
valuelurker | Joined since 2014-02-28

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2017-04-03 11:37 | Report Abuse

Circa 20% returns on the 1st day...not particularly extraordinary but certainly not too shabby

News & Blogs

2017-04-01 23:26 | Report Abuse

There will always be assumptions that one makes in a dcf that people will disagree...that said this is a quality dissection of the company and theoretically sound


2017-04-01 01:04 | Report Abuse

Lucky for those who applied EWI and got allocated next wk is going to be fun


2017-03-31 18:12 | Report Abuse

Since you guys are clueless, let me lend a helping hand, after all they say words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth


2017-03-31 17:44 | Report Abuse

The run-up after 3.1 was to cover the shorties position pro abit can ah up a bit jump already


2017-03-30 17:43 | Report Abuse

Special divs mean an adjustment, what value lost. And no, its not the example adjustment that was posted. Lol so many nuubs

News & Blogs

2017-03-28 16:35 | Report Abuse

Warrants and their 'intrinsic values' change rapidly

You also need to take into account that Airasia is going to announce AAC's sale, therefore you now also have a corporate exercise to take into account, which is time sensitive

For these reasons before the run-up, the 'best' choice would be C46 - it tracks the underlying closely, and because if what fatman tony says is true, they will announce the AAC bids '4-5 weeks' from tender closing, which should be in early May

It just so happens that it is also the most active warrant


2017-03-28 11:52 | Report Abuse

I applaud you guys' resolve. I would have queued much lower than 3.1x let old man koon sell cheap he needs it to cover his behind in jaks trololo


2017-03-27 11:32 | Report Abuse

c38 is for nuuubs


2017-03-24 17:26 | Report Abuse

Yesterday's pump was for the insiders to dump. They could do it 'gently' but no they had to pump it high, and kill all of you

As I said earlier, whenever you see conman venfx, moneykj, tkp2, CharlesP and their gang of smalltimer syndicates, just turn away

Because you see, even the gods agree with me


2017-03-23 12:17 | Report Abuse

Faster smash RM9 lor...time to set the warrants free


2017-03-23 10:44 | Report Abuse

This one quietly limit up without any fanfare trololo

Not vested in this, but man am I grateful to be born to enjoy this run...i guess this must be how the mid-1990's feels like to the old timers

News & Blogs

2017-03-22 23:33 | Report Abuse

Where do you derive the ADV data as Bursa's website doesnt seem to go back that far (eg Jan 17) and numbers dont seem to reconcile...referring to this news article -


2017-03-22 16:55 | Report Abuse

Everyone is expecting AAC sale @USD1.2bn now and !&*#$% dividends...some would argue its already priced in...

Anything less and you're looking at a potential selldown

That said, have converted all into warrants lets see how far the rabbit hole goes hohoho


2017-03-22 16:50 | Report Abuse

Sapu-ed the idiotic warrant pricing


2017-03-21 12:07 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2017-03-17 10:48 |

Post removed.Why?


2017-03-15 10:43 | Report Abuse

Airasia should stop hedging jet fuel. At current crude price their entire derivatives/forwards team once again look stupid how much have they lost over the years hedging

Just float it when crude goes up above a certain level pass it through via fuel surcharge and when fuel comes down just maintain the fat margins like mamaks lol


2017-03-13 11:16 |

Post removed.Why?


2017-03-09 17:43 | Report Abuse

Mr Lim Kang Cheng lei hou yau yeng!


2017-03-09 12:23 | Report Abuse

If you take theedge's definition of RNAV per share = OMV (RM30bn) / shares, then the RNAV is not RM4.50

If it is, then the merger doc by IWH/astramina is wrongly worded

If the merger doc is correct, then theedge needs to amend the article

Because theedge assumes enlarged fully diluted shares is 6.67 bil (RM30bil / RM4.5), which is NOT the case. Mind you, its also not 4.3bil as stated in the press release (see how they cleverly worded it as 'share capital' which does not take into account the dilutive effects of the RCPS...)

Bear in mind that valuations for property companies ultimately hinges on how well can it monetise its lands

Energetically, and you have Ecoworld

Sloppily, and you have the myriad of property companies that trade well below its RNAV/land values

Of course, if you wake up tomorrow and there is a bidding war between Singapore and China for the large tract of land in Johor and is willing to pay RM30bil for it then this is all moot


2017-03-08 17:36 | Report Abuse

^ holy cow I cant believe I just read all of that trololo

If you exclude the bond, how would your DCF (to equity) look like?

Year 0-3

Year 4-25


2017-03-03 15:22 | Report Abuse

When you've taken into account MBB dividends into C24.....

But hey...I cannot not buy

News & Blogs

2017-02-28 22:06 | Report Abuse

^ Well of course Pedestrian, you don't go from being one of the top to number ten in a span of a day.....unless your name is John Lu and his gang of clueless monkeys trololol

Now why i3admins make their lives harder and do the results tabulation manually when 'ibot' has already tracked and automated the returns including splits (and others etc?) I cannot for the life of me fathom

Portfolio Total Returns are 131,791.16 @ 31.79% after adjusting for Ekovest WB bonus issue (12200 units to 30500 units)

It goes without saying that I am No. 1 for the month of February 2017


2017-01-23 19:49 | Report Abuse

Again you change the subject, again we see how you squirm and run away like the coward that you are. Everyday drop, you still here? Spineless pig still not yet finish selling is it conman, still cheating aunty uncles to hold for you while you run?

Over the last few days I decided not to interject, to give you guys a chance to back what you say (TP 78c right?) to see if you small timers can walk the talk, if you would put your money where your mouth is, but alas, like the scum that you are, the price has now fallen another 2c or 4.55% today, from 52c all the way now to 42c unabated, over 20% lost in just 2 weeks…

Bro bro sifu sifu never help to buy to support ah, 42c only la, volume few hundred k also cannot stop ah, all talk kok only right ha ha ha because we all know…when push comes to shove, when real money is involved, the cowards will always leave their fellow snake to hang

24c in Dec 2016, even at 42c its up over 70%. TP 78c by next Qtr some more wor which is just a month from now, so up another 70%? How many people you want to kill conman

monkeykj your digistar closed 16.5c but but 100 units only…tomorrow distribute again ah ha ha ha. Warrants ex-price 0.13 average trading 0.2; millions of 0.15 shares will be out soon, you still telling people to buy ah, “20c, 30c, by next week, you can’t say much” some more ah conman ha ha ha show your conman face la we all want to see don’t run coward

Micro cap sub 50mil penny stocks; funds, funds of funds, HNI’s, will never touch. So just like the latecomers to a Pyramid fraud scheme, what do they do? Sell to their family la, sell to uncles and aunties la, they die nevermind, so long as youre rich right conman

Making money does not mean taking it away from others. Making profits at the direct expense of others makes you no different than a thief. One mistake can wipe out everything one has made…and for the older generation, that is enough to set them back the rest of their lives…

I have tried. As in my 2017 stockpick selection, this is the year I try to give back

Happy CNY to everyone and may all of you have a blessed and prosperous year ahead


2017-01-21 12:20 | Report Abuse

Change the topic again...

Moneykj your digistar where 30c? Next week ah? Conman got caught with your panties down show your face la

You need 4/5 people to come out help a chickenshit like you to drown out all the messages. CharlesT, moneykj, hisehatu who else your dog? Hahaha

TP 78c next quarter? You asking aunty uncle to chase high for you?

Dont run conman, walk the talk, I'll show my trades, you show your conman face to the world we all want to see how a fraud looks like. And try not to change the topic


2017-01-21 01:59 | Report Abuse

Again, same changing the subject.

You call me names, you say I lost money, you say I'm interested in Vis ha ha ha, and now you say I'm insane and god knows what else. Have you seen how you spell? I think even a monkey can see youre the one who's insane

I told you, walk the talk, I dont have Vis, never have, and I will show you my trades as proof, and you can show the world your conman face, deal?

You say Im not so smart, and I havent even started comparing your 2017 stock pick returns with mine, even when you keep talking about your past 'glories'

Your stockpick and moneykj's stock picks, combined together, in a penny stock rally, cant even add up to mine. Who do you think is smarter, you or me?

Dont run conman. Its time you stop selling your lies to aunty uncle retailers. 52c to 44c now and you still tell them to buy to hold for you while you run?


2017-01-20 21:45 | Report Abuse

Again you changed the subject hahaha

First say lose money, then now talk again about your past picks, and now you want to bring in paperplane2016? Hahaha how many people you need Venfx coward

You cheat aunty uncle clueless retailers to hold your shares, and you call me to get a life? How about you go back to your mother's hole?

I'll show you I have never touched Digistar or Visdynamics, and you show the world your conman face, deal?


2017-01-20 20:11 | Report Abuse

I already said lose money? Ha ha ha I show my trades and you show the world your conman face, I know my performance and you will have to go back to your hole

Venfx moneykj hisehatu who else wants to be exposed as conman


2017-01-20 19:49 | Report Abuse

Im hanging conman out to dry, who trash talk and call names but their comments stay and mine get removed hahaha

Let the world see who you two conman are dont hide behind the screen, say I lost money on Digistar hahaha free also dont want la

Dont hide cowards


2017-01-20 19:37 | Report Abuse

Moneykj your Digistar 0.160 wor today, where's 30c ahhhh? One week already lo noob, 'cant say much' some more ah hahaha

Warrants being converted conman you still holding ah? Next week tell people TP 30c again so you can sell ah? hahaha


2017-01-20 19:34 | Report Abuse

Dont remove my posts la, you want to remove, better delete their ID's

Everyday con aunty uncle money TP 80c hahaha


2017-01-20 19:33 | Report Abuse

Venfx moneykj lose then remove my post? Hahaha run back to your hole la

Lose money wor, come la got balls come show your IC, hahaha we see if ive ever touched your Digistar or Visdynamics conman


2017-01-20 17:01 |

Post removed.Why?


2017-01-20 16:51 |

Post removed.Why?


2017-01-20 16:48 |

Post removed.Why?


2017-01-20 16:47 |

Post removed.Why?


2017-01-20 16:45 |

Post removed.Why?


2017-01-20 11:03 |

Post removed.Why?


2017-01-19 23:08 | Report Abuse

Lol again change subject. Go back to Digistar noob. Put your money where your mouth is. Dont run noob. Everybody is watching. 0.155c only, cant push ah wanna be small timer syndicate


2017-01-19 23:01 | Report Abuse

Where your Venfx? Difficult to log in and out right lol bro bro your mom noob hai conman


2017-01-19 22:55 | Report Abuse

Noobhai im saying its now 0.155 say 20c wor...then u say 30c hahaha keep week already, where? Hahaha dont delete your digistar posts noob


2017-01-19 22:50 | Report Abuse

Dont change the subject la chicken. Now change to say I stuck lol u been promoting since you came out from your mom la kiki noobhai

Digistar 30c tomorrow, come la if you got balls


2017-01-19 22:46 | Report Abuse

Talk results wa lol go put your money where your mouth is la digistar 0.155 4 million volume also scared ah noob

You two stop conning retailers and go back to your hole la