
sunztzhe | Joined since 2014-01-13

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2014-11-24 13:20 | Report Abuse

Buy EVERGREEN, you can sleep very well with EVERGREEN. EVERGREEN is a turnaround stock...It has fine-tuned its business model to be very cost competitive which also produce consistent quality products...EVERGREEN sells to the global market...made its first profit after years of losses..this empowered biz model will propel its share price much higher ...future quarterly report will be much better than the current reported figures...good news is it's still not on analysts radar coverage as yet...Price upside is much more than downside!!!


2014-11-24 13:08 | Report Abuse

Buy EVERGREEN, you can sleep very well with EVERGREEN. EVERGREEN is a turnaround stock...It has fine-tuned its business model to be very cost competitive which also produce consistent quality products...EVERGREEN sells to the global market...made its first profit after years of losses..this empowered biz model will propel its share price much higher ...future quarterly report will be much better than the current reported figures...good news is it's still not on analysts radar coverage as yet...Price upside is much more than downside!!!


2014-11-24 10:11 | Report Abuse

Collected SKPETRO at 3.088...You will not see this price level again...


2014-11-24 10:07 | Report Abuse

This is a good opportunity to invest in PETRONAS CHEMICALS...I have gone in at 5.85..This is a good stock for long term investment.


2014-11-24 10:01 | Report Abuse

NOBY, Don't worry, you will make handsome gains with TURBO as it will ride on Oil & Gas downstream projects in this region. The DY is OK as well...better than putting money in FD LOL!!! Did u also invest in EVERGREEN? It will also go higher ..better go in before the next Q4 2014 results...


2014-11-24 09:55 | Report Abuse

Collected Turbo at 1.018 recently. Turbo is really undervalued at current price. Good for long term hold.


2014-11-24 09:53 | Report Abuse

EVERGREEN now at 59 cents...Will go higher....

The real distinction is between those that adapt their purposes to reality and those that seek to mold the reality in the light of their purposes. As had been revealed over the past weeks in this thread....Nothing is so firmly believed as that which is least known.


2014-11-24 09:46 | Report Abuse

Collected Turbo at 1.018 recently. Turbo is really undervalued at current price. Good for long term hold.


2014-11-22 08:16 | Report Abuse

This forum is about fuel subsidy...why do you rant about in a convoluted way that digress away from the topic of fuel subsidy? The topic in this forum and which has a future impact on Dsonic share price is fuel subsidy. Please be more focused to stick to the subject matter of discussion here of fuel subsidy in this thread.

Nobody should at any time look down on the poor...The poor needs opportunities to improve...Who is looking down on the poor...why do you jump to the conclusion that everyone else is looking down at the poor except auntiex who cares so much and pities the poor? Are you riding on your "hai horse" looking down on the poor by feeling pity for the poor and claiming that you know the poor very well? Do you know how it feels to be poor ... to be pitied and throw pittance at...want to get jobs but hardly any jobs coming by...want opportunity for self improvement ...hey the poor also are humans lah...they have feelings too...they have "maruah" ala self respect...they also understand and can easily differentiate sincerity versus fakery...they do not need nor welcome your pity ....the poor are simple folks with simple basic values of life...despite being poor they are probably much happier than auntiex... If you are poor what would you do to lift yourself out of your poor state?? What are your wish lists? What are your priorities of need...better education for your children so they can get ahead in the future, better public health services, more opportunities for jobs, for better paying jobs, better public training facilities and opportunity to equip one self with certain work skills to get on with life or more pity and subsidy dish outs that only serves to remind them of their poor status and dent their "maruah"?

Do you think that ECB stimulation will lift up your dsonic shares? Does Dsonic has any confirmed future fundamental catalyst that will lift up its shares now that RON95 will be on market pricing? What is the basis of your elated optimism on Dsonic shares with impending ECB stimulation? Will ECB stimulation affect the fundamental of Dsonic shares???


2014-11-22 01:02 | Report Abuse

Pavillion, Though I do not unanimously agree with your views but nevertheless I do seek and welcome alternative views such as yours.
Good night and have a good weekend.


2014-11-22 00:16 | Report Abuse

The lower and middle income group wants better paying jobs/careers , better education for their children, lower car prices with market prices for petro/diesel and better quality of life...

It is our social responsibility to the deprived, unfortunates and underprivileged that they be given every opportunity and equal opportunity to excel themselves, to improve their economic wellbeing through their own industry....this will lead to peace, prosperity and stability...

So...Who says cultivating a non subsidy mindset which focus on self empowerment has no place in our society?


2014-11-21 23:51 | Report Abuse

Posted by kris134 > Nov 21, 2014 09:44 PM | Report Abuse

There are two kinds of people in this world, the first one competes by constantly learning more, developing and challenging themselves, the other kind competes by marking their opponents failures, tragedies and misfortune. Evidently, a lot of the temporary "sifus" here proved to be the latter. Being proud of someone else s misfortune just shows the kind of person u all are. Congratulations, you've accomplished your life's mission
You have now confirmed that you indeed have a warped emotionally charged mindset.
There are basically two types of investors as I see in this thread
- the investor who bites the bullet and take ownership for the outcome of the investment decision whether its positive or negative. These investors will learn from their experience, move on and improve on their investment skillsets and will gain in future
- the other investor who does not bite the bullet, does not take ownership for the outcome of the investment decision , reacts emotionally rather than on clear thinking basis on causal factors for their own misfortune and unfortunately these investors cannot differentiate nor appreciate different viewpoints in this thread which serves as healthy check against one's dominant investment view....

Please be aware that you are responsible for your own misfortune and please don't deflect the blame away from yourself towards blaming other critics as being proud of someone's else body is proud of somebody's misfortune...please be fair to the other critics...


2014-11-21 19:22 | Report Abuse

Kris134, I know how it felt to be please stop being so condescending... If you r poor,you have to ask yourself whether u want to remain poor or do u want to do something positive to improve your poor status...Feeling sympathy for the poor is not an excuse to support the poor to develop a subsidy mindset... The subsidy mindset undermine further improvement to the poor u understand what I have just told u ?? Howver having said that the poor must be given opportunities to acquire skill sets to improve their ability to earn a decent living...the poor do not need your sympathy nor from anyone else in this thread but opportunities must be created for the poor to improve their skill sets


2014-11-21 17:36 | Report Abuse

kris134, If you could not understand what I had stated then I am extremely amazed at your willingness to warp your mindset as eventually you will be a casualty of your own willing warped mindset.... the decision is your to make...not from me or anyone else in this thread... the gist in life is no body owes anyone a living.... if one is poor and want to get ahead in life...please do something positive about improving one's skillset to earn a better can never improve one's living continually if one expect it as a right of being poor to get subsidies..


2014-11-21 17:19 | Report Abuse

humbled, It is not an ideal but a practical principle in life that one lives with...if you are poor, do something about improving your skillsets to earn a better living....don't expect it as a right of being poor to get subsidy as if a poor owns this mindset they will be expecting subsidy in perpetuity and not doing much to improve their skillsets... any country cannot afford to support the poor in perpetuity by giving subsidies...subsidies are costs to taxpayers...have you asked yourself who will eventually have to pay for these subsidies???


2014-11-21 17:07 | Report Abuse

kris134, I am amazed at your warped warped your thinking mind because you had invested in Dsonic and that has a immense bias effect on your thinking process and unfortunately so you are a willing party to this warped mindset.....sorry I do not share your warped mindset.The poor should be encouraged to develop skillsets to improve their living but not be encouraged by anyone to develop a subsidy mindset.


2014-11-21 16:55 | Report Abuse

Humbled, Your thinking is extremely flawed...So it is the right of the poor to expect the govt to subsidize them..Is it? So the poor expect it as their RIGHT that the govt should subsidize their living... Do you as a citizen of Malaysia expect the poor to own this mindset?? At the end of the day, no body owes anybody a living in this world....if you want to make it, do something about it to improve ones skillsets but don't expect that a subsidy dependent mindset can help any person to get out of being poor..


2014-11-21 16:45 | Report Abuse

Let market forces decide price of Petrol n Diesel. No need fuel subsidy.


2014-11-21 16:28 | Report Abuse

Initiate first buy in @ 48 cents


2014-11-21 16:27 | Report Abuse

Initiate first buy @1.46.


2014-11-21 16:25 | Report Abuse

Its going to be a mad stampede between the Followers and the Losers towards the EXIT DOOR!!!!


2014-11-21 00:32 | Report Abuse

The real distinction is between those that adapt their purposes to reality and those that seek to mold the reality in the light of their purposes. As had been revealed over the past weeks....Nothing is so firmly believed as that which is least known.

Looks like the Followers and Losers are still holding onto or buying more as the stock price goes down further. The smart astute investors had already cashed out and smiling with cash in bank whilst the Followers and Losers are still investing with Hope and investing in Hope!!


2014-11-12 12:17 | Report Abuse

Strong support was observed at 72.5 cents to 74 cents this morning. Next immediate resistance is 77.5 cents followed by 82.5 cents and 92.5 cents.


2014-11-12 07:08 | Report Abuse

BJCORP share price had already bombed out. Now trending sideways with upside bias.
Price Downside is VERY LIMITED now.
Upside Gain in Price from now onward is VERY MUCH HIGHER than Price downside
Upside Gain in Price will be driven by
- Improving EPS, NAV, NTA, Cash flows, Debt Reduction from improving performance of existing core biz units, consolidation of Starbucks biz, assets sales, investment gains through share placements & future IPOs
- Future BIZ Catalysts that generate positive cash inflows


2014-11-12 00:12 | Report Abuse

The smart astute investors had already cashed out. The strong support at 1.62/1.66 could not hold. Current support now at 1.56 is not as strong as at 1.62/1.66. Once 1.56 support is breached, the next support is at 1.44/1.46 and if 1.44/1.46 is further breached, it will fall back to 1.12/1.15.


2014-11-11 09:33 | Report Abuse

BJCORP's host of diversified business maybe a maze and hazy to many but not to hng33 who had since joining the thread worked tirelessly, diligently, painstakingly to unravelled the hazy mystery surrounding BJCORP real intrinsic worth. In the words of Horace...

"Many shall be Restored that are now fallen; many shall fall that are now in Honor"

The undeniable fact is BJCORP had been the Fallen over the past three years..The time for BJCORP may just be about to come...will investors be rewarded handsomely as it rise from the ashes of a fallen??


2014-11-11 07:43 | Report Abuse

This stock had been consistently risen above its 200 days MA beginning in early June 2013 till 25 Sept 2014 and had yielded spectacular returns for the early investors and the astute investors had already cashed out.

On 26th Sept 2014, it did the "unthinkable for such a spectacular stock" dropped below its 200 days MA for the first time since early June 2013...and turned bearish...

Since 26th Sept 2014, it had made 3 valiant attempts with high volumes to penetrate above the 200 days MA but it could not hack it. On these 3 valiant attempts, it merely touched the 200 days MA RESISTANCE and dropped back...The 200 days MA was simply too powerful a resistance to overcome leading credence to the widely held belief that the market price of any stocks discount everything...hmmm....what is the market price of Dsonic discounting now????

Notwithstanding the above there are basically three types of investors in Dsonic...
- the early astute investors
- the Followers
- the Losers

Which category of investor do you belong???


2014-11-10 23:05 | Report Abuse

The small contract sum award ...Be feast or now a bone of contention...Nothing is so firmly believed now as that which is least known......There are those in this thread that adapt their purposes to reality and there are those that seek to mold the reality in the light of their purposes...what a mixed bag....there are also bag of nerves as price continues to drop...waiting for a mine of information as a vote of confidence in current situation which is least known......lest their greatest misgivings that Many shall be Restored that are now fallen; many shall fall that are now in Honor....come to light...


2014-11-09 23:44 | Report Abuse

One would rather invest in good fundamental,undervalued stocks with little expectation built into its stock price rather than stocks that has too much expectations built into its price with little or negative margin of safety. The reality remains that there is really no hurry now to rush into any kind of such fuel subsidy programme and nobody knows "How Low and How Long will crude oil price continues on its downward trajectory."


2014-11-09 19:27 | Report Abuse

Everything points to a period of lower oil prices in the years ahead. This helps reduce the cost of doing business and more importantly, allows the Government more time to look at how it wants to implement a programme for petrol and diesel subsidies.There is really no hurry now to rush into any kind of such programme.

At this moment one ought to ask oneself whether there is too hype built into Dsonic price?? Does one want to leave it just to fate or wise up to the new reality??? What will you do in the face of the new reality??


2014-11-09 19:13 | Report Abuse

Whatever limits anyone here in this thread, you will call it fate. Wisdom outweighs any fate..


2014-11-07 22:43 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately the only certainty for Dsonic now is nothing is certain...the EPS for the next few quarters wont be good...some have already sold off, some are still hopeful of higher prices...

no matter what each individual case situation is...choices are made in brief seconds and paid for in the time that remains... Men are not prisoners of fate but only prisoners of their own minds...In the field of observation, chance only favors the prepared mind..


2014-11-07 00:35 | Report Abuse

The real distinction is between those that adapt their purposes to reality and those that seek to mold the reality in the light of their purposes. Unfortunately the only certainty for Dsonic now is nothing is certain... We need to let our intuition guide us, and then be willing to follow that guidance directly and this world unfortunately, men are willing to believe what they wish!! Nothing is easier than self deceit..for what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true.


2014-11-03 14:56 | Report Abuse

The efficient player who invest in reducing NRW to 20% will reap substantial increasing incremental cash flows in perpetuity as raw water is free, water rates will go up over the years plus RM 40 million depreciation/yr for 25 years.


2014-11-03 14:21 | Report Abuse

So there is potential incremental profit gain of 500 MLD once the agreement is wrapped up, signed n delivered. How much will this amount to? The capital investment to fix NRW is 1 billion RM(by Gamuda's figure) , say amortized over 25 yrs(depreciation of RM 40 million/yr ) water cost is zero, the relevant incremental profit gain is 500MLD x 365 days X weightage water rate. What realistic weighted water rate will u use? Who will be the incremental new users? Commercial(30%) + govt(10%) + residential(30%)+ low cost apartments(30%)?? What estimated weighted water rate would u use hng33?
Moreover the incremental operational cash flow generated over 25 years would be RM 40 million+ Incremental Net profit per year which will be attractive to any acquiring party/parties as the water rates will go up over the years whereas raw water cost for Puncak treatment plant is zero


2014-11-03 14:10 | Report Abuse

berry, In these matters on being an investor of Dsonic, the only certainty is nothing is certain...the market abhors uncertainty but welcomes certainty but unfortunately the only certainty of Dsonic now is nothing is certain..


2014-11-03 11:03 | Report Abuse

Yes... but what is the reality?


2014-11-03 10:22 | Report Abuse

Dug up an old news. Based on what was reported the Selangor state had allocated RM 784 million to water concessionaires to reduce NRW to 20% and only 32% of the allocation had ben spent. Therefore is it realistic to assume that the water treated volume had discounted the losses ie. water treatment companies, PUNCAK, did not charge for the budgeted losses???
The MB told the state sitting today that in 2011 the state allocated RM784 million to the water concessionaire to reduce the company's non-revenue water (NRW) rate to 20 percent.

Khalid said Syabas' NRW is at present still at 33 percent despite the funding, and that the concessionaire had only spent 32 percent of the allocation to the effort


2014-11-03 09:46 | Report Abuse

You can be very sure that the greatest hope of maintaining equilibrium in the face of any situation rest within yourself.


2014-11-03 09:27 | Report Abuse

hng33, Assume NRW is reduced to 20% which yields savings of say 500 MLD , what will be the incremental profits to Selangor state govt assuming that incremental revenue rate is say RM 2.00/cubic meter and capital investment is RM 1 billion ?? Is RM 2.00/cubic meter incremental revenue a realistic assumption?


2014-11-03 08:51 | Report Abuse

The real distinction is between those that adapt their purposes to reality and those that seek to mold the reality in the light of their purposes.


2014-11-02 23:11 | Report Abuse

Vincent Tan said in an interview in Singapore on Wednesday BJCORP is looking for a partner for a South Korea gaming project and wants to join a consortium in Japan should it legalise casinos. Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sees casinos as a way to bolster the economy as backers of a bill to permit them say gambling resorts would boost tourism. Casino operators are considering investing billions of dollars in what could become Asia's second-largest gaming hub after Macau.


2014-11-02 21:45 | Report Abuse

I am just being very inquisitive..hahahahahah


2014-11-02 21:43 | Report Abuse

Good likelihood of State JV with Splash and lesser likelihood of state buying over Splash. Is there any other possible scenario besides current scenario of in status quo?


2014-11-02 21:34 | Report Abuse

If oil price goes back to USD 100/bbl or above, yes it can become a aircraft carrier. Likewise, if oil price goes below USD 80/bbl, hovers around USD 75/bbl and maybe go below USD 70/bbl, it will become a raft instead of a boat as it is now. What is the price of a raft compared to a boat ?? The past biz projections is no longer valid. Does any major Oil & Gas company knows at what level the crude oil price will stabilize? In fact major Oil & Gas companies had scrapped all projects with production cost of USD 80/bbl and above. Can scrapped projects order new OSVs???? Can oversupply of current OSVs command premium price in next contract negotiations??? The new reality is new OSV rates will go down further even if oil price stays at current price levels.


2014-11-02 20:58 | Report Abuse

Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense

Good people are good because they have come to wisdom through failure

Wealth is the slave of a Wiseman. The master of a Fool.


2014-11-02 20:45 | Report Abuse

He who has begun has half done. Dare to be wise; begin!


2014-11-02 17:17 | Report Abuse

Why then bother about implementing a policy that is destined to fail?

I imagine once the differential fuel price mechanism is put into practice, high net-worth individuals will resort to various tricks to get the subsidised petrol into the tanks of their luxury sedans while the petrol station attendants can only look on, not knowing what to do to stop them, and the low-income drivers of mini cars stare in anger.

To make things worse, people will exploit the loopholes in broad daylight and there is nothing our laws can do to these people.

The government needs to dump in a lot of money to implement this policy, including establishing an enormous database, modifying the existing MyKads and auditing individuals' incomes, among others. The amount of money involved is going to be astronomical.

Putting the country's valuable resources into something that is not so feasible is sheer waste. - See more at:





2014-11-02 16:50 | Report Abuse

There are basically 3 major factors that affect EVERGREEN business model

By investing in automation of production equipment and processes and investment upgrade of maintenance assets to produce required steam at required temperature plus required volume, it has overcome the problem of product quality , product consistency issues, production bottlenecks, timely deliveries. This is no longer an issue with EVERGREEN now by and large. Its production gross margin will be higher than its past margins

By owning land to plant rubber trees, it will have control over factor 2 in the medium term to manage good prices of incoming raw materials plus most important continuity of raw material supply. Currently reliable supply of raw materials is an issue, price of raw material is also an issue but in the medium term this issues will be managed and controlled by getting raw material supply from own plantation.

The Market requires quality at reasonable but competitive prices plus timely delivery time. Quality, Consistent product quality & timely delivery were big issues with EVERGREEN in the past. Now Quality, Consistent product quality is no longer an issue but price of raw materials and perhaps meeting delivery dateline still is but manageable within the market supply realities. However this will no longer be the case in the medium term once it sources its raw materials from its own plantation land. With consistent product quality plus reliable delivery time it should get more business from existing and new customers in the future

By the new reality that EVERGREEN had spent time and invested money to improve its biz model that empowers the company to be a cost competitive, quality producer and also a consistent quality producer, it should be able to turnaround to reasonable profitability soon. However the sourcing of consistent raw material supply at reasonable prices maybe a constraint on higher gross margins but the empowered production assets and processes will empower it to provide higher quality products that earns higher margins that meets market demands.

The turbo boost to its share will come once it mainly source raw material from its own plantation and offers higher quality product mix with higher margins to existing customers/new customers and when the overall market grows.

News & Blogs

2014-11-02 15:05 | Report Abuse

erm...too shiny , can wear sun glasses..but sorry can't see the gold hahahahahaha