
ignissimia | Joined since 2014-12-13

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2018-01-10 14:58 | Report Abuse

Super idea to list Malaysia AirAsia on KLSE. Put the AAC sale on the backburner to divest on AA Group's terms.


2018-01-07 21:59 | Report Abuse

My mistake ... should be 37 days.


2018-01-07 19:46 | Report Abuse

Only a maximum of 30 trading days left before the release of the mother of all super earnings. Accumulate on all dips. Procrastinate no more, do it.


2017-12-20 09:40 | Report Abuse

Shortists, prepare to be crushed.


2017-12-20 09:38 | Report Abuse

What a fine Christmas gift, another buying opportunity at lower levels!


2017-12-18 09:39 | Report Abuse

In uncharted territory now, but the future path over the next few years is quite predictable except for inclement weather, geopolitical flare-ups and unscheduled plant shutdowns. If you are not a trader, it is shut-eyes play for now.


2017-12-12 09:31 | Report Abuse

What does the market think about the $602m notice of demand issued by BJLand to the buyer of GMOC late Nov? BJLand holds a 51% stake in the JV eith VT 49% if i recall correctly. So far, reaction is quite muted.


2017-11-29 21:40 | Report Abuse

3Q17 NP to SH $505.327m
3Q17 EPS 15.12c
1-3Q17 NP to SH $1267.656m
1-3Q17 EPS 37.93c

Based on the first 3 Qtrs results, if the average earnings is maintained, estimated FY17 EPS will be 50.57c translating to FY17 earnings of $1.69b. Of course the 4th Qtr is usually the year's best performing one, so you can expect better results still.

Anyway 8 times 50.56c being $4.05 is the minimum value of AA share based on expected FY17 results.

Beyond that, a special dividend of 11c is expected from the ground handlng unit sale proceeds to be declared very soon, interim dividend for FY17 of about 10c to be declared in 1H18 and another special dividend probably exceeding $1 to be declared after the sale of AAC anytime soon. There are many more goodies in the pipeline but the afore-mentioned items are enough to send you into ecstasy.


2017-11-06 23:29 | Report Abuse

Great market action today. Maybe super KYY was topping up a little more. Fantastic returns in the call warrants, esp for late comers like me playing to catch up with the early birds.


2017-11-06 17:46 | Report Abuse

Hubline bears are slightly stronger than the bulls today. See how things will unfold in the next 2 days. At the moment, no new news is good news.


2017-11-05 11:09 | Report Abuse

Over a period of 1.5 months, this resurgent stock rose steadily from 6c to a high close of 19c on 20th Oct on the back of fresh capital infusion of RM80m via an ongoing RCN exercise, new substantial shareholders and boardroom changes. It then consolidated in the next 10 trading days with the Stochastic plunging deeply into oversold realm at 11.1 on 2nd Nov but recovered the following day ending with the completion of a Bullish Harami formation.

A gap-up opening with a long white candle accompanied by high volume on Monday will likely confirm a trend reversal to suggest the resumption of the upwards march.


2017-11-03 11:15 | Report Abuse

Bullish Harami forming. Resumption of uptrend expected.


2017-11-01 22:50 | Report Abuse

VT will lead BJCorp as Executive chairman from today and RT will remain as CEO of the group.


2017-10-31 23:14 | Report Abuse

More ... Win-win deal ID'd already, the end is near.

Fernandes said he hoped to complete the sale of the leasing business, which two sources in March valued at US$900 million, by the end of the year.

He said talks with potential buyers had dragged on because AirAsia wanted to ensure it had the right balance between receiving a high upfront price and ensuring its leasing costs were reasonable in the future.

“I think now we have got a very good deal which is a win-win situation,” he said, without identifying the buyer.

Fernandes said he would prefer for AirAsia to keep a stake in the business rather than sell it entirely as it was doing with the SATS JV, but it was a decision for the board.

Even more special dividends coming.


2017-10-31 20:58 | Report Abuse

Next special dividend to be declared soon around 11c per share.


2017-10-29 01:06 | Report Abuse

Toto, no I am not saying that AA will drop on Monday.

I am wondering about the guy who dumped 9.247m shares at 3.42 during matching time at Fridat the 20th closing. It wasn't a seller on the RSS track, so he may be an investor taking money off the table for good or just for the time being. It's hard to tell.


2017-10-28 21:17 | Report Abuse

skng74, by shorts in these instances, I meant tactical selling by those who were holding AA shares but intend to buy back later at lower prices.


2017-10-27 18:22 | Report Abuse

It looks like people who shorted AA recently have started to buy back already.


2017-10-27 17:21 | Report Abuse

VWAP for indicated days;

24th 3.3819
25th 3.3187
26th 3.2667
27th 3.1808

To achieve zero payout for CW52, VWAP for 30th must be 2.8519.

Say, if the VWAP on coming Monday is 3.00, the simple arithmetical average of the 5 material days' VWAPs will be 3.22962, meaning the payout amount will be 0.00987 per warrant.


2017-10-24 13:49 | Report Abuse

I'm sure the operatives are collecting discretely in private.


2017-10-18 00:09 | Report Abuse

At the rate the ASB is disposing HY shares currently at present price levels, it will take another 92 trading days or around 19 weeks or 4 + months to complete a full disposal of their HY holding, ie taking it into February next year.

The 3Q17 earnings report may screw their heads back in their proper places next month and convert them into buyers. If not, they may continue to sulk at this poor performing and fruitless 5 year investment of theirs and throw their shares to us at bargain prices. That we should consider as our good fortune.


2017-10-15 19:09 | Report Abuse

Congratulations to Tony on his wedding to Chloe! Now, time for AirAsia to fly high to celebrate the occasion.


2017-10-14 13:10 | Report Abuse

HY can convert a part of its capacity to production of higher value aromatics chemicals in future if and when demand for transportation fuels wane.


2017-10-10 17:18 | Report Abuse

Dato Richard Wee is a scion of the Dato' Wee Kheng Chiang family of Sarawak. His father, the late Datuk Amar Wee Hood Teck and Wee Cho Yaw of Singapore are brothers. Expect something good to come out of this genesis.


2017-10-08 11:28 | Report Abuse

I am invested in HY but a late comer with a first entry point at my highest at 8.44, haha. Eventually my first batch averaged 8.01 which I disposed with profits in the first rebound after the price tanked to below 7.00. My current holding's average of 7.90 is still high by comparison to most of you here but I am happy to hold on. My views are, fundamentally;

3Q17 TTM EPS 300c, TP 9.00 to 10.00 before earnings report, TP 10.00 to 12.00 after earnings report.

FY17 EPS 300c, TP 13.00 to 15.00 before earnings report, TP 15.00 to 18.00 after earnings report and towards the end of year 2018.

PERs are very undemanding being 4 at $12.00 (3Q17), 5 at $15.00 (FY17) and 6 at 18.00 (end of 2018 when upgrading works are nearing completion)


2017-10-08 10:33 | Report Abuse

Maybe the market is just not ready to accept HY's current excellent fundamentals as sustainable? Maybe it needs to be satisfied that the budgeted $700m is realistic enough to upgrade the refinery to meet the new EU standards by 2018? Maybe it wants a little more time to observe how the controlling shareholder conducts business in Malaysia?

You must have patience, enough investment spirit and endure a period of risk before you find out how good the return is going to be.


2017-10-08 09:41 | Report Abuse

The market is bigger than ASB, by far. The price movement is dictated by the market's perception and response after considering everything it knows, not what ASB did, does or will do.


2017-10-05 16:46 | Report Abuse

AirAsia is meeting with fund managers today. There may be some renewed interest and action tomorrow and next week.


2017-09-26 10:19 | Report Abuse

Should the price drop significantly around the opportune dividend payment time, I shall plough all of that into more AA stocks.


2017-09-26 10:06 | Report Abuse

Only the bravehearts and those with strong conviction will enjoy maximum rewards from AA. Next bumper catalyst will be the concluding stage of AAC.


2017-09-26 10:00 | Report Abuse

So, it is that time again for the juddering ride treatment to separate the faint hearted and those without strong faith in AA from the following throng.


2017-09-19 00:05 | Report Abuse

Paperplane, I am touched by Choo Soo Fun's plight. I have contributed my part towards her medical bills via her HLB account online. I pray that she continues to have the will to fight for her full recovery.


2017-09-14 13:34 | Report Abuse

If there is an Aussie fund buying in KLSE now, their interest may be AMBank which is moving today. Just a conjectural suggestion.


2017-09-13 21:14 | Report Abuse

What's life without a dream? When the fleet size reaches 500 in number, AA will be a net cash airline and the price will be RM15.


2017-09-13 11:57 | Report Abuse

I have held AA shares since 24th August 2015.


2017-09-13 11:41 | Report Abuse

Chan SauWei, correction Dividends 4+12+12 =28c


2017-09-08 14:49 | Report Abuse

newbie1111, the 12c downward adjustment of AA's price will be on the dividend ex-date, 13th Sep.

On top of the adjustment in the last dividend exercise, the price tanked a further 51c in the 2 days of the ex-date and the day after. However, that is not to say that a similar pattern will happen again this time.

Happy investing.


2017-08-31 13:02 | Report Abuse

When EPF was a substantial shareholder of EFB in April 2010, only their internal fund managers handled their EFB shares. But as of 28 August 2017, 19.566m shares of their 5.176% holdings in EFB are being managed by four external funds.

So the big boys are in already. Hardly surprising though. Time to accumulate more again.


2017-08-29 23:20 | Report Abuse

You can try to run him down but his success speaks volumes for him. Sure nobody is perfect. Why do you say he treats his staff poorly? I see a lot of smiling faces among the crews. Unhappy hearts do not stay but walk away. People who are not happy here would have moved on a long time ago save for the helpless ones.


2017-08-29 22:09 | Report Abuse

I guess Tony is super confident of exceeding FY16 NP performance. What does that hint about this year's NP?


2017-08-29 22:05 | Report Abuse

Unfair, Hengyuan reported a loss of 1,188m in FY14 followed by profits of 352m and 335m in FY25 and FY16 respectively. They started FY17 with a carried loss of 502m. So far this year, they have chalked up profits amounting to 364m. They still have 138m to go before they get their hair trimmed.


2017-08-29 20:52 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow flying.


2017-08-29 20:50 | Report Abuse


1. 2Q17 Net Profit = RM146.519 million or 4.4c ps.

2. 12c Dividend proposed for FY17.

Happy happy.


2017-08-29 17:11 | Report Abuse

Getting stronger and stronger, happy.


2017-08-29 14:25 | Report Abuse

Trading suspension.


2017-08-29 09:22 | Report Abuse

The sale of AA's 50% stake in AACE gets done before AAC. It will serve as the entree before the main course AAC and how nice at PER of 19.5, much better than the 12+ I had expected. RM430 million. Expecting another special dividend of 12c this year.


2017-08-26 00:44 | Report Abuse

Sori Raider, you were correct. I re-read the cashflow report and it was over the 6-months period.