
ignissimia | Joined since 2014-12-13

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2017-08-25 23:59 | Report Abuse

Raider. the cash increase of RM401 is over the 3 months only of 2Q17. In 1Q17, I think there was a small reduction of cash in the Cashflow from Operating Activities.


2017-08-25 23:35 | Report Abuse

I think 2Q17 results are pretty good, certainly not one to cry over.

Net increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents was RM401,805,000 for 2Q17 whuch is fantastic.

The following change impacts how the forex figures are treated in the accounts which affects the profit (see page 7 - note A1);

Change in functional currency from RM to USD

A company's functional currency should reflect the underlying transactions, events and conditions that are relevant to it which includes the currency of the primary economic environment in which a company generates and expends cash, the currency in which funds from financing activities are generated and the currency in which receipts from operating activities are usually retained. The Company has changed its functional currency from RM to USD with effect from 1 January 2017 following the refinancing of the Company's borrowings to entirely USD denominated loans.

The Company continues to present its condensed financial statements in Ringgit Malaysia, consistent with the requirements of Companies Act, 2016 which requires financial statements and reports to be quoted in Ringgit Malaysia. The resulting exchange differences arising from the conversion to Ringgit Malaysia presentation currency have been recognised within other comprehensive income.


2017-08-24 21:47 | Report Abuse

ASB disposed a third time, 300,000 shares on 22.08.2017.


2017-08-19 00:12 | Report Abuse

I am a bit slow getting started on HRC. Read up on Thursday night and it just blew my mind what a gem this is. On board now, entered higher than most of you but still confident of making big money.


2017-08-11 21:05 | Report Abuse

Special dividend from sale of AAC this year and another special dividend from sale of a 50% share in JV company, AACOE, worth around RM270m or about 8 sen per AA share probably early 2018.


2017-07-25 16:31 | Report Abuse

Bargain prices again with good news looming. How dysfunctional can a market get?


2017-07-19 08:47 | Report Abuse

AAC is only a signpost, a milestone. The AA development story continues to higher successes after that.


2017-07-19 00:15 | Report Abuse

All time high price of $4.00 reached on Oct 27 & 28 in 2011 to be challenged soon.


2017-07-18 12:27 | Report Abuse

The main meal is AA. CWs are only the entrees and soups. McQ can skin the cat in any way they like.


2017-07-18 11:55 | Report Abuse

I will digest the whole bait together with the hook, line and sinker. No problem.


2017-07-18 11:42 | Report Abuse

I took the bait at 3.21 with my eyes wide open.


2017-07-13 17:36 | Report Abuse

I shall wait for signs of market capitulation in the current sell down before accumulating more AA shares. Maybe another opportunity to buy at bargain prices again.


2017-07-12 00:06 | Report Abuse

Reminder; 2c dividend, ex-date 28 July.


2017-07-11 23:41 | Report Abuse

Sleeping beauty. Sleep for too long, everyone will grow old.


2017-07-10 15:43 | Report Abuse

Must be trolls hired by the operator to create disharmony in the forum and disruption of intelligent discourses to prevent sharing of sound and proper information among forum participants.


2017-07-09 10:51 | Report Abuse

I post below a comment by sunztzhe from the Evergreen Fibre Board thread forum which i think is happening in AirAsia as well, principle wise although products, nature of operation and operating environment differ widely.


Posted by sunztzhe > Jul 9, 2017 07:54 AM | Report Abuse
The most important important factor that drives up future earnings in any company is whether the controlling shareholders has a focussed strategy that adds value to the long term biz n earnings growth of the company.

Evergreen's owner operator is now executing the right strategy in reducing cost in existing product lines n investing in capex to produce n sell higher margins RTA products in the near future. The Capex investment will generate future operational cash flows which pages down gearing.

Ongoing mgt action to reduce existing production costs to improve margins n investing in capex to produce new higher margins RTA products will contribute towards revenue n higher earnings per share in future.

I have confidence that the Controlling shareholders who r owner operators will deliver higher earnings for Evergreen in not too distant future.


2017-07-08 10:37 | Report Abuse

Welcome to the future


2017-07-08 09:14 | Report Abuse

Up so early? Stop fretting over the divestment of AAC. AirAsia has much much more going for her than that. In sny case, there are at least 2 super salesmen in AirAsia who can sell ice to eskimos, so have faith thst AAC will be sold gainfully. It is a good asset so no need to give it away.


2017-07-08 00:01 | Report Abuse

Exactly, valuelurker.

Bought more today at 3.14 and 3.15. Great.


2017-07-05 21:30 | Report Abuse

We live in an uncertain world. Sometimes things run nicely like clockwork but sometimes they don't sail so smoothly. Sometimes, other countries' policies change beyond our control and impact what we do or our plans, so we roll with the blows and accommodate accordingly as long as the essence of what we do remain intact. It may take some more time but it is not necessarily daunting or impossible to come up with solutions.


2017-07-05 20:47 | Report Abuse

For me, AirAsia, as it is and without a pending sale of subsidiary AAC and the anticipated related special dividend, is currently undervalued.


2017-07-05 17:39 | Report Abuse

Tony already fully paid and picked up all his 559m pp in February.


2017-07-05 17:19 | Report Abuse

Plane passenger load of AAX Gold Coast-KL flight that was diverted to Brisbane airport was 345/365 or nearly 95% full. Very good business.


2017-06-30 11:54 | Report Abuse

The chart seems to suggest a price breakout in the offing. Hmm ... fits a scenario in which a wonderful news will be announced sometime next week to mid July. Hahaha.


2017-06-30 08:54 | Report Abuse

Ya, BJCorp normally does that but nothing is set unless there is a formal announcement and subsequent confirmation after shareholders' approval at the AGM.

At this juncture of time, it only means that the board has not deliberated or decided on the matter. It may appear certain to you but not necessarily to others. Many companies do not practice proposing a dividend at the same time as announcement of their 4Q results. How come the spaces for preceding year's dividend figures have been left empty. a careless omission or simply not an important issue at this juncture?


2017-06-29 21:54 | Report Abuse

Don't worry prematurely about the dividend. BJCorp usually announce its annual dividend a few months after the 4Q financials announcement. One cent per share expected as usual for FY17

Last few years dividend announcement dates;


2017-06-28 14:47 | Report Abuse

The steady composure of the passengers as seen in the videos is a testament to how well the captain was handling the crisis situation. A picture of calm.


2017-06-28 14:19 | Report Abuse

The A330 was filled with 359 passengers (maximum 365), pretty full so business must be good.

AA owns less than 14% of AAX.


2017-06-28 12:21 | Report Abuse

I am sure that warranties given by RR and insurances procured by AAX will cover all the costs of investigations, repairs, parts replacements, loss of revenue and any other losses arising out of this recent event.


2017-06-28 11:46 | Report Abuse

Commendable handling by air crew and airline during and after technical episode. Excellent!


2017-06-23 15:32 | Report Abuse

If that fails, maybe you can ask for a rules waiver and authorisation to use up to the credit that should be available in your account had this AA divvy been credited today. Afterall, the credit is already in their account and it is more business for them too.


2017-06-23 15:23 | Report Abuse

Talk nicely to the person in charge and tell him/her that you can't wait to use the proceeds to buy a fantastic share today. Maybe they will speed up the process and free your trapped divvy. All the paperwork should have been done prior to this day and the transfer should have been executed the moment they are aware that all the dividends are in because it only takes a few moments to match the total amounts expected to be received and redistributed.


2017-06-23 13:42 | Report Abuse

Mine is Standard Chartered. It's in.


2017-06-23 12:20 | Report Abuse

RM, it should be credited into your nominated bank account sometime today meaning you eill definitely see it after 12 midnight tonight after their daily maintenance/update. If your shares are in margin accounts, you need to wait for a few more days to allow your margin financier time to check and process the transder from their accounts to yours.


2017-06-22 12:03 | Report Abuse

Rolling the money right back into more AA shares at these cheap levels.


2017-06-22 12:00 | Report Abuse

Fat dividend cash from AA coming into our bank accounts tomorrow. This is only the appetiser with the main course coming close behind.


2017-06-21 20:55 | Report Abuse

Some funds and people may be feeling uneasy about the flash points in Syria where cavalier behaviour prevails as the USA engages Russia in a dangerous game of brinkmanship. A small conflict could be one test too many and erupt into a full scale war.


2017-06-19 00:28 | Report Abuse

If prices should move downwards irrationally in the near future, Tony and his angel merchant banker should seriously consider the privatisation options this time and along the way, destroy the butts of those short sellers crazy enough to mount predatory attacks on AA. The rewards that can be reaped from from such an exercise are hugh because Tony can then cream off the multi-billion $ gains from all the assets sales which are not priced in by the market. Of course he is not a nasty fellow and will also reward the last loyal supporters who will hang on till the end by paying them a decent price like 4.50 ps.

Later when Tony relists AA again, we shall be back for the ride up again. Ananda has done this thingi twice already and nobody is complaining.


2017-06-15 12:02 | Report Abuse

Payment date of 5.2c Div is today 15th June.


2017-06-12 13:02 | Report Abuse

Not all but a lot of dismayed investors were not mincing their words when they voiced out their feelings and concerns at the sharp drop in AA's share price when hordes of shortists attacked concertedly with impunity. TF&KM had no immediate answer to the onslaught having reduced their core holding to below 19% and seemingly, all the chips were down when some of their pledged shares appeared to have been forced sold.


2017-06-10 16:07 | Report Abuse

I saw hng33 bought in at 34.5c on 29th May and sold later at 35.5c on 8th June. There is no doubt he profited from this trade by approx 0.4 to 0.5c per share depending on his brokerage fees.


2017-06-08 19:56 | Report Abuse

Whose idea is it, this female pilots' new unifiom?

Not to my taste.


2017-06-02 13:07 | Report Abuse

1200 × 4.28 ÷ 3342 = 1.5368

80% of 1200 × 4.28 ÷ 3342 = 1.2294

1000 × 4.28 ÷ 3342 = 1.2807

80% of 1000 × 4.28 ÷ 3342 = 1.0245

Any which way you cut it, it will be brilliant.


2017-06-01 16:17 | Report Abuse

mancingbursa, technologically speaking, we are not even up to the Buck Roger's era yet. What more to say of Captain James Tiberius Kirk's era where people jump across vast spaces in the universe by travelling through hyperspace or wormholes between locations? Your concerns are 1 or 2 thousand years ahead of our time by Michio Kaku's reckoning. We are only a Type Zero civilization who may never make it to Type 1 level because we may be the cause of our own extinction.

Refreshing to digress sometimes.



2017-05-31 14:48 | Report Abuse

valuegrowth, Rusmin Ang is one of the two founders of The Fifth Person, a Singapore based company involved in equity investing and on-line investment services. The 4 year old company consists of 5 young analysts including the 2 founders.

So no, I think Rusmin is not going to join AirAsia anytime soon and he is not the vocal shareholder who impressed TF at the AGM with his lines of questioning.


2017-05-31 02:25 | Report Abuse

This will refresh your memory of some of the good things about AirAsia that may have escaped from your mind ... http://fifthperson.com/21-things-i-learned-from-airasias-2017-agm/

You are not alone. Stay focused and undeterred by distractions along the way. Invest confidently taking care not to overstretch your resources so that you can stay the course resolutely to the end for a handsome reward.


2017-05-30 15:01 | Report Abuse

There is no indication given when the successful bidder for AAC will be named. We are told the sale will be completed before the year end and indeed, very probably much earlier than that.

That means an announcement can be expected anytime from now.


2017-05-29 23:19 | Report Abuse

I have been here since August 2015, one day before the price hit 76.5c. I shall be around for a long time yet. Why, the action has not even started yet or tell me what I had missed.


2017-05-29 08:52 | Report Abuse

I did not sell a single share this round.