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2017-01-03 16:25 | Report Abuse

U meant Evergreen in net debts and having giant borrowings of RM 216,585,000.00 will not have chance of bankruptcy? And Hevea in net cash does? LOL


2017-01-03 16:23 | Report Abuse

Wah! Then many many companies should prepare to bankrupt liquidate ah? LOL!! Net cash company like Hevea how to bankrupt loh? How ah? LOL!!


2017-01-03 16:22 | Report Abuse

Privatize? Why u sound like someone loh? LOL!!


2017-01-03 16:21 | Report Abuse

Ah stockraider, how to bankrupt if Hevea is NET CASH? LOL!! Think loh. Still try hard to find excuses to talk good on ur Evergreen? How much in debts is Evergreen? I tell u loh.


2017-01-03 16:19 | Report Abuse

How to bankrupt if Hevea is NET CASH? LOL!! Think loh.


2017-01-03 16:17 | Report Abuse

stockraider, why u angry loh? Assets in the form of machinery are depreciating assets loh. Production company cannot buy it's shares based on NTA loh. Must buy based on growth loh. Don't buy those with giant debts in hundreds of millions debts loh.


2017-01-03 16:14 | Report Abuse

With lots of cash (net cash), a company can increase NTA loh but a net debt company still need to raise more money from borrowings or internally generated cash to work on things loh.


2017-01-03 16:11 | Report Abuse

Look at Pohuat and Liihen all way above NTA loh. Keep going up loh. Why urs down down loh?


2017-01-03 16:10 | Report Abuse

Look at Pohuat and Liihen all way above NTA loh. Keep going up loh. Why urs down down loh?


2017-01-03 15:55 | Report Abuse

So hardworking reporting here? So how? Hevea cannot go down loh. Why Evergreen going down week after weeks loh? So many queuing to sell there loh? U must be one of those.


2017-01-03 15:48 | Report Abuse

Misdirection is his only game here. Dodging questions and topics. Maybe he wants me to give him a thumb's up his...! then he can sleep well. lol


2017-01-03 15:38 | Report Abuse

How come? Cannot or dunno how to answer/explain the photo frame "sunset" business?


2017-01-03 15:25 | Report Abuse

stockraider can go hold tight dearly to his Evergreen which is obviously trending lower week after weeks. He will wake up at some point of dreaming.


2017-01-03 15:17 | Report Abuse

Photo frame business? I do not think it is a good business. Give me good reasons where everyone can judge whether it is a sustainable business and more importantly healthy profit margin.


2017-01-03 15:13 | Report Abuse

Don't expect honesty from people who have vested interest and personal agenda in the stock. These people will never tell u a single bit of the risks in the company.


2017-01-03 15:09 | Report Abuse

When he knew Evergreen is going down lower week by week, the best he can do is finding reasons to hold on to it dearly (self-comforting) but the foot is stuck in it deeper each time he struggles. Should start to reflect own self what has gone wrong in Evergreen. U can scold or criticize me for pinpointing the factors that affect Evergreen until the share price has fallen and it will fall further but u will see how it goes down all the way.


2017-01-03 12:51 | Report Abuse

Up how much? lol The entire trend is down so how can u say up? U must be self-comforting again. Be careful it is going lower, very depressing now on


2017-01-03 12:45 | Report Abuse

Share price is the reflection of Hevea's results. Evergreen's own net profit falling for 5 quarters consecutively. What more excuses u going to use? lol


2017-01-03 12:43 | Report Abuse

Andrewhlc, the share price has spoken and Hevea will trend higher due to many favourable factors.


2017-01-03 12:28 | Report Abuse

Unless u are blind. It is down following the trend lower as it goes. The share price has spoken. No need to argue.


2017-01-03 10:13 | Report Abuse

It is heading south following downtrend as well. Deal with it.


2017-01-03 10:07 | Report Abuse

Only idiot like u valuing the shares based on pure NTA? Hevea's growth is resilient because particleboard pricing is not volatile like MDF. U can dig out info if u don't believe. While u do that, we are enjoying the ride here.


2017-01-03 09:15 | Report Abuse

Just as I thought it would be so....


2017-01-03 09:14 | Report Abuse

You must understand the fundamental reason on why it is dropping further then u wouldn't think this is a good choice anymore.


2017-01-03 09:12 | Report Abuse

If particleboard is not selling fast and hot, share price of particleboard makers will not have skyrocketed just like Mieco. Even Evergreen wants a piece of the market share by restarting it's own particleboard division. It's a testament to the rise in valuation so Hevea will continue to climb even higher.


2017-01-03 09:07 | Report Abuse

Homeriz will continue. Still long way with more upside.

News & Blogs

2016-12-30 19:38 | Report Abuse

U urself meh naming me & others with disrespecful names as to ur likings. So what abt u? Dare say ppl but ur own big mouth stinks also. Tak malu one meh? Stockraider, I wonder why r u so obsessed with yourself. Every little comments, u also like to point out ur own ID. U think urself is successful & feel proud of urself? Plz lah even if u doing well in the market, it is also good to be a humble human being. Who r u to judge others & scold others also? Be nice when u comment anywhere.

Don't be sin ka lan sticking ur nose in other people's problems lah.

News & Blogs

2016-12-30 17:01 | Report Abuse

Stockradio, then u so honest or have high integrity meh? U got principle meh? What is ur principle? Can write on wall ah? U get these kind of replies from me is because of ur attitudes. Reflect yourself before attacking anyone in any forums.

News & Blogs

2016-12-30 16:56 | Report Abuse

Dare talk about stock pick? Even Warren Buffett also made mistakes lah. What is the big of a deal of a century until u maki-maki blame & shame other everyday lah. Should look at ur own attitudes loh Stockradio. I say these to u for ur own good. Be nice to people and try to accept different people have different opinions and approach. Good mah hai? Loh or not, ah Stockradio?

News & Blogs

2016-12-30 16:52 | Report Abuse

Stockradio, if someone ask u jiak sai, u also obey voluntarily meh? How can u blame someone for ur own failure? Should blame yourself because of being greedy that is why u follow the calls. Each person can think themselves before decide on something, no one point a gun to ur head to make that decision lah. U are showing to the world that u are dumb & fit to be a loser because u are being greedy thinking that by following a prominent investor like KYY, u can benefit from it easily. No pain no gain lah. U blame & shame others everyday also no use loh!

News & Blogs

2016-12-30 16:01 | Report Abuse

Often person such as stockradio thinks of himself highly, is it worth to degrade other people for the sake of winning or money? Have some manners or wisdom before u speak out against anyone. In the long term, it is never anything about that matters. U guys should have some manners.

Stockradio, if u so smart and well.. u are already doing something better instead of writing so many LOHs here everday lah!

News & Blogs

2016-12-30 12:59 | Report Abuse

Stockradio, u so noble meh? Take a good look at yourself with a bowl of water loh. Have some dignity mah, ur mama no teach u gah? CNY coming, got time better go back home eat with ur mama lah...don't be anak sialan talking nonsense in i3 everyday LOL

News & Blogs

2016-12-30 12:55 | Report Abuse

Stockradio so bising everyday for wat? Just see how this duo calling names on people and u can know they are low life. Pity Dolly stockradio talk kosong daily LOL


2016-12-30 12:15 | Report Abuse

Dolly has no balls to answer how he came up with stupid intrinsic value 1.60-1.70 LOL. Apa macam oh? U always borrow balls from stockradio is it? WHy u so lick his back side lah?


2016-12-30 10:47 | Report Abuse

Dolly zai, u still have not answer the question. Don't dodge the question, ok? No balls to answer the question is it? Just admit it and no one will laugh at u if u don't know. We can just label u a scam and that is all.


2016-12-29 17:21 | Report Abuse

Buy loh! Why u no manners bully a 80+ yrs old man? Respect elders mah. Ur mom never teach u gah? Pity u mou kah gau. Is that why u got kicked out of investlah? Banned some more LOL


2016-12-29 16:48 | Report Abuse

2mil shares for sale at 0.98 U both can buy more LOL


2016-12-29 16:47 | Report Abuse

Some said must follow to sell? Share price up non stop.


2016-12-29 16:42 | Report Abuse

Wah!! How many shares for sale at 0.98? As I said before, it will go down based on fundamental. LOL. When it failed to go up therefore it must go down. Both of u can buy more now LOL.

News & Blogs

2016-12-29 11:40 | Report Abuse

Dolly zai, no one will laugh at u if u are indeed a half-filled bottle. Why r u running around without answering the question in ur most defended Evergreen?


2016-12-29 10:22 | Report Abuse

Continue with money-making movement. It is upward, not like some other stock just downward and supporters denying it.


2016-12-29 09:52 | Report Abuse

Typical half-filled bottle who does not know how to answer how he came out with the stupid numbers after shouting to the world. People start to realize u are a scam. Thank u for revealing to everybody that u are a scam. Thank u!


2016-12-29 09:39 | Report Abuse

Dolly zai, don't avoid not answering the question by talking other things here. You actually don't know how to explain because u simply pull out numbers without any basis.

You said intrinsic value of Evergreen is 1.60-1.70? Based on what calculation? Must have references and proofs to support the calculation, u know? Magician kah? Pull out of thin air kah? Poofs---pooofs again? LOL


2016-12-29 09:17 | Report Abuse

Dolly zai, remember to quote some REAL, VALID and VERIFIABLE references to support your arguments and not just comes out of ur half-filled brain & type out using ur fingers or toes.


2016-12-29 09:14 | Report Abuse

So yesterday Dolly came out with an excuse called "80 sen entry & for long-term investment if share price fall". Today Dolly came out with new excuse, it is called "intrinsic value & simply set that what value is 1.60-1.70"?

With that kind of nonsense rubbish which no one can verify if his entry is real and how does he know the INTRINSIC VALUE ?

Dolly zai, u so smart then plz explain to the whole wide world how do u came out with the intrinsic value? U can start to google some nonsense and post here later. lol


2016-12-28 16:21 | Report Abuse

lol so ur newest excuse is "for long-term investment"? U are damn funny.


2016-12-28 16:20 | Report Abuse

Dolly zai, if ur entry is below 80 sen then u should sit down quietly still happy mah. Why so angry all the time? I also create nothing artificial or fake, all pure facts...go check & verify my every comments. Obviously u are stuck and telling lies to this moment. U have long history of telling lies and I've caught u red-handed loh. What else excuses u want to use leh?


2016-12-28 16:15 | Report Abuse

U can continue to laugh because I'm riding Hevea so high already. What does Evergreen's share price doing for months from January 2016 to now? U are just stuck in it big time. That explains why u so frustrated and keep defending Evergreen non stop with half-truths.


2016-12-28 15:58 | Report Abuse

Expansion at the wrong timing also lah. If the company expansion was done last year and starts producing & selling MDF quickly then it may be able to pare down debts and accumulate more cash. Too bad the timing is the worst where now the demand for MDF is falling and that is why Evergreen has to restart particleboard segment and RTA as well because these 2 segments have higher profit margins.

The important points of the balance u should read and understand. U don't need to do all that super complex accounting estimation for what leh? It is for ur own self-comfort only since u knew the share price of Evergreen is sliding down following the down trend.


2016-12-28 15:51 | Report Abuse

I laughed very hard before I responded here. Stockradio will be silenced once Evergreen share price sliding down. It is heading down again after it failed to breach the 1.00 mark. Be prepared for water slide down amusement at sunway lagoon since most stayed back in bolehland.

Dolly_chai is a banyak macam-macam person, I have one new sound word for u and its POOFS! What poofs? The magician pooofs or I should mean the kiasu magician poofs lol! U try so hard to learn new know-how so that u can scribe out some jargons to defend Evergreen for what? U must got stuck in it a lot. U better change ur strategy if u are so stuck in it since Evergreen is not generous at all with dividends payout therefore the longer u hold on it, u are losing out. The last time it paid out a small dividend was in 2012 and most recently just paid 1 sen in april this year. Nah go look again:

Needless to repeat here the facts, it's net profit also sliding for 5 consecutive quarters. It has RM216,585,000 borrowings and almost one quarter's net profit is used to pay the interests incurred by those borrowings. So how many quarters are needed to pay down the massive amount of debts?? No logic and business sense?