
ToneeFa | Joined since 2020-08-03

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2020-12-30 22:05 | Report Abuse

@DebunkTheScam @ToneeFa Gosh, are you guys so thick? 95% effective is the vaccine. It doesn't mean that after taking vaccine you can forget about all the SOPs like masks and sanitising. With the SOPs practiced, it further reduces your chance of catching the virus. Please don't mislead investors. It's irresponsible!
30/12/2020 9:52 PM

Haha you are such a joke. It is oredi expected that the vaccines are gonna create a false sense of security or safety, where ppl will start to become complacent and drop their guards. Of course currently we all know that those inoculated can still be infected and be asymptomatic carriers, the thing is once ppl feel they are "invinsible" they will abandon inconvenience and will quickly revert to the "normal" lives until the next crisis emerge, such as virus mutated to the point the current vaccines become useless. The crisis as expected would not just end with the vaccines deployment.


2020-12-30 21:53 | Report Abuse

@staedy Seriously need some advice, lost 40% in gloves counter on paper, the avg price for Supermax is 10. What to do now?
30/12/2020 8:37 PM

This is what u need to do bro:
1. Correct ur ID name spelling, coz u partly spell it backward, so u hv become unsteady
2. Unless u r in desperate need for cash, just leave it there to collect more dividend and bonus
issues in 2021.
3. If you have sleepless nights worrying about it and its affecting your health and ur wife's sleep is
also affected due to you pacing your bedroom floor non stop while grumbling and cursing the
IBs, then maybe you should sell at the next up trend, at least to keep ur sanity.


2020-12-30 21:44 | Report Abuse

@AnnYung Learn to read properly instead of just reading the clickbait headlines

1. A complete Pfizer vaccination takes 2 doses. The nurse took one dose, which gave her around 50% protection.

2. It's take around 10-14 days (incubation period) to start develop protection after vaccination. She developed symptoms six days after vaccination. Which means she was likely already been infected before the vaccination.
30/12/2020 9:21 PM

Also don't discount the fact that the vaccine is supposedly 94% effective, meaning there will be ppl falling into that 6% category too. Meaning in 1 mil ppl , 60,000 may fall into the unprotected category. So u can see the number is not small. In older ppl the efficacy may drop even further.


2020-12-30 21:35 | Report Abuse

@Ibelieve Sharks don't stay in market whole full years, they will take holiday, maybe now they unload Super and won't come back anytime soon, at the same time, they will unload all other theme and recovery stock also by CNY, so other stocks will drop or sideway also.
And maybe from then Super will go peaceful sideway, or if you think super in turn will become safe haven, also possible, because obviously gloves only rebound when DJ drop.
And during that quiet season, your brokers will call up very often and saying hi very politely
30/12/2020 8:57 PM

bro Ibelieve, I prefer to park my money in Super than in my FD coz I know at least for 2021 and 2022, the return would be better than FD. I'm also prepared to hold if the price did not perform due to poor sentiments. And now, Super is entering the worse case scenario in my book, but I m comforted by the fact that its fundamental will continue to be good and its a growing company. With 4 coming qtrs of outstanding earnings, I really wonder if the funds analysts can continue to say they will look beyond the great earnings. Even that statement alone smells fishy. But then again who is to argue with them. Meanwhile I m prepared to hold until the next pandemic ( since they said the pandemic is over oredi by CY2Q21, in their own definition ) while getting steady dividend and bonus issues. After all now all "recovery stocks" looked like death traps ready to snap on their victims. Maybe by CY2Q21, we may look back and realized this was the moments of greatest opportunity to buy at lelong prices. After all, if the price now is RM 9, RM 10 or even RM 15, I will still be my shares, so what's the difference.


2020-12-30 18:20 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-12-30 18:03 | Report Abuse

@DJoker89 Hardcore supporter everyday nyek nyek in this forum also diam alrd, seems the market losing interest on this counter.

Very good sign, hehehehehe
30/12/2020 5:54 PM

I won't encourage anymore buying at this stage. The more retailers buy the more it will drop. So let the price settle first. I think today got many retailers chasing up to 6.31. Pity them. Anyway , quit buying and let the price settle first, then maybe will slowly recover back.


2020-12-30 17:56 | Report Abuse

@DJoker89 Huat ahhhhh
Greener day ahead, still can sleep well every nite unlike recovery theme holder

30/12/2020 5:32 PM

Surely greener days ahead but need to cut enthusiasm a bit, meaning need to play the Market Taikoh game first. There's gonna be more pain before the better days. Hate to say this, but maybe naysayer is right we may be staring at RM 5 next, unless Superman himself comes to the rescue.


2020-12-30 14:13 | Report Abuse

@Morpheus61 Posted by arv18 > Dec 30, 2020 1:47 PM | Report Abuse

@Toneefa - spot on. No point arguing here. It's time for the big bois to book juicy profits. It will take some time for these funds to sell-out and exit.

They are already sold out. Torn pockets. Net Short Sold positions. Across all Glove counters. They need to buy back cheap or else they not only lose their pockets, Pants & Underwear too :)
30/12/2020 1:50 PM

Right Morpheus61, They are willing to sit out until the next pandemic maybe. For long term investors, still ok , since can hold till the next pandemic. For short term players, I think there is no immediate hope of any action like you saw in April-August. Looks the funds have decided that Supermax post pandemic price is about this range ard RM 6.0 maybe.
Assume post pandemic PAT is RM 400 mil/qtr and EPS = 0.15 / qtr
and post pandemic TP = 0.15 x 4qtrs = 0.60 x PE10 = RM 6.0.
I think this is what they have in mind with the latest sell down.
Yesterday the support was very strong at RM 6.0 but above that it fizzled out.
Only things is if vaccines totally failed, maybe that will change the scenario. But all of us would not wish for that, coz that will be disastrous to humanity, where we will be staring at massive death globally.


2020-12-30 13:41 | Report Abuse

Looks like all the big funds have decided that the pandemic is over. Glove is a game over deal. The funds hold the chips, so its up to them to decide whether the pandemic is over or not. They are the experts in matters about pandemics and vaccines impact. So if they so decided that the pandemic is over, then its over. No one can further argue with them on the matter.


2020-12-29 20:49 | Report Abuse

@Albukhary In my 16 years of investment in bursa, so far I have yet to see a company with growing profit & revenue, but share price will permanently going down.

Trust me, once all the bad news over, Glove stock will come back to reflect its real value.

Especially when the entire bursa 70% company start to make losses, then investor will focus back on those company that really make money.
29/12/2020 7:55 PM

No worries, analysts said they will ignore record earnings for whole of 2021. That's a joke. When comes 2021, like you say 70% of public listed co will be in the red, but Supermax earning better than the banks, and give out record dividends and more bonus issues. Let see what happens. Then let see what the naysayer dogs will be saying too.


2020-12-29 20:15 | Report Abuse

@RealTrader Btw, I am hoping SUPERMAX to lead this sector to another level! B a reputable internationally
29/12/2020 7:45 PM

Just hold that thought. I have been talking about it since time immemorial. There is no doubt that bursting out from the new year starting line will be the black panther flexing its muscles after months of hibernation.


2020-12-29 18:35 | Report Abuse

@stocksyndicate Sure have technical rebound in the morning just like today. And after 30 minutes will started to drop slowly and slowly towards the END. This is END GAMES about
29/12/2020 5:49 PM

Its called the year End Games. Don't be a moron la.


2020-12-29 18:27 | Report Abuse

@IvanC @Seeyounoup you super rich can lost 350k. I all in also don't have 350K
29/12/2020 5:53 PM

That's why he Seeyounoup.


2020-12-29 17:02 | Report Abuse

@Targeted @virust if you don't know why this counter fly to sky one time ago so definitely you don't know why this counter fall like hell now. If you don't know when this counter fly never mind but we know now is falling to hell. Never join the dinner after the LAST call bell is ringing otherwise you need to stay behind and wash the dishes.
29/12/2020 4:46 PM


I know what ure trying to say, my issue is that although stomach almost full, still have some place for desert, if the food was that good the desert should be another one of a kind..... Lol.... my half rate tickets are booked, insome cases even up to quarter just wait till the fish get hungry............l
29/12/2020 4:52 PM

Haha...Targeted, the last round was only appetizer, we are now waiting for the main meal, its on the way just a bit delayed. Pls don't talk about dessert yet.


2020-12-29 16:54 | Report Abuse

Agjl ToneeFa @Agjl Looks like today will close loke oast few days closed low. 6.03 hehehe
29/12/2020 4:22 PM

Agjl bro..Likely there won't be any glove party by year end, being last day tmr. We need to wait beyond 4/1/21 for the party. Theedge article said no year end party, but was silent if got early year party. Looks like the party should start near mid Jan till CNY.
29/12/2020 4:29 PM

Pur fren Arsen very cock sure there will be party tmrw mah. Thats what he said. We wait and see tmrw loh. Hehehe
29/12/2020 4:32 PM

Haha ....Maybe could be a small and short party he said. Hope I can sell some for some chicken rice


2020-12-29 16:50 | Report Abuse

Good one Djoker89... you will have a good CNY coming.


2020-12-29 16:49 | Report Abuse

@Ibelieve RHBIB7 Bursa has been turning into Junk stocks paradise!!
29/12/2020 4:16 PM

Listen to my woman! Haha

Anyway, junk stocks also mostly red and kena pressed today, suffocating. So I still rely on Supermax.

Haha bro Ibelieve, that's the way. 1 month from now many ppl here will regret not buying at around this price. I can reference back to this posting 1 month from now to proof it.


2020-12-29 16:29 | Report Abuse

@Agjl Looks like today will close loke oast few days closed low. 6.03 hehehe
29/12/2020 4:22 PM

Agjl bro..Likely there won't be any glove party by year end, being last day tmr. We need to wait beyond 4/1/21 for the party. Theedge article said no year end party, but was silent if got early year party. Looks like the party should start near mid Jan till CNY.


2020-12-29 16:24 | Report Abuse

@MatKoh Hahaha. Good one ToneeFa! Aiyo nowadays we have to DIY dy since SMFPHG has not been around for quite awhile
29/12/2020 4:12 PM

Haha MatKoh bro... SMFPHG probably need a break from meting out too many fukka treatments. Anyway dealing with the zoonotic naysayer dogs in this forum is not an issue bcos they are all of low level intellect, capable of only nonsensical barking. I think my pet dogs have higher IQ than them.


2020-12-29 16:10 | Report Abuse

@Habisgl0ve Holding until bottom and won't see the top is not smart investing strategy
29/12/2020 4:01 PM

Why not you hold your bottom tightly and make sure its not making any annoying sound.


2020-12-29 16:07 | Report Abuse

@Tyco These few days pump and dump to bring down Supermax price are CIMB doing

What a FUKK
29/12/2020 4:01 PM

On the other hand, see it as an opportunity to average down further.


2020-12-29 15:55 | Report Abuse

@Parrot @Toneefa Sir..Ur enthusiasm is commended..Yeah keep it coz my paper losses are huge though I am a very small player..Unfortunately I bought at the peak..Don't have extra at present to average down..Wish would have bought earlier in batches..
29/12/2020 3:23 PM

Hi Mr Parrot.. thanks, no worries when we invest into companies with real values and with good management. Manipulations can only be for a short while, but in longer terms value will prevail. Don't worry, just keep what u have and never regret any decisions u hv made. Look forward to better days ahead. Infact, 1 months from now, you would have forgotten about this down period. You will be looking forward to CNY while laughing all the way to the bank.


2020-12-29 15:32 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-12-29 15:17 | Report Abuse

@Parrot Selling will incur huge losses but now it is only paper loss..Maybe in 10 yrs it is worth 3 million just like one story posted..
29/12/2020 3:04 PM

For mid to long term investors, there is nothing to worry about. In fact if we are looking at 6-12 months investment period, at this price its a buy. Supermax would have no problem to show sustainable earnings going forward, and rewarding loyal shareholders appropriately.


2020-12-29 15:12 | Report Abuse

Not all bad comments la:

Areca Capital Sdn Bhd CEO Danny Wong also noted glove makers' share prices are unlikely to return to their peaks as the sentiment (the development of vaccine) is against the glove makers.

However, fundamentally he still likes glove stocks.

“If they can achieve their returns, they can show some kind of sustainable earnings, I think the glove makers are quite cheap at this moment,” Wong said, adding that he would still trade glove stocks.

He also noted that it is worth looking at glove makers for potential return either from dividends or from distribution (such as treasury shares or bonus issue), because of their bumper earnings next year.


2020-12-29 15:00 | Report Abuse

@DebunkTheScam Read and digest meaning yourselves.
29/12/2020 2:50 PM

The message in this article is crystal clear.


2020-12-29 14:58 | Report Abuse

@Targeted .
Very similar to february, price droped from about rm1 85 to rm1. 25, how many percent drop is that? Supermax dropping daily while glove producers as well as WHO anticipating serious glove shortage.. Leading to rise in ASP..... Many trend huggers sold, pang72 held strong like a true warrior....... Lol...... Deja Vu.......
29/12/2020 2:50 PM

Thanks Targeted for the very interesting brief history of this forum. Certainly a dejavu is in formation.


2020-12-29 14:52 | Report Abuse

Agjl ToneeFa @Agjl Arsenewenger8383 hehehe.. today morning show banyak syok.. how many managed to catch at low price? hehehe.. tmrw all my "FRENS" will laughing all the way to the bank.. hehehe
29/12/2020 1:21 PM

My bro, To the banks to withdraw or deposit? Hehehe
29/12/2020 1:44 PM

Bro Agjl, lets give Arse a benefit of doubt. I m buying some and wait for tmr. Haha...
29/12/2020 2:31 PM

No offence and bro arse always joke with each other...:))
29/12/2020 2:45 PM

Haha...I know, I m just joining in the fun...but I did took a nibble at 6.03-4 earlier.


2020-12-29 14:47 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-12-29 14:31 | Report Abuse

@Agjl Arsenewenger8383 hehehe.. today morning show banyak syok.. how many managed to catch at low price? hehehe.. tmrw all my "FRENS" will laughing all the way to the bank.. hehehe
29/12/2020 1:21 PM

My bro, To the banks to withdraw or deposit? Hehehe
29/12/2020 1:44 PM

Bro Agjl, lets give Arse a benefit of doubt. I m buying some and wait for tmr. Haha...


2020-12-28 19:39 | Report Abuse

@Tyco @kltower
China Intco all time high even vaccine out but Malaysian Glove all down especially Supermax bash down very hard by IB so as to reduce heavy loss of cw 91/96 due 31.12.20
Due to Smax steep drop that create the glove herd community that follow
Vaccine or not most probably next week Glove will be bullish again due to cheap price entry after so many weeks of retraction
More retail will participate so do some local and foreign fund too
+ very good results announcement by Carepls and Supermax on 3rd week of Jan

Intco Medical Technology Co Ltd
SHE: 300677
165.01 CNY +8.45 (5.40%)
28 Dec, 4:29 pm GMT+8 · Disclaimer
28/12/2020 7:15 PM

Yup @Tyco , its becoming crystal clear that vaccines & gloves/PPE will need to work together to overcome this pandemic in the next 3-4 years. Even Ugur Sahin said we need to live with Covid for the next 10 years, meaning the virus presence will slowly taper off within 10 years. This means at least for the first 3-4 years, the world would need to be on constant alert with high level preparedness to keep the virus at bay and that means gloves and PPE will be first priority weapons against it. An expert like him has the knowledge and authority to give such opinion and it makes sense too. He knows the virus won't go away so easily and he probably knows effectiveness of the vaccines will be constantly challenged by the virus mutations. He seems like a happy in the interview from the video, maybe bcos he knows that vaccines will need to be regularly updated and possibly leading to many rounds of inoculations per person. And that means more gloves will be needed too.


2020-12-28 18:56 | Report Abuse

@kltower vaccine out, china intco still up, means foreigner all see vaccine as catalyst to glove.

supermax qtr will out very soon, if PAT 1.2b means current share price trading at PE 7....if one more qtr same result 1.2b means PE 4...

that's ridiculous, now cash on hand 2b, if two more qtr out, cash on hand will accumulate over 4b ...more than enough to setup factories / HQ in USA.
28/12/2020 6:46 PM

Exactly kltower bro...u need to get ur helicopter oiled and ready soon. Next week onwards, you may need to take it out for a ride to higher altitude.


2020-12-28 18:50 | Report Abuse

@MatKoh Agjl MatKoh @Arsene you sudah cakap simpan bullets for tmr ler. Mesti ada reserve.
28/12/2020 5:43 PM

Matkoh bro...u already used some of your bullets?:)
28/12/2020 5:55 PM
Not at all cos when Arsene tells you he has a present for you on the specific day,, he means well :)
28/12/2020 6:02 PM

Haha Matkoh a way Arsene is a good intentioned naysayer dog. I can agree to that.


2020-12-28 18:46 | Report Abuse

@Tyco No worry all Gloves stock will turn very strong green on 4th Jan confirm
Just bare few more days and sun will shine again very very bright
In the meantime ,just bare and ignore those crazy dogs celebrate and barking as loud as they want
28/12/2020 6:20 PM

Yes agree, whatever it is, we have to wait for Jan21 to see the recovery for glove, as we have to wait for the CW and vaccine effects to wear off. The infection number will start to look for the worse comes early mid Jan, coinciding with Supermax QR announce.


2020-12-28 18:36 | Report Abuse

glovefinish No hope for glove stocks including supermx price to shoot up much, conversely it would drop further down because are targeted for short selling more easier to be manipulated by ibs in next week onwards. Wait to watch show.
28/12/2020 6:14 PM

Don't use such lame and outdated arguments la. Even my neighbours dogs,cats and rats and my 2 year old niece also know that next week short selling is coming la. PLs come up with some arguments that are more scary rather than recycle old horror movies.


2020-12-28 18:23 | Report Abuse

Agjl Arsenewenger8383 Hehe.. good job my bro MatKoh.. dont miss out..
28/12/2020 5:46 PM

Aiyoh that means today i miss out kah? Aduh. Why like that bro. Last week u told me got present for me to collect this tuesday mah. Why now change date.....not good u.. hehehe

Haha bro Agjl, all the zoonotic naysayer dogs are high on ecstasy today la. I manage to collect some at 6.40 towards closing. Tmr will try collect more below 6.0 with the naysayers dogs help i hope. Anyway I gotta admit, Arseinwanker is the most helpful amongst them, as he had help me to build up enough bullets to fight this round.


2020-12-28 18:17 | Report Abuse

@MatKoh @ToneeFa Absolutely right bro. All dogs will be out of their kennels tmr. SPCA also kalah.
28/12/2020 5:51 PM

Haha...I think most of them were out oredi this afternoon, running and lick each other balls and cunts. I think if our SPCA sees them , he will straight away shoot them without mercy. [ Our SPCA here is named SMFPHG]


2020-12-28 18:11 | Report Abuse

@DJoker89 Maxsuper What happened to believers of super profit... fundamental.. super gloves demand blah blah blah?
28/12/2020 5:41 PM

Believer don't feel like want waste time talking to dogs

You won't understand human lingo anyway hahaha
28/12/2020 5:44 PM

Haha few days we still need them to howl and bark to create more fears for weakholders to throw. I mean if we cannot beat them we might as well join in. Let them do all the scaremongering to their hearts content while we pick up cheap tickets along the way. For them their motto is "scaring is caring"


2020-12-28 17:48 | Report Abuse

Haha... all these zoonotic naysayers dogs and panicky pussies....what is there to worry when Supermax has at least 6 fantastic qtr earnings to look forward to. Don.t fking scare yourself and newbiews unnecessarily. But i have to admit, at thses prices, I m glad to be able to pick up cheap tickets. In fact I hv to thank you guys for doing such a good job with all your scaremongering. Pls tomoro , I look forward to all u zoonotic dogs and panicky pussies to give ur best shots to bring the price below 6.0. Need u fkers to shout and scream for good effects.


2020-12-27 23:36 | Report Abuse

As investors, I think we need to be prudent in our decisions. Frankly, no one in this world currently can be sure as to what eventual outcome of this Covid crisis in 2021 nor 2022. Whether Covid will totally devastate the global economy recovery or human will succeed in eradicating Covid, there's too many uncertainties at this stage to make a correct call. So the best strategy is we need to divide our investment into both recovery stocks and healthcare stocks specifically glove counters at 50%-50% or 60%-40% or 70%-30% ratio, up to individual preference. Glove stocks particularly Supermax is best for hedging against worsening global Covid crisis scenario. Personally I m on a 70%-30%, with 70% on gloves( mainly Supermax) coz I believe that demand for gloves will be record high in 2021 extending into CY2Q22 before tapering off, and this is base on a best case scenario for vaccine. Meaning we should see the recovery stocks improving as well. However, if vaccines failed or not able to control the virus and global economic crisis continue to worsen, then those holding glove stocks will be able to gain good hedging against the general economic collapse extending beyond 2022. So we need to invest in both stocks categories so as not to be caught wrong footed. They should not be mutually exclusive. So the naysayers should also take note and not assume that vaccines will 100% prevail. What if vaccines failed due to continuous virus mutations to escape them? or more than half of population reject them or other unexpected reasons?


2020-12-27 19:37 | Report Abuse


You Thought 2020 Was Bad: UN Issues ‘Bleakest And Darkest’ Outlook Ever For 2021
After a year widely panned as one of the worst in modern history, the United Nations is warning 2021 could be even more awful, with top officials saying the new year could be the worst in terms of humanitarian catastrophes in the organization’s 75-year history.
27/12/2020 7:11 PM

I have always hold the view and have been posting my views here last 2 months that the virus is not going away so easily. I have used the Spanish Flu as a guide to trying to understand and postulate the possible outcome of Covid. First wave of Spanish Flu only killed a small number of ppl. But the 2nd wave killed more than 50% of the entire death of Spanish Flu. The 1st wave was where the virus built the initial base of infections, and the 2nd wave was where it broaden its base and overwhelm the medical facilities of that time, therefore killing more ppl. We may be seeing the repeat of history again this time. Spanish Flu infected 500million ppl ( 1/3 of population at that time of 1.5b ) and killed 50 million or 10% of those infected. Now we have 7.8b population. To be conservative, even if 10% of that got infected, that will be 780mil total infection, and if 10% of that number died, it will be 78mil death. And if 50% of that number died during the 2nd wave, that would be 38mil death in the next 6 months. Now 1st wave death stands at 1.8 mil ppl. If you think that is a lot for now, then be prepared for possibly another 36mil or more in the next 6 months. Of course you will ask, how can that happen? For the answer, just watch the video below.

Of course we all hope with modern medical technology, we can avert total disaster. Let's just hope, but so far our only hope are vaccines, but as we can see the early stage vaccines will soon proof to be limited in facing this virus. Lets hope human can improve the vaccines further to overcome it. But one thing for sure, gloves and PPEs and the preservation of every front liners will be the most important battle front that every countries need to put their financial resources to.


2020-12-27 19:19 | Report Abuse

@stockraider Mari mari cepat mari lari cepat topeng muka sebelum jatuh terjunam loh!

Posted by Targeted > Dec 27, 2020 6:32 PM | Report Abuse

Stockraider promote stock realy like labourer, so much labour for so little benefit...... Lol
27/12/2020 6:35 PM

This proof that stockraider is a big sorhai loh. Everyday flogging the dead horse Insas, hoping it will somehow wake up. I can understand ur phobia of Supermaxian getting caught like you do with a dead horse like Insas, and deep inside u really fear for us, that is obvious, but I would assure you that Supermax is a strong black panther waiting to jump up 15ft from its den soon. Maybe u should trade your dead horse for a panther to cover your loses in Insas.


2020-12-27 11:30 | Report Abuse


run lool rm 6 coming soon bear flag forming
27/12/2020 9:56 AM

Thanks Dartmaster for this informative link. Your RM6 is probably referring to the biggest glovemaker I think. Coz the article mentioned a couple of names. But I think, Supermax will benefit from such review bcos Super has very high ESG compliance, equal or better than Harta.


2020-12-27 11:25 | Report Abuse

Agjl Lets spread loves and not hatred....say nice things....

We understand how hard for u to accept what we think and its all right cos thats ur freedom. Vice bersa please also respect what we think and what we believe in....we are all adult and trustvthat we can manage our own decision. Day and nite casting negatives will not change anything. If its gona happen it will happen...let time be the judge...

Eye sore and heartache whenbwr coming into this forum...each time expecting to benefit form it but get more disgusted instead..

Sigh.....people.....take it easy....humility is the way...

Cheers....have a great week ahead
27/12/2020 10:43 AM

Bro Agjl, u r a good peacemaker and moderator. But I think whatever your plea will fall on deaf ears on the naysayers side. They are here to instigate fear and sow hatred, to insult and to inflame. But then again that is the dynamics that makes life interesting, just gotta learn to live with it.


2020-12-26 22:34 | Report Abuse

@Agjl gemfinder Ppl look at world recovery. Malaysia alnoe not enough. Who cares malaysai got many cases. Vacine is coming. U inject u safe, no inject cofin is waiting for u
26/12/2020 9:15 PM

U are definitely aunty mouth close mouth only “ cofin cofin cofin” hee hee. Nothing better or more constructive to say? Or just a way to hide your incompetency to deliberate on the subject???

Saw u cofin at TG ans cofin at super....wonder are u in this business? Using the forum yo promote your products??

Wakakakakak. Come on lah aunty, 积点口德... good for your own well being....
26/12/2020 9:55 PM

Haha bro Agjl... I think you just hit the nail on the coffin. Not surprise if this Gem aunty is either a funeral director or a mortician. So her business should be thriving at the moment, but gloves are reducing her biz potential, bcos gloves are able to save more lives. This explains why she hates gloves and glove supporters so much. Your intuition in this regards is exceptional. Well done bro.


2020-12-26 22:21 | Report Abuse

@gemfinder Ppl look at world recovery. Malaysia alnoe not enough. Who cares malaysai got many cases. Vacine is coming. U inject u safe, no inject cofin is waiting for u
26/12/2020 9:15 PM

Hello Gemfinder, with due respect, although you do not deserve it, your level of intellect and ability to form proper arguments is just too low to qualify you to be in this forum. But of course, we Supermaxians are magnanimous ppl and we are capable of grudgingly tolerate your annoying rude behavior and foul mouth, as we can see your numb skull is actually wrapped around with quite a thick skin. So we hope, going forward you can behave in a more pleasant demeanor and form your argument in more thoughtful and rational manner. Having said all this, I know for sure I have just wasted my last 10 mins of time to no avail, so our only hope is that Covid may knock on your door soon.


2020-12-26 21:52 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak The world are managing covid under lock down borders. We hav not seen a open border covid scenario. Ther wil come a time when countries cannot tolerate anymore n decide to let covid spread under excuse of half bake vaccine. They can onky open up border with a vaccine as reason.

So...u can go imagine ..wat will happen...sell all when theres a rally b4 crash for recovery.
thats the only chance to run. If u dun buy oversold healthcare jus keep cash for 2021.
26/12/2020 5:05 PM

Agree with you @fts. One negative effect of the "half bake" vaccines is the false sense of security which ppl have, thinking that with the vaccine jabs they are now "invincible" and "protected" from the virus. I have this bad feeling inside that, that kind of attitude is gonna exacerbate the increase in the oredi high numbers of new infections. We are ripe as a species for the virus taking, and I can see the Spanish Flu 2nd wave death rate repeating itself, if not worse. The perfect storm is brewing, with multiple Covid mutations across the globe, making the virus more virulent and lethal combined with false security created by the vaccines and shortage of gloves and PPE by health facilities across the globe. The African mutation is also making the virus more adaptable to hot and dry climate, which means hot climate would not be a protection to countries situated around the equator soon. And this sort of mutations to make the virus to become more adaptable to variety of harsh environments for them will become a norm discovery. We need to wake up to the fact that this virus has come straight out of Hell to torment humanity for a while. In the days and months to come, this fact will be beyond arguments. All we can only hope is that our medical experts can find means and ways to control its spread. God help us!!


2020-12-26 21:28 | Report Abuse

@supersaiyan3 Glad so many brothers holding ground, well said and well done!

I plan to buy more on 30/12/20 4:49 when the "warrant pressing" is almost done.

Now CY2021 all gloves have been fully booked. At this speed of vaccination, CY2022 and at least 1HCY2023 will be fully booked pretty soon. After that ASP will gradually come down. Supermax would have double its capacity by then, so don't be worry too much on earning and share price performance.

However, don't sailang, the only "possible threat" is Moderna's vaccine could be used as a medicine to cure COVID. If so, no need vaccination, only inject into sick people.

26/12/2020 6:52 PM

Are you sure about your last claim? Is there any article on any research or study that you can share with us to confirm your last statement? As far as we know, vaccines can only be effective before infection. After infection you need drugs and therapeutics treatments to deal with the virus, as you would not want to further stress the body immune system but to use complementary treatment to fight the virus.


2020-12-26 21:22 | Report Abuse

@Targeted .
Most 'Glove Bear Sifu' capitalizing on hindsight, only few bilis will swallow this crap.........

This a golden chance to begin ur 'Glover Bear Sifu' reputation, so far mostly is repetative empty chatter .....

Come on, North American Govt. contract already factored in Supermax price or not?

Ok lah,! i go first.......

My stand, it most certainly not factored in.......

Come on,! Anyone with opposing stand,? Take a stand like a man! Dont be like whimpey kids! If no one, then after the fact, cannot shamlessly claim one way or the
26/12/2020 5:49 PM

Bro Targeted, you have over-rated the naysayers here. They are just a bunch of opportunist sorhai, not interested to engage in real debate, but just to purely put down Supermax and its supporters, in hope of tricking the newbies and weakholders to throw cheap tickets.


2020-12-26 16:18 | Report Abuse

@Vairocana9999 @TonneFa, yup, bro. Well said.

From what I see on the news recently, almost every VIDEO CLIP on VACCINES INJECTION,the person/nurse/doctor/hospital assistants etc, who administer the task WEARS GLOVES and some are wearing full PPE, especially the CHINESE FRONT LINERS.







26/12/2020 3:31 PM

It will become obvious very soon that recovery stocks have been purposely overplayed by the sharks to lure the bilis in, and make them sell their healthcare stocks by purposely pushing the glove counters down. The trend will reserve soon when the 2nd wave take a foothold and worldwide new cases make a leap to the next level. Soon the sharks will sell the recovery stocks and buy the glove stocks in droves.