
izoklse | Joined since 2012-08-09

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2013-10-17 17:20 | Report Abuse

hahaah see calvintaneng. HJey said u are liar. hehehehehhe.


2013-10-17 17:17 | Report Abuse

ok good. take a snapshot. see how stupid Lai Fah is. hahahah.


2013-10-17 17:13 | Report Abuse

Hjey i dont think Lai Fah stupidly email you something with regard to the company plan in future. That would be a stupid GM. Why as a GM of a public listed company reveled anything he plan for his company to outsider or non shareholder and even if you are a shareholder, a GM wont simply send and write up email because that can be use against him in any circumstances. That is what meant to be a public listed company because you have shareholder and cannot simply do a statement/give comment/more importantly send a write up comment which will be stupid for GM to do that.

News & Blogs

2013-10-17 16:20 | Report Abuse

wt222 dont forget Latifah Koya. She is Koya Kutty at PR.huhuhu. Well you are absolutely correct KClow. :-).

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News & Blogs

2013-10-17 15:56 | Report Abuse

Aiyo what are you talking Fortuneball ? now BN is running without chinese support la. Hahhahaah. Funny la u. Chinese Community already dump BN last election. Hey look BN still OK. The best thing is Malay are become more and more powerful. Do you think with Chinese alone PR can win next GE. Hello chinese community only counted as 30% of Malaysian. And go read lee kuan yew book. He mention that Malay are becoming more dominant from day to day and in next GE will show even large chunk of Malay community compare to other races. So you really think BN cannot work without you. Its already happen now. BN still working and i think they become more stronger with Malay, Bumiputera & Indian Support.Go and read lee kuan yew book and you know how your pride and arrogance will later send you into doom.

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2013-10-17 15:46 | Report Abuse

What Free Ooi Teik Bee ?

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2013-10-17 15:31 | Report Abuse

Thats why you so arrogance. Good PM Najib teach you a lesson.This country is not for you but you have to share including the economic pie. Once you feel superior to other you will come with the answer " without us chineses,Bolehland will bankrupt." . So you can see now Malay & Indian.

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News & Blogs

2013-10-16 23:45 | Report Abuse

heheh bsngpg kata private company keberatan/taknak bayar gaji perkerja berdasarkan kelayakan/qualification.Ops my English.hahahahaha


2013-10-16 23:40 | Report Abuse

tomorrow target blue chit. heheheh. Oil & Gas counter & Finance/Banking would be the top gainer tomorrow.


2013-10-16 23:27 | Report Abuse

Huraiiiiiiii attack tomorrow.....KLSE tomorrow to break 1800 again.


2013-10-16 23:26 | Report Abuse

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate leaders reached agreement Wednesday to avert a threatened Treasury default and reopen the government after a partial, 16-day shutdown, according to a Republican senator who also said the House might vote first on the plan to speed its approval.
The New York Stock Exchange soared on the news that the threat of default was easing in, rising nearly 200 points by late morning.
"I understand they've come to an agreement but I'm going to let the leader announce that," Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., said as she walked into a meeting of Senate Republicans called to review details of the emerging deal struck by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and GOP Leader Mitch McConnell.
Officials said the proposal called for the Treasury to have authority to continue borrowing through Feb. 7, and the government would reopen through Jan. 15.
Speaker John Boehner and the House Republican leadership met in a different part of the Capitol to plan their next move.
The developments came one day before the deadline Treasury Secretary Jack Lew had set for Congress to raise the current $16.7 trillion debt limit. Without action by lawmakers, he said, Treasury could not be certain it had the ability to pay bills as they come due.
In addition to raising the debt limit, the proposal would give lawmakers a vote to disapprove the increase. President Barack Obama would have the right to veto their opposition, ensuring he would prevail.
House and Senate negotiators would be appointed to seek a deficit-reduction deal, but there is no provision for federal agencies to have increased flexibility in coping with the effects of across-the-board cuts.
Despite initial Republican demands for the defunding of the health care law known as Obamacare, the pending agreement makes only one modest change in the program. It requires individuals and families seeking subsidies to purchase coverage to verify their incomes before qualifying.
There were some dire warnings from the financial world a day after the Fitch credit rating agency said it was reviewing its AAA rating on U.S. government debt for possible downgrade.
John Chambers, chairman of Standard & Poor's Sovereign Debt Committee, told "CBS This Morning" on Wednesday that a U.S. government default on its debts would be "much worse than Lehman Brothers," the investment firm whose 2008 collapse led to the global financial crisis.
Billionaire investor Warren Buffett told CNBC he doesn't think the federal government will fail to pay its bills, but "if it does happen, it's a pure act of idiocy."
Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, a tea party favorite, said he was not worried about the prospect of a U.S. default.
"We are going to service our debt," he told CNN. "But I am concerned about all the rhetoric around this ....I'm concerned that it will scare the markets."
Aides to Reid and McConnell said the two men had resumed talks, including a Tuesday night conversation, and were hopeful about striking an agreement that could pass both houses.
It was expected to mirror a deal the leaders had neared Monday. That agreement was described as extending the debt limit through Feb. 7, immediately reopening the government fully and keeping agencies running until Jan. 15 — leaving lawmakers clashing over the same disputes in the near future.
It also set a mid-December deadline for bipartisan budget negotiators to report on efforts to reach compromise on longer-term issues like spending cuts. And it likely would require the Obama administration to certify that it can verify the income of people who qualify for federal subsidies for medical insurance under the 2010 health care law.
But that emerging Senate pact was put on hold Tuesday, an extraordinary day that highlighted how unruly rank-and-file House Republicans can be, even when the stakes are high. Facing solid Democratic opposition, Boehner tried in vain to write legislation that would satisfy GOP lawmakers, especially conservatives.
Boehner crafted two versions of the bill, but neither made it to a House vote because both faced certain defeat. Working against him was word during the day from the influential group Heritage Action for America that his legislation was not conservative enough — a worrisome threat for many GOP lawmakers whose biggest electoral fears are of primary challenges from the right.
The last of Boehner's two bills had the same dates as the emerging Senate plan on the debt limit and shutdown.
But it also blocked federal payments for the president, members of Congress and other officials to help pay for their health care coverage. And it prevented the Obama administration from shifting funds among different accounts — as past Treasury secretaries have done — to let the government keep paying bills briefly after the federal debt limit has been reached.
Boehner's inability to produce a bill that could pass his own chamber likely means he will have to let the House vote on a Senate compromise, even if that means it would pass with strong Demo

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2013-10-16 22:47 | Report Abuse

Yeah im ok with current govt.And i like current govt. i even choose current govt. so ? i happy. i pay tax. i still happy. im mid income i still happy. so i think im ok with GST. Been in few country any learn much about the GST implementation there i feel its better for malaysia to have that rather then huge income tax. by the this my experience talking and been in other country. well its my personal view.

News & Blogs

2013-10-16 22:02 | Report Abuse

I actually agree on the GST. It will control our spending and at the same time reduce personal income tax.You spend more then you have to pay more la. that world be more fair . Only that the rate should reasonable to malaysia current standard of living.

News & Blogs

2013-10-16 21:59 | Report Abuse

i already send her letter to PEMANDU & My Friend working at JPM under DPM.


2013-10-16 18:22 | Report Abuse

if break 0.23 then next is 0.25 to break.

News & Blogs

2013-10-16 16:20 | Report Abuse

i agree with you on that kelvinongbk.

News & Blogs

2013-10-16 16:08 | Report Abuse

then your lovely PR want to reduce Tax , Free education, 20% Royalty to state and many other BULAN, BINTANG, PLANET ,MATAHARI...HAHAHAHAHAH.... Boleh Land wont bankrupt ka ? what..want to get corruption money? berapa sangat. Even the business eco system PR dont know how to do it.

News & Blogs

2013-10-16 16:00 | Report Abuse

Fortunebull instead u are retards not BN Voters.The majority vote only by chinese community who swing to PR. Other PR party lost a lot. The large chunk of malay voters also new voters swing back to BN & UMNO. PR even lost Kedah. So you want to say those given kedah back to BN are retard ? They are majority malay. So all those Malay there in kedah who vote for BN is retard? Hahahaha. In fact they are brilliant to give BN win so that now Malay will get more and even more. Who retard now ? hahahahahah. Next GE will show even stronger Malay support to BN.


2013-10-16 15:43 | Report Abuse

aiyo aper punya kod tu 5 , 10, 5 , 10...hehehhhe

News & Blogs

2013-10-16 14:47 | Report Abuse

The thing is najib try to change his govt way of doing things to focus more to people need rather then ethnic based. And he try to reduce it but the more he try to change the more people pull him back. He try it even though it is slow in process and require a lot of effort but suddenly all chinese shock him by rejecting his move and rejecting his govt. As a PM he try to change and bring the change previously and it doesnt work. Instead they punish his govt and tarnish him reputation. so why should he do a changes when this people actual dont want a change? that is now he turn back to the old race based policy because the other side clearly dont want the changes that he bring. That why dont blame him. Blame your self. You been given a chance but in return what you give him. Taik. You should give him a chance to do the change but instead you trust that liar anwar. satu Malaysia know him and thats why a lot of Malay didnt trust him. Because he always putar alam. So now u have to live with it.


2013-10-16 14:17 | Report Abuse

will flush away all the weak holder then go up i think.


2013-10-16 12:03 | Report Abuse

wow non stop going up.what happen inside ?


2013-10-16 11:58 | Report Abuse

sell if you cannot tahan. need to kick out all the week holder.


2013-10-16 10:32 | Report Abuse

Kasi tuang air satu baldi.hehehe


2013-10-16 10:19 | Report Abuse

hahahahah there there. KClow come. newbiestockreturns also come. hahahahahhahaha. let see their drama. DRAMA MINGGU INI. Who ever want to sell. hehheheh go ahead.


2013-10-16 10:10 | Report Abuse

waaaa JCool now got supporter KClow. hahahahahhahahaha. Later more unfamiliar id will appear here and attacking one another. hahahahhaah.


2013-10-14 16:18 | Report Abuse

For Muslim Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha. Drive safely Going back to Kampung. :-)


2013-10-14 16:16 | Report Abuse

aiyo cepat la 4.30 pm. :-)


2013-10-14 14:19 | Report Abuse

aiyo all already start engine. In ETITECH engine sulah mati woo. hard to move already. huhuhu. bila mau move ...


2013-10-14 14:14 | Report Abuse

hahhahah kesian Ng Lai Fah. Tak pasal2 nama naik.hahahahah. Wei Ng Lai Fah. U become famous wooooo.


2013-10-14 14:08 | Report Abuse

thats why i feel funny at both.Non-stop to show who is the best.One got personal & the other one backup dance.Hhehehehehhehe. but well we need entertainment sometime. hehehehe.


2013-10-14 14:04 | Report Abuse

hahahh tak habis-habis JCool & MrTigerShark ni. Hhhahahah. Terguling ni gelak. hahhahaha


2013-10-14 14:00 | Report Abuse

not today.but will slowly.


2013-10-14 11:36 | Report Abuse

heheh tu la. takut lena tak bangun-bangun sampai delisted.heheheh


2013-10-14 11:13 | Report Abuse

is it share changing hand?


2013-10-14 10:53 | Report Abuse

aiyo dont push to high la.slow2 is better.


2013-10-13 21:22 | Report Abuse

good we need more of this. keep the good work guys to promote pmcorp. our team also ready now to attack. but don't wish the price will go up faster. not the time yet.


2013-10-13 11:47 | Report Abuse

i thought the management already mention about the capital repayment to share holder during AGM at PD? how come suddenly no capital repayment ? hahahah or u miss the boat ? look JCool if you think its all lie then stay away from this counter. Protect your capital. Go to other counter which really make you feel safe. This counter for mid term/long term holder only. You said the company have huge losses so its confirm u feel it is not safe to enter. Event thought with the asset of the company it easily can pay all the losses. But still better you find other counter to play. This counter is not for you. Go to the more safer counter. So you can sleep well and not worried about PMCORP anymore.


2013-10-12 22:12 | Report Abuse

the last shoot is from 0.035. we see this time where its going be.


2013-10-12 12:34 | Report Abuse

yeah i already join pmcorp at 0.17 when this calvin guy convincingly show use the value of this company. normally i wont just simple jump in but when study a bit about the company background,assest and potential growth in future i thing i might want to give it a chance so i invest 500k.And still holding it. i got a few friend also want to jump in but for them at this moment it look a bit risky and they might want the price go down below 0.2 for them to attack. so hopefully it will not shoot very fast at least go down first for move people to join in. If it go up fast with huge volume then its more dangerous to go in as that is the time bursa ha ve and eye to this stock and anytime they can issues UMA. those contra or short term investor might already run at that time since they are very afraid when price go down.That is our chance. When people run, we buy and that what EPF being doing all this years of making money. I dont say EPF going join the party.it just an example. By the way we felt nothing to loose and we go in for mid term / long term.


2013-10-12 12:11 | Report Abuse

next week hope pmcorp will not move up.better go down. more people want to jump in.


2013-10-11 22:21 | Report Abuse

let see whether there is any show next week.