
meisarel | Joined since 2013-07-02

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2017-11-05 18:56 | Report Abuse

According to sources, the deal was priced at RM1.42 with books closing within two hours after the placement was launched on Thursday.



2017-11-05 18:53 | Report Abuse

Based on The Star report, the sales were completed in merely 2 hrs.


2017-11-04 11:04 | Report Abuse

Maybe KPF knows something that we dont. Upcoming quarter result maybe?


2017-11-03 20:18 | Report Abuse

KWAP bought huge shares of Senergy. Check todays announcement


2017-11-03 11:10 | Report Abuse

Cuscapi is lighter without those 3 freeloaders..... gogogo!!


2017-11-02 20:19 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow is the real test of Cuscapi. 100 mil Monday volume T+4

But after clarification on subscription termination and UQS still in the picture with majority control, I am quite positive something good is brewing in this counter.


2017-11-02 17:45 | Report Abuse

UQS calls the shot. No freeloaders!!!



2017-11-02 15:12 | Report Abuse

Now the news is out, they need to push it up to make sure it is attractive to whoever interested to take up the shares!!


2017-11-01 18:58 | Report Abuse

Good closing after all the panic from yesterdays Subscription termination.

I believe thosw who panic sold already.

Clearly this stock is uptrending. Higher highs, higher lows!!


2017-11-01 12:13 | Report Abuse

Bratt, if your view holds water then all local IT companies should go under water la.

But look at Eforce, Myeg, Ghlsys, Efficen etc. They are thriving instead. Plus, they grow even more ever since the Jack Ma wave came to our shore late last year.

Conclusion: it is the opposite of what you are suggesting


2017-10-31 21:27 | Report Abuse

Good news I suppose. Notice more and more ex Sime joining FGV


2017-10-31 19:26 | Report Abuse

Earlier plan to raise RM 79.8 million. With II, III and IV out the amount to be raised (from subscription by UQS) will be 79.8-26.6 = RM 53.2 mil.

Less money, but the existing major shareholder interests are preserved.

III and IV are from IOI group. Maybe Cuscapi and UQS doesnt need them after all


2017-10-31 19:05 | Report Abuse

Thats right. Only II, III and IV terminated.
They collectively allocated about 33% of the subscription.

UQS is still on the boat. And thats what matters.


2017-10-31 11:27 | Report Abuse

Some internal shuffling will take place. Hope market react positively once announced by Azhar


2017-10-30 20:14 | Report Abuse

Cuscapi got a new powerful driver. The driver is the same powerful force behind Eforce and MYEG. He is now the new major shareholder in Cuscapi!!!


2017-10-25 13:25 | Report Abuse

Legacy issues:

1) Proton
2) MAS
3) IPP lopsided agreement
4) Crony capitalism

Current issues:

2) 1MDB
3) GST
4) high cost of living/crime/religious extremism


2017-10-12 20:48 | Report Abuse

Zakaria as CEO, Isa as Chairman FGV can go up to 2.52 highest

Zakaria as CEO, Azhar as Chairman, FGV has to go more than 2.52. Perhaps closer to 3.00
by Election??

Heard the Chairman has set profit target of 250, 350 and more than 550 mil for 2017,2018 and 2019.

And they aspire to become RM 20 bil company by 2020 (20 billion/3.65 billion share = RM 5.50 per share)

If they can come up and share their strategy and long term business plan properly to IBs, analyst and investment community, they may regain trust and confidence that is lost all this while.

Whilst Immediate quarterly results must show improvements, but more importantly is their long term strategic plan as people will Invest based on future prospects.

Hope they can share their plan soonest. Most likely after Zak is back.


2017-10-12 10:21 | Report Abuse

Short consolidation before next push up?


2017-10-10 15:18 | Report Abuse

This counter will move up when people least expect it to go up


2017-10-09 19:57 | Report Abuse

Good news I suppose.

I remember when Zakaria was first appointed as CEO in April 2016, FGV share price rallied from the price of 1.40 to 2.50 within a span of 4 months!! And that was FGV under Isa as Chairman.

Now, Zakaria is reinstated and FGV is currently under a professional (not political) Chairman, Azhar things could be even better.

I expect these positives vibes surrounding FGV will continue to be played until the next GE14.
And by historical performance, this counter has potential to move up very high when the players (i.e funds/syndicate) are in it.

Question: How much FGV will be worth prior to GE14? Time will tell


2017-10-05 14:15 | Report Abuse

Expected April 2018 if I recall the article in the Star correctly.


2017-10-05 13:56 | Report Abuse


Indeed, with his prior experience, lets hope Azhar can turnaround FGV.

There are only 3 quarter results to deliver before GE14 which needs to be held by Aug 2018.


2017-10-05 13:34 | Report Abuse

Interesting piece of info from thesundaily above:

1) earlier DI completed and recommendation submitted to MoF Inc even before Datuk Azhar appointed as Chairman

2) that means Chairmanship was still under TS Sulaiman when the recommendation was first made

3) why Mof Inc took so long to agree/ disagree with the recommendation?

4) Sudden appointment of Azhar as Chairman took the market by surprise. Even FGV board was caught off guard and in denial when the news first broke out.

5) If the recommendation already submitted, why Azhar need more time to finalize the report? Or could it be MoF Inc disagrees with earlier recommendation and assigned Azhar to look investigate further?

Looking at all this drama, the conspiracy theory suggested by Puad Zarkash that suggested those aligned with the previous Chairman (Isa) to bring down Zakaria may have its merit.

Hopefully, Azhar is the right guy to clear this mess and put all things back on track.


2017-10-04 17:10 | Report Abuse

Question: If appointment/dismissal of the CEO is the prerogative of our PM, doesnt the appointment of Azhar as the Chairman (instead of CEO) may have implied something on the fate of Zakaria?

And the DI announcement is a mere formality after all? Judging on the fate of 3 others, looks like we can roughly know what will happen to Zack?

I could be jumping the gun though.....

Whats your tought?

Btw, good closing today. Been more than 2 weeks closing below 1.70.


2017-10-04 11:58 | Report Abuse

“The fate of Zakaria is left to the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. The Government, which has the golden share, appoints the chairman, president/CEO and one director of FGV.

“So, only the Government has the last say on Zakaria. The findings of the investigations will be submitted to the Government for consideration,” said a source


2017-10-03 15:08 | Report Abuse

Collect more....


2017-09-29 21:54 | Report Abuse

There is a small coverage in Focus about FGV this week. It was mentioned that 2 of the executives was reinstated and return to work this week.

Zak and the CFO is still pending but the company is expected to make an announcement on this

Question: Based on the verdict on these 2 executives, what would be the fate of the other two, especially Zakaria? Your guess is as good as mine....


2017-09-28 15:50 | Report Abuse

Reload at 1.52


2017-09-20 10:46 | Report Abuse

Consolidated well for the past few days. Looks ripe for another push up soon


2017-09-18 19:41 | Report Abuse

FGV came out with Bursa announcement (during TS Sulaiman) saying that they will announce the outcome of DI by early last week. Reason cited was one of the panel member was on business trip. Now, the week has passed without any announcement made on the outcome.

Granted, the Chairman has changed during that period, but as a Company, shouldnt FGV abide the previous Company announcement to Bursa?

Or if there is any change in earlier plan, shouldnt a new announcement being made to supersede the previous one? Otherwise, it can be construed as misleading isnt it?

I could be wrong but I feel that this whole delay could be handled better to instill investor confidence.


2017-09-14 10:34 | Report Abuse

Mr Market is telling something.

Mr Market favours Zak to be back.....

Mr Market doesnt like the current delay.....

FGV.... pls make up ur mind and announce to Mr Market once and for all....

Please stop making stupid drama.... nobody likes it


2017-09-13 20:29 | Report Abuse

@gcke. I concur with your point No 3, 4 and 5.

On background of point 1 and 2, please refer the comments by RPK earlier. My observation, he is quite spot-on on this Felda/FGV saga:


2017-09-13 18:52 | Report Abuse

Both Chairman and CEO are appointed by PM.

And the DI panel / BOD want to dismiss the CEO which was appointed by PM.

And what was the main issue again? Epanding credit facility to a 20 yrs client?

Come on.

The way I see it, Azhar needs Zak more if he is serious to turnaround FGV. Work with Zak to scrutinize all those shady deals. Plug all the leakages.

I seriously hope Zak will be reinstated. That may prove to be the quickest way to restore confidence in this company.


2017-09-13 09:45 | Report Abuse

Heard B15 will start producing gas very soon.


2017-09-12 13:51 | Report Abuse

Most likely after 5 pm today. Judging from price action, market is anticipating a positive outcome from the DI announcement.

Im speculating of Z's return.


2017-09-12 08:28 | Report Abuse

If that happens, then good news


2017-09-11 22:10 | Report Abuse

You guys think Zack will return or not?


2017-09-09 19:24 | Report Abuse

Azhar turut ditanya mengenai kekeliruan susulan pengumuman oleh Bursa Malaysia pada petang semalam bahawa FGV tidak menerima makluman bertulis daripada Menteri Kewangan (Diperbadankan) mengenai pelantikan beliau sebagai pengerusi FGV.

“Perkara itu akan selesai pada pagi Isnin,” kata Azhar.

Looks like the announcement on DI will be under the charge of the new Chairman!!


2017-09-09 12:41 | Report Abuse

Indeed, Azhar was mooted to be the CEO initially.

My speculative thinking is that those in power may already know the outcome of Domestic Inquiry. The appointment of Zack as FGV CEO comes with PM's blessing. Pressing a charge against PM appointed candidate through the inquiry may be a suicidal attempt. Unless, he resign from the post 'to pursue personal interests', just like what happened to Isa earlier. That is a more subtle way of vacating the post. But in Zack's case, we know that is not going to happen since he already confirmed that he will not resign. He even prepared to bring the case to court if he was dismissed illegally. Looks like he has a strong case to defend himself ( not to forget Zack appointed TS Shafee as lawyer to defend him in the inquiry)

Hence, Azhar is appointed as Chairman instead, which may not be bad after all.
There is already growing voice representing settlers that wish to see the combination of
Azhar + Zakaria to lead FGV.

Not surprise to see major changes in BOD if that happens. FGV simply need a fresh line up that is free from previously overpriced, weak and incompetent management. Complete overhaul is needed urgently.

Just my 2 cents.


2017-09-08 13:27 | Report Abuse

Datuk Wira Azhar (Ex MRT Corp CEO) as new FGV Chairman. He is replacing TS Sulaiman Mahbob.

The fate of Dato Z as president and CEO will be made known early next week.


2017-08-15 17:59 | Report Abuse

Good news. Well done Z.


2017-07-14 09:32 | Report Abuse

PNB, KWAP still buying. Good sign


2017-07-09 11:51 | Report Abuse

Looks like perstistent buying buy big funds continues. Agree with @sogeking that oil movement has less impacting Senergy price movement.

After all, when crude oil price crash to 23 usd/barrel last year, the lowest price for Senergy was 1.33. It then rallied to 2.00++ in line with recovery in crude oil price.

With crude oil price almost double now from last years' low, downside looks like quite limited at this price level. We may not revisit 1.53 level for now.


2017-07-05 21:07 | Report Abuse

Russia decided not to join further cuts and caused crude to tumble almost 2% earlier today.

The fact that it has rebounded strongly now may well suggest the bull is in control. Summer season hopefully will reduce inventory in the physical market which is all good for the price moving forward.