
babu | Joined since 2012-01-19

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2016-06-27 10:55 | Report Abuse

ha ha ha @murali no chicken rice for me , only plain bread kosong ..... reality is by 13 July still have to find money to subscribe and payment @ 59 sens per share. If the prices don't come back to more sanely level, then left plain water only.


2016-06-27 10:45 | Report Abuse

happy ???


2016-06-27 10:38 | Report Abuse

so unfortunate timing for MBSB-OR to start trading on such a gloomy day with BREXIT etc hanging in the air everybody seems like scared to invest .... only a trader like Hng33 will thrive , not small time retail investors .


2016-06-25 21:30 | Report Abuse

just to put things in perspective, Genting Bhd was at a low 6.51 about one year ago : on 25 Aug 2015 and hung around the 7.00 level until mid Jan this year. During this same period Maybank was at 8.20 level from Aug 2015 to Jan 2016. So just 5 months ago, Genting Bhd was at 6.51 and Maybank at 8.20 .... now , with all the hoo-ha over BREXIT Genting is still at a relatively high water mark of 7.88 Friday close compared to Maybank at 8.20 (last minute hand jerk-up from 8.13 to 8.20)..... sama sama story with Genting Malaysia which was at only 3.80 on 25 Aug 2015 compared to last Friday's close of 4,35. In short, if we use Maybank as a yardstick both Genting Bhd and Genting Malaysia are still not really cheap .... you think this make sense to you kinfatt999 ?


2016-06-24 16:51 | Report Abuse

day trader's life is like that one, same as in casino .... very exciting


2016-06-17 15:57 | Report Abuse

@fhis, it is only the campaigning that has been suspended ............ NOT the referendum itself which will still be on 23 June.


2016-06-16 10:17 | Report Abuse

small retail investors how to take this Niaga shares : we don'e even have an Indonesian share account , banyak susah !


2016-06-10 15:58 | Report Abuse

alamak he sold only 3 m shares out of his total holdings of almost 53 m shares ! should we be concerned ? No


2016-06-03 09:55 | Report Abuse

JW, dividend is not guaranteed sure to have one ! in the last two years, FY 15 and FY 14 got 10 sens but in FY 13 only a measly 0.94 sens dividend .... this year not sure at all as the eps for the 1st 3 quarters all very weak compared to previous years


2016-06-01 12:22 | Report Abuse

kahhoeng, if you were tasked with share buy back how much do you think you can do ? Look at the market depth, there is not much Sellers ...... so, if there is no sellers how are you going to do it ? The SBB idea is good, but in order for it to make a difference at all you need to have sellers in large volumes and you need to do it without pushing the price sky high .... how ?


2016-06-01 10:21 | Report Abuse

leek, at the same time don't underestimate the massive debt in YTL & YTLP ...


2016-05-31 16:26 | Report Abuse

770 can buy some


2016-03-21 16:44 |

Post removed.Why?


2016-03-21 15:41 |

Post removed.Why?


2016-03-18 14:03 | Report Abuse

@speakup, I wish it were true that most of all those who want to sell have sold in the recent run-up these past few days :) Although I am not much of a trader, common sense dictates that when all who want to sell have sold, and there are no more Sellers in the market - then, what have you got next ? only Buyers and from that perspective, the price has only one way to go i.e UP ! Tio Boh ??


2016-03-17 17:39 | Report Abuse

It is frustrating I know to see the pathetic share price. Other than SBB (shares buy back), what can Tan Sri R and the board do ? I am not sure that there is a current shareholders' mandate to do shares buy-back - any one knows ?
I still say let the market decide the day to day share price of Puncak whilst we await what goodies Tan Sri Rozali has to say in the forthcoming AGM on this "big promise" to us shareholders in the last Annual Report :

"As the PNHB Group seeks to grow its business and
deliver value to the stakeholders, we will look into
expanding our operations in areas related to our core
business and other sector such as oil & gas sector,
within Malaysia and abroad."

The above is his business, the reason he is getting $ 15m gaji !


2016-03-17 13:25 | Report Abuse

@kahoeng, ha ha ha no lah your imagination so fertile .... I hereby double confirm I am not the alleged someone's son, and definitely not here to make nonsense defence on behalf of "you know who" ! I am just a small shareholder and a seeker of the truth but truth has eluded me since Dec 2015 :( I am unable to understand how the price of Puncak can descend so dramatically after collecting the promised RM 1.5B and paying out a third of it in the form of it's much anticipated RM1.00 Special Dividend ...... madness ! I don't know what is happening but I emphatically say it has nothing to do with Tan Sri Rozali (because there is no announcement at all on changes to his shareholdings).


2016-03-17 10:44 | Report Abuse

Then, only then ... go ahead and have your wet dreams at 75 sens :)


2016-03-17 10:40 | Report Abuse

Ask yourself why you want to sell your precious shares at this ridiculously low price ? Then, imagine if this Puncak were to IPO (just like Ranhill recently @RM1.20 )...... @RM1.30 IPO : will you subscribe and you think you can get any ? Cash alone already RM 2.70 per share ! And, despite all the allegations and fabrications of ill-intentions by a few kiddies here, what has Tan Sri Rozali done (or not done) to justify these baseless accusations ???


2016-03-16 15:29 | Report Abuse

That's why I always dislike reading second hand reports from The Edge because this kind of sentence (reproduced here for all to read) while seemingly innocuous and factual is in fact very misleading, potentially harmful and toxic when "repeated" by people with unkind agendas :

"The group’s cash and bank balances in FY15 stood at RM378.55 million, while loans and borrowings stood at RM39.2 million."


2016-03-16 15:28 | Report Abuse

That's why I always dislike reading second hand reports from The Edge because this kind of sentence (reproduced here for all to read) while seemingly innocuous and factual is in fact very misleading, potentially harmful and toxic when requited by people with unkind agendas :

"The group’s cash and bank balances in FY15 stood at RM378.55 million, while loans and borrowings stood at RM39.2 million."


2016-03-16 15:23 | Report Abuse

The cash and cash equivalents of RM 378,549 as at 31 Dec 2015 does not include the following :

"Short-terminvestmentoftheGroupandoftheCompanyamountedtoRM922,146,000(31.12.2014:RM10,269,000)whichiscarriedat fair value is categorised under Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy...... "

Alamak ! cannot anyhow say net cash/share is so little and cause harm to innocent/uninformed people.
Please do your own simple maths first :) and not just pick out one sentence in The Edge report !


2016-03-04 11:00 | Report Abuse

maybe the new governor macham new broom very much easier to give instructions for banking sector consolidation and we will have fewer but much, much stronger banks .... this will be good for all banking stocks !


2016-02-26 15:57 | Report Abuse

@kahhoeng, sorry if I in any way unintentionally offended you or any one else by my simplistic but realistic thinking of this inexplicable slide in Puncak's share price to a horrendous low of 1.02 today. It could be that I am not experienced enough, and hence naïve to think well of Rozali instead of cursing him for my loss.


2016-02-26 15:53 | Report Abuse

@kahhoeng, emotionally sometimes I am also tempted to think negatively of the controlling shareholder ..... but, truly it is not his "business" to "manipulate" or "control" the share price and neither is it his responsibility if existing shareholders want to throw away their "precious" shares at such an unholy price of 1.02 :(


2016-02-26 15:48 | Report Abuse

@muttoncurry, I got no more duit lagi so even if really drop to 80 sens no use for me !


2016-02-26 15:38 | Report Abuse

By the way, I am a small shareholder, also suffering paper loss and just as perplexed as everybody else why the share price is what it is .... especially today at 1.02 low


2016-02-26 15:36 | Report Abuse

take a good look at Rozali's photo ...... he looks not like a crook at all ? I am wondering whether any of you who badmouth him here got any anecdotal incidence or even better still evidence to say he cannot be trusted ??? So far, neither he nor any member of his family or holding companies has sold a single share : apa mahu lagi ? His interest, as the majority substantial shareholder/founder is aligned with ours - why would he cut his nose to spite his face??? Re the conspiracy theory that he wants to depress the price in order to take it private - what/where are the substantiating factors for such an allegation ?


2016-01-28 15:34 | Report Abuse

@speakup, veteran or not I still think the rule of natural justice must prevail ..... we are not a lawless country and I have faith in ...... sigh, how to say it huh ???


2016-01-28 15:06 | Report Abuse

@speakup, you seem to be cocksure regarding Tan Sri Rozali "ill intentions" to privatize Puncak and thereby rip off all the poor little minority shareholders..... sigh ! I hope this is no more than just a figment of your imagination; otherwise poor me will feel truly aggrieved ! Just real solid cash alone in the books is around RM2.70 per share .... this would be daylight robbery if it can get past the due process for privatization. Do you think there are no minority shareholders' protection in Malaysia ?


2016-01-28 11:05 | Report Abuse

I agree with you that something smells fishy here; unfortunately I can't quite place what it is !!! :(
Obviously, the price behavior since the conclusion of the water asset disposal and the promised RM1.00 special dividend was paid out simply defies logic ..... but to ascribe all these baffling transactions to Tan Sri Rozali is even more illogical ! To suggest a conspirational "privatization plan" by Tan Sri Rozali and other major shareholders is an insult to their integity and intelligence . Tan Sri Rozali is no fool, just do the maths of the major shareholding % structure and you will see for yourselves whether it is "doable' ! As I mentioned before, major shareholders and their interested parties must declare their transaction - so far, there is none .... zero !!!


2016-01-23 17:22 | Report Abuse

@kenghock, cannot anyhow say "Rosli the main shareholder is laughing his way to bank by buying every day." If that is true, he must declare and it will be seen in Bursa's announcements...... but I agree this Puncak is a steal at the current ridiculously low price of 1.15; unfortunately a small retailer like me got no money to buy :(


2016-01-15 16:45 | Report Abuse

@ Mat Cendana I like what you wrote re "tumpang" :) just to put things in perspective, of the total rather small shareholding of 415,089,611 shares issued, the substantial shareholders Tan Sri Rozali and related holding companies, children etc collectively hold approximately 40% 177,432,124 shares *filing as on 11 May 2015* and Lembaga Tabung Haji hold approximately 10% or 40,101,600 shares * filing as on 24 Nov 2014*; also although EPF and Great Eastern/OCBC both ceased to be substantial shareholders as from 11 May 2015 and 12 Jun 2014, the latest Annual Report dated 25 May 2015 still listed them as holding on to their less than 5% shares each. I am saying we should draw comfort from the above substantial shareholders' position ....... after all, Tan Sri Rozali's interest is inextricably linked to ours and I do not see why he would do anything foolish to harm the company ..... so yes, I like your idea tumpang tumpang at the current level 133 ! No one can tell what and where is the bottom, who knows ??? Seriously, how much downside can there be if you buy at 133/134 level ?? No, I do not believe in "cutting loss" when there is no noticeable change to the fundamentals/profitability of the company (I think it is a crazy idea sold by traders/analysts to newbies to the trading game). This cutting loss just because prices has dropped is taboo : as an investor, there is no logical reason to sell at a loss , remember it is not up to us to dictate the daily, weekly or monthly price of Puncak but it is within your control what you do with your investment as a shareholder


2016-01-14 12:44 | Report Abuse

Ha ha ha ! @stkoay I am not much of a believer in cycles, waves and all those Italian sounding retracements and fans ...... when it comes to belief, I'd rather stick with good old fundamentals and keep myself up-to-date with the market sentiments. Right now, it is pretty glum , pun intended ! Frankly, there isn't much you can do about it when the overall markets are all heading south. But, I wouldn't say that we "should not buy stocks now for long term". In fact, I would say now is the time you should be on a sharp lookout to buy "good" stocks at "cheap" price ! As to what is "good" and how much lower before it can be called "cheap" - I guess you will have to decide yourself :) It 's not easy but it can be done, the information are all out there : and when the markets turn and sentiments improve (as surely as the sun will rise again tomorrow from the eastern skies ) , then you will be smiling again !


2016-01-14 10:17 | Report Abuse

@kahhoeng, seriously I am clinging on to my Puncak shares. I also bought this on valuation, intend to hold with conviction, and no I will not sell out in desperation ......... as always, some will gloat over the temporary misalignment in price and call you stubborn. That's allright by me :) I am able to withstand the "cold spell" that sometimes get to us, illogical and crazy as this may sound ! Wish you and all holding this the wisdom to stay cool under the current circumstances : there is no need to panic if time is on your side !


2016-01-13 17:24 | Report Abuse

Ha ha ha Kahhoeng fainted is not so bad, I am in ICU life support :(


2016-01-10 17:56 | Report Abuse

It is untrue to say that OLH not rewarding shareholder . Just look at the reality : year after year after year, without fail there is always something for the shareholders, even in supposedly "bad years" we still get rewarded with Treasury shares ! Please check it out yourelf :

1 09 Oct 2015 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Interim Dividend

2 06 Jul 2015 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Bonus Issue

3 06 Jul 2015 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Special Dividend

4 23 Mar 2015 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Final Dividend

5 29 Aug 2014 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Interim Dividend

6 26 Mar 2014 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Final Dividend

7 23 Aug 2013 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Interim Dividend

8 18 Mar 2013 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Final Dividend

9 20 Nov 2012 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Second interim dividend

10 13 Aug 2012 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Interim Dividend

11 16 Mar 2012 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Final Dividend

12 16 Mar 2012 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Final Dividend

13 09 Aug 2011 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Interim Dividend

14 21 Mar 2011 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Final Dividend

15 02 Sep 2010 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Interim Dividend

16 22 Mar 2010 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Final Dividend

17 08 Jan 2010 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Bonus Issue

18 18 Sep 2009 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Interim Dividend

19 04 Aug 2009 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Others

20 23 Mar 2009 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Final Dividend

21 17 Sep 2008 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Interim Dividend

22 08 Sep 2008 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Others

23 25 Mar 2008 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Final Dividend

24 06 Sep 2007 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Interim Dividend

25 27 Mar 2007 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Final Dividend

26 29 Aug 2006 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Interim Dividend

27 13 Mar 2006 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Final Dividend

28 22 Sep 2005 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Interim Dividend

29 14 Apr 2005 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Final Dividend

30 19 Aug 2004 OSK HOLDINGS BERHAD Interim Dividend

News & Blogs

2015-12-31 10:38 | Report Abuse

I find that it is the title that he chooses that can be very misleading !
On 2 June 2014, he posted this :

"No Risk Investment Strategy - Koon Yew Yin

Author: Koon Yew Yin | Publish date: Mon, 2 Jun 2014, 10:40 PM"

I also felt at that time that it is too good to be true, and posted my comment accordingly ........ the rest, as they say is history : you can see the stock prices for yourselves !

News & Blogs

2015-12-31 07:49 | Report Abuse

Why Am I Buying Xingquan? Koon Yew Yin ................ is Mr Koon's choice of headline means he is buying right now, as in the present tense ? He is not asking us to buy, that's what he always says but use your head and think first. Singapore listed china shares had all the same "too good to be true" financial highlights as Mr koon says , but so many has now become mere cents or worse, gotten delisted. You can google search SGX listed china shares fiasco in Singapore. Re Mr Koon's :

"6.Xingquan is listed in Malaysia and I believe our Securities Commission can protect shareholders interest.
7. I also believe the legal system in China and the controlling shareholder of Xingquan cannot cheat the minority shareholders."

My parting piece of advice to all reading : please don't believe ! See what happened in Singapore !


2015-12-18 08:52 | Report Abuse

wah da4444, you very good prediction ! 152 and keep going up !

News & Blogs

2015-12-07 12:39 | Report Abuse

Koon Yew Yin writes like he is so poor that money is all he has !


2015-11-27 13:40 | Report Abuse

@YongCH, what about it's debt ? If I am not wrong, it's debt very high also ...........


2015-11-25 08:21 | Report Abuse

If strongest and good, why Aabar still not subscribing to rights ? It cannot be they got no money .... something not quite right here ! ut I can't quite place it hmm :
RHB Capital (RHBCap) announced that Aabar Investment PJS (which currently owns 21.09% of RHBCap) has not given its undertaking to subscribe to its portion of the RM2.5bn rights issue. Meanwhile, the other major shareholders, i.e. the EPF and OSK Holdings, have given their undertakings to subscribe to the rights issue. At this juncture, there will be two scenarios involved whereby if: i) Aabar’s shareholding declined to 15% or less on the entitlement date, a number of 517.7m rights shares will be allotted to entitled shareholders on a 1-for-5 basis, hence raising RM2.5bn in proceeds; ii) if Aabar’s shareholding remained at 21.09%, 486.2m rights shares will be allotted to shareholders, hence raising proceeds of RM2.3bn. (Source: Bursa Malaysia)

Comments: From our understanding, RHBCap’s management believes that the underwriters involved in the placement of the unsubscribed portion of the rights issue would be able to complete the exercise by end-2015. We still keep our SELL rating on RHBCap, with our PT at RM5.54 (based on 1x P/BV on 2016E BVPS) under the reorganized RHB Bank Group. In our view, there are still headwinds arising from an expected NIM deterioration (due to increasing funding cost), weak loan growth as well as potentially rising credit costs. It is still a challenge for the RHB Group to achieve an ROE target of 13% by 2017.

Source: Affin Hwang Capital Research - 24 Nov 2015


2015-11-20 11:31 | Report Abuse

no good the results ? why dropping ....


2015-11-19 16:27 | Report Abuse

@mason,you are right if it drops below 6 then it should be a good news for us all - an even better opportunity to buy ! But, I know for sure that when that happens I will be too frightened by the carnage as all other stocks especially the blue chips as well as FBMKLCI index would have dropped and fear would be everywhere ............ also, by then I will not have any money left anyway to buy. That's me, from my personal experience and observation.


2015-11-18 15:14 | Report Abuse

@mason, thank you for sharing your experience ............ speculation very stressful for small timer retailers , my own experience is like this.


2015-11-18 08:48 | Report Abuse

@mason, well done man ! 7.20 hit already ....


2015-10-30 16:49 | Report Abuse

@limayseng, I was just wondering that it should not smell of rats because for every large disposals by epf, mufj, khazanah etc etc there is always bullish buyers on the opposite end of these trades i.e for evry seller, there is a buyer so nett nett where are the rats ??


2015-09-25 11:36 | Report Abuse

oh sorry to hear POORDAD ! cannot one shot all in mah , slowly nibble just like when you having sex, where got one shot push in all ?