
ToneeFa | Joined since 2020-08-03

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2021-01-17 16:57 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-01-17 13:27 | Report Abuse


Do you think the Viking still take Aestetupe as way to Valhalla? Or now with Pfizer?
17/01/2021 12:30 PM

Haha...bro, Pfizer is physically the more honorable way to Valhalla, at least your body doesn't splatter all over.


2021-01-17 12:19 | Report Abuse

@eddie1884 Maybe that could be the reason why the shutting down manufacturing.

Italy Warns Pfizer on Supply Cut (3:03 p.m. NY)
Italy’s virus emergency czar Domenico Arcuri said Friday he’s warned Pfizer that it faces potential unspecified action for temporarily reducing shipments of its Covid-19 vaccine to Italy and other European countries.

“Today Pfizer unilaterally announced that starting from Monday it will deliver to our country about 29% fewer vaccine vials than the schedule it had shared,” Arcuri said in a statement demanding the restoration of the original allocation. Arcuri added that he “asked Pfizer to review its intentions and hopes not to be forced to have to otherwise protect the right to health of Italian citizens.”
17/01/2021 1:46 AM

Its likely the increased in the death report would have given important data to Pfizer on what had gone wrong in some of its vaccines. So they need to do further tweaking to improve on the quality. I think we can do a general analogy to relate the vaccine manufacturing to car manufacturing, where especially its a pilot version of a product. Most of us can probably remember the first proton that was rushed out into the market. The first batch had so many defects. Some are minor defects such as power window regulators ( the most common and annoying one), head lamps issue, signal indicators, central locking system and so on..then you also have more serious ones like gear box and brake system problems, which can become safety issues. The worst would be the engine defects which can render the car totally useless. I believe these Covid vaccines would have such quality control issue too, since there are created at warp speed and being mass produced at warp speed too. So they will also contain errors and defects during production process some are minor defects which may cause harmless reactions and allergies and some can be more serious defects which may cause bell palsy conditions or other paralysis. And then more serious defects than that can probably cause death, especially to ppl with existing medical conditions. I think when they take the time and care they can produce "perfect vaccine" which contain correct mRNA genomes instructions and right purity of the content, such "perfect vaccine" would probably be safe and work well. But in a rushed condition of producing hundreds of millions of vials in a month, anything can go wrong and there isn't time for quality control checking to detect the defective batches. So even if 1-2% defective vaccines escape detection, that would be serious oredi. Maybe now they are discovering the % could be higher than acceptable. So maybe they need to shutdown to improvise the production system to reduce the defects within the high speed production capacity.

Although they can continue to tweak the production system to improve on the quality control, 2 other factors will still pose the risk to vaccines: 1. the unknown long term effect of these vaccines and 2. after say 6 months of vaccination having deployed and if the virus then mutated to escape the vaccine, does that mean we are back to square one , where everyone would need to be re-vaccinated with the new updated vaccines?


2021-01-17 01:42 | Report Abuse

@ks5S normally norway datuk nenek can have 100 year life.
but after pfizer vaccine, life shorten by 20 years
this pfizer really screw up. Never test properly. Cost people life.
17/01/2021 12:21 AM

In November last year I oredi speculated that the vaccines companies are all out to make many billions out of this pandemic. They couldn't care less about the lives that have to be sacrificed along the way in the process of getting to the ultimate working vaccines. In the warp speed process of getting the vaccines out, they would expect some lives to be lost. The only question is how many? Maybe the rate of the deaths occurring now could be much higher than they expected, which has alarmed many potential recipients, causing higher rate of vaccine rejections.


2021-01-17 00:26 | Report Abuse

@Morpheus61 Toneefa, the bleeding at Bursa will stop once and for all if and when the paper thrash called Structured Warrants are Banned.
16/01/2021 9:47 PM

Yup Morpheus61, you should continue with your fight on this one. Meanwhile, we will need to deal with the effect of those SW.


2021-01-16 21:49 | Report Abuse

In the meantime, the pandemic is getting worse. The death toll is rising faster than ever. While it took eight months for the world to record 1 million Covid-19 deaths, the second million came in less than four months.


2021-01-16 21:39 | Report Abuse

@Goldberg Spot on Bro Omni

If we assume that gloves are used to vaccinate the entire world population, the number of gloves required to get this job done is only 34 billion (i.e., 1 pair of gloves per shot and two doses per person). We know it is impossible to vaccinate 7 billion people in one year. Should the world target to complete this exercise in 4 years, it would be a pretty tall order. That means only 8+ billion gloves are required per year for this purpose.

When we contrast this 8-billion to Kuan Kam Hon's (Hartalega) statement of 120-billion shortfall in glove supplies, the picture becomes clearer that whether or not gloves are used for vaccination is IMMATERIAL to the overall earnings of Supermax.
16/01/2021 7:47 PM@

Yup, bro Omni is right, the quantity of gloves usage in global vaccination programs is not a significant amount, and by itself do not affect the actual demand very much. So whether gloves are used in vaccination or not is not an issue at all.


2021-01-16 21:34 | Report Abuse

@MatKoh Can understand why the rumours of a temporary ban on RSS and IDSS again until Aug.
Bursa will haemorrhage with billions of ringgit market cap wiped out for both recovery and pandemic stocks. All stocks actually.
I seriously think Wahid Omar will not let this happen on his watch. Let's see
16/01/2021 8:00 PM

This ban is quite likely, as now with indefinite MCO and increasing cases, the shorties will nave party time everyday in Bursa. Maybe once ban impose again, all shorties have to immediately close positions.


2021-01-16 21:30 | Report Abuse

@MatKoh Agjl bro, in couple of weeks time we will have the Ayam cluster to deal with too.

Agjl Lajitalk @Ryan83 Today Malaysia Covid-19 case hits new record 4,029!!!Recovery stocks next week will experience downtrend correction
16/01/2021 8:08 PM

If Ayam wear masks and gloves and follow SOP , then maybe can still avoid cluster.
16/01/2021 9:29 PM


2021-01-16 15:27 | Report Abuse


Norway: Deaths after virus jab may be from side effects
16/01/2021 1:57 PM

I have oredi mentioned all these potential problems and impact of vaccines short comings in Nov last year as below:

Nov 23, 2020 12:35 AM | Report Abuse

Those with some level of intelligence would know and realised by now vaccines are not the fixed it all solution. They are gonna need time to be fully approved, accepted by ppl and implemented. There's gonna be lots of teething problems arising. The early stage phase 3 trials were designed to look and sound good to investors and general public. Even Dr Fauci has financial interest in Pfizer and Moderna, so he will swear by them. Things like serious side effects, death and complication due to toxicity and blunders in logistics handling of vaccines and lower than expected efficacy levels are just some issues that will complicate the success of vaccines. Subsequently, the question of further mutation rendering the vaccines useless remains unanswered until post vaccination period. Hope our Health DG will take all precautions before agreeing to allow any vaccines to be deployed for mass vaccination in Msia.

When finally the vaccines are ready to be deployed for mass vaccination, then the world would see the highest glove demand in history of mankind due to convergence of demand thru Covid treatment, general SOP requirements and vaccination programs. Always remember, as argued above, Supermax, amongst all glovemakers , is in the best position to gain from during the pandemic and has the best ability to sustain a good earning levels post pandemic. Long Live Supermax !!


2021-01-16 13:46 | Report Abuse

@Ibelieve Morpheus61 When did JP Morgan become a Medical Expert to even comment on usage of Gloves for vaccination ?
16/01/2021 8:17 AM

Ya bro, everyone sensed that, they have gone so madly desperate until quoting our layman naysayer unprofessional ridiculous opinion of "vaccination doesn't need gloves".

That personal opinion of theirs tends to mislead the investors and especially the public, and has negative impact to the SOP and credibility of the medical institutions, and at the same time instils confusion and fear to the public who need secured healthcare.

It's not their job or rights to judge and tell the public or to decide for us the inocculatees that vaccination doesn't need gloves, I reserve my right in the democratic country, not for the two selfish young men to fool around with their own and keyboards.

I think somebody should file a complain to the SC and MOH, rephrase my complains and send to them. I don't know the way to do so, but if anyone show me I would do also.
16/01/2021 11:32 AM

"Ya bro, everyone sensed that, they have gone so madly desperate until quoting our layman naysayer unprofessional ridiculous opinion of "vaccination doesn't need gloves"."

Ya bro Ibelieve, maybe this Jeffrey guy is one of the naysayer dogs here. Everyday so free trolling
glove counters. The quality of his argument sounds exactly like the our very own naysayer dogs, so he could be anyone of them.


2021-01-16 13:34 | Report Abuse

@Ben Tan This might be just coincidental but:

The Commander of Defense Supply Center of the United States says the US plan "to invest a half-billion in the domestic production of nitrile gloves, used for nonsurgical purposes in hospitals, as well as the raw material for those gloves, nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR)."

Supermax's US expansion will cost US$550 million.
16/01/2021 12:02 AM
I think the figures are likely to be coincidental. But its interesting that The Commander of Defense Supply Center of the United States is planning to invest into glove making, but for non surgical purposes in hospitals. Why a military outfit is involved in glove manufacturing? Probably they now see gloves as national security items bcos so many ppl died during the pandemic and gloves are so lacking in the fight against the virus. So the availability of gloves has now become a national security issue.


2021-01-15 00:09 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-01-14 23:49 | Report Abuse

@koolset Rubber Gloves Market - Global Outlook and Forecast 2021-2026 (by researchandmarket)
14/01/2021 11:06 PM

If your projections are correct, then Supermax would have no problem to maintain minimum PAT of RM 4b or EPS RM 1.50 every year till 2027 and beyond. By 2H22, Supermax production capacity increased to 4.8b pcs locally not including overseas capacity expansion.


2021-01-14 23:00 | Report Abuse

@kltower don't give bonus 1 for 1 loh, it will dilution the EPS
14/01/2021 8:53 PM

bro kltower, I think its a possibility there's both cash dividend and bonus 1:1 again this coming QR. Since Supermax is going for SGX dual listing, they probably need larger share base to create better share liquidity to attract more FF. With substantial increase of the EPS by coming QR, there is no concern of dilution , as the coming EPS would be able to support the enlarged share base. Also both the generous cash dividend and bonus 1:1 are the best weapons to thwart off the shorties and any potential hostile takeover.


2021-01-14 22:43 | Report Abuse

@ Ibelieve Looking for ceiling contractor here, anyone? I need to break my ceiling tomorrow and reinstall higher.
14/01/2021 6:22 PM

Haha bro, Initially I thought you wanted to break the ceiling to access to all the millions of cash you stored there so that u can sailang Supermax shares tmr and help push to RM 10 to bankrupt the shorties.


2021-01-14 22:26 | Report Abuse

@glovefinish Many of u don't know yourself are short term investors or long term investors just focus too much on the company fundamentals hoping the stock price just go up because the company having super profit and also every day bother so much on the price up or down.

If u are short term investors to make money from speculation u need to use chart analysis focus the price movement and follow the market trend don't go against the trend. No need to focus much on company fundamentals which are not so important to short term investors.

If u are long term investors have to focus on company fundamentals which help u to ensure its survival, and it's future growth for better return of dividend and stock increase value. However long term investors no need to bother and focus its short-term price movement whether it's up or down doesn't matter because u look into long-term.
14/01/2021 6:16 PM

Many of u don't know yourself are mix breed naysayers trolling dogs who keep on saying glove is finished but every day still bother so much on the glove counters price up or down.

If u are mix breed naysayers dog who say glove party is over, then no need to focus on the company at all and just fk of from this forum. No need to bother to give any investment advice to any investors here. We rather get investment advice from our neighbors' dogs, cats and rats or from our 2 year old niece.

If u are a long term trolling naysayer dog, who has nothing better to do everyday than to troll and bad mouth glove counters and insult and irritate glove investors, just go and jump from tall building a or look for ur good friend Covid. For long term naysayer trolling dog, no need to bother and focus its short-term price movement whether it's up or down doesn't matter because u don't own a single Supermax share and it doesn't matter to you at all.


2021-01-13 23:13 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-01-13 22:43 | Report Abuse

@gLOVErs Spot on @SirTonee ... knock this nail hard on her a*rse ...
13/01/2021 10:36 PM

Haha...hammer and nail won't do, have to use big screws with heavy duty hammer drill for that sort of a*sehole


2021-01-13 22:38 | Report Abuse

@Ibelieve ToneeFa @Ibelieve Pretty soon at least one among your group will be positive, some even say probably only one among your group escapes.

One day when we don't hear from glovefinish anymore, she probably lays in sg buloh. 1119 guys, lay or lie? Hahaha
13/01/2021 9:28 PM

bro, how about die ?
13/01/2021 10:00 PM

That shall consumes a few pairs of gloves to pack her into the black bag and send her straight to crematorium to turn her into dust, leaving no chance for anyone to bid farewell.
13/01/2021 10:22 PM

Haha.. that is ironic bro. The tag on the ash urn shall say glovefinishfinished.


2021-01-13 22:35 | Report Abuse

above article talk about risk of using too much hand sanitizer


2021-01-13 22:30 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-01-13 22:00 | Report Abuse

@Ibelieve Pretty soon at least one among your group will be positive, some even say probably only one among your group escapes.

One day when we don't hear from glovefinish anymore, she probably lays in sg buloh. 1119 guys, lay or lie? Hahaha
13/01/2021 9:28 PM

bro, how about die ?


2021-01-13 21:29 | Report Abuse

@Agjl ToneeFa @chensk JP morgan choose to short sell the world most profitable medical glove company's share during pandemic time, really out of mind.
13/01/2021 6:11 PM

Only possible explanation is that they doing it on behalf of a client who may be interested to takeover TG at a cheaper price.
13/01/2021 7:54 PM

Thats what i commented earlier bro.

And its not hard to guess who that client(s) might be
13/01/2021 8:31 PM

Yeah, they way they went to extreme measures to pull glove counters down just smell too stinky.


2021-01-13 21:27 | Report Abuse

13/01/2021 9:06 PM

"However, it cautions that the risks to the calls on the three glove producers include a second global wave of Covid-19 which could lift glove prices to new heights, unscheduled capacity shutdowns, a significant fall in input costs such as nitrile and natural rubber, a significant step-up in dividend payouts as well as a substantial degree of ringgit depreciation."

Its all happening !!


2021-01-13 20:38 | Report Abuse

@Hell No Lol, clearly show that JP hired dog here to bark to shake investor confident. Who the hell on earth will create account name gloveisover, habisglove2, Habisgl0ve. purely talk bad about glove.
13/01/2021 5:38 PM

These are highly incestuous mixed breed running dogs species suffering from guantiafobia condition.


2021-01-13 20:00 | Report Abuse

China sees biggest Covid-19 spike in over 5 months, 4 cities in lockdown
The number of new asymptomatic cases fell to 38 from 81 cases a day earlier.PHOTO: AFP
SHANGHAI (REUTERS, XINHUA) - China has recorded the biggest daily jump in Covid-19 cases in more than five months, despite four cities in lockdown, increased testing and other measures aimed at preventing another wave of infections in the world’s second biggest economy.

Most of the new patients were reported near the capital Beijing, but a province in northeast China also saw a rise in new cases, official data showed on Wednesday (Jan 13), amid a resurgence that has seen more than 28 million people under home quarantine.

The National Health Commission said in a statement that a total of 115 new confirmed cases were reported in the mainland compared with 55 a day earlier. This was the highest daily increase since July 30.
13/01/2021 7:47 PM
Likely this is a new variant spreading at a higher rate than earlier strain. And this new variant may have escaped the vaccines bcos most new patients were reported near Beijing. Beijing being the capital, the population should have all been vaccinated oredi. So if its spreading fast there, it has to be a new variant that has escaped the vaccines.


2021-01-13 19:54 | Report Abuse

@chensk JP morgan choose to short sell the world most profitable medical glove company's share during pandemic time, really out of mind.
13/01/2021 6:11 PM

Only possible explanation is that they doing it on behalf of a client who may be interested to takeover TG at a cheaper price.


2021-01-13 00:47 | Report Abuse

Everyone just gotta hold tight tight and wait for QR announce and Huat together !!!! Waiting for CNY Angpow !!!


2021-01-13 00:30 | Report Abuse

Bro Agjl.. No need to worry, coming QR will show EPS > 0.60 per qtr - Supermax will be KLSE champion. Stanley keeping very quiet and low profile. Harta boss talk a bit and Harta oredi shoot up RM 1.0 today.


2021-01-12 00:35 | Report Abuse

@MatKoh Huat ah. Who knows, we might see the Supermax helicopter real soon.
12/01/2021 12:29 AM

Supermax QR anounce hopefully by this Friday 15.1.21. Price should surge further ip these couple of days in anticipation of record results and record cash dividend. Lets Huat together!!


2021-01-12 00:31 | Report Abuse

@MatKoh 2 weeks from now, cases should have increased further in tandem with MOH's projection.
Gomen might have to do an extension to deter further CNY travelling and gatherings. Incidentally, that might have been the realistic plan to go 1 full month but it's a tough call to make.

Hope it doesn't get to that as the country's economy is on the brink of collapse.
12/01/2021 12:26 AM

What's more important is that the Gov't should announce another automatic 6 months loan moratorium starting from next month, to save many biz and ppl from becoming bankrupt. The banks may suffer a little but they will survive. But if more than 30% of SME were to collapse, that will create a domino effect to the nation economy.


2021-01-12 00:26 | Report Abuse

@Ibelieve ToneeFa

Bro Ibelieve , today you are on the roll :)
11/01/2021 11:51 PM

Ya, Tonee bro, let's huat together.

Fortune teller says people of Snake zodiac are very lucky in this year of Ox, so i will definitely try make a fortune this year. But not to worry bout me, snake is always cautious in selecting food, I would neither all-in nor simply eat any recovery stocks haha.
12/01/2021 12:16 AM

Haha...that's why you are on the roll bro.


2021-01-12 00:17 | Report Abuse

Grappling with a slower-than-expected pace, officials are rushing to find workarounds and solutions to the massive demand -- even lowering required dosages to stretch out supplies.
Britain's medicines regulator is allowing second doses of coronavirus vaccines to be delayed by several weeks to inoculate more people (a move also being considered in Germany and the US). Separately, the UK government suggested that it was "reasonable" to use a different vaccine for the second dose if the same vaccine used for the first one was unavailable, or if a person was high-risk or unlikely to return to the doctor for a shot.
In the US, the Food and Drug Administration has said it may be possible to yield six or even seven doses of the BioNTech/Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccines from the vials instead of the five indicated on the label, because the company overfills them. The FDA will consider giving half-doses of Moderna's Covid-19 vaccine to people aged 18 to 55.

An estimated 70-90% of the world's 7.8 billion people would need to receive the vaccine before achieving the so-called "herd immunity" required for people to return to normal life, Fauci has said. Most of the vaccines require two doses per person, that means distributing roughly 10 to 14 billion doses -- a logistical challenge the likes of which the world has never seen. Researchers at Duke Global Health Innovation Center estimate the last people in line may not receive vaccines until 2024

The reality of vaccine rollout is more challenging than meets the eyes. I think it is a dangerous practice of delaying 2nd jab and providing lower than recommended dosage so that more people can get the jabs, which is now a rampant practice on ground. UK also considering different vaccines for 2nd jabs. A weak immune stimulation by lower than recommended dosage or due to single jabs may allow the virus room to mutate sufficiently to escape the vaccines.


2021-01-11 23:53 | Report Abuse

@williamtkb Hope this round Superman can back to historical highest. Uncle KYY, show us your power. Sky has no limit.
11/01/2021 11:25 PM

At least should expect 3X of HH.


2021-01-11 23:51 | Report Abuse

@Ibelieve I just recalled my experience with Tebrau Teguh. There was a unconditional takeover offer at very low price. I guess most shareholders rejected like I did. The stock resumed trading and share price went triple and then only I let go with handsome gain. Recently, the same thing from Lienhoe, I did the same to reject the low price takeover offer, and then sold myself with 50% gain.
If you feel what the value of Super is, play deaf to all silly fear mongering analyst and naysayers.
11/01/2021 11:47 PM

Bro Ibelieve , today you are on the roll :)


2021-01-11 23:50 | Report Abuse

Three-quarters of Wuhan patients hospitalized for Covid-19 still had symptoms 6 months later, Chinese study finds

It's not just death - here's why you don't want Covid-19 01:53
Most patients who had been hospitalized with Covid-19 still suffered a variety of symptoms -- including fatigue and sleep difficulties -- six months after infection, a Chinese study has found.

The study of more than 1,700 patients treated in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the original epicenter of the pandemic, shows 76% suffered at least one symptom months after they were discharged from hospital.
The findings indicate that even people who recover from Covid-19 could suffer long-lasting health impacts from their bout with the coronavirus, which has infected more than 90 million people worldwide.
The study, the largest of its kind yet carried out, published Friday in the medical journal The Lancet. It found that fatigue and sleep difficulties were the most common post Covid-19 symptoms, occurring in 63% and 26% of the patients, respectively, six months after the onset of their initial diagnosis.
The disease could also have long-lasting psychological complications, with anxiety or depression reported among 23% of the patients, the study found.
Coronavirus has been with us for a year. Here's what we still don't know
Coronavirus has been with us for a year. Here's what we still don't know
Patients who were more severely ill tended to have continued evidence of lung damage on X-rays, according to the researchers.

Covid is from Hell. Avoid at all cost. Gloves are needed to protect our frontliners


2021-01-10 23:13 | Report Abuse

@Agjl Whatever it is..:to all comrades...please trade with care...those who have been holding can just hold tight and those who gine it few days back u may wan to cash in some, those who is thinking to all in tmrw please think be kful...

Mist always rember, no matter how fundamentally string a company is...after a sharp run up...there is alway a natural market process called” profit taking”. Please keep that in mind comrades...

There is always oportunities every other days....

Cheers and all the best tmrw
10/01/2021 11:00 PM

Bro Agjl, as usual, after a big run up , it will be followed by some correction. You may even get a chance to reenter at ard 6.5 to 7.0 range. Although its hard to speculate if tmr will be the "usual" pattern, the likelihood is high that it will be.


2021-01-10 22:57 | Report Abuse

@Ibelieve RSS will unlikely be successful in super, maybe limited tickets, obviously EPF has zero or probably less than 1% ticket and unable to lend, and it is uncle aunties favourites after TG, then the rocket engine is crazily powerful, or lastly, nah, Super just isn't the beauty in the eyes' of RSS beholders and they are not keen at shorting it apparently, that's why we all can see, keep our Supermx warm and thru the long dark rainy days.
10/01/2021 10:47 PM

Haha.. I was just being sarcastic with my remark that Uncle cares for the shorties. U r right , with NOSH of 2664 billions shares( after cancellations) there's not much for shorties to play around. Supermax rise would be based on its merit of EPS power and aggressive global expansion.


2021-01-10 22:22 | Report Abuse


Its better that uncle keep wuiet and not to stir the hornet’s nest. Wrong move!!!!
10/01/2021 10:04 PM

Bro Agjl..sounds like uncle meant well as he said " Short sellers should be careful and don’t lose your pants." It seemed he is concerned for the shorties and his sharing is caring this time :)


2021-01-10 22:18 | Report Abuse

@MatKoh ToneeFa @BloomBird Where are the dogs and Stockraider Keyman Glovefinish Dickyme mf Gemfinder hiding?
10/01/2021 9:48 PM

Haha...u guys give too much credit to all these mix breeds and misfits.
10/01/2021 9:52 PM

Better let sleeping dogs lie. Hahaha
10/01/2021 9:59 PM

Haha...good one MatKoh bro. Or if you prefer, better let the sleeping dogs lie in cofins,
since that is their favorite furniture , as they keep mentioning it.


2021-01-10 22:12 | Report Abuse

@Trump2020 Japan announced new COVID variant from Brazil distinct from South Africa and UK variants . Go sell short....
10/01/2021 8:42 PM

Its interesting to note that the latest new variants are from UK, Africa and Brazil, as these 3 countries were the hot spots for vaccine phase 3 trials last year. Whether its coincidental or otherwise, one cannot help but to speculate that perhaps all these variants came from successful attempts by the virus to escape the vaccines. If that is true, then perhaps one can conclude that current vaccines design will need time to continuously catch up with the various mutations to escape them until they can figure out the best vaccine design to reduce the chance of the mutations to escape the vaccines. That could mean 2-3 years of multiple re-inoculations of 5-6 billion ppl globally. Doesn't look likely that vaccines can catch up with the mutations so easily. Do you think the global demand of gloves will reduce any time soon?


2021-01-10 21:52 | Report Abuse

@BloomBird Where are the dogs and Stockraider Keyman Glovefinish Dickyme mf Gemfinder hiding?
10/01/2021 9:48 PM

Haha...u guys give too much credit to all these mix breeds and misfits.


2021-01-10 21:49 | Report Abuse

@STEADYBOMBIBI85 My main worry is the political uncertainty. Will it trigger a sell off or pullback ?
10/01/2021 9:05 PM

Yes, you are spot on, the political uncertainty will trigger sell off and further pull back on recovery stocks, and will weaken our Ringgit even further. However, weaker Ringgit will be good for glove counters esp Big4 as their revenue mostly in USD. And political uncertainty does not affect gloves sales as they are mostly exported. And local political uncertainty does not weaken Covid virus. However, due to further pull back of the local recovery stocks, all the liquidated money need to find a safe haven to park, so guess where they will go?


2021-01-10 19:18 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-01-10 00:59 | Report Abuse

@stockwinner Top 4 signalled fierce retaliation on all sort of Short Selling last week.

RSS volume was high, but share price up so much. Catching shortsellers off guard.

Moral of the story: If your wife say she's not angry, you better leave her alone.
10/01/2021 12:51 AM

Yup stockwinner, and if the wife not in the mood for back door entry, then better use the front door.


2021-01-10 00:40 | Report Abuse


Even with vaccination, health authorities said nothing is guaranteed. Everyone still have take precautions with SOP and gloves will continue to play a big important role to prevent infections.


2021-01-10 00:30 | Report Abuse

@MatKoh Bursa 8thJan trade participation split with net flow as follows:

Foreign +RM485mn,
Local institution -RM428mm,
Local retail -RM7.12mn.

FF potentially buying into pandemic stocks with all glove counters making it into the top gainer list.
10/01/2021 12:25 AM@

Looks like FF knows where the money is in the next 12-24 months. They smelled it and definitely making their way into glove counters. Big4 will be biggest benefactors.


2021-01-09 23:36 | Report Abuse

@Goldberg Major boost for healthcare stocks particularly Supermax

1) EPF just started paying out the first stage of i-Sinar approved withdrawals. Up to now the total approved amount is RM19.62 billion, so we can expect that at least some part of it will flow into the stock market, with most of that amount likely chasing "popular theme" stocks. With further travel restrictions and potential corresponding economic consequences, the theme will likely be healthcare (including gloves) in the near term

2) Supermax is expected to announce a whopping PAT of RM 1 .1 billion or RM0.40 sen earnings per share for the coming quarter. This will leaves Supermax with a Trailing PE of just 9.3 times.

(2.31+5.42+30.58+40=78.31 sen)


Supermax as deeply undervalued.
09/01/2021 11:20 PM

Goldberg, you seemed a bit conservative with PAT RM 1.1B . TG has doubled up its PAT in latest QR. I believe its possible for Super to hit at least RM 1.35 B which equate to EPS 0.50 based on latest cancelled shares NOSH. And if Super management announce 50% PAT dividend policy every qtr, then we be damn happy with 0.25/share.