
upsidedown119 | Joined since 2013-03-08

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2014-06-11 12:46 | Report Abuse

hng33. Very good advice!


2014-06-11 12:42 | Report Abuse

@stkoay. I don't count chickens before they are hatched i.e. realised! Life is meant to be fun and happy, amongst many other!


2014-06-11 12:33 | Report Abuse

It doesn't need 4th gear to enter 1.8. Just 2nd gear will do to take it past 1.8!


2014-06-11 12:30 | Report Abuse

It should be heading south as Koon had showed his hand in selling. But buy back later. Anyone want to suggest a buy-back price?


2014-06-11 12:27 | Report Abuse

I expect RM3. If used for water consolidation, the sky's the limit!


2014-06-11 12:23 | Report Abuse

HOORAH!! Break-through at RM1.75. Now to make my day past RM1.80!!


2014-06-11 12:22 | Report Abuse

Remember babies, no way Gamuda will sell at 0.1 times book value. They will not be able to live down the stigma of stupidity. If WASIA applied to force sale, the RM1 trillion Malaysian capital market will collapse. So no way to apply WASIA at 0.1 times. If even 0.5 time (unlikely), KPS shares will fly. I expect at least 1 times BV!


2014-06-11 12:18 | Report Abuse

War of attrition at resistance RM1.75!


2014-06-11 12:16 | Report Abuse

@crawler. Always trade with caution, but crawling all the time is no fun. I like creeping up steadily. Hahaha!


2014-06-11 12:13 | Report Abuse

Resistance at RM1.75. Come on KPS bulls, eat up the bears. Bear paws are very delicious!


2014-06-11 12:03 | Report Abuse

hng33. That's 70% of my punt!! I included top-up sweeteners (Fed RM2B remember?)!


2014-06-11 11:58 | Report Abuse

hng33 come back to KPS lah!!


2014-06-11 11:56 | Report Abuse

I bought a lot of Puncak's warrants to leverage.


2014-06-11 11:54 | Report Abuse

hng33. So the high of RM8 as I expect my tiger and horse to bring me is not so OTT afterall! And even without the top-up sweeteners!


2014-06-11 11:50 | Report Abuse

Break baby break!! Break through past RM1.80 and make my day!!


2014-06-11 11:48 | Report Abuse

KPS heading north towards RM1.8?


2014-06-11 11:46 | Report Abuse

I like the allure of the unknown - possible top-up for splash and likely (to me) vehicle for consolidating Selangor's water assets!


2014-06-11 11:43 | Report Abuse

Just added more KPS after breaking resistance at RM1.70.


2014-06-11 11:22 | Report Abuse

Strong resistance at RM1.70! Come on bulls. Get the barrier down!


2014-06-11 11:21 | Report Abuse

hng33. I lost your reasoning. So what should be Puncak's TP from your point of view?


2014-06-11 11:15 | Report Abuse

@crawler. You are loud and clear, always loud. But VROOOOOOOOOOMM!!! HaHaHa!


2014-06-11 11:02 | Report Abuse

Sorry ladies and gentlemen, I was wrong on the immediate prospects of SKPetro. But given the O&G outlook, be careful with the trading.


2014-06-11 10:37 | Report Abuse

Investors burnt thrice before. So now more cautious waiting for more details and EGM confirmation. My 2 cents worth.


2014-06-10 22:00 | Report Abuse

Today's buy-rate was 44.86%. Sell rate was therefore 55.14% i.e. more sellers than buyers despite the news of the gas strike. Market yet to get solid figures on recoverable reserves and flow-rates to gauge the economic significance of the strike. BTW no one, not even Warren Buffet or Soros can predict whether the price will rise or drop tomorrow.


2014-06-10 21:44 | Report Abuse

Hold on to KPS babies. There is a chance it will be used to take-over all Selangor assets and issue shares to the Selangor rakyat. Just my instincts.


2014-06-10 21:21 | Report Abuse

Yeah, I think you are correct. Other liabilities would be related to the non-water assets being returned and likely offset by the value of the assets at book value (likely to be undervalued since land and real property prices have risen sharply). So as hng33 said, the sum-of parts valuation is likely to range from RM4.50 to 5.50, depending on the PE applied. My higher valuation is based on sweeteners I suspect the fed gave Puncak and which are not yet disclosed.


2014-06-10 20:10 | Report Abuse

I went fishing in the afternoon. Now to catch up. The deal is oooon! We caught ayam berlari and the colons!! We can feast on bak cham kai and goreng chee tai cheong (too bad this one's non-halal)!


2014-06-10 14:36 | Report Abuse

Basically, share punters are only honourable to their own money. Retail investors please remember this!


2014-06-10 14:34 | Report Abuse

You should sell some to lock in your profit. But don't sell all. You can also buy back and hold till water deal is done.


2014-06-10 13:11 | Report Abuse

Then get ready to buy!


2014-06-10 13:10 | Report Abuse

RT has a point. Upstream players have the advantage so long as their costs remains below market price or contracted price. So SKPetro is now also an upstream player. It should be protected somewhat from a downturn in world O&G prices. But as RT pointed out, its PE is already on the high side. I would consider SKPetro if the PE is lower, say about 10-12.


2014-06-10 12:26 | Report Abuse

Whenever someone says that he has nothing to hide, he is likely hiding something! Worse if he says that his intentions are 'honourable'. Honourable to whom?! For this I am likely to be whacked by Koon's African adopted nephew - Frank Soweto!


2014-06-10 12:11 | Report Abuse

Weeeeee!! Weeeeeeee!!! Ride the tiger anyone? Have fun. Puncak the tiger gave me the most adrenalin. HaHaHa! Even the talking colons are part of the fun. Where else can I practise my affinity in creative description?! And where is angelina2 baby? I need a flower or two!


2014-06-10 11:46 | Report Abuse

@fortunebullz. The factors you have just mentioned are pointing to a bear market for O&G! If crude oil prices fall to about USD80 per barrel (which I think is likely), SKPetro may downsized to be just an O&G service provider if not become history. In the US, gas price from shale is about USD4 PMBTU. Exported LNG is about USD15 PMBTU at the moment. Russia is going to supply piped gas to China at about USD10 PMBTU (the actual price is secret and likely to be lower). Shale O&G is many, many times more than current reserves in both on-shore and off-shore reservoirs. If price of crude oil remains above USD50 per barrel, it is economical to exploit shale and oil-sands. But even at USD80 per barrel, the transport sector will boom!


2014-06-10 11:28 | Report Abuse

As for Malaysia, it will only become net importer because of other factors, not because of dwindling reserves!


2014-06-10 11:21 | Report Abuse

@fortunebullz. You are likely wrong! First of all, long term we are all dead - Keynes. As for oil and gas supplies, do a bit of research on the internet. As for Oil Palm, even if Latin America and Africa start supplying, the price will remain steady, affected only by the main substitute - soya bean oil. The demand from China and India and for making diesel substitutes in the EU is unsatiable. Just check with Jim Rogers on commodities. In the meantime, be careful with ALL O&G counters until the market settles down a bit.


2014-06-10 11:11 | Report Abuse

@stkoay. Looks like the small wave before the tsunami. But between them the sea is likely to retreat a bit, and then the tsunami surge, sweeping all the bears away. Hold for the water deal to settle if bought high. But trade a bit if you have bought at RM3 and below.


2014-06-10 11:04 | Report Abuse

The overall O&G market is bracing for a correction in price. The fracking revolution is more than doubling the available O&G reserves. The USD400B deal between Russia and China and the associated USD77B pipeline projects are making the whole O&G, especially gas, reserves in west and east Siberia and the Artic region available not only to China, but also to South Korea, Japan and the entire world. Now Sarawak gas is being sold via LNG to Japan and some converted to fertiliser. Therefore the gas deal between Russia and China will also put downward pressure on the world-wide LNG price. So be
careful with O&G counters. Go counter to the current exuberance and sell once you recover your costs. Oil Palm counters (affected by fertiliser price) and transport counters will benefit in the medium (1 to 2 years) term.


2014-06-10 10:44 | Report Abuse

Trade this counter, babies, unless you bought at a high price. If so, hold until the water deal is settled.


2014-06-10 10:02 | Report Abuse

We're on our way to RM8, we shall not be moved,
We're on our way to much much more, we shall not be moved,
Just like a tiger, we're roaring our way to the stars,
We shall not be moved!


2014-06-10 00:21 | Report Abuse

@hope. No I am not speculating. I know about the gas discoveries off Sarawak before I commented. I am just contributing with info and my analysis of the O&G market outlook. So be careful with this counter and all O&G counters for that matter. Just my 2 cents worth.


2014-06-09 20:14 | Report Abuse

Oil price and gas price is trending down due to the shale oil/gas technological revolution and Russia-China USD400B gas deal. As a result of shale oil and gas, the US is now the largest energy exporter. As other countries (China Australia etc) unlock their shale energy resources, I expect oil and gas prices to trend down for the foreseeable future. SKPetro is straddled with huge debts that is more than its entire equity. It is vulnerable to a prolong fall in oil and gas prices. I suggest to go for other counters which will benefit from cheaper oil and gas.


2014-06-09 16:49 | Report Abuse

@stkoay. Tiger was always running, though not yet at a sprint...which I believe will be soon! The horse also waiting.
@969. I heard your colon farting!


2014-06-09 16:25 | Report Abuse

Yeah, volume accumulation at RM3. Looks like something's on.


2014-06-09 15:44 | Report Abuse

Heading north with good volume.....


2014-06-09 15:32 | Report Abuse

KPS moving north....


2014-06-06 16:38 | Report Abuse

I always hate to contradict hng33 because he/she has been so diligent in providing info. But PBA, the Penang water authority has been making steady profit and paying steady dividends. It rose from 0.86 sens to RM1.41 in about 9 months. It's EPS is 8.52 sen to 8.75 sen and it pays a steady dividend of 3.75 sen per share. It is a very well managed company. Its NTA/share is RM2.19. Worth investing for capital gains and divvy. I think what hng33 means is that KPS and Puncak are the only Selangor water companies left in Bursa.


2014-06-03 12:39 | Report Abuse

Too risky to use wasia for unfriendly takeover - the whole RM1 trillion capital market at risk. Kali's unfriendly offer to SPLASH is highly unfair. What is he trying to achieve?!


2014-06-02 23:43 | Report Abuse

OTB is basically a chartist. If the price moves against his charts, he has no explanation.