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2014-08-27 22:33 | Report Abuse

Take it easy. Market is proven that a savvy investor would not able to drive the price up with his cock sure mentality or high egoism.


2014-08-27 20:06 | Report Abuse

It's within the expectation. The management teams have their own agendas. You can compare its performance against TSH. Don't expect it would perform well in near future unless the price jump above 3k.


2014-08-27 20:00 | Report Abuse

Ahmoi, here could be the explanation : It is the problem of public perception on China companies. The company has been making good profit but people don't buy the story. They just sell down the shares at dirt cheap prices. That is what grossly out of my expectations. I am too like you the victim of it.


2014-08-27 18:03 | Report Abuse

I like your joke, matakuda


2014-08-27 17:40 | Report Abuse

Uncle was either mislead or misinterpreted information received from CEO. He did not even get some hint from the CEO about the critical information before double down his bet. Can you believe the CEO is not aware of the operation results of the company.


2014-08-27 16:10 | Report Abuse

Hope uncle would dispose Jtiasa to rescue Mudajaya or vice versa.


2014-08-27 14:16 | Report Abuse

The bull has been moving upward positively for more than 5 1/2 years. We don't even know what would happen in next 12 months down the road. I believe many would prefer to stay on the sidelines gradually.


2014-08-27 12:23 | Report Abuse

Mudajaya's operation results has been trending downward for the past few quarters. No sign shows that trend would reverse in near future. This could be an excuse to investors to offload some shares until the prospects of the company is proven again.

30-6-14 - 3.3m
31-3-14 - 25m
31-12-13 - 23m
30-9-13 - 40m
30-6-13 - 46m
30-3-13 - 42m
31-12-12 - 47m


2014-08-27 00:10 | Report Abuse

It depends where you are. If you got ready cash, then it's a good opportunity. It's a great disaster if you have bought plenty of shares through margin finance when the price trending downward.


2014-08-26 22:25 | Report Abuse

Hapseng does not has any fantastic story to tell folks. It's too bore to invest a counter without a growth story. People like dream...fulfillment of dream. It doesn't matter whether its operation has not been performed poorly or whatever cause Jtiasa offers a wonderful dream to attract its followers. In addition , a savvy investor is back behind promote strongly.


2014-08-26 13:32 | Report Abuse

It may touch another stage...Shit! Everyone is selling. I need to get out. I can't afford to lose anymore.


2014-08-26 11:14 | Report Abuse

Hope...It reminds me the psychology of a market cycle. What if I getting a margin call? This dip is taking longer than expected. My investment is with a great company. It will come back soon. lol


2014-08-25 19:54 | Report Abuse

Oldman was over confident but he cock sure he would make money. He did it. Pity to those followers who bought the shares above 2.5 through margin finance as strongly recommended in the seminar.


2014-08-25 16:10 | Report Abuse

Only time will tell. No harm for placing a small bet in BJcorp. It is an asset play counter.


2014-08-25 15:55 | Report Abuse

Good one matakuda. I would reserve some bullets for bargain hunting when market collapse. Up & down is a cycle.


2014-08-25 15:40 | Report Abuse

Imagine if you were Uncle, what would you do in the current situation? Support or press down further to strike a good bargain? The show has not ended yet.


2014-08-25 14:15 | Report Abuse

Many people will only believe when the price has gone up. It is not easy for them to overcome greed and fear. That's why we can buy at cheap cheap price. Lol


2014-08-25 14:08 | Report Abuse

Below 1.8 is a good bargain.


2014-08-25 14:05 | Report Abuse

I am waiting one day people queuing to buy at 5.00 from me.


2014-08-25 13:36 | Report Abuse

Raider, the biggest bull in investlah, seems losing faith in the market. Watch out and get ready bullets to fight with bear later.


2014-08-25 12:33 | Report Abuse

Price breaks 2.15. Next target is 2.05.


2014-08-25 11:44 | Report Abuse

This is a very challenging situation to those who owns shares through margin finance. They are haunted with ' Sell or force sell '.


2014-08-25 11:18 | Report Abuse

Buy low and sell high in short term. This what we call a 'savvy' investor. Don't put all the blame on uncle. Blame on CPO price, soybean, poor management...


2014-08-24 10:59 | Report Abuse

Nothing is taken for granted in this world. Past experience may not always work. It depends on the situation itself. The experience may hint or inspire us to change our view of a matter. We learn experience through mistakes. Some pay a heavy price in making an incorrect decision. It is not what they are really looking for in their life. It could be due to lack of clarity and perception or understanding of their own strength and weakness.


2014-08-23 17:57 | Report Abuse

Being naive is a virtue. Welcome to those naïve dude to the crocodile swamp. You would enjoy a long lasting experience in life.


2014-08-23 09:04 | Report Abuse

Uncle is busy pressing and squeezing oil out from the fruit bunches. Shh..


2014-08-23 00:39 | Report Abuse

Good one . Raider is back to share his knowledge and experience . Thanks.


2014-08-22 23:42 | Report Abuse

I thought it was a unpolished gem given the facts that solar segment operation has been improved significantly comparing with last quarter. After reading the cash flow....What a marketing gimmick presented in the P/L! Currently, it trades at PER 17 times after excluding one off gain.


2014-08-22 20:44 | Report Abuse

EPS from operation should be 1.39 cents instead of 4.1 cents after adjusting other income. Other income under Solar segment represents 6.885 million (EPS 2.71 cents ) which is actually one off discount received from machine supplier as disclosed in cash flow statement.


2014-08-22 15:33 | Report Abuse

It is certainly a lucrative business to RCN holders. The RCN holders would be able to pocket paper profit RM 9.5 million from the good deal over the past 6 months. There are 114,142,617 new shares have been issued since the first conversion started on 12 Mar 14. The new shares issued represents 43% of the entire equity shares to the company.

Date Converted RCN face value Exercise price
announced shares

19-Aug-14 12,121,212 1,600,000 0.132
11-Aug-14 15,625,000 2,000,000 0.128
25-Jul-14 15,625,000 2,000,000 0.128
08-Apr-14 14,154,281 2,000,000 0.141
31-Mar-14 14,154,281 2,000,000 0.141
26-Mar-14 14,154,281 2,000,000 0.141
19-Mar-14 11,323,425 1,600,000 0.141
13-Mar-14 5,661,712 800,000 0.141
12-Mar-14 11,323,425 1,600,000 0.141

Total 114,142,617 15,600,000 0.137

Number of ordinary shares before RCN conversion: 263,315,828


2014-08-21 20:19 | Report Abuse

happ12. He is a momentum player and he told you guys that this is the technique to make money in the market. Those who made profit in the last rally would support him.


2014-08-21 20:05 | Report Abuse

CPO prices keep dropping to new low level. The savvy investor would take this opportunity of the market condition to press the share price.


2014-08-21 19:47 | Report Abuse

It seems some good news would emerge soon as this lady ED has been accumulating the shares since July 2014. Hard to believe that VT and cronies are willing to give up goreng BJcorp. I would buy some to keep in the fridge.


2014-08-21 13:38 | Report Abuse

The savvy investor has settled the margin finance when the price was staying at high level. It could be the time to squeeze margin players before initiating a buy back. This is the way to accumulate wealth by repeating same cycle again.


2014-08-19 11:09 | Report Abuse

Financial performance of International tin smelting and Tin mining operations:

EPS: 71 cents
PER: 4.7 times

30 Jun 2014 - EPS 16 cents ( PAT 16 million )
31 Mar 2014 - EPS 15 cents ( PAT 15 million )
31 Dec 2013 - EPS 27 cents ( PAT 27 million )
30 Sep 2013 - EPS 13 cents ( PAT 13 million )


2014-08-14 11:23 | Report Abuse

Just managed to grab some yesterday. Future prospect of the company is a main driving force behind for the price move upwards.


2014-08-13 14:49 | Report Abuse

No fundamental change. All doubts have been cleared up. The future prospect of the company is certainly brighter in 3 to 6 months ahead.


2014-08-13 10:01 | Report Abuse

This is the last and final shock from Indonesia operation. Looking on the bright side, it could be good time to accumulate more shares at cheaper price. The profit after tax for both Tin Smelting business and Tin Mining maintained at 16 million which is similar to 1st quarter.


2014-08-12 11:19 | Report Abuse

As shown in the announcement of the past 2 months, its log production would be reduced significantly in this quarter.


2014-08-12 11:11 | Report Abuse

2nd quarter earnings is expected to be good on the back of:
- CPO production was 41% higher than the last quarter after putting the palm oil mills into operation recently.
- higher log prices and log production surged 32%


2014-08-12 10:36 | Report Abuse

Squeeze some ikan bilis and helping many poor students. It seems like a robin hood.


2014-08-12 10:18 | Report Abuse

The savvy investor is a momentum player. He sold when the prices hitting particular level in order to reduce margin finance. Then he would patiently buy back after the prices dropped to low level. This is how he take advantage fluctuation in prices. Opportunity comes when forcing selling happen. May be it is the way to squeeze ikan bilis for surviving in the market.


2014-08-10 17:43 | Report Abuse

Log production was about 78% higher than than the last quarter couple with favourable log prices. I would expect the operation results would improve significantly in the coming announcement.


2014-08-09 18:41 | Report Abuse

It's hard to believe that Jtiasa makes a peanut profit from the plantation operation. There are getting more palm oil trees reaching maturity stage. FFB output is much higher comparing to previous years and yet it put all the blame on higher costs incurred for nurturing palm oil trees before entering harvesting period. The main problem is due to incompetent management. The palm oil mills are supposed to be ready 2 years ago to cope with high FFB production.

Right now, they have incurred heavy handling costs in bringing the harvested fruit bunches to other mills. They may not enjoy good FFB prices for selling to third parties as the quality of fruits is being compromised due to long distance.


2014-08-08 15:43 | Report Abuse

Growth story evaporated? Pity to those who finance the shares purchased by margin facilities.


2014-07-16 09:43 | Report Abuse

CPO mills will only be commissioning in 4th quarter. It shows that the management is unable to plan properly to cope with FFB growth. Most of FFB are sold to third party for further processing. The mills are supposed to be ready in last year.


2014-07-14 15:44 | Report Abuse

Its CPO mill at Igan has been operating at full swing since March 2014. Higher FFB and CPO production are expected from the oil palm sector this year onward.

CPO (production):
31-3-14 - 21,941 tons ( 3 months )
31-5-14 - 21,651 tons ( 2 months )

PER: 13.8 times
DY: 3.42%

31-3-14 - 7.74 cents
31-12-13 - 8.52 cents
30-9-13 - 8.98 cents
30-6-13 - 6.53 cents

News & Blogs

2014-07-04 18:05 | Report Abuse

Don't be too rational in investing. Mr. Market may act irrationally and prove you're wrong in short term. Fact and figures are only part of the factors to drive the share price up. You would never know who is behind the scenes to play the show.


2014-07-03 17:29 | Report Abuse

I am willing to wait patiently for it to complete consolidation before heading north.