
Windy1974 | Joined since 2018-01-26

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2022-09-21 16:05 | Report Abuse

Btw, i hold Harta and not TG because I don't like the fact that Tan Sri used up all his excessive profits on share buy back. But buying TG is still better than 90% of rubbish stocks in KLSE


2022-09-21 16:03 | Report Abuse

I am the founder of bitcoin. Let me do a prediction here for TG shareholders. Today will mark the lowest price for TG. At least for the next 6 months till no improvements in results


2022-09-08 15:35 | Report Abuse

Since Uncle KYY was using technical analysis in his 1st Sept blog, i will need to warn him by technical analysis too. I am obligated to do this out of respect for the old and also my nature good heart to save everyone in i3.
Yes, Hibiscus was on an uptrend and broken 1.02 resistance and 1.06 too. After 1.06, there won't be any convincing resistance until 1.20s. However, Hibiscus was not able to break and hold above 1.06. I suspect someone has been trying to keep the momentum going and support at 1.02 but dare not support 1.06 worried about the selling pressure. The longer it failed to break 1.06, the higher chance of trend reversal.
Today is very crucial for uncle to try push Hibiscus to close at minimum 0.985 or higher. Otherwise, a Malaysia dark fibosucker cloud would form and the next support is at 0.86. Uncle, i heard your averaage price around 0.96 right? Good luck


2022-09-07 09:01 | Report Abuse

While everyone's trying to ridicule Philip (I am not saying he is 100% correct), why noone here dare to go challenge this OTB? If you think Philip is cocky, then OTB is what? Not to mention his vulgarity?
If you are in your 20s or 30s i could understand you being naive. Many here are in their 60s. If you can't differentiate who are worst then obviously you aren't very smart


2022-09-05 16:55 | Report Abuse

Ah Beng: Hello, Abu. Walau eh, Petrochemical now good good ah?
Abu: Was good good. Most ASPs have dropped 30% from peak.
Ah Beng: Ok, roger!!


2022-09-05 16:47 | Report Abuse

Ang mo countries consumed the most gloves. China companies will face trade difficulties in the foreseeable future as US tried to kill their competition. I have waited patiently for Huawei ban to be lifted. I have run out of time since my phone is getting slow. Huawei is good but US is smart. Give them credit. Let's not talk politic here.
We are comrade now Philip so i have to support you haha


2022-09-05 15:15 | Report Abuse

well, just finished my kamikaze mission of defending Harta at 1.58


2022-09-02 08:13 | Report Abuse

Well done John. Oil is down because people are expecting global recession. Are you still holding HY? If your wish come true Hibiscus dropped to 0.50, expect your HY to drop as much too.

News & Blogs

2022-08-31 12:46 | Report Abuse

CharlesT. My wife always said people won't appreciate my sarcasm.
If my understanding correct, a very kind hearted Tan Sri is selling a company at a price that take less than 4 years to gain back the capital? With guaranteed profit. Now, that's what i called kind hearted. For me, i would never sell a golden goose. If yes, give me PE20 minimum lah.
Newspaper always remind people going Cambodia, look in the mirror and asked yourself, do you deserve the Rm50k gaji or not??

News & Blogs

2022-08-31 09:55 | Report Abuse

I would like to share my personal opinions for potential investors. If you are speculators, just ignore me. Open big or small still possible.
Guarantee RM80m a year profit is very impressive. Cambodia also promises 50k a month and it's achievable too. While i am not in the construction sector, i was told that it's very competitive. A contractor can't make more than 10% not to say a project management company? Unless all projects no need competitive bidding lah. If so, why would someone list such a golden goose? Unless he is a good hearted person like KYY who just wanna give back to the society.
I don't know this Tan Sri Gan. My advise to potential investor is to check his reputation. Invest only if his reputation is as good as KYY


2022-08-25 09:38 | Report Abuse

Btw, i am also observing another stock on Philip portfolio. I target to accumulate before 2023 end. Will let you know once i have done my acquisition ah. Good prospect


2022-08-25 09:37 | Report Abuse

Ah. Philip cost for Harta 3.30. My average cost now under 1.70. I support you on Harta from now on haha


2022-08-25 09:10 | Report Abuse

Sslee likes value stock that's why he become top 30 of Insas. Sorry, need to poke you Sslee haha


2022-08-25 08:46 | Report Abuse

Indeed you are right about wasting parents money
How Do You Know If a Stock Is Growth or Value? What Is a Growth Stock? A growth stock is any share in a company that is anticipated to grow at a rate significantly above the average growth for the market. These stocks generally do not pay dividends.
Growth Stock Definition


2022-08-25 08:10 | Report Abuse

Ular. I despise KYY despite he is now promoting Hibiscus. Hibiscus doesn't need pump and dump promoter and obviously he can't move the price with his dwindling wealth too. Hibiscus price move won't be his credit


2022-08-25 07:49 | Report Abuse

Sslee. Definitely agreed with you there ain't no free lunch in this world. I guess you won't be one that fall for pyramid scheme unlike 90% of Malaysian.
Oil & gas is a cyclical business. I first bought into Hibiscus when they bought over Shell Sabah assets for RM100mil. That was a steal. Shell Malaysia disposed of Sabah assets because it was ageing and just doesn't fit into their competitive edge. Shell opex is high so they can't operate marginal fields successfully. To be fair, many Shell people were doubtful Hibiscus could become successful. Majority who bought Hibiscus shares were those who worked in Sabah assets and know the untapped potentials and were rewarded handsomely. My average cost was 0.40 and sold all at RM1.00.
During the pandemic, i traded Hibiscus few time in the range of 0.40 - 0.66. When Hibiscus announced their acquisition of Repsol assets, i acquired at an average price of 0.71 after the hype. Now, why did Repsol sell at such depressed price? First, i give credit to Hibiscus management for the timing of both acquisitions. They were done when market sentiments were bad. Second and most importantly, Repsol and many major oils are disposing of non essential assets far from home country because of pressure from green activists. You can google search yourself on this phenomenon.
So what's my take on Hibiscus?
1. Hibiscus is not gonna be a growth company. What i expect from Hibiscus is constant share buy back and high dividend payout just as other oil majors doing
2. Hibiscus gonna enjoy high oil price for foreseeable future. Due to green activists, oil majors are not expanding productions, so supply dwindle. Whether demand gonna dwindle faster than supply yet to be seen.
3. Hibiscus is not gonna command high PE because it's considered a dividend yield stock. So, Hibiscus could boost the valuation by paying high dividend.
4. I heard Hibiscus gonna build a well head in 2023. Further production increase


2022-08-18 19:38 | Report Abuse

Wow, so much bombardments on Philip. Do allow me to do an uneducated analysis about Philip
1. I believe his total value is real but it's not all his money. He got other investors money in there
2. That explained why he started a portfolio and telegram. He wanted to attract more investors (at least where he lives since it's illegal)
3. He is harsh and has an ego as big as an elephant
4. Having said all these, if you wanna follow some sifu advise in i3, only trust Philip. Most are conmen, very simple to tell, just from the market cap of companies they recommend. Market manipulator would go for small cap companies cos easy to manipulate. No manipulator would recommend 6B companies.
The rest, not manipulator but they are blinds leading blinds. The problem is that they don't know they are blind.


2022-08-16 16:08 | Report Abuse

Sslee. Bought any Kossan? I believe my hints were obvious


2022-08-16 15:40 | Report Abuse

Based on today Harta volume, many die hard fans had sold due to margin call. Never buy stocks on margin unless you can top up
Not even during pandemic 2020 you see such volumes


2022-08-16 12:38 | Report Abuse

Ah Beng: Ah Lian, your side force sale how?
Banker Ah Lian: Almost done.
Ah Beng: Ok, wish me luck ya. Belanja you McD if i make money


2022-08-15 21:53 | Report Abuse

Ah Beng: Hello Ah Lian, lots of force selling not in glove counters?
Banker Ah Lian: Yes, all 4 glove companies and need to be done latest by Tuesday
Ah Beng: Roger and out. I will try catch a falling knife


2022-08-14 21:43 | Report Abuse

For those of you investing in Muhibbah, what's the bright spot? For me, it was the recovery of Cambodia airport after pandemic. Of course, Favelle was doing good too and will remain ok. To me, Favelle has become a cash cow for Muhibbah (squeeze dry already) and no longer attractive. Even with pandemic recovery, think again if Cambodia airport is gonna recovered. The scam in Cambodia is not only for Malaysian but basically all chinese people. Would you visit Cambodia again as tourists? The scam in Cambodia getting serious because China forbids their national to visit Cambodia for gambling/scam related issues.


2022-08-12 10:22 | Report Abuse

SSlee. I agreed with you observations below. I have been to most SEA countries and i would say we are still ranked No 2 in SEA. Barely still. Then how about Indonesia in the 90s or 80s? I was borne in 70s and i am grateful that i am not borne in those other SEA countries. Let's settled and be grateful for what we have. Can Malaysia change? I don't know. Will it be better under DAP? Hahaha!
As of now, i told my kids to settle overseas when they finish their uni overseas. They have another 10 years to see changes. As for me, i would wanna retire in Malaysia and visit my kids frequently overseas


Dear Windy1974,
I take it as compliment if my wife will to compare me with Chow Yun Fatt.

By the way I had been working in Indonesia for the past 21 years and I witness first hand how Indonesia political system and economic has improved leaps and bounds whereas Malaysia is going on reverse gear.


2022-08-12 10:17 | Report Abuse

Singapore practises meritocracy. The best student from my form 5 class got a Singapore scholarship and went there studied in 1993 and now are the richest among my batch. I could have got a job in Singapore when i finished my uni overseas in 90s or probably early millenium. Now? Not unless you graduate from the top unis i afraid. So, are you in the top 1%? If you are not, you won't be accepted by Singapore government now.
It's easy to argue for meritocracy when you are the top 1%. It's akin to "Let them eat cake"


2022-08-12 09:59 | Report Abuse

SSlee. Good story and morale. However, i would say that race, religion are used by all political parties in Malaysia for their benefits. Why not? It works. In politic, you cater to the 90%, not 10%. To be fair, it happens in USA too with Donald Trump. Let's not always compare Malaysia to Singapore. Yes, i acknowledge Singapore is a better country but let's settled for what we have. Imagine your wife always compared you to Chow Yun Fatt? Is it fair and would you fed up?
At least we are better than Indonesia now. Hopefully forever


2022-08-11 13:03 | Report Abuse

As a forumer, if you are here to argue why Harta is not a buy yet, great. I think so too. However, if you aren't sure where to invest your money, or your alternatives are Gpacket, Serba, or 90% other KLSE companies, then i would say you are better off in HARTA.
However, if you are here to savour the sufferings of HARTA shareholders, then i would like to congratulate you being like the rest 90% of i3 forumers. Your endings have been decided because you are just the 90%


2022-08-10 09:29 | Report Abuse

1.25 is important to hold at closing. Closing below 1.25 spells more trouble. If your losses less than 15% you can consider cut loss, otherwise there is no point to cut loss now


2022-07-28 09:13 | Report Abuse

Now, today let me be a fundamental analyst since market so quiet. Most so called investors expected 27/8 to be end of world because they argued that fed gonna raise interest rates. Smart people look forward and not behind or current. I actually anticipate a rally in stocks from now till datas showed inflation is not tamed otherwise. I believe we are in for rally at least for next 2 months. That's all shares, especially technology stocks. Yes, i have big holdings in Hibiscus and it won't change the fact that i view KYY as an unscrupulous old man just becuase he promoted Hibiscus. He was misleading in his write up as always. If one supports another person just because you have the same interest, then you are no better than him


2022-07-25 11:17 | Report Abuse

Johnzhang. Point noted on MoneyMakers. I was impressed with your knowledge about the palm oil industry but no more. Since now you have lowered yourself to the level of people that you despise. Ya, you can express your opinion about oil price and Hibiscus but you are actually spamming now. Stop being one of the scumbags


2022-07-20 16:34 | Report Abuse

Put me down RM1.70
How i derived? Simple, (0.34x10)/2=1.70
That's the resistance level of Pokemon sun and moon


2022-07-18 09:24 | Report Abuse

So boring so just let me be your fake technical analyst for the day. After Hibiscus broken RM1, it has dropped to the fibisucker support of 0.80-0.84. With the low volumes currently, means margin call etc no longer exists for now (I double confirmed with my Maybank broker) Going forward, up or down, it's as easy as flipping your coin and choose. However, i choose UP because my sharman told me that the moon is alligned with the sun and it means flower blossom.
You better believe me because i am the creator of bitcoin. I didn't reveal my identity because i just wanna help the world


2022-06-23 09:41 | Report Abuse

I expect Hibiscus to drop further now that it has broken RM1. I am still holding and gonna add more when it reaches my next target price. I can afford to wait cos i am already holding Hib. Try take your eyes off the share price daily ya since i believe majority here are working? How you gonna perform well in your daily work if you are emotionally affected by Hib up and down?
If your life is affected by share market, then my advise to you is don't invest in KLSE. Have you ever done a risk tolerence test? You can easily find one online. Funny thing is a lot of people's actions are contrary to their risk tolerence level. Example, i got 1 friend who is considered risked adverse (extremely conservative. Can't tahan 10% losses), yet his investment was mainly in warrants.
You see, greed is the root of most Malaysian kena scam.
I am gonna hold on to Hib to at least 3 to 5 years, depends on share price. I expect Hib gonna give very good dividend for this year which would then propel share price higher. Total of 5 sens or more i would be happy. That would be a yield of more than 5% for me


2022-06-22 11:32 | Report Abuse

If you wanna continue invest in KLSE, go listen to Grand Pine Alfred Chan. I listen to his FB and youtube


2022-06-22 11:31 | Report Abuse

i was plagued by failures in life. Even now. However, at my age, the difference is that i am taking lesser risk. Financial planning would teach you below
Age 20 80% equities 20% fixed income 30 60% 40 40% and age 50 20%. I personally will always have at least 40% in equities. Everyone's financial situation is different. If you are young and made losses and realised you aren't good at share investments, just buy ETF or low commission unit trust. KLSE is full of conman + con companies. It takes years to learn. Even then, investing in the right companies take business acumen. i thought i was George Soros No. 2 inn my twenty, obviously i was not. Move on. KLSE not for most people


2022-06-20 09:27 | Report Abuse

Does it mean i am smarter than Michael?
BOught Friday at 1.07 and this morning managed to get 1.02.
However, with current market sentiment, i won't dare to claim this gonna be the bottom. If it breaks and closed below 1.00, more downside coming


2022-06-09 19:17 | Report Abuse

All the naysayers here at these moments, you were trying to RESCUE gloves investors or you are just glad that you are right? Or worst, you are happy to see others losses?
What's goes around comes around


2022-06-08 15:08 | Report Abuse

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Technology stocks have not retested low so i have bought into Greatec , D&O and Inari. It's a trading positions


2022-05-20 11:43 | Report Abuse

Let me again be your fake technical analyst for the day.
Hibiscus has broken previous resistance at 1.38 and holding above the resistance level for now. Barring oil price sharp correction, Hibiscus is expected to scale new heights. As to when it would reach another meaningful resistance, use volumes from end of Feb to mid March as a guide.
Don't trust technical analysts, they can always twist and turn like fortune tellers.


2022-05-13 10:36 | Report Abuse

Let me be your fake technical analyst for the day. Yinson share price is currently at a critical juncture. If it closed below 2.19 and couldn't recover immediately, then a longer term down trend persist.
Fundamentally, Yinson's short term earnings aren't exciting. Meaningful earning boost 2 years away. Any superior ROE will be diluted by solar projects with ROE below 10%.


2022-05-12 15:50 | Report Abuse

it's so tempting and now the price seems to be on free fall. so i called my bank broker and asked much force selling? Reply is that it's not much yet. While my gut feel says rebound, i gonna wait for force sell for higher %


2022-05-06 17:42 | Report Abuse

Tiger 2012. You repented?


Feb 22, 2022 3:10 PM | Report Abuse

Public bank TP RM1.31 means now must run. no room d.


2022-05-06 17:40 | Report Abuse

Crouching tiger comment on 14th March when price was 1.11. Not sure whether i should be happy or not to see people like that pop up again


Mar 14, 2022 11:48 AM | Report Abuse

the current price already factored in repsol. stop dreaming. hold longer more losses


2022-05-06 09:34 | Report Abuse

Let me be your fake technical analyst for a day. Greatec has broken the recent support from the uptrend in March. The last time a major support was broken in Feb, it stopped at below RM3. I managed to profit from previous dead cat bounce (My opinion only) Greatec fundamental still intact


2022-04-24 12:03 | Report Abuse

Btw Mike, don't get people's mum involved in your postings. That's rude


2022-04-24 12:02 | Report Abuse

Leno. Since you posted numerous times i am sure you are desperate to get some feedbacks. For me, it's a no brainer between you and Philip i choose Philip. Don't even need a second.
Since i can only judge you from your postings, here are my analysis about you.
I only know 2 types of doctors (Chinese) remained in GH (Obvoiusly you were since you went to rural Sarawak) after 10 years. 1. Patriotic type 2. Incompetent type.
Since Patriotic is out of the question about you, then can only be 2.
You must have a lot of grievances over the years. I can sense from your postings. Deal with it and move on in life. Only then you can become happier


if u are me, who do u trust ?

U trust someone who bought serba all the way down to 30 sen ?
Oh no no ... we are not allowed to talk about wrong call on serba.

U trust someone who write long long report on projected revenue and profit of hartalega ?
Oh no no ... we are not allowed to talk about that too.

Insas give free warrants.
Oh no no ... free warrants are not dividend, we must pretend there were no free warrant at all when calculate insas .... unless he buy insas, then only we can calculate the free warrants received.

How bias could u be ?
If u want to discuss fairly, then discuss fairly.

Any stock u buy go down, nothing wrong with u, must be someone else fault.
When my stock go up, it must be luck.

How can u explain i make multiple millions with my name in multiple annual report.
Oh no no ... we should not consider this because his name is not in annual report, so cannot use this to say anything.


2022-04-24 10:11 | Report Abuse

SSlee. Don't you agree Philips doubts are rational? Anyway, you are still getting 2% yield on Insas which is equivalent to RM40K? Since you said it's more than 50% of your equities, so you gotta settled with a RM40k per year lifestyle after retirement from your current income of RM40k per month? Anyway, that's what i know. Probably you still have a lot of bribe money stashed away in overseas accounts that you didn't declare haha. Otherwise, asked yourself are you happy with RM40k a year?
In any case, you should consider diversify into more high NTA low share price counters to spread your risk. Maybe MUI? Since Khoo Kay Peng already 83 this year. wink wink
O wait, forgot he got 5 children

Philip ( buy what you understand)

Hi sslee, good sharing on the key matters discussed. It would appear that most of the questions seem to be raised by yourself haha. And it seems management answer to your question is still the same: confidential. Not relevant. Nothing to do with you. Why we sell inari at low price Prince and buy back at high prices? Because we don't know what we are doing. Etc etc so on so forth.

I'm amazed you still trust them after all this.

When you have more cash and assets than your market capitalisation, and still NOBODY wants to invest in you after 12 years, then something is really wrong.

I guess the most damning point was when they pointed out their property project in ampang putra remain empty and unsold since 2010, and they are still buying unsold property to try and flip without success.

And more important side note, when fund managers and analysts are not welcome to do deep dive with them, you know they are embarrassed of their own results.

Value trap indeed.

News & Blogs

2022-04-23 10:11 | Report Abuse

In financial planning, they teach you to take less risk the closer you are towards retirement. Typical asset allocation in your 20s 80% equities 20% fixed income 30s 60% equities 40% FI. As i am approaching 50s and plan to retire in 7 years time, theorectically i should have 80% FI and 20% equities. My current asset allocation is 50% equities 50% FI. By the time i retired, i intend to have 40% equities 60% FI. For me, FI assets are dividend derived equities with relatively stable dividend streams. I currently have 10% of my money in YTL just recently acquired partly because i believe their profit would improve going forward and also the good chance with digital bank. (Even without i am ok) I am very impressed with YTL management since 2005 when i visited their project engineer in their office in Bukit Bintang. I was pleasantly surprised how little manpower were handling multi billion businesses. It was such stark contrast to Ranhill with posh Grade A office and legion of PMT. I was recently staying in AC Marriott Kuantan with a nightly rate of closed to RM300. My first impression was not good. Dated exterior yet RM300?? However, i noticed they were the best hotel in term of cleanliness and service in Kuantan. Explained the premium they commanded. Any other hotel with such exterior would be lucky to command RM200 per night. Same for JW Marriott which i just checked out yesterday. Such impeccable customer services. This speaks a lot about YTL management. Indeed, i agreed that the Yeoh's are conservative people. Is that wrong? That's what i want at my retirement age. Most important is they are not conservative but keep all the money for own enjoyment (MUI?)
Everyone wanna look for the ultimate growth stocks. If you are like Philips, great. However, majority are not. So, let's keep to prudent investing disciplines. Let's not dreamt of 100% compound return which many gurus claimed in i3. Philips compound return of 20 plus percentage already near Warren Buffett status if he could sustain over 30 years period. Let's just settled for 10-12% compound because majority of us are just tom dick and harry.


2022-04-11 11:12 | Report Abuse

Wow. I just had a short look at Vsolar QR since 2012 and that's 10 years without making a single sen profit. Fret not, while the CEO is enjoying his/her fast cars and nightly KTV sessions, he can bank on generous Malaysians to keep subscribing to Vsolar RI/PP to continue those extravagant lifestyle. I am always proud to tell my Singaporean friends that Malaysians list as the top suckers in the world for investment scams.
Wake up Malaysians


2022-04-08 11:53 | Report Abuse

You are assuming i don't know him