
babu | Joined since 2012-01-19

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2020-10-27 18:08 | Report Abuse

It goes to show that the more you expect the price to go up the more likely it will go down instead ! Nothing to feel disappointed, because the price is not decided by us small fries


2020-10-07 20:17 | Report Abuse

Wow this was very good for public .. and company margin is ALOT , stock price rocketing


2020-06-22 14:59 | Report Abuse

@Goldgent thanks for giving us the useful information , is there any shareholder who attended this morning virtual agm can update us what's happening ? what did Tan Sri Lim says about business outlook etc ? It's worrisome seeing loss of at least RM160m per month as the CFO said according to the above information reported by The Edge


2020-06-04 10:25 | Report Abuse

@cloud1234, hopefully you are right because last time YTL and YTL Power share price falling like shit and the Yeo family/directors all did shares buy back but in the end the shares also got sold down immediately after the share buybacks stopped ..... maybe a temporary respite but for the share prices to "rally" stage a recovery, need to open for business again and generate revenue. If continue no revenue, no profit how can a business survive ? Cut salaries and retrenching staff is also one-off only. I am vested and also hope for the shares buy back and directors buy to sustain on and on ....


2020-04-22 10:00 | Report Abuse

@limkokthye, where do you get that kind of figures ? are you saying that Genting Malaysia alone the "burn rate" is RM500m a month ? please tell us where you get this figure from ..... much appreciated


2020-02-05 10:12 | Report Abuse

No lah no closures it won’t happen in Genting casino or Singapore’s two casinos


2020-02-04 15:38 | Report Abuse

No need to panic, Genting is not same Macau .... some comments here are just irrational, let’s everyone stay calm, especially big shareholders don’t panic sell should be ok, down a bit is normal with or without news of Macau closure


2020-02-04 15:36 | Report Abuse

Irrational comments..... why even think of Genting closure ??? We are not Macau, please get it right !!


2020-02-04 15:29 | Report Abuse

No need panic, Genting is not same Macau .... everyone stay calm, especially big shareholders don’t panic sell should be ok, down a bit is normal with or without news of Macau closure


2020-02-04 14:22 | Report Abuse

That’s why I’ve said before Macau and Genting tidak sama ..... here it’s business as usual albeit less Chinese from China but still got business lah !


2020-02-03 16:43 | Report Abuse

Today is Kill IDSS and Shorts Day ! but no wings so cannot fly


2020-01-31 10:14 | Report Abuse

Macau and Genting are two different kettles of fish - so what if Macau is empty of gamblers from mainland China and HK ? No effect on Genting at all !


2020-01-31 09:08 | Report Abuse

In this current worldwide situation, there’s no need for additional fear mongering ... Genting prices will fall but please don’t add fuel, it’s not helpful !


2019-08-30 07:35 | Report Abuse

This company has so much cash in hand - how come it still can ask for cash from it’s shareholders by rights issue ?


2019-01-31 10:39 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-01-30 19:07 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-07-20 13:08 | Report Abuse

Hi risktransformer, congratulations to you ! What you wrote made a lot of sense and it helped smalltimers like us …. thanks :)


2018-06-07 07:51 | Report Abuse

Question why EPF selling some more ? Scratch head ....


2018-05-31 20:09 | Report Abuse

sorry feiloh, I meant the closing "fight" @ 16:50


2018-05-31 20:02 | Report Abuse

@Campione, actually the fact that YTL will be dropped was a foregone conclusion already, much like the fact that Tun M will cancel the HSR. I think it depends on the market sentiment overnight..... if at all maybe a kneejerk sell off in my opinion. Today's closing see elephants fighting , and it looks like the short side got the upper hand. But the fight is not over yet .... I expect shares buyback to kick in soon (just me hoping only)


2018-05-31 16:49 | Report Abuse

Elephants fighting !


2018-05-31 14:44 | Report Abuse

@risktransformer and propsushi : what you are saying makes a lot of sense. Big time shortsellers must have anticipated the downward price move when Tun M announce cancellation of HSR and they were "blessed" with the ".... bad sentiment provoked by uncertainty over Italian’s elections." ....... are they done with their shorting ? That's the question. What we neeed is some good news on YTL (I still think company share buybacks in ernest up to the 10% limit will do the job of "killing" the shorties ) that will send them scurrying to cover their shorts and price will easily cross 1.00 if not more ! Let's wait...


2018-05-30 11:18 | Report Abuse

Overall market sentiment is very weak, the entire FBMKLCI component stocks are all in the red, overall index has dropped by around 2.5% so far. ! Today's YTL is expected knee jerk selling due to Tun M announcing Malaysia's intention to cancel HSR over the Vesak day holiday : so far the low is 93 which is already quite a severe drop of 8.8% from Monday's close 102. I think this is as far as it will drop for today; but as to whether it will grind down lower in the coming days, it is really hard to say. Looking at YTLPower grinding down to as low as 73 makes me wonder where is the bottom in this whole unfortunate turn of events for YTL ....


2018-05-27 18:41 | Report Abuse

Dr M: Malaysia to look at ways to lower compensation to Singapore if HSR dropped . Quite surely, want to stop HSR but how to do it with the least "damage". However, I feel YTL price already more or less priced in this eventuality already .... so even if officially announce scrap HSR I don't think will drop much; maybe knee-jerk few sens drop at most ! I may be wrong though .....


2018-05-25 16:50 | Report Abuse

@risktransformer : thanks, hope you are right ! It is just as encouraging to see major shareholder YTL& Sons Holdings acquiring ; I noticed that concurrently, they also buying YTLPower in fairly big chunks and I notice YTLPower share price spiking up today to 82 high ; let's hope we see YTL spiking up soon. risktransformer, Thanks for your insightful analysis .


2018-05-25 15:09 | Report Abuse

@risktransformer, the company has not done any share buyback yet. It was Yeo Tiong Lay & Sons Holdings that bought just 9,000,000 shares; not much actually. What EPF has sold since 8 May 2018 to date is amost 40,000,000 shares ..... let's all hope that YTL will start it's shares buyback asap ! I will only heave a sigh of relief when this actually take place, otherwise it's hard to say whether it's price will continue to decline - look at YTLPower : who would have thought that it could fall as low as 73 sens ???. I am hopeful things will get better after this release of QR which I agree with risktransformer is actually not bad !


2018-05-21 07:12 | Report Abuse

@risktransformer, thanks for your factual and logical way of putting things in perspective ..... yes, I agree. Let's hope there is some respite this week from the barrage of selling, especially by EPF. It would be nice if YTL can do share buybacks to counter this negative pressure on it's share price. Cheers !


2018-05-20 13:28 | Report Abuse

risktransformer, if you are correct , then how to explain EPF disposing of YTL more than 10 million shares these few days ? scary !


2018-05-18 16:27 | Report Abuse

It's scary that YTL and YTLPower both getting mauled so badly after GE14 ! Did they do anything wrong to justify such a relentless sell-off ? Even AirAsia and Supermax are not as badly mauled ; something is wrong here .....


2018-04-23 16:30 | Report Abuse

Correct me if I am wrong, I remembered someone here wrote that during the last AGM Francis Yeoh did mention of share buy back ........... could this be it ? If yes, time to smile again, the season has begun !


2018-04-20 16:10 | Report Abuse

@takashi86, agree with you we ikan bilis are pathethic at the mercy of the BBB ..... don't know who they are but you are right what we say and do here all day long won't make an iota of difference to the price direction that they've already decided upon.


2018-04-20 16:07 | Report Abuse

I just itchy fingers bought a few lots at 0.92, but looking at the way the 92 Sell Queue is gently topped up, the Big Bad Boy still got lots to sell..... regret lah ! Adding to my loss only ............ now I must wait and wait


2018-04-20 14:32 | Report Abuse

Thank you takashi86, you write so sensibly but regrettably I still can only take it as a typical "conspiracy theory"; and there are so many similar accusations of the main shareholders in this i3investor forum of being anything other than above board. Unless got factual proof , then it's a different story . Though I am a small shareholder only, I sincerely believe that head honchos like Francis Yeoh would have no earthly reasons whatsoever to do such "small person" tactics to privatize YTLP... I think YTLP still got hope; but whoever wants to sell we must let them finish their selling first, then see how erm mean how lowwww it gets


2018-04-20 11:57 | Report Abuse

Looking at the price action, what takashi86 says about privatizing YTLP does make sense to me. But, to "imply" that Francis Yeoh or the company or its management are complicit in any dubious scheme to privatize at a "low low" price is not quite right. For sure, I think something "bad" is brewing, and it does not feel right for YTLP to be trading at only 92 sens, while YTL is still sitting pretty at 1.46 .... let's see if it can be "resuscitated" . Meanwhile , whoever sells don't forget there is also a buyer at the opposite end....... so no point guessing how much lower it can sink to .....for sure, will hit the fan this time, once an announcement is made by the company.


2017-11-29 16:21 | Report Abuse

It's pointless to attempt putting a number as to how low it can go further than the 1.13 etched this morning ! What seems so low now can go even lower and we have all seen this happening many times elsewhere; hence it's more important to find out why it is being sold down with such ferocity (especially by EPF) .... do they know something insidious that we smalltime retailers don't know yet ??? Also of some concern is the fact that neither are the Yeoh's clan doing any buying yet nor the company done any shares buyback .... why not ??? Even though there are borrowings from the banks but they also got the cash in hand !


2017-07-26 11:59 | Report Abuse

@sheldon : glad you find my words "soothing". We are all at best "virtual friends" but that should not prevent us from encouraging each others whenever the opportunity arises. When you used terms like "my Waterloo" it struck a chord with me because I've felt the same many a times in the past . What I've learnt since then is not to despair but go back to first principles and review again why and what caused the share price to drop dramatically .... in most cases, I came to the conclusion that the share-market of my counter is just being irrational and given time will revert back to sanity. I am not saying that our BJToto will not go even further down than the RM2.28 low of the past few days - anything is possible, but what is probable ? I still think that the probability of it going further south is rather low. Hahahaha , I might even buy a little bit more of BJtoto if that magical RM 1.98 low of yesteryears happens without any "huge" adverse news/event occuring at BJtoto. I may be wrong though, but I am quite happy to wait it out as long as BJtoto continues having decent earnings and giving me regular dividends each quarter i.e. just be patient with it. Good luck to all still hanging on to BJtoto !


2017-07-21 15:52 | Report Abuse

from YTL thread : trying to be funny

mlike : i attended the YTLLand EGM this year,
One of the investor condemn the Chairman: how come the price so low!
Chairman answered very funny: the market quoted the price like that i also suffering....
One of the investor asking about privatization,
Chairman answered: we practice this way...
i hope i am not misunderstanding the above as i am chinese language speaker cant understand too many.
i hope this help your choice.

21/07/2017 15:12

Ehl1964 Buy 20k at 1.41.

21/07/2017 15:13

lazycat he suffer? haha how much is his salary? and why his salary so high but company financial result so louya?

21/07/2017 15:16


2017-07-21 15:44 | Report Abuse

@Sheldon, sorry to belabor the point but I still think it is still early days to call this a "bad basket" ...... let's wait for some clarity from Magnum's tax fiasco with the IRB first ! Even if you can pick up the phone and ask Tan Sri Dato Seri VicentTan himself, he also won't be able to tell you the answer as to why BJToto is trading at such a low level ..... it is the same with the YTL group , Tan Sri Francis Yeoh also scratching his head while digging his nose : apa macham leh RM 1.40 !!!! As a lighthearted comparison of the "woes" we are all engulfed in, YTL just touch RM 1.40 low and if you stretch back to OCT 2002 it was trading at RM 47 Sens (adjusted basis; unadjusted raw data is RM 2.93 ). Maybe, this might put a smile on your face as BJtoto at current RM 2.28 versus it's low of August of 2004 where it traded at 1.98 (adjusted basis; unadjusted raw data it was at 3.32 low)..... not much further downside comparatively !


2017-07-20 12:32 | Report Abuse

Seng Thye Ng, I think no one can answer this kind of question ? You are probably interested but just musing aloud to yourself hahaha ! This old man paktua73 in his age-old wisdom already says he bought at 2.31 but don't forget he's been bruised once already buying around 2.50 and selling out at stop-loss around 2.43 level so you follow him at your own perils; I think he's a very good short term trader. As for me, even though I got no more money to buy any more, I kaypoh kaypoh think around this level is "quite safe" to buy ... but, my opinion must be taken with a pinch of salt as I am vested much earlier at much higher prices ..sigh !


2017-07-20 10:01 | Report Abuse

hahaha "old man" paktua73 very rich ah 10k considered play play ..... apa macham leh ??? You "always lie one" huh ? says going down going down to 1.90 ..... anyway wish you good luck this time !


2017-07-20 08:21 | Report Abuse

Hi AhMeng, thanks for sharing .... the sharebuyback is a "little" good news :) Let's see what happens after this ! As I see it, those who want to sell have already sold : and once the selling dries up , then there is only one way to go ...


2017-07-19 10:15 | Report Abuse

Sheldon, unlikely since this buying of 7eleven is a good move and anyway the amount is minuscule!


2017-07-18 17:26 | Report Abuse

MayJun, that's a tough one to answer because we are basically in uncharted territory now ..... the nearest point of reference as to how low it can go has to be the Low of August of 2004 where it traded at 1.98 (adjusted basis; unadjusted raw data it was at 3.32 low). Unless there is something equally as "catastrophic" that is looming that we don't know about(on a scale similar to Magnum's 19 May2017 bombshell IRB claiming RM 476,465,463 in "taxes") I see no good reason for it to get bashed further to levels last seen 13 years ago ! Magnum's woes are all related to it's previously utilised tax shields as was reported in UOBKayHian's research report dated 22 May 2017 :
".... on income tax issues, with a majority related to tax shields used in 2008-12 pursuant to its then privatisation exercise..... " As far as we can see, nothing of this sort with BJToto ! But, this could just be my biased view since I am "still holding" on to my BJToto shares at a loss. I still think BJTOTO is just an unfortunate victim of Magnum's tax debacle ... sigh ! I am gritting my teeth and holding on for this unfortunate storm to pass :) Where is AhMeng ? 2.40 level today pecah just like that after 3 sens ex-d ...sigh


2017-07-07 15:50 | Report Abuse

Oh my goodness all ye doomsayers ! Where were you when Genting was going strong at RM10.00 few weeks ago ?


2017-07-06 15:31 | Report Abuse

market sentiment is usually the kingpin in deciding the price direction ..... we can regurgitate as many times as we want the fundamentals, the NTA etc but if market sentiment is weak and heading downward it is not going to make any diff ! As I see it, FBMKLCI just hentak kaki with downward bias (:


2017-07-06 09:27 | Report Abuse

AhMeng, thanks so much .... let's watch whether 2.40 can hold, as I am also holding some shares here (at a loss); luckily it's BJToto and not Magnum as we still getting 3 sens dividend this quarter whereas Magnum got zero and facing this huge IRB tax claim !


2017-07-05 16:00 | Report Abuse

AhMeng, do you think this means that 2.40 is lowest it can jatuh to ? Unlikely normal selling can sell this much to clar this and make it go below 2.40 ?


2017-07-05 15:45 | Report Abuse

gt, how you know huh ? 7.70 - 7.90 is still a very far way off ....


2017-06-30 16:51 | Report Abuse

gt, yes everything is possible but what is probable ? Now to expiry date is one and a half years more : is this considered too near expiry by your standard of time-frame for trading of warrants ? I guess it is all relative; but here's me wishing you good luck in your waiting : your 1st station 130 :)


2017-06-30 16:14 | Report Abuse

Some people got balls, and Hng33 seems like one such player ...... usually, no balls type want to wait until frozen