front of him.
The major shareholders are very impressive especially after new biz injection and entry of personality like Aaron and others alike. The Agong himself is a major shareholder and own the shares directly and on top his family too is a major shareholder.
We can only expect good things will happen to WZ1 going forward!


2021-11-18 08:39 | Report Abuse

Strange isn't it? Good performance in the newly listed subsidiary in Cambodia and so far no bad news on the stock but prices had been plunging for a no of days already.


2021-11-17 13:19 | Report Abuse

Those who understand the biz and biz model of Cypark will find that Cypark is much undervalued. Cypark was early in the renewable energy space so it has manage to lockup very good rates in the REPPA with the off taker TNB. New rates for solar, for example, now is much less lucrative than those who manage to build solar farms earlier.
No need to worry about heavy debts and negative cash flow as Cypark need big capital to invest in its projects and Cypark still growing its biz. The profits and cash flows from these projects are virtually guarantee during the duration of REPPA.


2021-11-17 12:46 | Report Abuse

It must be something big but unexpected happening as Pestech biz so far is admirable.


2021-11-17 12:09 | Report Abuse

Bonsai Group from China will invest RM 10.6 b in an area near the Kuantan Port. Will likely have positive impact on land owned by Eden nearby.