
supersaiyan3 | Joined since 2014-11-12

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2018-11-11 23:43 | Report Abuse

scotthong, got everything wrong how to support?

Don't just blindly tembak. You must be very accurate to influence other people.


2018-11-11 23:39 | Report Abuse

anticonman, because nobody wants to waste time!!!! Ok, ok, i will be nice! Because EPF buy, sell, buy, sell, all the time. When you read information, you should read all of it. The conclusion so far in this forum is because EPF have different managers take care of their money, so one may have different opinion on one stock from another manager, also managers may have to balance between different targets.

Sardin i. They say they operate 106 aircrafts only (in the books of MAA) . ii. depreciation. iii. Some are leased aircrafts. iv. Some carries in the books of subsidiaries. v. Airasia bought those planes much cheaper than others because of negotiation skill and volume. ETC ETC. But you are right on one thing, its a small sum compare to the size of the fleet. That's why Airasia is selling AAC to monetize the assets.

Sardin, some say the actual purchase price is only 50% of the list price. Maybe actual purchase price is only USD50m / plane. If you look at AAC, they sell 84 planes (correct me) and some engines for 1185m USD. So on average only 10-15m USD per plane. Airasia says they could book about RM1b profit (couldn't recall the actual number).


2018-11-09 11:04 | Report Abuse

A lot of investors are slower in news digestion, in their mind is still RM20/40 thing. They haven't noticed oil is down and AAC is almost done.

Just wait, it will come.

Buy more.


2018-11-07 22:11 | Report Abuse

Buy more tomorrow. Gogogo!!! Huat lah!!!!


2018-11-07 22:10 | Report Abuse

Correct me if i am wrong.

1. The bulk of AAC sale proceeds were received from 29/6/18 onwards. Now there are 5 more aircrafts left to be transferred to Incline B.
2. The special dividend shouldn't be 91 sen in my opinion, it should be way more than that, but it depends on the board also. Previously TF already said all proceeds to be disbursed as special dividend. We all know he always overpromise though.
The gross proceeds should be (in USD):
1185m - 50m (FLY shares, non-cash) - 14.5 m subscribed to Incline B = 1120.5m.
plus 60m from sale of expedia
Total 1180.5m USD. @ 4.15 = RM4816.075m. That's RM4.8b!!!!!!!
NOSH is 3342m. So, that's RM1.44 per share.
3. I expect Q3 result to be poor. But who cares?? The economy starts to recover and oil is going down. (and Airasia got 7b cash in its bank)
4. Also please be reminded when Airasia sells the planes, the debts is gone together with the planes. So now gearing is super low.
5. Asset light, got lots of cash and very little debts.
6. TF and MK can get RM1.6b, pays off 1b from bank loan, still got 600m mah. 億億聲!
Terus retire......


2018-11-06 11:14 | Report Abuse


I think any time between release of Q3 and Q4. Given there has been long wait, even if they haven't received all the money (and complete the transaction), they should just declare (after all TF and MK are bearing high interest). But they might do it in Q4.


2018-11-06 11:10 | Report Abuse

Joan, repost:

Dividend wise, I think it is highly likely Airasia will declare a final dividend. So dividend yield could be more than 8%, which is really really high.

AAC is sold to three parties, I think two completed, except Incline B. I think there are 5 aircrafts remaining. Anyway, much of the cash proceeds received in Q3, so Airasia has cash of 6b. Amazing!!!!


2018-11-06 11:06 | Report Abuse

Disruptive innovation will move industry forward.

Now we are looking at laying percentage beyond 100% (way beyond). Years ago, breeders were adjusting the lighting hours to 23 to influence the bio clock of hens, wonder how it turns out to be.

Companies like LayHong has long time to catch up.

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2018-11-06 01:21 | Report Abuse

Will Airasia be affected? of course! The average fare is only RM172. plus plus you get RM217.

But if Airasia declare final dividend, then yield will be more than 8%. If there is a special dividend, then share price will be RM4-6.

News & Blogs

2018-11-06 01:17 | Report Abuse

They are silly all the time. You lose if you are serious, lol!


2018-11-04 23:57 | Report Abuse

As everybody knows (hehe), I am very chun in speculating Airasia. That includes i sold off two weeks before 8501 crash, last feb i bought 2.06 and sold off 4.50, last wave also I bought 3.16, after dividend of 0.12, i sold off 3.69.


2018-11-04 23:54 | Report Abuse

Guys, time to fly.


2018-11-04 23:53 | Report Abuse

Dividend wise, I think it is highly likely Airasia will declare a final dividend. So dividend yield could be more than 8%, which is really really high.

AAC is sold to three parties, I think two completed, except Incline B. I think it is 5 aircrafts remaining. Anyway, much of the cash proceeds received in Q3, so Airasia has cash of 6b. Amazing!!!!


2018-11-04 23:25 | Report Abuse

The RM20/40 will have a bigger impact to Airasia than others. Imagine average price of tickets risen from RM180 to RM200!! Only a small portion of Airasia's flight are international though.

Sad for AAX. AAX will erase earlier gain next week.

This is a weaker year for Airasia. However, the ordinary dividend will keep share price above RM3 in a short period of time. Assume EPS of 40 cents, 50% payout will make the share flies.

Flies, flies, flies!!!! Today got 3 flies, let it went back to nature. lol!

News & Blogs

2018-11-03 00:33 | Report Abuse



2018-11-02 10:04 | Report Abuse

Oil down.

People thinks special dividend may be announced end of month when QR released.

I bought some yesterday (so now 100% in airasia, lol). But i will sell end of month. The reason being people think special dividend around the corner, but in fact it won't be so soon. Always delay one.


2018-11-01 10:35 | Report Abuse

Oil price was so bullish just a moment ago, almost no one remembers Shale and huge supply coming on line. Now seems going back down.....down.....down.....

Oil price will save Airasia. Next year will be a good year.


2018-11-01 10:33 | Report Abuse

Apparently AAC still have a few planes not transfer to FLY, if I read the announcements correctly.

Anyway, its close to finalise. I would think the actual payment will be some time next year. Not so soon.


2018-11-01 10:30 | Report Abuse

I bought some. But I will likely sell end of month before the result.

News & Blogs

2018-10-31 20:19 | Report Abuse

Run! Yap has no fook so his share price won't rise, Kuan Kong also won't allow share price to rise.

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2018-10-30 22:18 | Report Abuse

We must insist that the account information of fake Aabar was provided by IPIC. 1MDB then would have no knowledge of whether fake Aabar was a subsidiary of IPIC or not. Then all money paid to fake Aabar can be considered paid to IPIC.

Note that the actual transactions took place much earlier than IPIC claiming not receiving any money from 1MDB. Why IPIC suddenly notice 1MDB haven't pay them after 2 years or so?

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2018-10-30 22:12 | Report Abuse


二、東尼習慣亂吹。東尼的前老闆布蘭森其中一句座右銘:underpromise, overdeliver。東尼就十有八九overpromise, underdeliver。

News & Blogs

2018-10-29 21:04 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2018-10-27 10:54 | Report Abuse

Elon Musk: If you focus on small problems, you'll solve small problems. If you focus on big problems, you'll solve big problems.


2018-10-26 15:18 | Report Abuse

The warrant exercise price is RM0.40. Say the director sell on average 0.25. If you are optimistic, then the director might think it will not be exceeding 0.65 by 2021. If you are pessimistic, then the director might think it will not be exceeding 0.40....


2018-10-26 15:03 | Report Abuse

OMGOMG, look at the share price, something has happened, some people knows why and some people doesn't. I am telling you what happened (according to my research).

Nobody has a clue exactly what is the cause of the problem, because operators cleaned up their own mess, also the government is late to arrive at the scene. Officially there are about 10 positive cases scattered around a wide area, and its confirmed H5N1 strain (low pathogenic). (nobody talks about this formally except the medical official said they have enough TAMIFLU for H5N1 epidermic).

But this was two months ago. The director is selling aggressively signals there could be other problems. (think about this, why don't they sell at one go if there was only one problem).


2018-10-25 18:04 | Report Abuse

OMGOMG, yes.


2018-10-25 10:29 | Report Abuse

I wonder Herbert Chua and his investors friends are selling? If they are selling then it must be really pity.

Maybe his real identity is finally reviewed, got so many people hate him, so what would they do?

Seriously, every master in Investment would have advice you to check first, if fundamental still sound, buy more.

But this does not apply to those already sailanged lah.


2018-10-25 10:20 | Report Abuse

You know Sabah has the highest egg price? and every other things also the most expensive. Operators enjoy high margin that's why they keep expanding. But since the bird flu, a few major operators were being affected. The only exception is QL. (see the luck and wisdom of QL management?).

But this happen like two months ago. The landscape must be different now.


2018-10-25 10:13 | Report Abuse

You know what makes a share rise? Hope!!!!


2018-10-25 10:09 | Report Abuse

OMGOMG, no high impairment. It will only "translate" into lower average egg price and higher (average) feed price. It has always been the case, hidden in the numbers.

Out of curiosity (and also the threat), i called a worker yesterday. He says now they have resume operation. 1 kandang layers and 2 kandang broilers.

Personally I think its too risky at this stage to resume operation. As i share before, i think it was a major outbreak, luckily the operators and government act fast.

I admire the management's ability to make bold decisions and ability to mobilize workers. Its not that easy if you know what i mean.

eggwhite, long means buy, short means sell. Normally short means you sell first then buy back, sometimes it could be just a number, sometimes financial institutions can borrow other's shares to short and buy back later (and put back under that person's name).

say short 5000 shares @ 0.38, then buy back 5000 shares @ 0.35.

News & Blogs

2018-10-24 00:01 | Report Abuse

If you look at page 9 of Reach's partner report, production level only 1135 bpd.

Let's wait and see.

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2018-10-23 23:54 | Report Abuse






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2018-10-23 23:29 | Report Abuse


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2018-10-23 23:10 | Report Abuse




2018-10-23 09:56 | Report Abuse

MoneySIFU offers great insights.

On the other hand, in the market, we see a lot of self proclaimed expert (like those working in the banks or accounting firms) teaching people to invest, but in fact they have very limited experience in the REAL business world and REAL market. When their investment turns the other way, they start accusing everybody else for their own mistake, non-stop!

My prediction is wait after the next QR is released. Then can go in. Costs for LH will inevitably be slightly higher going forward but i think it should be ok. Seen that hundreds of time. Save some cash for potential fund raising activity, the reason for directors to sell, signals hunger for cash.

Now not enough chicken and eggs, but market also very weak.

As for those who are "trapped", holds for at least two years. You may see share price recovering early next year.

By the way, if the Yaps sees this, i really don't think you should pasteurize the eggs, ozone (to clean the eggs) is cheaper and cleaner (and doesn't half-cook the eggs).

News & Blogs

2018-10-23 08:31 | Report Abuse

I am nice to offer you the truth but you want to report me to police, really noob.

News & Blogs

2018-10-22 23:36 | Report Abuse

This author really noob.

Interviewer: Why LH share price dropped?

Pro: There was this epidemic and a JV co culled 490,000 hen and bury in a big big big hole. That is losing a lot of money in one quarter. The JV co. needs to restart operation but not yet getting approval from the government. The next quarterly result will be very poor. Since this is a cover up so the management cannot announce it publicly. There are some noobs do not get the management's message so they buy in praying share price will rebound using old old data, information etc. Looking at the boss' action to sell warrant aggressively, there is a high chance the company needs to raise fund in the near future.

Interviewer: That's what happened! When do you think is the best time to buy in.

Pro: Since the incident happened in Early July, you may consider buying after the next QR which is due some time end Nov. But bear in mind there is a possibility of fund raising exercise so reserve some cash for the potential right issue.

Interviewer: Oh i see, that's why the directors are selling warrant to prepare cash for the right issue.

Pro: Maybe

Interviewer: Thanks for the interview, you really did some serious research, pro.

Pro: Thank you.

News & Blogs

2018-10-22 23:24 | Report Abuse

Jack Ma suffers the most lah.....China is expropriating your company.


2018-10-19 19:20 | Report Abuse

Who knows what kind of shit Airasia is in???

News & Blogs

2018-10-17 04:36 | Report Abuse

Tulah. TF is bluffing all the time. Say many many growth engine lah......too optimistic.

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2018-10-16 06:10 | Report Abuse

Mr Oh is just a noob like any of us, lol!

News & Blogs

2018-10-16 06:09 | Report Abuse

The organizer made a mistake, Oh is not a Dr.

News & Blogs

2018-10-13 12:26 | Report Abuse

I have 0 stock now. I think some stocks still attractive but the chances of going down is still high, just doesn't worth the risk.

My advice is, sell all stocks, make your bank account looks fantastic, borrow heaps of money to sailang in two years time.

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2018-10-10 19:40 | Report Abuse

I don't have a single share. See the dusts settle first...

News & Blogs

2018-10-05 00:41 | Report Abuse

So after uncle Koon, now you challenge Yap huh? You really need to work on your EQ