
upsidedown119 | Joined since 2013-03-08

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2014-05-16 16:03 | Report Abuse

Harimau Puncak sudah makan ayamberlari,
Lalu serdang cari Roger the Colon 123,
Roger the Colon cepat melindungan diri,
Takut kena makan! He He He!


2014-05-16 15:48 | Report Abuse

Agree stkoay! The only direction for Puncak's price is North.


2014-05-16 14:57 | Report Abuse

WSIA is good. Fed will have to pay fair compensation under the federal constitution; which means RM9.65B plus top-up of at least RM2B! Otherwise its trillion ringgit capital market may collapse.


2014-05-15 16:47 | Report Abuse

The buyers are coming in. WEEEEE! Another tiger ride up north? this time no return!


2014-05-15 16:31 | Report Abuse

Looks like the price running NORTH! Fed to top up generously?! After all they the Fed compensated the road concessionaires very generously.


2014-05-15 16:29 | Report Abuse

That's why we are called bean-counters by the lay-man.


2014-05-15 16:24 | Report Abuse

iafx. After reading your analogy, I rest my case. HaHaHa!


2014-05-15 16:14 | Report Abuse

Non-op profit is not the result of management performance. E.g. sale of a building at a profit when the business is not buying and selling buildings. Because it is not a profit from operations, it will not be recurring profit - i.e. a one-off. Some non-op profit do not result in positive cash flow. E.g. reversal of over-provision for asset impairment. Financing cost is a direct result of management decision-making.


2014-05-15 16:05 | Report Abuse

Better they use WSIA. Under the constitution, they will have to give fair compensation, otherwise the trillion ringgit capital market is endangered. If compensation is deemed unfair, it will drive up the cost of borrowing in Malaysia. In worst case scenario, capital will flee Malaysia. Khalid so far, is not willing to give fair compensation, even with the RM2B top-up from the Fed because of political reasons. It will be less politically costly for the Fed to top up directly.


2014-05-15 15:57 | Report Abuse

@iafx. No, if you want to know the true performance of the business, use the operating profit before tax. Tax does not reflect the performance/potential of the business because it is not the direct result of management decision-making. Financing cost is an operating cost. This counter is medium term counter because of management intervention on the price. To gauge the price trend, look at the change in operating profit.


2014-05-15 15:14 | Report Abuse

@iafx. Not salah. I deduct the financing cost (an operating cost) of RM75 million from the operating profit (before financing cost) of RM447 million. Otherwise I would have overstate both the ROE and EPS. Please refer to page 98 of the annual report publish via Bursa.


2014-05-15 14:18 | Report Abuse

After deducting the non-operating profit, the operating profit for financial year ended 31st Dec 2013 was RM372 million. This gave a return on equity of 9.8% - which is reasonable. This translate into an earnings per share of 17.1 sen per share, which to me, is also reasonable.


2014-05-09 09:37 | Report Abuse

Yeah that's right! The whole damned dam will be polluted. The water that is collected at the dam are surface rain-water run-off from the water catchment (e.g. Ulu Klang Gates). They do not sink into the ground through the soil or alluvium layer where the natural pollutants are. They are also held back by the roots of the trees and plants of the catchment area which further purify the water as well as holding back the water and prevent flooding from rapid run-off so that there will still be water flow during the dry season. If stagnant toxic ex-mining water from the ex-mines is pumped into the reservoirs, the water in the reservoir will be polluted! Active carbon filter can take away some of the toxins and heavy metals, but not the radioactive contamination!


2014-05-08 23:01 | Report Abuse

Where is haikeyilla? This love-lorn lady was always able to intuit the trend of Hap Seng quite accurately. She may be able to dispel our cluelessness about the price trend of Hap Seng.


2014-05-08 18:25 | Report Abuse

I don't need to buy NST. I know mining water. The pollution is mainly from the by-products of tin-mining, called tailings, which are dumped back into the mining pool after the tin is extracted. Natural pollutants associated with the tin are therefore concentrated in the mining pool. A radioactive pollutant is the amang (from which rare earths can be extracted) which is either dumped into the mining pool or just dumped on the mining site. That's why radioactive levels in ex-mining land are high. When I go fishing I used to avoid the areas of the mining pool where those tailings were dumped because of the high radioactivity. They are readily identifiable by the grey amang sands descending into the mining pool. But sometimes cannot overcome the temptation to fish there since few people go to that part and therefore the fishes, especially the haruans, are big! So did Khalid know about mining pools before he gave us mining water to drink? I doubt it. So the Selangorians may now be drinking not just toxic water but also radioactive water!


2014-05-08 15:13 | Report Abuse

There were tests several years ago according to YB Santiago of Klang. Mining pool waters are generally stagnant, unless water turn over due to drainage in and out either through a stream entering and exiting or through underground subduction flow. If stagnant, the heavy metals and other exotic poisons will likely remain or even become concentrated especially during the dry season!

In some cases, if sited near villages, the village sewers drain directly into it. The tilapias in such mining pools can grow to over a kg in size due to feeding on the organic rubbish supplied by the sewers! Did Khalid check before he gave us mining pool water to drink? I know about mining pools because as a teenager, I swam in them and also am an avid angler. I particularly sort out mining pools with sewer feed-in in order to get big fat tilapias and other big fat delicious species (e.g. haruan)! Mining pools with pig or chicken farms nearby are particularly well stocked with big fat wild tilapias for obvious reasons. My question still stands: did Khalid check before he feed-in mining water into Selangor's water supply?!


2014-05-08 09:46 | Report Abuse

Ex-tin-mining pool water is known to contain heavy metals and poisons - mercury, arsenic etc. Even in minute amounts they are harmful to the body since the human body cannot easily get rid of them and therefore they accumulate. Overtime, they cause serious health problems especially for those who do not exercise regularly.


2014-05-07 23:42 | Report Abuse

TSH bought a lot of fruits from other OP plantations owners. The CPO came from both their own FFB (from the OP plantations owned by them) and the FFB they bought from outside.


2014-04-28 17:07 | Report Abuse

Instead of giving bonus shares, they may cancel the shares as last time. This way they keep the price of the mother share up for those warrant holders who convert their warrants. But I hope they have mercy on the minority and give bonus shares.


2014-04-24 16:19 | Report Abuse

@kcchongnz. Besides, for capex, it's the ROI over it's life-span that counts, not the initial ROI when the investment is immature. Example: New plant and machinery for manufacturing. For OP, it is capex for new plantings.


2014-04-24 14:53 | Report Abuse

@kcchongnz. A firm will borrow until its next borrowing (marginal borrowing) result in its increase in weighted average ROI = increase in weighted average cost of borrowings. In relatively simple terms, its last borrowing may be 5% per annum. BUT the overall (i.e. weighted average) cost of borrowings may increase from 1.8% to 1.9%. If it makes 2% on the new borrowings, its overall ROI may still increase. Therefore, the firm will continue borrowing until its overall increase in ROI = overall increase in borrowing costs. After this limit (or equilibrium to the economist) its ROI and therefore profit before tax will decrease. As it is, LonB's profit is still increasing. ROI more than a year ago is not relevant for medium term (not > 3 months) share trading. It is its recent profitability and its sustainability that is relevant. LonB has sustained its jump in profitability for two quarters. Therefore your scenario does not apply; unless its profit drops in the third quarter.


2014-04-24 10:50 | Report Abuse

@kcchongnz. For profit maximisation, companies will borrow until Marginal ROI = Marginal Weighted Average cost of borrowings. In your example above, the borrowing company will make a loss of -3% on their borrowing. But London Biscuits has been increasing profit quarter on quarter in the first 2 quarters. So your scenario do not apply to London Biscuit, otherwise its profit will decrease. In fact its profit jumped 82% in the last quarter as compared with the corresponding quarter the previous year. Please correct me if I am wrong.


2014-04-18 17:22 | Report Abuse

Yes, before the tsunami comes, the sea always retreat.


2014-04-18 13:47 | Report Abuse

Roger the Talking Colon, please go to YLI forum to defecate there!


2014-04-17 16:20 | Report Abuse

The DAP rep (Ms Yeoh Bee Yin) just advocated a direct buy out of the water concessionaires! There seem to be fear that Khalid will be played out by the Fed and will not get control of the water restructuring if he do not buy them out. Khalid will be in a better bargaining position if he buys them out with the extra RM2B provided by the Fed!


2014-04-17 16:06 | Report Abuse

Khalid likely to give in, otherwise water concessionaires may withdraw offer to sell. Even if WSIA is exercised, Khalid will not get control of water assets and will lose say over water restructuring except for the water tariffs which is before the courts or subject finally to arbitration. If WSIA is exercised, Fed control likely only be nominal to avoid undue disruption. Puncak likely to maintain effective control. Khalid's being played around like a headless ayamberlari!


2014-04-17 15:42 | Report Abuse

Puncak got water direct from Sungei Semantan,
Langat2 jadi Puncak, air seterus dari Pahang,
Puncak saham akan naik, sampai ringgit lapan,
Permit for Langat2 no need, Khalid turun jamban!


2014-04-17 11:59 | Report Abuse

I am no prophet. Just my optimism on Puncak.


2014-04-17 10:48 | Report Abuse

And we - Puncak investors - will get Puncak at RM8!! Where is the ayam and the Talking Colon when I want them to crack some jokes?


2014-04-17 10:42 | Report Abuse

Fed will get credit for solving Selangor's water problem. Khalid will get the stick.


2014-04-16 22:32 | Report Abuse

Yeah, bypass Langat2 and Khalid. If Khalid still want to control water restructuring, he should up his takeover price with the RM2B provided by the Fed. Pucak can just upgrade its present treatment plants and bypass Khalid. Someone with much more brains than ayamberlari seems to be making the moves!


2014-04-16 19:00 | Report Abuse

angelina2 baby, my tiger engines already started! Onwards to Puncak at RM8 per share! MJPERAK is not even 1% as exciting as Puncak's tiger ride.


2014-04-16 16:05 | Report Abuse

angelina2 darling, how come you and I feel alike? I also hold MJPERAK. Public list is good; private listed also very good, but can't get. Many taking their company private - not for sale!


2014-04-16 15:03 | Report Abuse

Yeah, Khalid may be a good lecturer to OP plantation workers, as good as Roger the Talking Colon (starting his lectures again) and ayamberlari!


2014-04-15 21:27 | Report Abuse

The quality of Khalid's paper qualification is also ....? His mind doesn't seem to work on the borders of.....! As for his managerial skills... ?!


2014-04-15 19:09 | Report Abuse

MB's not a politician. He knows only how to raid at dawn with the help of the Rothschild! PR should get rid of him asap!


2014-04-15 17:16 | Report Abuse

Khalid can still keep the first 20 cu meter free - essential for political support. He can then increase the tariffs after that. The free water is not significant factor in water shortage. The 35% NRW, double the national average, is a more significant factor. The current drought leading to water rationing only enable this high NRV to be high-lighted. Otherwise nobody's bothered.


2014-04-15 16:44 | Report Abuse

Fed has provided extra RM2B for water takeover. Khalid just refused to up takeover price. Khalid will be blamed for the mess!


2014-04-15 16:06 | Report Abuse

So Khalid is being played out by the Fed. He is being blamed for the water-rationing, so the Fed calculated that there is increased pressure for him to sign Langat2. If Khalid want to take control, he will have to up his price. Also, once Fed takes control, the water tariffs may go up which is very good for the concessionaires. We may yet have a good laugh all the way to the bank without the bozos entertaining us!


2014-04-15 15:41 | Report Abuse

@stkoay. Colon always pump out shit. But since Roger the Colon is missing the rest of his body, especially his brains, he needs the ayam to pump tahi into him.


2014-04-15 15:37 | Report Abuse

@stkoay. I am trading and making pocket money in property stocks. 'Little drops of water makes the mighty ocean'.

Roger the Talking Colon is entertaining us again. HaHaHa! Where is his kaki ayamberlari? The Talking Colon talking independently of his lost brains won't be complete without his kaki ayamberlari the talking cock! These two bozos always make the forum more interesting! HaHaHa!!


2014-04-15 10:26 | Report Abuse

Where is ayamberlari?! He/she and the Talking Colon always talk together, ayamberlari with his/her chicken brain!


2014-04-15 09:33 | Report Abuse

Roger the Talking Colon talking independent of his lost brains as usual again! We all expect something big and positive to happen soon.


2014-04-14 16:06 | Report Abuse

Thanks stkoay. I learn something from you today.


2014-04-14 15:15 | Report Abuse

Also 100 or 1000 per lot? calvintaneng is quite vague!


2014-04-14 15:14 | Report Abuse

Oops. He said 10 lots. OK to bet I suppose.


2014-04-14 15:02 | Report Abuse

@stkoay. Offer not legally enforceable due to no signed contract. You need a stakeholder like what wikileaks did with OTB as stakeholder. Ask him to deposit an amount (say you purchase 100K; therefore the amount should be 100K x .3 x 1.1; .3 being 30 sens - the maximum you think the share will fall in a year) with OTB or some other suitable person (a lawyer?).

Btw, I can only offer a guess as to why son is ahead of the mother. Son is at premium of 90 sens to mother; so should be RM2.06. Difference of 8 sens is market expectation that the mother will rise. Anyone got a better explanation?


2014-04-11 17:07 | Report Abuse

Signing off for the time being for my evening exercise. Au revoir!


2014-04-11 17:06 | Report Abuse

Puncak creeping up. Big push up on Monday 14/4/14?! Rozali using soft tactics on the MB by 'appealing'. Let's hope that will soften his heart. He can still increase net payment to Puncak by offsetting Syabas's debts with money owed to Syabas from legal tariffs increase arbitrarily refused by the MB. Also Fed's top-up of RM2B AND a juicy slice of the construction contracts for Langat2! Ride the tiger anyone?


2014-04-11 16:58 | Report Abuse

@stkoay. Thanks for the advice to be cautious about big short term trade. People like you who have been so successful in investing inspires me a lot. Stock market investing is more mentally stimulating than a 9 to 5 job. And no stress if I am careful. The 'stress' from the roller-coaster ride on Puncak actually make life more interesting. Even fending off people like ayamberlari and Roger the Colon is stimulating mentally and emotionally!