
weavefinder | Joined since 2015-01-23

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2015-03-19 23:23 | Report Abuse

Fundamentals are important, but penny stocks usually exhibit mind boggling characteristics, You would have to be dealing with it to know. Sometimes media coverage and ceo comments are much detached from the whims and fancies of the PLAYMAKER. It is what the playmaker wish to happen that we must try to anticipate. Of course the playmaker also realise fundamentals, and even more so than the likes of us, but do you think they give a damn about fundamentals? And if they dont, why should we even bother.


2015-03-19 13:08 | Report Abuse

betul la kakisaham, tapi kalu sikit2 marah untuk gurauan ok la, tapi kalu serious sangat takut nanti itu harga pusing lari lain tempat, nanti kita juga susah wo!


2015-03-19 12:46 | Report Abuse

let's not kid ourselves. We are here in a penny stock forum. we wanna make money as quick as possible. Whether wintoni, genetec or priva all are penny stocks. You wanna apply fundamentals like ROE, PE to these counters. How much different can it be? At the most we can only try to anticipate what the hell the playmaker wishes to achieve. There are so many so call fundamental counters, low PE, good ROE, but no sign of any playmaker aboard yet. Either way I am all game for PRIVA. In April we will call it PRIVA 50, ha, ha,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ha.


2015-03-17 13:42 | Report Abuse

UMA formality saja. Securities commission want to show they are working. What is the value of UMA to wintomi, systech, priva, perisai. ETI is only showing temporary compliance. Seems chaotic. But in the last few months or so thank the penny stocks for providing the trading activities and business for bursa. If not, there no funds available right now in our capital market that can really create the excitement. Long live eti!Part and parcel of the game. Kalu tak boleh tahan jangan masuk. Kalau tak masuk tak payah cerita. ha, ha, ha!


2015-03-10 22:26 | Report Abuse

Sorry ehtan, earlier I was quoting the devil's advocate. In actual fact I just went in again today into K1 but the WA at 28 sen. The mother being at 50 over sen has still some more climbing to do. The volume traded today and the gorging of 52 sen at the end could trigger more upward potential. Anyway bros, I will not be posting anymore for the time being. due to some other preoccupation. Cheerio and Adios!


2015-03-10 16:08 | Report Abuse

false push to rise and sell, trap, beware, tomorrow downtrend. sell quickly. dont say i did not warn you!


2015-03-08 23:47 | Report Abuse

So what if DJI is down by 278. Have you never been through rough days when DJI is down 400 points, 600 points eh? At the most K1 will come down is maybe 2 sen. Thats all. That's scarry is it? So far this so call K1 DOWNTREND is not evident!


2015-03-06 21:03 | Report Abuse

One more thing. Those guys whom you call stupid buying at 53 sen, are not desperate like us. They are in it for things which they are in and can control. Only we, with our so call wide knowledge, think that they have been cheated. They are actually laughing at us. When K1 fall by few sen we begin to despair and fear to shit in our pants. When move up a bit, we become so unsure, anxious when to sell. So what are we? In which ever area we are not in control , yet we talk like as though we own K1.


2015-03-06 20:55 | Report Abuse

You wanna kill K1, then wait for IFCA, systech, Priva, and the other current active ones to be equivalently killed. Other wise K1 will be only killed if they do not deliver the expected financial performance. The are fairly priced currently based on their performance report about 25 P/E. Do you think your so call syndicate is not linked to the directors? K1 is a profitable entity, do you think the directors dont care?


2015-03-06 20:40 | Report Abuse

The way I see it, for this ACE market counters to experience any big and drastic fall is if foreign funds come in. With the current market situation lacking in funds to manipulate the larger cap stocks, Bursa is even thankful that the ACE market is providing the steam and business in the market. What is evident is that mostly ACE counters will yoyo 5 to 10% up/down. Sometimes on good days the big push will occur. However, knowing Bursa, there will come a time when they will issue stern warnings about ACE counter manipulation, when big funds want to take over the action in the market. Anyway, I need not continue further, becos this might be difficult to understand, something out of your experience.


2015-03-06 17:49 | Report Abuse

Next year K1 is into film making. First one titled " I know what your syndicate did last summer". The movie will show how the syndicate fumbled and got it wrong. Instead of traveling south, they went north. Kah.kah.kah.kah...........ah.


2015-03-06 16:41 | Report Abuse

yeah,yeah, I know somehow what the syndicate is going to do, Great job, great job.


2015-03-06 11:13 | Report Abuse

false rise, beware, trap. stockmarket lesson; basic 101.enrol quickly to become a student expert in market syndication.


2015-03-05 15:27 | Report Abuse

Its not only K1. Isnt it obvious that most of the counters are down? Are the top thirty counters in the green or red? How many points is the CI down?

News & Blogs

2015-03-05 10:47 | Report Abuse

i think this one also another disciple of basic 101.

News & Blogs

2015-03-04 20:04 | Report Abuse

Basic 101 lesson to identify writer with closed minds. Be thankful that it is rubbish stocks that has created the excitement and trading business for BURSA over the years. So tell me, where is the so call local funds, foreign funds, and whatever funds eh. Dont be a loose canon on things of common knowledge. Look on the bright side.


2015-03-04 17:52 | Report Abuse

come on la bro, its people like us who need pampers becos we shit in our pants when the price just go down by 3 sen. I think its a bit unfair to pass comments like those who bought at 53 as stupid. We ikan bilis think we know everything just becos we are in this forum.First principle in making money: be humble, humourous, respect others and be an intent listener. Dont be a loose canon, firing everywhere as you please. Remember, stray bullets can whack you back unknowingly. Jaga you punya standard kawan. The 53 sen buyer has his own strategy, maybe in the medium term, but definitely does not deserve to be labeled as "S". Its disgusting.


2015-03-04 08:18 | Report Abuse

quickly go buy pampers first!


2015-03-03 17:43 | Report Abuse

I'm waiting for 35 sen. Heard some businesses in EU not materializing this quarter. That is why also got no dividends this time.


2015-02-25 08:58 | Report Abuse

yungks90, if you had put money into K1, will you keep on hammering this counter, saying all that is negative. Surely not! so what's the next best thing to do? So i sing it with another tune, I dunoe la, you dont put money where your thoughts are, you dont have much say!


2015-02-18 11:55 | Report Abuse

showtime not yet, this is just cny housekeeping activity, in tandem with other penny stocks.


2015-02-18 10:06 | Report Abuse

B4 we resigned ourselves to merry making in the CNY, let me recap the statements surrounding K1: false rise, trap, syndicate confirmed going to 47 sen, pattern of trading is a trap: Whoa boys, you have only 3 hours more for all these to materialise.If not, my question is what happen eh? That is why lots of analysis and years of trading is required B4 you can second guess the movement of stocks. The playmaker is always ahead of the retailers, under all circumstances. Anyway, happy CNY to all you bros, stay cool and healthy, drive carefully if you balik kampung, and come back in one piece next monday to journey in our quest. Kong Hee Fatt Choy!


2015-02-17 22:29 | Report Abuse

Think again, why do you think the son of the executive chairman for Zenith consortium, who is a 30 year old with a degree in multimedia and music is parked as the Exeeeee.......cutive director for ETI? He is there for a reason, besides being too,,,,,, young at the helm.


2015-02-13 08:52 | Report Abuse

That's quite obvious. Terms that they use for situations in the markets such as bloodbath, blood on the streets, and chaos just show that playmakers are a group thriving on chaotic sitautions within a dog eat dog world. They are ruthless like a stealth bomber pilot bombing the ground without consideration of the casualty counts when they decide to release their ammo.


2015-02-13 01:03 | Report Abuse

The architect behind the curves and slopes of the chart is the playmaker. It is his manipulation and enticement offered to the buyers that counts. The complementing buyers and sellers are only acting out what the playmaker decides. The momentum is in his hands


2015-02-13 00:53 | Report Abuse

There's a saying that you live by the sword and die by the sword. Tech analysis is important but markets dont live by the charts and die by the charts. Its just a forecasting tool. In this respect the HLG inv report on KI needs to be analysed with other market factors.Questions to ask is what is the objective of the report, Why out of the blue and with Ace counters numbering more than 50 did they choose K1 for coverage. What do they stand to gain, Could the playmaker be linked to HLG research? Those huge lots of shares sold from the directors, who was the undisclosed recipient or friendly parties?
At best we can only postulate what the playmaker intends to do. If we are wrong than we lose. If right, then we gain. The chart only provide us info about the potential direction that the playmaker might choose for his next gameplan


2015-02-12 18:51 | Report Abuse

I can appreciate the dilema faced by yours truly acdc. He frequently try to overcome those postings which are bundled up into negativities, those without reason and factual substance. Could be quite frustrating sometimes, so he must have resorted to the old adage of 'malas layan la'. Missed him for his uplifting spirits.
I consider this networking like sitting at starbucks over coffee sharing ideas with friends. Its becos of this learning process that if other points of view is reasoned out, that will be very enlightening. By explaining your views, the dynamics of the networking as a lifelong learning process becomes highly beneficial.


2015-02-12 18:24 | Report Abuse

There is no mass distribution yet. If there is then this is a kalefei playmaker. Sell to public or retail at 49 sen, 50 sen, 51 sen, 52 sen and then push the counter to 52.5. If I could buy say at 51 sen, I will sell at 52 today and register a contra gain intraday. If this happen, this is the world's most generous and kindest playmaker.


2015-02-12 18:04 | Report Abuse

I just relinquished my position 2 days ago both mother and WA, and today I was looking at K1 closely to reopen new lower positions. Looking at today, I believe north is the only direction for this counter. So tomorrow morning, without hesitation I am going to Q at 29.5 and 30 sen for the WA.Long live K1. He,he,he, but only as long as my expectations are fulfilled. Beyond that, I will sell when it reaches my target. Bye!


2015-02-12 17:57 | Report Abuse

The ace market drivers today have no show, systech, ygl,IFCA, and efficien. But K1 is holding well. Why they close at 525 is becos they wanna be close to their average accumulation price. Most of the lots traded below 52 were mostly mopped up by the playmaker. Do you think playmaker will allow retail to buy below 52, and then push to 52,5 for retail to make money? If thats the case the playmaker better go to Holland.


2015-02-12 11:27 | Report Abuse

Hey guys, while waiting for some drastic changes in K1, try pitting your analytical skills on these questions, Who do you think will be top no. 1 today at 5 pm? will it be oil or tech stock? Perisai for the moment is deadlocked. If I were to bet, I think it might be SCOMI. Hahaha, just to while the waiting time away.


2015-02-12 10:59 | Report Abuse

no way below 50 today, unless earthquake or tsunami occurs today in some important business parts of the world. So meantime, I will have to say bye, bye to K1. No onger interested.


2015-02-12 10:07 | Report Abuse

the whole market is standing still looking at the extent of the TNB downside. Once this subsides, the balance of the market will go for buy or sell volume? Though TNB created the 18 point downside, it is not necessary that the rest of the market will follow. At times things does not seem to be what it is to be.


2015-02-12 09:47 | Report Abuse

selling pressure across the board is just not strong enough becos problem is isolated, lies with TNB which is already discounted.At this moment even globally no markets are under severe pressure. loks like 46, 47 or 48 not possible today.


2015-02-12 09:34 | Report Abuse

yungks, make a banner "Play Contra Die Faster" and hang it in front of the Bursa Malaysia building. Take a photo and distribute it electronically. Serves as a reminder of things which are obvious, but hard to accept as truth.


2015-02-12 00:34 | Report Abuse

It might momentarily touch 47.5 from panickers, but I think the closing price will be slightly higher, maybe 48.5 or so, Friday might continue. If he goes too low and if the lots traded are small then his game plan might be disturbed if his average is higher than the lowest price achieved for the day. And if retail gets hold of this lower priced traded lots, then the playmaker does not have an upper hand on the game. Anyway, I will Q at 46.5 on friday and 26.5 for the WA, but on Friday, see whether got any luck to steal. Also this is in view of the Ace market game changers performance: Systech and IFCA.


2015-02-11 23:51 | Report Abuse

If they achieve this estimated PAT, in all probability for all quarters in 2015, if they can sustain the business performance, the sum of PAT 2015 will be higher than 2014. 80 sen is the factored price for their future performance in 2015 . Similarly IFCA is 120 sen not cos of their present results, but a reflection of future potential or value. I think the directors disposal is an off market deal, in all probability to known parties. Markets are all about chance events. sometimes we lose, at times we win.


2015-02-11 18:05 | Report Abuse

There's no point being in a love affair with any counter, K1 looks quite a stable bet. However it is only as good as long it serves our financial expectation. If not, fire or kick the butt of the company out from your portfolio.


2015-02-11 17:57 | Report Abuse

With all the main players of the ace counters going down this couple of days, during the run up periods sometime next week, dufu, systech, eduspec, ygl could be better contenders. they are much cheaper and provide higher % gains, if for contra purposes. If I buy K1 I will keep to see their Q4 earnings. If their PAT for Q4 is between 4.5 to 5 mil, then hold on to it, becos 80 sen on the cards.


2015-02-11 09:07 | Report Abuse

wonder how you would lose money with K1 if you are not a contra player, unless if you bought these within one week or so. If you bought somewhere in mid january, you would have made about 20 % or more gain.


2015-02-10 16:08 | Report Abuse

Jet li, your prediction materializes very timely. Jackpot!


2015-02-10 16:04 | Report Abuse

looks like most of the ACE market counters are going down, not only k1. All are still holding their positions well. But I think tomorrow will be a follow thru down trend for these counters, and might continue for the whole week. The down side however is limited, If K1 drops to 0.505 and 0.510, good opportunity to buy. If below 0.50, I will say bye,bye to this counter


2015-02-10 09:03 | Report Abuse

this is considering market sentiment is fair. If market sentiment is very weak, then not only K1 will be dragged down, call it IFCA, Systech, or Eduspec, all wiil go to Holland temporarily.


2015-02-10 09:00 | Report Abuse

There is no love lost between K1 and the buyers. If the price falls below 0.5, your money is better off if placed at some other counters. Why put into one which is already a transitional goner. If the price falls below 0.5, K1 is finish, at least for another 6 months.


2015-02-09 11:49 | Report Abuse

paging for acdc, calling for acdc, come quickly, now is the time for you to whack the naysayers, who always predict doom for K1.


2015-02-04 00:54 | Report Abuse

I do have interest in eti, but when I look into the shareholding spread, I feel eti will need time before we can determine who are the real playmakers for eti. The current directors are not even there with respect to shareholding. Even the push from 7 to 8 and ending at 6,5 is more of an exit move, I dont reckon 9 sen is achievable in a month or two.


2015-01-30 12:06 | Report Abuse

I must also be game enough to support K1. This evening index will improve and K1 will vroom, he, he,he, very optimistic it seems.


2015-01-30 01:45 | Report Abuse

the large block sold is off-market deal, usually pre-attanged with known or friendly parties to K1. Could this deal be carried out to supply the buyer who is the playmaker with more ammunition to push the counter big time with bigger volumes?


2015-01-29 17:07 | Report Abuse

playmaker started at 54, push 5 bits to 56. His average is 54 to 55. He only want to start big today , but market conditions not right, so do you think he can exit? If he wanted to exit, there would be a bigger fall. Who do you think is protecting the price from sliding today if its not the playmaker. HE WILL BE BACK. Surely 56 looks toppish cos that is the new max for this year.


2015-01-29 09:28 | Report Abuse

this is where the heartbeat gets faster. You will have to balance between the world of acdc and the pessimism of gaussian. Their presence is needed because they provoke us to think and analyse. but you alone must decide to either avoid regret or achieve satisfaction