
izoklse | Joined since 2012-08-09

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2013-10-20 15:29 | Report Abuse

now sure its coming or not


2013-10-20 15:20 | Report Abuse

i think based on the chart it is a buy call

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2013-10-20 15:02 | Report Abuse

Yeah go and check a lot of that 51% popular vote are come from constituency which located at the town ship which the electorate number are huge and predominantly dominate by one community which is Chinese. Aiyo you go to opposition friendly website Malaysia today and you see Raja Petra analysis on last GE result and where the popular vote coming in. That is why Anwar now senyap sunyi. No bunyi anymore because he know the biggest chunk of popular vote come from chinese predominated area such PJ..IPOH..manymore more. Thats why PKR lost. PAS also lost. Thats why Anwar now senyap sahaja. He know he dont have backed from Malay community. He know it very well.

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2013-10-20 14:47 | Report Abuse

Good Fortunebull. That what BN want. Hheheheheh.

News & Blogs

2013-10-20 14:34 | Report Abuse

Sorry LKS. GE 13 is actually a good result for Malay.We are very happy to this result as we can get more and more. Why should we change it for the next GE ? If we change and get chinese back on our side then what we get is only sikit. Why bother to get chinese back. We are enjoying now. hehehehe. And we want more and more. Now chinese in other side make our job easy. They cannot blame the current govt. They them self throw away this govt and yet they want to blame this govt?.hahahahha. You have yourself to blame la. Hope next GE will cast the same result as this GE and that time we are going to enjoy more and more. arrrghhhhh im hungry for more. Let the chinese in opposition side.This will make the job easy. No kacau-kacau. If they are within the govt then its hard do what govt do now. Oh yeah thanks to Lee Kwan Yew with a good book and analysis of the GE game plan and the advice to chinese community. Actually that can be taken by govt to do the opposite so that chinese community will not be with govt anymore.They will be at the opposition side for long time until the malay and indian get all even more then 30% economic pie.hahahah.You so brilliant Lew Kwan Yew. Only that you wrongly expose it in book form so that everybody can read.


2013-10-19 23:00 | Report Abuse

11172164 to answer your question, i can just tell you this. it is because of Project Rapid at Pengerang Johor.


2013-10-19 18:11 | Report Abuse

hellow anbz. Yes i sudah beli. not only PMCORP but all including MUI. So what ? I puji dia is nothing to do with i beli or tak.because all i buy at low. and im not buying it alone as we have our own team.So i give this calvin credit because he stay with his explanation and argument. But you also made your argument and explanation only that wrong forum. hahahah.


2013-10-19 17:46 | Report Abuse

you memang hebat la calvin.everyday people non-stop try to discredit you and make your explanation look wrong but you never stop your explanation and one by one fall and gone. You know i think you are saying the truth. If you know what you are say is true and you never step back and that is the time people should start look. If you want to go out and abandon this forum long time a go you have done it when non-stop people attacking your explanation and promotion of this counter but you never do that.Instead you stick to your explanation and argument. Now i have a respect on you.


2013-10-19 09:10 | Report Abuse

The Dialog the biggest meaning for local company. The rest are oversea O & G and PetroChemical company.


2013-10-19 09:07 | Report Abuse

I will inform you later when we have already clear bid on that O & G company which will be involve in the project. So far Dialog is the biggest. So the potential for it to up in First Q 2014 is very high.


2013-10-19 07:51 | Report Abuse

member41 im talking about PCHEM because im the insider. and calvin had mention about Pengerang Project.


2013-10-19 05:50 | Report Abuse

like i said 林俊松 the price of PCHEM will reach around the range of 8.50 - 10.00 in 6 month time. now is the time to but and keep if for 6 month time.October 2013-March 2014.


2013-10-18 23:10 | Report Abuse

aiyo ayam thats why i said those who got money buy PCHEM and hold it for 6 month. those who still got money.


2013-10-18 22:59 | Report Abuse

PCHEM price 6 month from now will be around 8.50 - 10.00. Buy now if you still have money and hold it for 6 month.


2013-10-18 22:56 | Report Abuse

Shaiful Azril dont let go yet if you can still hold it.


2013-10-18 22:54 | Report Abuse

If you have money buy now and hold it until April - May 2014.


2013-10-18 22:51 | Report Abuse

it will touch around 8.50 - 10.00 by April 2014.


2013-10-18 22:43 | Report Abuse

The Pengerang Project will work and i currently work with the team.I cannot reveled much. If you have chance and got extra money buy PCHEM before December 2013.


2013-10-18 22:28 | Report Abuse

this week already flush a lot of weak holder. Let see next week how.


2013-10-18 22:23 | Report Abuse

anbz why promoting PW at PMCORP Forum. Better you create a new forum and promote there.

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2013-10-18 16:12 | Report Abuse

please sell if you cannot tahan.


2013-10-18 11:47 | Report Abuse

need to kick out all the week holder before it go up so that no much people kacau2.


2013-10-18 11:46 | Report Abuse

Still got a few week holder need to be tendang kasi keluar before it go up.


2013-10-18 11:25 | Report Abuse

i think this price is best buy.later cannot buy at this price anymore.


2013-10-17 23:51 | Report Abuse

31st Last date to submit regulation plan.


2013-10-17 23:13 | Report Abuse

potenza10 why buy PATIMAS ? Thought it gonna delisted soon ?


2013-10-17 21:53 | Report Abuse

HJey Gone. KClow Gone. Now we wait for newbies.hey newbies...where are you. ahahahhaah.


2013-10-17 21:42 | Report Abuse

Bye HJey. Now HJey gone . KClow also gone. huhuhuhu.


2013-10-17 21:36 | Report Abuse

emm very interesting . TSE inside ASIABIO & PATIMAS


2013-10-17 21:29 | Report Abuse

Is TSE is also Executive Director of ASIABIO ?


2013-10-17 21:28 | Report Abuse

finally we have stncws who understand what is the meaning of public listed company. you cannot simply reveled anything to outsider without noticing share holder. kalau tak confirm kena pecat or share holder will question her later.and of course company do want such thing to happen.


2013-10-17 21:21 | Report Abuse

company now on the brink of delisted but still appoint new executive director ? heheheh. what their plan?


2013-10-17 21:15 | Report Abuse

Ok bye KClow. Dont come back ok . Take care. hehehehheheeh.


2013-10-17 21:13 | Report Abuse

heheheh funny la KClow :P

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2013-10-17 20:48 | Report Abuse



2013-10-17 20:44 | Report Abuse

aiyo dont simply give TP


2013-10-17 20:43 | Report Abuse

i never say calvin is honest HJey. i just referring to your message about Lai Fah. Calvin is honest or not i also dont know. dont ask me about it.I just stated what GM or Top Management of Public Listed company normally do and do not do.


2013-10-17 20:35 | Report Abuse

Heheheh really waiting for calvin answer to HJey email about calvin himself.


2013-10-17 20:34 | Report Abuse

See I told you already HJey. No GM in public listed company will simply reveled his/her company plan to any outsider without the knowledge of shareholder because they are public listed company.The email you show is only talking about calvin not the company plan.

News & Blogs

2013-10-17 20:11 | Report Abuse

Kelantan Mufti warns non-Muslims in state against using Allah

Shukri did not rule out the possibility of a backlash from Muslims if non-Muslims continued to use the word Allah.

Elizabeth Zachariah, TMI

The Mufti of Kelantan has warned non-Muslims in the state who use Allah in their worship that they could face action under the Control and Restriction of the Propagation of Non-Islamic Religions Enactment 1981.

Datuk Mohamad Shukri Mohamad said non-Muslims have to face the consequences if they still insisted on using Allah, as Malaysia had laws that had to be followed.

"We in Kelantan have our own enactment. For a long time, the enactment has prohibited non-Muslims from using Allah. The enactment is for the civil court, not Shariah," Utusan Malaysia reported today.

"So we leave it to the authorities to act on those who break the law. Those who are rational will understand the consequences," Shukri added.

He was responding to a statement from the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) chairman, Rev Dr Eu Hong Seng, who said Christians would continue to use Allah in worship and prayers.

Shukri did not rule out the possibility of a backlash from Muslims if non-Muslims continued to use the word Allah.

"It is a possibility, something that we don't want to happen,” he warned.

News & Blogs

2013-10-17 20:06 | Report Abuse

Jakarta Post: ‘Allah’ ruling risks spreading to Indonesia

(MM) - Malaysia’s court ruling on Muslims’ exclusivity over “Allah” could inspire Indonesians of the faith to lay the same claim over the Arabic word, Jakarta Post warned in an editorial yesterday.

The English-language daily in Indonesia noted that religious exclusivism was equally strong in Indonesia, “if not stronger” than in neighbouring Malaysia, citing previous debates like whether non-Muslims should be allowed to say the traditional Arabic phrases “Assalamu’alaikum” (peace be upon you), “Alhamdulillah” (praise be to God) and “Insya Allah” (God willing).

“It’s only a matter of time before someone takes the cue from Malaysia and starts raising objections to non-Muslims using the word Allah,” Jakarta Post wrote in an editorial titled “No one has monopoly claim to God: On the use of ‘Allah’ in Malaysia”.

“No one who believes in the power of one supreme God can really claim exclusivity. There is no such thing as the God for Catholics, just as there is no such thing as the God or Allah for Muslims,” added the newspaper.

Jakarta Post stressed that “those who claim exclusivity to God undermine their own faith, and inadvertently or not, preach polytheism”.

The republic’s newspaper said it was ironic that religious exclusivism, “which goes against the grain of Islamic teaching”, was now formally entrenched in Malaysia, a country that takes pride in its racial and religious diversity.

The daily also noted that while Malaysian Muslims went for religious exclusivism, Pope Francis headed the opposite direction towards inclusivism by saying recently: “I believe in God, not in a Catholic God”.

“Monotheism is the foundation of the Abrahamic faiths – including Judaism, Christianity and Islam – and it entails that their followers pray to the same God Almighty. The Pope is only reaffirming the very principle of monotheism but at the same time he is promulgating the inclusivity of the deity,” said Jakarta Post.

“Every monotheistic religion will obviously claim exclusivity in their proximity to God, but that is not the same thing as claiming that God only listens to them and no one else,” it added.

On Monday, the Court of Appeal ruled against a High Court decision allowing the Catholic Church to refer to the Christian god with the Arabic word “Allah” in the Bahasa Malaysia section of its weekly paper, the Herald.

The court adjudged the usage of the word “Allah” as not integral to the Christian faith and said that allowing such an application would cause confusion in the Muslim community.

The 2009 High Court ruling, which found that the word “Allah” was not exclusive to Muslims, had sparked a string of attacks like arson and vandalism against non-Muslim places of worship, including Christian churches and Sikh temples.

Besides Sikhs, Christians in Arabic-speaking countries use the Middle-Eastern word “Allah” to describe their god.

Jakarta Post noted that Indonesian Muslims, who shared the linguistic similarities with Malaysians, translate the phrase “Lailaha Illallah” to “Tiada tuhan selain Allah” (No God but Allah), instead of the literal translation “No god but God”.

“This erroneous translation may have become the basis that put Muslims in much of Southeast Asia to claim exclusivity to God,” it said.

The daily theorised that the distinction between Allah and God may have been made to help convert polytheists, since the people in the region were mostly Hindus and Buddhists before Islam arrived in the 14th century.

“The late Islamist scholar Nurcholish Madjid drew sharp rebukes when he suggested that Indonesians should translate the term to ‘No god but God’, so the idea was dropped prematurely,” said Jakarta Post.

The newspaper noted that Malaysia and Indonesia have, so far, practised a more moderate and tolerant strand of Islam, compared to Muslims in the Middle East, the origin of Islam, or in South Asia.

“But there is only a thin line dividing tolerance and intolerance, so we should not take this moderation for granted,” said Jakarta Post.

“With the rising exclusivism that the Muslim majorities in these two countries are pushing, we may be witnessing the Islam in Malaysia and Indonesia becoming less and less tolerant. In fact, it may already be happening,” added the daily.


2013-10-17 19:07 | Report Abuse

PATIMAS - Change in Boardroom : Appointment of Tan Sik eek , Executive Director of PATIMAS.


2013-10-17 19:05 | Report Abuse

What Executive Director of ASIABIO doing in PATIMAS ?


2013-10-17 17:50 | Report Abuse

Heheheh habis la calvin. :-) . HJey want to post snapshoot already.hahahahahhaah.

News & Blogs

2013-10-17 17:48 | Report Abuse

The President of PAS answer to DEWAN ULAMAK. If DEWAN ULAMAK of PAS say NO its mean NO. Aiyo akito u said among PAS also KOMPIUS on this issues. among PR also KOMPIUS :-) on this issues. The more you show it the more it show PR True color and how flip flop anwar and his team are. huhuhu . Funny la.

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