
kancs3118 | Joined since 2013-09-02

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2013-11-26 17:09 | Report Abuse

In a way, I am glad this counter continues to drop. There is no need to rush to buy into this counter. Just wait until it drops into this range; between RM1.30 to RM1.35. Then, proceed to load. If not, there is still alot of opportunities to buy during the QE expected sometime in 2014.

PS: My experience with this counter.
I bought in at an all time high of RM1.54. First time buying shares. Beginner's mistake. But I am not overly concerned because this is a good counter. Hence, I managed to steel myself throughout Sept'13 to Nov'13 and not to sell and contribute to the frenzy. Remember that Tambun Indah drops until RM1.2x in early Oct'13? Everyday, i felt a nudge to sell but somehow refrain from selling. In a way, it was a good experience. Now, it recovers to RM1.40. There is still RM0.14 to recover before breaking even. However, i proceed to load additional shares at RM1.40. My average price for this counter is at RM1.47. Now, continue to wait until drop into this range RM1.30 to RM1.35.


2013-09-26 16:08 | Report Abuse

sorry - typo - middle of Aug'13.


2013-09-26 16:08 | Report Abuse

yup. Managed to buy in at RM1.40/- Now, waiting until middle of Nov'13 - anticipate
there will be a sell off (just like middle of Aug'13) due to uncertainties in
the market concerning Ben Bernanke's QE announcement in Dec'13. This will present an opportunity to accumulate more at cheaper prices.

Also, i think the cheapest it will be is at RM1.25/- based on the performance in the middle of July'13.


2013-09-26 13:29 | Report Abuse

I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about Tambun Indah every night and day


2013-09-24 22:35 | Report Abuse

wanna ask, on Monday, i bought @ $1.40/- Today, it falls until $1.38/- If i know earlier, should have bought in today. Anyway, do you think the price @ $1.40 is considered high/ or fair price/ or relatively low?

Do you think the current price at $1.35 to $1.37 presents a good opportunity to accumulate more?

Based on Aug'13 trend - when Tambun Indah's share drop from RM1.56 to somewhere at RM1.20/- During this period, the lowest is at RM1.25/-

My strategy is to wait until Nov'13 - when the market is uncertain about the QE outcome. Hopefully, AUg'13 will repeat itself when the price falls to somewhere RM1.25 to RM1.30/- Then, it is a good time to continue collecting. What do you guys think? Or i should collect at RM1.35 to RM1.37 like the current market now?

Any advice?


2013-09-24 17:04 | Report Abuse

sigh - why this stock go down by $0.02? sigh


2013-09-02 12:00 | Report Abuse

Hi all sifus,
Hopefully, you guys can advice. Was going through Tambun analyst report (both CIMB & RHB) and got a few questions.

(1): There is a table that shows the GDV. After comparing btw Q2'13 vs. Q1'13 - the GDV does not change. There should be sales btw. Q2'13 vs. Q1'13 but why GDV
does not change? GDV should come down due to the sales occurring btw Q2'13 vs. Q1'13, right?

(2): The RHB analyst report show the GDV and then, show the NPV. This is different compared to CIMB whereby CIMB straightaway just show the GDV figures (without the NPV). Why is there a difference?

(3): Why in the RHB report, the NPV is discounted using 11%. But then, at the equity level (to get to the FD RNAV - fully diluted realizable net asset value), they use 15%. Why this is not the same with NPV at 11%?

(4): How the analysts value the property development companies? I guess they start from the NPV of GDV and then less out the long term loans/ liabilities and then divide by all outstanding shares/ warrants. Then, they discount the FD RNAV to get the share price.

(5): At the analyst report, there is an email address for the analyst. If i email the analyst to ask some questions, do you think the analyst will reply?

Any advice?


2013-09-02 11:55 | Report Abuse

Actually, Tambun Indah's main market is targeting the middle class income group - normally the working professionals who have been priced off the Penang island. This group of people will normally buy for own stay - hence, the increase in the interest rate post Budget 2014 will not materially affect the sentiments for this group of buyers. Furthermore, the market for mainland Penang's properties are not the same if compared to Penang Island. Mainland Penang's properties are not ripe for investors because there is not much room to speculate on and even the rental yield is comparitively poorer (if compared to Penang Island). IN a way, this is good because the middle class will spill over to mainland Penang and create a natural demand for TI's properties. This is coupled with the opening of Penang 2nd link and the state's effort in promoting Batu Kawan and penang science park to foreign MNCs/ factories.

Currently, i am waiting for the shares to drop further before buying in. This counter is good to keep.


2013-09-02 10:18 | Report Abuse

Hi YiStock, thanks alot. Please help to share your calculations for CAGR. Will learn by copying. :-) Thanks again.


2013-09-02 10:16 | Report Abuse

Maybe can try this:

Hi YiStock, can you help to confirm whether the formulae above is correct or not.

But need to ask YiStock about "Ending Value" & "Beginning Value" and "#years".


2013-09-02 09:33 | Report Abuse

By the way, have you heard of Tambun Indah in Penang? It is a fast growing small cap property developer - mainly dwelling in mainland penang. Its landbank is located very near to the exit of Penang 2nd link - which is about to be open at Oct/ Nov'13.


2013-09-02 09:30 | Report Abuse

Hahaha........wholly agreed with this point. We, the shareholders will let Dato and Mah Sing's management to ponder about this - and importantly to give us constant dividends ($). Besides, if Mah Sing can grow at such breakneck speed in the property construction sector (i believe they started dwelling in property construction since 2008?), then i believe they have some safeguards to mitigate this interest rate risk.

Just asking, what is the meaning of CAGR? and what is Mah Sing's durable competitive advantage?


2013-09-02 09:02 | Report Abuse

But then, if we choose to keep Mah Sing for a long period of time (regardless of market movement - going up or going down), how can we be sure the company is a strong growth company? Maybe one of the ways is to read the annual reports/ analysts reports to look at year on year growth in sales.

But there is one drawback now for MahSing. Budget 2014 may hike up the interest rates. Most of Mah Sing's projects seem to focus on high end / premium market. Maybe Mah Sing's sales may be hit due to this interest rate hike. But MahSing's management may come up with some steps to manage this risk.


2013-09-02 08:41 | Report Abuse

Hi YiStock ,
Your comments are quite insightful. Like entering into the market when there is a selling frenzy resulting in a very cheap share price. Then, we can buy more of the shares and the DY will be higher. Then, just keep the shares and enjoy free monies like "rights issue" or buying at a deep discount like "bonus issue".

Can i get your email address/ etc to ask you some questions?

ANyway, thanks alot for sharing.