
supersaiyan3 | Joined since 2014-11-12

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2018-11-27 15:35 | Report Abuse

BN_better, ya, long live Najib to suffer. Long live Najib!!!!


2018-11-27 15:34 | Report Abuse

Going forward, oil price will be lower, and local consumption remains weak. Its hard to find a safe place to invest.

Stay safe, with Airasia.


2018-11-27 15:29 | Report Abuse

Boring day.

I will keep the shares for some time now, maybe half a year?!

I am sure about a few things: i. oil will go down. ii. SD on AAC and Expedia. iii. Talk of Malaysia Airasia IPO. So, going forward share price won't be so bad.

What i expect from QR, the operation part will be ugly. If Airasia "tanggung" half of every subsidiary losses, say 300m!!!! Malaysia Airasia say profit 300m!!! That will even out. But it won't look so bad because the company will book in sale of Expedia and AAC profit.

Stock market is forward looking, afterall. (I think another more forward looking creature than stock market is cryptocurrency. ) (oil sort of lagging).

P.S. Just booked a ticket for my worker, using BigPay!! There was no charge. They wanted to charge RM32 for using my credit card, wow!!! (I remember it was RM8 per booking, now its like RM8 per flight).


2018-11-27 02:25 | Report Abuse

Crude oil price drops a lot, HY stock a lot for the upgrading, sad!!!!


2018-11-26 23:55 | Report Abuse

Relist Malaysia Airasia is a high possibility event. Because that is the half the reason to swap old AirAsia for AIrasia Group Berhad. (The other reason is to create the so-called ASEAN entity, I think that’s very difficult to work).


2018-11-26 21:20 | Report Abuse

Another great day, stay above RM3 shouldn't be any problem.

So previously TF said about dual listing, seems like not going to happen.

I still think MAA's IPO possible. Wait and see. After all, MAA is getting stronger with MAS downsizing, while all other subsidiaries are doing poorly.

Oil prices continue to drop that is a sure thing, short term Brent going to USD50. Two years ago, US was producing 9 million plus bpd. Now, 12 million bpd already. Soon, there will be even more oil. This time Saudi and Russia won't collaborate but will go into a price war. We shall see.


2018-11-26 21:18 | Report Abuse

To be fair, that is so-called natural disaster. Sabah, and Borneo as a whole is free of many diseases, this is the first time and probably infected by a neighbouring farm. I admire the management's bold decision to handle things smoothly.

If Herbert Chua or Alan Nga is the management, probably he will blame shareholders for bringing bad luck. Lol


2018-11-26 20:57 | Report Abuse

Well, i gave you a brief calculation and it turns out to be quite close to the real situation.

To be exact, +10-25=-15. How difficult is that?

Why don't you listen to me, is it because my name is difficult to spell or what? lol

I did tell you a good timing would be after this quarterly report. Wait for it to drop a bit first. Again, there is still possibility of a cash call, so don't sailang.

By then, I will buy some too.

P.S. Don't forget to get Herbert Chua or Alan Nga or whatever spreading fake news.


2018-11-26 11:59 | Report Abuse

It’s just like selling old cars and buy new models. New model has more capacity and fuel efficient.

By the way, if you read AAC deal, the contract is only one year after sale (Airasia continue to rent those planes), also AIrAsia has a small stake in Incline and FLY. Very good deal for AirAsia indeed. (Correct me if I am wrong).

Guys, second wave must be higher than first wave. Anywhere between 3.25 to 3.75. See you guys loh.

Need to wait those sell OnG to join the party also.

Huat lah!!


2018-11-26 08:56 | Report Abuse

Don’t just talk, join us! PUSH!!!

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2018-11-25 14:31 | Report Abuse

Well, people don’t know Mr Chin. SC will only prosecute Herbert Chua for spreading fake news.


2018-11-22 21:55 | Report Abuse

Potential lower PSC, great news!


2018-11-22 14:57 | Report Abuse

End up sold 30% only.

Why I didn’t sell all? I was flying AirAsia just now. I saw a portion of the wings is taped. The flush in the toilet is taped. Then I saw there are some lines on the window, it looks like crack. I thought, damn! Need to sell all later.

Later I found out it was just ice in high attitude. So, I hold 70%. Wait another year to see.

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2018-11-21 21:04 | Report Abuse

I read a blog by Herbert Chua he was going to visit STF in early August, together with a group of investors. He even said he may invest more to be a substantial shareholder (now he can achieve that much easier, lol).

It is highly likely Mr. Yap already knew who you are after reviewing the shareholders' list. You know, you said a lot of bad things about Mr. Yap, you even use sex organs to name his family, you think Mr. Yap so nice to make money for you huh? Lol


2018-11-21 20:52 | Report Abuse

Besides Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch (and also years of formal education lah), my other investment sifu is Joe Terranova. Basically Terranova says clear all position before major announcement, long/short when the solid results is out.

So, as planned, I will sell all tomorrow. After analysing the result, then I may choose to buy back.

You all know, now the economy is really in bad shape. I recheck, airfare still low. Coming quarters will be weak.

Regarding SD, I really don't think its going to be out tomorrow or next week. Simply because the transaction is not completed yet. Maybe it will announce on the basis Airasia have most of the money already though.

AAC deal, there are still 5 planes leased to a third party not yet transfer to buyer, BBAM. Just read about bad debt issue in AAX regarding some plane leased to third party. Coincidence? Don't know anything further.

Still make around 25k. Happy!!!!


2018-11-21 20:26 | Report Abuse

Poor result.

I noticed maintenance expense has dropped by half, seems the AAX engineers are telling the truth on safety concern.

I will advice my friends and family don't take AAX flight for the moment.

Airasia also will suffer.

News & Blogs

2018-11-21 19:17 | Report Abuse

Why don't you change your nick name and try again, see if we can catch you again. Lol!


2018-11-21 00:32 | Report Abuse

You are referring to those getting margin call got to force sale one, here everybody got so much limit can buy more tomorrow.

Huat lah!!!!


2018-11-20 23:51 | Report Abuse

1oranje, if you hate the rich, how can you be rich? Most probably you misunderstood what Warren said.

Well, in Malaysia many complain Warren Buffett's tenets doesn't work, but that's because most people do not understand what he said (and why he said it). His wisdom is not only wide but also very deep. For example, he has been able to change the course of many companies which might not be a great company after all without his guidance. It is just sad in Malaysia our investment community doesn't have someone like the great Warren Buffett. Most companies did well for a few years, later lost their way and start cheating shareholders.

Say a bit more. Warren says don't just believe anything management said, you must look to past record whether management has kept their promise. One very clear example here is if you look into the records, TF always over promise and under deliver. From the first deadline for AAC, the sale at least delayed by two years, if he is an employee of any company, definitely he would have been fired a long long time ago.

So if you believe TF or Airasia meets any criteria of Warren Buffett's tenets, you are wrong. Now the luck is with Airasia, so we make some money lah. When the tide changes, cabut loh.

As expected, oil fell off the cliff, tomorrow will be another great day for Airasia.

Huat lah!!!!


2018-11-19 23:45 | Report Abuse

Today not as excited, but its ok. Bought more. Now i am 120% in airasia, need to put in more cash.

A few things on oil, Russia back down on supply cut shows first sign of a price war among oil producers, further increase in inventory will bring crude oil price further down in the next two days.

Expect another great charge on wednesday and thursday, on three accounts: i. other stocks won't perform good, ii. closer to QR cum SD announcements, iii. oil further drop.

Have a great holiday.

Working hard to find the next target. Keke!!!!


2018-11-19 09:39 | Report Abuse

RM3.20 first lah.

Wednesday oil drop again, then RM3.40 also can

News & Blogs

2018-11-19 09:26 | Report Abuse

Salute to those AAX staffs who voiced out!!!!

New Malaysia now!!!! No more cover up!!!!


2018-11-18 13:25 | Report Abuse

FGV, your thinking is really annoying. If your arguement is true, no trade in the world would have happened!!

Trade happens to suit needs of both buyer and seller. The buyer is airplanes leasing companies, they would like to expand their portfolio, at the same time develop a partnership with Airasia. Airasia sells because the planes are fully depreciated, or almost, it also save some maintenance cost. At the same time, Airasia also bought some new planes with bigger capacity and fuel saving properties.

Moreover, TF thinks Airasia is deeply undervalue In order to maximise shareholder’s value, they chose to sell asset and return cash to shareholders. This is good corporate governance. (Most listed companies choose to eat the money instead).

Last waves rallied to rm4.75 and rm3.7, all waiting for special dividend. Now the deal is closing to end, next few days will be very interesting.

Huat lah!!’

News & Blogs

2018-11-17 21:38 | Report Abuse

Another example of TF bluffing good prospect in India.


2018-11-17 00:24 | Report Abuse

saintambrose, it really depends on your brokerage firm. Some directly credit the dividend into your trading account, some gives you a cheque also.


2018-11-17 00:22 | Report Abuse

Another great day. Congratulations!

There must be special dividend, the question is when will it be announced? There is a definite answer, between 22 Nov to 28 Feb 2019. So just wait.

People says QR will be announced on 22 Nov, but normally Airasia announces nearer to the end, that is 29 or 30 Nov. Anyway, just wait.

Oil rebounds a little bit on talk. I believe next wednesday it will drop back after seeing inventory numbers. As I said, i expect price war among producers again pretty soon.


2018-11-16 09:43 | Report Abuse

Huat lah!!!!

Today volume quite high.

News & Blogs

2018-11-15 22:01 | Report Abuse


Oil is bearish near term. Now US got 12 million bpd of shale. OPEC and Russia will go to price war again, very soon. You will see USD50 / barrel very soon, then USD40, USD30 and probably USD20 eventually.

Don't see me normally LELEFEFE, I am still an economist. Keke!

Despite that, market is really weak and getting weaker. Don't expect airfare and load factors to be high in the coming quarters.

Elon Musk said Ford won't survive the next financial crisis. Well, SIA, Cathay may survive, but they got to shrink to survive.


2018-11-15 21:59 | Report Abuse


Oil is bearish near term. Now US got 12 million bpd of shale. OPEC and Russia will go to price war again, very soon. You will see USD50 / barrel very soon, then USD40, USD30 and probably USD20 eventually.

Don't see me normally LELEFEFE, I am still an economist. Keke!

Despite that, market is really weak and getting weaker. Don't expect airfare and load factors to be high in the coming quarters.

Elon Musk said Ford won't survive the next financial crisis. I Well, SIA, Cathay may survive, but they got to shrink to survive.

News & Blogs

2018-11-15 21:45 | Report Abuse

Bruce88, about 2 years ago, Tony Fernandez + 1 inject RM1 billion (the PP) into Airasia. Market believes the deal is, after sales of AAC, Airasia gives a special dividend and so Tony Fernandez + 1 can repay the bank loan.

How true? 99.9% true.

News & Blogs

2018-11-15 21:41 | Report Abuse

Seriously, you tell people you sold all LayHong, then for sure it will go up.

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2018-11-15 17:05 | Report Abuse


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2018-11-15 17:05 | Report Abuse

I think before you “reborn”, you should clean up your blog first. Your acting is terrible!!!


2018-11-15 09:23 | Report Abuse

KAQ, i hate Audi. Will get a Tesla.


2018-11-15 09:06 | Report Abuse

Jon, the world works in a mysterious way, even everybody is a moron in some way.


2018-11-14 23:15 | Report Abuse

NEO is said to save 15% fuel. I wonder its because of the bigger load or there is another 15% saving on fuel?

Personally I think BIGpay will definitely fail (lack of imagination). Ground handling is brilliant.

By the way, ROKKI free for passengers, that is a great idea.

News & Blogs

2018-11-14 23:15 | Report Abuse

NEO is said to save 15% fuel. I wonder its because of the bigger load or there is another 15% saving on fuel?

Personally I think BIGpay will definitely fail (lack of imagination). Ground handling is brilliant.

By the way, ROKKI free for passengers, that is a great idea.


2018-11-14 10:07 | Report Abuse

small_investor, great insight!!


2018-11-14 03:55 | Report Abuse

Oil price dropped 7-8% today. Going towards USD50/b.


2018-11-14 03:32 | Report Abuse

I am telling you, this time will break RM4.5 (cum dividend lah).


2018-11-13 22:23 | Report Abuse

For those who are not familiar with the situation, TF and MK took a loan of RM1b to inject into Airasia about 2 years ago. Once AAC sale is completed, a special dividend will be paid to all of us, so that TF and MK can use the sum to pay off the RM1b loan. So, the special dividend won't be so far away from TF and MK getting close to 1b.

For TF and MK to get 1b, the special dividend need to be close to RM1.00, as they combined own 1.077b shares. As you may also notice, Airasia is paying more and more ordinary dividend to shareholders, probably to help TF and MK serve interest.

On the other hand, TF mentioned he will distribute all income from sales of non-core assets as special dividend. That is:


From AAC sale:
1185m - 50m (subscribe to FLY shares, non-cash) - 14.5 m subscribe to Incline B = 1120.5m.
plus 60m from sale of expedia
Total 1180.5m USD. @ 4.15 = RM4816.075m. That's RM4.8b!!!!!!!
NOSH is 3342m. So, that's RM1.44 per share.


2018-11-13 22:12 | Report Abuse

PotentialGhost, with sale of AAC, much of the debts are being carried away. Everyone here got brain except.....This is old story, people knew that 3 years ago.

Guys, from now on its really excited. Look of this, the RM20/40 affected a few days, the RM3 fee is banned took another hit, and yet share price only drops a little bit. The future is bright!!!!


2018-11-13 03:53 | Report Abuse

RocketRider, for airlines, normally we refer to Brent + USD20.

It will go up towards end of nov. Stay focus.

News & Blogs

2018-11-13 03:39 | Report Abuse

Now that's complicated if what Najib said is true.

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2018-11-13 03:35 | Report Abuse

shareking1, put warrants???????????????


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2018-11-13 03:30 | Report Abuse




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2018-11-13 03:21 | Report Abuse

Jon Choivo is brilliant.

I wonder why there are still people supporting thieves. They supported ah Jib and now the communist regime??

In fact XJP is surrendering due to too many Chinese companies cry dad cry mom. (the past 6 months the Communist has been trying to expropriate largest companies, really scary). XJP already made a phone call to Trump and said he will compromise. China already ordered measures to protect intellectual property. In the coming meeting, China will show more bona fide. The trade war is already ending. Many thanks to Trump, he has just made Chinese more civilize.