
ToneeFa | Joined since 2020-08-03

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2021-02-09 23:08 | Report Abuse

@Ibelieve All these panic naysayers who don't even hold a share of gloves are all from jungle, who doesn't know that a corporate with staff tested positive is a fxcking New Norm now?
From UDA to EPF to Banks to Genting, to Gloves to furniture factory, Semiconductor, Sinchew, Proton etc, to ministers and even to Bursa Malaysia itself, anything new? Whichever corporates that have no positive cases are probably liars or outdated. Positive is the trend now.
09/02/2021 10:20 PM

Yup bro its a new norm now to have workers who are positive. You are right, its a trend now. Its like if you don't have Covid positive workers, you are seen as a boring and sad organisation. So having Covid positive workers make you normal and interesting.


2021-02-09 23:01 | Report Abuse

@DJoker89 Post removed. Why? Why? Why?
09/02/2021 10:23 PM

Its logical to remove any post that is illogical and nonsensical, that will waste the forum resources to store them in the digital memory, denying storage spaces for more relevant and important postings. Mr Forum like Mr Market is always right. He knows what is a good and relevant post as opposed to a nonsensical post.


2021-02-09 20:56 | Report Abuse

@DJoker89 To all naysayer, is better u guys think a better way to talk down glove's so tiring wait for 3.50 you know.

Lai harder, time is running out :)
09/02/2021 8:04 PM

Haha Djoker I think you are putting your hope too highly on this bunch of hyenas jokers to do your bidding. Our naysayers hyenas here are mostly SPM level nerds only. Anyway, we have oredi achieved nerd immunity in this forum.


2021-02-09 20:51 | Report Abuse

@katsul51 Goldberg I agree with you 100%. Thats why IB's and market makers have taken a very significant position in all glove counters. The movement upside/downside or all determined by these powerful players. Even today they can choose to close both Supermax and Top Glove at RM 6.20. They :would gradually move on when they find other counters that begin to entice them. I don't foresee they moving on to other counters or industry at least untill August 2021.
09/02/2021 8:02 PM

Don't forget you are talking about the EPS champion of 2021 and 2022. You think the IBs and Mr Market will just walk away from this counter?


2021-02-09 16:02 | Report Abuse

@Cash999 Collected more today. 120K shares for long term. Supermax has strong fundamentals and I trust the US factory strategy.
09/02/2021 3:59 PM

Good decision bro...bought at good price.


2021-02-09 15:51 | Report Abuse

@Arsenewenger8383 Dont miss out.. Big discount for CNY.. sharing is caring... hehehe...
09/02/2021 3:44 PM

Hi Arse, your discount doesn't look too attractive. I rather buy some more underwear. Can u give at RM 5 before close ka? That will be a good CNY discount.


2021-02-09 14:46 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-02-09 14:42 | Report Abuse

Kossan Join Telegram GoGoGo Kossan to find out why JP Morgan is the only culprit for the current glove counters price chaos

F off JP Morgan. Very high target price by most analysts. This is why me and you are still loyal with Kossan. Do not let JP to give up our holdings. Understand?
09/02/2021 2:25 PM

Amongst the Big4, Kossan is probably the most vulnerable for cheap takeover.


2021-02-09 14:37 | Report Abuse

@Maxsuper This counter is dead. Forget about 10rm it won't even go back to 8rm....whatever facts n data that you think can make it back to 10rm the market already know. So why still dropping 5 straight days? U think big funds don't like a 18B counter with 5B cash soon?... Up 1 sen also hard. Up 1 sen need to clear 100 lots. How much is 100 lots? 630000rm....not 1 day but everyday money is needed to sustain the price let alone make it go up. Do the right thing...
09/02/2021 2:20 PM

If I agree with you this counter is dead, would you just say the eulogy and farewell and don't comeback here after that? After all the counter is dead as far as you are concerned.


2021-02-09 14:23 | Report Abuse

@Marketsifu @ToneeFa I think you are in the wrong forum. You should go to the pennnnniss stock forums and goreng your pisang there Mr Pennnnnnissifu.

Because I pity most of the youngster or newbie being mislead by most if the glove loyal fan. Glove good fundamental but share price drop, you try to ask your self what happen?? The answer 90% people not looking good at that counter, why still wanna mislead or cheat people buy glove. I pity most of them being mislead by the words fundamental. That's why I don't want Hengyuan 2.0 happen again.
09/02/2021 1:56 PM

Mr Marketpennnnisifu , I think your concern is misplaced. Your analice is incorrect, There's no youngsters or newbies in this counter, mostly old birds with too much extra cash lying around. Nobody here needs your pity nor seeks for it. So you no need to pretend to be a delusional hero trying to save your imagined victims. Save your effort here and go somewhere cheap to goreng your pisang at Chow Kit road back lanes.
09/02/2021 2:19 PM


2021-02-09 13:46 | Report Abuse

@glovefinish U all crazy glove stock lovers here without medical and bio science knowledge don't pretend to be smarter than the scientists and health experts to deny the vaccine effectiveness since the vaccines have gone through a lot of experimental trials and medical approvals from world wide medical authorities. It must have effectiveness only the matter of up to what level its efficacy. Different kinds of vaccine have different level of efficacy. Let to see its effectiveness in second half of this year when many countries gone through vaccination.
09/02/2021 1:33 PM

Have you volunteered to be guinea pig for vaccination offered by our Gov't.? Don't just talk kok but show your support for vaccines with actions. Then come here to tell us how effective the vaccine is, Also you need to insist the inoculator should not wear gloves, since your are allergic to gloves and not vaccine.


2021-02-09 13:40 | Report Abuse

This website tracking on all the deaths occured due to vaccination.


2021-02-09 12:28 | Report Abuse

@Marketsifu Many people said my method of invest is gamble or depends on luck.. (All in at Penny stock, PN 17, no fundamental company) & never buy glove (good fundamental). In fact I not depends on luck, I trade based on chart for penny stock.. Most of the investment journey 90% win even I just started invest in March 2020.

As for glove, why wanna wasted time invest in NO TREND, DOWN TREND, KEEP PRESSURE BY IB RSS?????? You said you buy glove stock but the price everyday drop 3-7%.. For me this so called naïve, & also consider part of gamble by hoping the share price will up one day. Both penny or glove also (2 x 5 = dua kali lima) but at least penny stock you can earn 100-1000% profit compare with glove the most is 200% max..

Being a smart investors, don't listen to those old generation comment. Now 2020 or 2021 is NEW GENERATION type of investment. Those looking at Fundamental & PE or NTA is outdated. Maybe future this trend will come back (looking at PE,NTA, fundamental) but not now..

Please open your eyes big big, most of the people invest based on fundamental is losing money because their method something wrong. BUY & HOLD!! You need to hold how long?? 1 Year, 2 Year or 5 Years in order to earn 100-200%????

We must follow the trend, in year 2020 the trend is penny stock, goreng goreng!!
09/02/2021 12:14 PM

I think you are in the wrong forum. You should go to the pennnnniss stock forums and goreng your pisang there Mr Pennnnnnissifu.


2021-02-09 12:24 | Report Abuse

Citadel00 we just feeling funny when seeing u guys trapped cannot meh hahahahahah
09/02/2021 12:14 PM

Just feel funny you should laugh like a hyena. Wait till the black panther ambush and trap ur gang.


2021-02-09 12:13 | Report Abuse

Haha.. so many naysayers hyenas are roaming, barking, howling and pooping all over place. This is such positive development for Supermax. Hyenas will only gather where there is plenty of food.


2021-02-04 21:19 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers @ToneeFa My point is endemics are not justifications for everlasting glove demand at cut-throat prices
04/02/2021 3:05 PM

As I mentioned about endemics earlier I was not specifically talking about glove demand. On issue of glove demand its probably a little more speculative. I would say high ASP should peak by 2H21. 1H22 shall see ASP plateau and 2H22 would gradually decrease. CY23 glove demand may continue to come from Govts and private sector stock piling together with higher general SOP in private sectors.. For OBM companies like Supermax, direct long term supply contracts to various Gov'ts in advance countries will be able to sustain higher ASP and profit margin than OEM producers. Post pandemic, Supermax will be in better position to maintain higher ASP and net profit. On top of that Supermax expansion both locally and overseas, may see their production capacity reach ard 60 bil gloves p.a by 2H22, which is almost 2.5X their current capacity.


2021-02-04 14:48 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers Examples of endemic: flu influenza, chicken pox

Just b’coz scientists call covid an endemic, doesnt mean it will be out of control forever..endemic sounds big/dangerous but its just a scientific term
04/02/2021 2:34 PM

Matter of different degree of endemic. Initial stages of the virus fading out by end 2023 into 2024, may still be characterized by many small breakouts at different parts of the world with different variants, which would then slowly reduce in frequency over time. Of course the vaccine technology and updates will need to continue to evolve and track the development of the virus closely to make sure they catch every variant and mutations that can potentially escape the vaccines at early stage. Our hope is that there won't be an overlapping 2nd pandemic of a different pathogen in these 2-3 years. It would be unimaginable to human civilisation!


2021-02-04 14:30 | Report Abuse

@JimRogers I'm the legendary investor Jim Rogers, warrant buffet is my friend, we have been monitoring Supermax for long long time.

we were shocked by Supermax...such a damn good company... we see the potential as high as Tesla, we will allocate 5% of our global fund to all in Supermax at appropriate price... so please drop more.
04/02/2021 2:13 PM

Hei Jim pls tell your friend who are warrant buffet owners to pls play fair la, reward investors who invested their hard earned money in the warrants fairly la, rather than denying them their rightful rewards. At least then everybody will call them Investment Benevolent rather than Investment Baastarrds.


2021-02-04 14:21 | Report Abuse

@Zen Cool New variants of the virus, for example, could create a new wave of infections, even in people who have been vaccinated or previously exposed. That could slow progress toward herd immunity – or, if the virus successfully evades vaccines, it could put herd immunity out of reach.
04/02/2021 1:55 PM

Even though everyone hopes for normalcy by 2022, the thing is this virus has proved to be more intelligent than most naysayers here, making it difficult to eradicate it easily. So a more realistic timing for some form of normalcy may only be achieved towards end of 2023 into 2024. Maybe then we can feel safer to go out and enjoy the things in life we took for granted before the pandemic. Likely 2024-2025 the virus would still be endemic but fading out slowly becoming seasonal infection.


2021-02-04 13:54 | Report Abuse

@glovefinish Funds know that glove counters including supermx are now in short selling when they push up the price it might be pressed down by short sellers and a lot of trapped ones will throw tickets to them. Thus instead of pushing up the price to sell they rather sell it slowly at current price for profit taking since the current market price still higher than the price they bought.
04/02/2021 1:36 PM

I know you are just doing your job trolling everyday here, getting paid RM2/posting. But maybe your boss didnt realize you are doing a lazy job for him by simply recycling the same shiiit day in day out to bore us to death. I m writing this post and making a complain here to your boss not to hire low IQ ppl to be a troll. He should not be stingy and pay more to get PHD level troll to whip out highly convincing arguments that can even make long term bag holders to sell.


2021-02-04 13:37 | Report Abuse

@see2sea @ToneeFa, thanks foe your input
04/02/2021 1:18 PM

no prob, today found a bit free time to talk kok a bit :)


2021-02-04 13:34 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-02-04 13:31 | Report Abuse

@see2sea @Taipan

It was peaked at more than 750k cases per day during winter.

With Singapore small population as an example of using mRNA Pzifer vaccine and assurance from the gov. We will see the results by end 2021

Hopefully everyone can go back to their normal life by 2022
04/02/2021 1:11 PM

We all are definitely hoping for that. Just a point to consider, Spanish flu took 26 months to achieve herd immunity for a global population of 1.5 bil but human paid a big price with 50 mil death. It was a natural process of herd immunity. Now we approach this pandemic with lockdowns and warp speed vaccines with a population of 7.8 bil ( 5 times the population during Spanish Flu). Question:is it realistic to expect the pandemic to end within 26 months? Or will it take longer? Could lockdowns have the effect of prolonging the achieving of herd immunity? Can current vaccines be effective against the mutating virus? My own take is that by mid 2022, we maybe be half way to achieving herd immunity. A more realistic time to achieve herd immunity and normalcy maybe by end 2023 to mid 2024. By then Covid may be less pathogenic but may continue to mutate and become endemic.


2021-02-04 13:14 | Report Abuse

@Maxsuper No point saying what's Super fair value is or it's undervalued.... the market can decide for you n now the market decides that Super is valued at 6.64...
04/02/2021 12:30 PM

So be it la, apa lu susah? Why u need to bark everyday Supermax is over valued? Just let the market decide la.


2021-02-04 13:09 | Report Abuse

@DJoker89 Only scammer will openly upload lady photo and pretend to be one.
04/02/2021 12:59 PM

Likely its gemfinder's pondan alter ego,


2021-02-04 13:07 | Report Abuse

TehLeeJiin1 ask yourself, if you found a hidden gem, will you keep asking other people to buy, or you will diam diam buy? better stay away from this counter
04/02/2021 12:54 PM

As we always suspected gemfinder is a cute young girl. Bro Ibelieve your dish.


2021-02-04 13:03 | Report Abuse

@see2sea Looks like the daily new cases have declined sharply.

Can any sifu advise is it due to the lockdown? Or efficacy of the vaccines? Or unreported cases? Or new strain of covid is reported in another worldometer?

04/02/2021 12:09

No need sifu to answer this question, we can think for ourselves. I have been wondering too, but I think its combination of lockdowns in many countries and also due to vaccines. However, the effect of lockdowns surprising did not flatten the curve as quickly as should be expected. So the many new variants have also played a part to keep the numbers higher than expected. Even Fauci said he expects that the new variants will reduce vaccine efficacy overtime. Which means once the lockdown ends, the numbers may quickly shoot up again.


2021-02-04 12:52 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-02-04 00:32 | Report Abuse

Assuming SUPERMAX is able to generate around:

2HFY2021 - RM3.5billions operating CASH FLOW

FY2022 - around RM5 billions operating CASH FLOW (it is highly unlikely to report lesser earning that FY2021, but let's just be more conservative in our estimation of profits)

FY2023- around RM2billion operating CASH FLOW. (NORMALIZED PROFIT, although the production capacity will be doubled, but the ASP might be dropping slowly but not sharply as guided by the management and most of the others glove bosses from the industry, I assume by FY2023, the profit they make is 40% of FY2022, again a very conservative figures).

Assuming that SUPERMAX does not distribute any dividends or share buyback, by the end of FY2022, it should have at least RM12 billion of net cash (up until FY2022) in bank.

Based on the current market cap of RM17.5Billions, RM12billions of it will be net cash, hence in order for the interested party to take SUPERMAX private, they just need to fork out roughly RM5.5 billions to do so.

It is able to generate an estimation of RM2.5 billions (post-covid), it only take them at most 3 years (Based on EV/EBITDA ratio) to get back the amount of invested capital they spent to take SUPERMAX private. Not to mentioned that with the billions of ringgit in bank, if the management utilized the money well to build more factory, it will yield greater return, or even put into Fixed Deposit also able to generate at least RM200 millions of interest income, which is almost doubled their entire year of earning for FY2019 (estimated RM12 billions x 2% = RM240 Millions)

As a conclusion, despite being so conservative in the profit estimation, I really don't get it when others are saying SUPERMAX is overvalued. Please comment below if I am wrong.


I reread the above article and realised that it would make sense for Stanley to take Supermax private. Stanley and wife transferred their shares into a Sdn Bhd oredi. They owned around 38% of total NOSH. Together with other associate and friendly shareholders, they may have control up to 50% of NOSH. Which means they only need to acquire another 50% thru MGO to take the company private. That equals to 1.287bil shares x say MGO at RM 10.0 = RM 12.87 bil.

"Assuming that SUPERMAX does not distribute any dividends or share buyback, by the end of FY2022, it should have at least RM12 billion of net cash (up until FY2022) in bank."

Which means Stanley and family can pay off the loan of RM 12.87 bil by 2023. Let me ask you which bank wouldn't lend him money to take Supermax private? Maybe that's why we have not heard of SGX dual listing updates so far. Is there a change of direction ? Looks like shorties are doing Stanley a favor by depressing the price.


2021-02-04 00:04 | Report Abuse

@liewtz06 @glovefinish, why are you so concerned? There are so many so called recovery theme stocks despite all the good news of vaccines, MCO 2.0 3.0 without closing down of economies, recovery in sight, but share price still not moving as well other than technology counters which are following gloves trajectory soon. The sentiments should be on their side but share price still sideways. So you are suggesting to put money in FD?
03/02/2021 11:47 PM

Bro liewtz06, no need to take what the naysayer dogs say so seriously. In fact I m beginning to feel that we have mis-labelled them as dogs. I have dogs and I find them rather loyal and often have better heart than human. the naysayers are more closely related to hyenas in terms of behavior. So we should call them naysayer hyenas.


2021-02-03 23:57 | Report Abuse

@Mabel Where is RM 4 TG and Supermax?

If you cannot deliver say so lah...

No need to bluff all us here..

Now Blonde hair already turn while oledi..

So Pussy...

03/02/2021 11:12 PM

Mabel, no need to stress over unfulfilled promises by naysayers dogs. All they have are empty talks. Don't need to stress until you turned platinum blonde. Just relax and take comfort that they continue to join the glove party here although the only drink they drink is sour grape juice mixed with lime.


2021-02-03 23:49 | Report Abuse

@Ibelieve Naysayers here are the best critics, Supermax has never lack of one, a little correction and they cried like the sky falling down.

Kao kao zan, mo pong chan. They thought that by talking down Supermax and other gloves then only their vaccine stock, or bank stock, or O&G, or their tech stocks can go up. You can see how narrow-minded and childish they are.


I stay in supermax but probably don't wanna come back here to see the Retards anymore. Supermax will always surprise me.

Just in case I don't see you guys here next week, Gong Xi Fa Cai, and remember to use Nitrile Gloves as angpow, people would know you have won big from gloves stocks. Haha, another structured change of usage.
03/02/2021 9:35 PM

Bro I believe, we should be glad the naysayers dogs are still around. I m comforted by their presence. I will really worry once they all disappear for good. We need their presence as verification that glove party is still very much alive. The more intense their attacks are, the more relieved I'm that glove stocks still mean so much to the sharks. I used to be upset but now I m happy to see them bark and poop around.


2021-02-03 23:38 | Report Abuse

@Goldberg Just ignore the CLOWN- Complete fool & delusional.

Posted by liewtz06 > Feb 3, 2021 7:49 PM | Report Abuse

@Groundzero is a new account created today to attack gloves. Obviously.
Anyway, I'm sure he's smarter than all the gloves bosses who spent hundreds of million if not billion to SBB at higher current price without knowing their shares are worthless according to @groundzero.
03/02/2021 8:16 PM

Guys, the irony is when there are still many naysayer dogs barking and pooping around here means the counter is still relevant to warrant so much attention. I will only sell if there is no more naysayer dogs roaming and barking here. As long as there are still here means glove is not finish nor habis but very much alive. If for 1 whole week not even 1 naysayer dog bark here means glove party is really over for good oredi. So as long as they are still barking and pooping around means glove party is very much alive, that's why there are here to enjoy the party together. So better #Hold-tight-tight your party tickets lest the doggies may snatch them from your hand.


2021-02-02 22:11 | Report Abuse

Assuming SUPERMAX is able to generate around:

2HFY2021 - RM3.5billions operating CASH FLOW

FY2022 - around RM5 billions operating CASH FLOW (it is highly unlikely to report lesser earning that FY2021, but let's just be more conservative in our estimation of profits)

FY2023- around RM2billion operating CASH FLOW. (NORMALIZED PROFIT, although the production capacity will be doubled, but the ASP might be dropping slowly but not sharply as guided by the management and most of the others glove bosses from the industry, I assume by FY2023, the profit they make is 40% of FY2022, again a very conservative figures).

Assuming that SUPERMAX does not distribute any dividends or share buyback, by the end of FY2022, it should have at least RM12 billion of net cash (up until FY2022) in bank.

Based on the current market cap of RM17.5Billions, RM12billions of it will be net cash, hence in order for the interested party to take SUPERMAX private, they just need to fork out roughly RM5.5 billions to do so.

It is able to generate an estimation of RM2.5 billions (post-covid), it only take them at most 3 years (Based on EV/EBITDA ratio) to get back the amount of invested capital they spent to take SUPERMAX private. Not to mentioned that with the billions of ringgit in bank, if the management utilized the money well to build more factory, it will yield greater return, or even put into Fixed Deposit also able to generate at least RM200 millions of interest income, which is almost doubled their entire year of earning for FY2019 (estimated RM12 billions x 2% = RM240 Millions)

As a conclusion, despite being so conservative in the profit estimation, I really don't get it when others are saying SUPERMAX is overvalued. Please comment below if I am wrong.


2021-02-02 22:07 | Report Abuse

@Agjl Germfinder is lostbod speech and mouth staff with long dxxx. Cant comment cant talk. Only can cut and paste. So pls forgive him for his incapability to respond to everyone tonite.

Wait til tmrw if drop by 5 sen, his or her COFIN will be out. Today germfinder is busy with inari..not sure to sell or to hold or to add but seeing super going up towards the end is hurting like hell....
02/02/2021 7:27 PM

yup bro Agjl, I m encouraged by the intensity of attack on Supermax. Its really amazing to see all kinds of naysayers dogs barking and howling nonsense, and many media and IB analysts whacking Supermax. These naysayers IB dogs are likely to be paid by number of postings in the forum. Maybe lately their price per post has been double up, that's why they are so hard working. Haven't seen such intense attack previously as happened in last few days.


2021-01-31 00:37 | Report Abuse

@vespa guys as much as we want to profit let us also hope the vaccines work to save lives It could be our loved ones.
31/01/2021 12:32 AM

That is all we hope for but looks like the Covid is a very stubborn virus.


2021-01-31 00:34 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-01-31 00:30 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-01-31 00:26 | Report Abuse

@gemfinder No lockdown la. U just dreaming only
31/01/2021 12:20 AM

Pls go and wash your hands after your anal swab test.


2021-01-31 00:23 | Report Abuse

@Izwan1985 Wait on Monday, Gov going to announce strictier lock down like early one that we had. 5k cases everyday and keep increasing, gov cannot do anything now. They in mess.. Vaccine is not a magic medicine that can stop the virus from keep spreading like crazy..
31/01/2021 12:18 AM

Yup I heard tmr PM will be announcing at 9pm to extend the MCO for another 2 weeks. Hopefully, he will also announce another 6 months loan moratorium with immediate effect.


2021-01-30 23:36 | Report Abuse


Running Dog media is doing ots works against TG. Trying to put off the mowmentum....sad
30/01/2021 10:34 PM

The attack is relentless and merciless. Crazy that our own ppl has the heart to destroy one of the pride of Malaysia's world class manufacturer. Really sad.


2021-01-30 23:32 | Report Abuse

"It's a different pandemic now," said Dr. Dan Barouch, a researcher at Harvard University Medical School's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston who helped develop the J&J vaccine.

Barouch said there are now a wide variety of new variants circulating, including in Brazil, South Africa and even the United States, that are substantially resistant to vaccine-induced antibodies.

Pfizer Chief Executive Albert Bourla said there was "a high possibility" that emerging variants may eventually render the company's vaccine ineffective.

"This is not the case yet ... but I think it's a very high likelihood that one day that will happen," Bourla said at the World Economic Forum. The drugmaker is considering whether its vaccine needs to be altered to defend against the South African variant.

"Clearly, the mutants have a diminishing effect on the efficacy of the vaccines," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, said in a briefing. "We can see that we are going to be challenged."

Researchers almost confirming that the variant mutations will eventually escape the vaccines. The vaccine makers will be very happy to alter their vaccines 6 months from now and start vaccination programs all over again. Glovemakers and investors will be sad that more ppl will have to continue to die, but luckily glovemakers will try hard to produce enough gloves to save lives.


2021-01-30 23:23 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-01-30 22:40 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-01-30 22:04 | Report Abuse

@investmalysia Tan Sri used to buy RM70 million worth of shares everyday for almost a month. That time topglove was around RM7 something if not mistaken. Yet topglove share price still drop to RM6. Why is that so? Think about it.
30/01/2021 9:49 PM

Hello if you are so smart and have everything figured out that glove co are not worth investing, why are you still here talking? Here is only for low IQ ppl to entertain and chat with each other. You should join the super smarts in recovery stocks forum.


2021-01-30 19:30 | Report Abuse

@Ibelieve The point is, some guys just come in FOMO Super like cari ayam only, how much can you expect the ayam to do for you? After eject, you expect the ayam to be your wife? mistress? bear baby for you? Somemore must bear a son instead of daughter? Or free fcku for the next trip? Some people hoot from JB all the way to Penang, then hoot until Dannok, Kolok, Batam and beyond to Chang Pin and further, do you think your first ayam in KL that pretend talk heart with you still waiting in her room alone to wait you come back? Always the case, your favourite ayam is on another taukeh's Mercs as soon as the next morning. Or do you expect her to prepare big Angpao to lure you back? This is the point.
30/01/2021 6:48 PM

Bro there is no doubt you are an expert ayam consultant from North to South. I have difficulty trying to reply to your this posting as I m out of my depth on your this analogy. Been to Danok and suffice to say its an interesting place. But you are right that some ppl expectation here on Supermax are way off from being realistic, with a distorted sense of entitlement. You certainly have a very creative way of stating your case. Haha!


2021-01-30 19:05 | Report Abuse

@chief999 Chasebro, u sure 270m? Where u get the info? I tot 75m?
RM270M "Other Cost and Expenses"
30/01/2021 6:36 PM

These one-off payments are expected due to the on going expansion programs. More will come by next QR.


2021-01-30 14:58 | Report Abuse


In laboratory results reported before the new Novavax and Johnson & Johnson trial data was in, researchers from the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center at Columbia University found that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were 6.5 to 8.6 -fold less potent against the South Africa mutation.

“Looking at our results you cannot say this would doom the vaccine. That would be wrong. But I think it is equally wrong to say everything is rosy.” said virologist David Ho, who leads the lab. ”We allowed the virus to infect 100 million people already, so that is 100 million chances for mutation.”
30/01/2021 2:44 PM

Human have around 50 or so vaccine/viral research labs but Covid have around 100 million research labs and their research lab numbers is growing by the day. Human will have to continue to catch up with Covid for the next few years.


2021-01-30 14:51 | Report Abuse

@Ron90 dont forget la.. not just PE, trend also very important.. the main problem now, all investors expect profit to drop started from 2022, nothing else but due to vaccines. Thats why even PE 10.. olso no use one. only the sentimen would puch this stock. Last time even PE=40 pon ppl still buying.

why cimb TP just $11, when it suppose to be values over $20.
30/01/2021 2:33 PM

Pls listen carefully, Supermax only suitable for long term players looking for growth stocks. If you are short term player looking for quick gains, pls switch to TG for good cash dividend payout. Once you do that, then you will reduce your frustrations and disappointment. Short term players and naysayers dogs should all sell Super and buy TG. That will ensure you all live a happier existence rather than being grumpy and barky everyday.


2021-01-30 14:42 | Report Abuse

@ChaseBros No of shares : 2.721 billion

FYQ12021 (Ju1 30 - Sep 30 2020) PAT : RM810M
FYQ22021 (Oct 1 - Dec 31 2020) PAT : RM1,070M*
FYQ32021 (Jan 1 - Mar 31 2021) PAT : RM1,600M, assuming +30% following TG guideline
FYQ42021 (Apr 1 - Jun 30 2021) PAT : RM1,600M

* The Profit After Tax (PAT) could have touched RM1,300M if not for additional RM270M "Other Cost and Expenses" which is likely associated with one time donation to Malaysia government, foreign worker remediation fee and Covid-19 related expenses.

Total PAT for FY2021 is 5,080M, thereby Earning Per Share (EPS) is 5.080B / 2721 B = 1.87.

NOTE : The above calculation disregarding additional 10.25 billion gloves which will be added to existing production capacity progressively till end of CY2021, thereby the suggested number above is very likely far below actual. Existing capacity is 26.175, thus 10.25 billion would translate to approx +40% capacity.

At RM6.80, the Forward P/E is 6.80 / 1.87 = 3.6, which is ridiculously low. If following CIMB-CGS suggested 15 P/E, then the fair value is 15 x 1.87 = (RM28.05). Just hold for another two quarters for handsome share appreciation, even if 50% discounted.
30/01/2021 2:03 PM

Yup, we should expect Net Profit to reach close to RM 2B/qtr by end CY2021 or 2QFY22. We may be looking at EPS RM 2.50 by 4Q2022, if the virus continue to mutate and escape the vaccines for the next 1-2 years.