3 people like this.

5,349 comment(s). Last comment by King Kong73 2013-05-06 07:03


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-05-01 19:32 | Report Abuse

Dalang sebenar Mei 13 dibongkar oleh Dato' Mohd Tamrin Ghafar



2,640 posts

Posted by alenac > 2013-05-01 21:04 | Report Abuse

Undilah BN, Andai anda ingin mengkayakan kerabat dan kroni mereka

Undilah BN, Andai anda inginkan undang-undang demokrasi terus dicabul dan ditelanjangkan oleh puak mereka.

Undilah BN, Andai anda ingin menambahkan lagi hutang negara yang sudah sampai ke tahap yang menakutkan.

Undilah BN, Andai inginkan anak-anak anda terus dibelenggu hutang piutang hanya untuk secangkir ilmu sedang pemimpin anda rakus meratah kekayaan negara.

Undilah BN, Andai anda rela korupsi terus menerus menjadi asam garam pemimpin negara. Kapal selam dibeli jadi hiasan. Stadium dibina runtuh menyembah. Hutang piutang ditanggung rakyat.

Undilah BN, Andai anda inginkan perkauman terus disuburi dibajai. Islam terus dijadikan alat untuk menfobiakan kaum lain. Akhirnya, agama jadi candu untuk menghalalkan yang haram.

Undilah BN! Andai anda inginkan negara keadilan dan kebajikan terus terkubur!!



1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-05-01 21:05 | Report Abuse

Ryan. This Philippines conpany own by mamakutty's son Lah


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-05-02 01:14 | Report Abuse

Umno not racist party, says Najib.
Haha, everybody with proper mind already knows lah, UMNO is the most racist lead by mahaikutty.


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-05-02 01:18 | Report Abuse

Ha, here goes your Sarawakians $$$.
Goldman Sachs Inc has been flayed for underwriting RM4.87 billion (US$1.6 billion) in bonds for Sarawak’s energy corridor projects and ignoring alleged corruption in the East Malaysian state by activist group Global Witness.


Posted by FattyDragon > 2013-05-02 08:50 | Report Abuse

My favorite song. "if tomorrow never comes......." tomorrow will b the last Friday b4 the the GE......so scared the shares will sink due to uncertainty.....

Posted by FattyDragon > 2013-05-02 08:53 | Report Abuse

Good luck to all warrior of i3.....may it b for whichever party.....salute to democracy.......


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-05-02 12:02 | Report Abuse

To all Sarawakians, remember this?

Posted by infoumland > 2013-05-02 12:08 | Report Abuse

Kita semua mesti undi PAS yang suci. Yang Zalim and Kotor mesti kita buang demi Rakyat Malaysia.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-05-02 12:51 | Report Abuse

Posted by FattyDragon > May 2, 2013 08:53 AM | Report Abuse

Good luck to all warrior of i3.....may it b for whichever party.....salute to democracy.......

Exactly, 100% support your statement.....after all we are all Malaysians.


176 posts

Posted by ryan78 > 2013-05-02 13:38 | Report Abuse

Saiful's Father Retracts Conspiracy Claims?

I'm sure many would already know this guy is a mole in PKR.

I don't know what to say about Malaysians. Got money into pocket everything also can. Most Malaysians(very few which can resist the bribery) are self centered selfish people who only takes good care of their own skin.This kind of people will only vote for themselves.

Do you know what is the real universal party that Malaysians actually vote? - MONEY

I also believe that many Malaysian politicians are also like that. Every one of them have a price no matter how staunch a supporter he/she is for a party. With the right price you can buy him/her over to your side.

How many of you can resist a stash of RM20 million placed in front of you and waiting for an positive reply? How many? I believe there are very few who can.
How about raising it to RM50 million if you are really influential?

Becoming a DUN or MP is considered a luxury for Malaysians to strike rich. Not because of the official pay or the lifetime pension, they are showered with lots of unofficial side incomes that make them millionaires.

The other problem is the multiracial complex.
I can't think of any multiracial country today which is not suffering from a difficult social complex issues today not even Singapore.


127 posts

Posted by Jamesdean > 2013-05-02 13:55 | Report Abuse

Yes the father retract, because you want to know why......they threaten his anus with harm. BN showed him the Keris and told him to remember this for his family.......


176 posts

Posted by ryan78 > 2013-05-02 13:59 | Report Abuse

Wasn't he under protection from PR side after coming out to testify about his son before this?
I thought all key witness are given protection before a case is closed?


127 posts

Posted by Jamesdean > 2013-05-02 14:01 | Report Abuse

HELLO RYAN......PR protect him with what?.......


127 posts

Posted by Jamesdean > 2013-05-02 14:03 | Report Abuse

Protection is the job of PDRM .......where are they? They cannot even protect the rakyat from thugs,and robberies.....how lah to protect Azlan when he pledge alliance with PR earlier......


127 posts

Posted by Jamesdean > 2013-05-02 14:06 | Report Abuse

This EC is freking stupid or we are taken as stupid.
Flying in Bangla for voting,....
faking indelible ink.....

And the stupid MF came on TV to tell us to trust him??




176 posts

Posted by ryan78 > 2013-05-02 14:09 | Report Abuse

Plain stupid excuse. Are you implying that PR never did their jobs properly or considered this to happen or at least took further actions on the matter after he received ransom threats?

PDRM will get a bad name for their reputation if he ever comes out and say that they allowed hitmen to threaten him. Why is he still a free walking man?


127 posts

Posted by Jamesdean > 2013-05-02 14:12 | Report Abuse

Because now the fck is protected aft he vowed new alliance back to BN lah....aiyoooooo.....
Those Capati ministers I. BN is King mah....

Fly in Bangla to vote....
Use delible ink as I delible....
Threaten Bala's wife....
Threaten the weak Saiful's father.....


176 posts

Posted by ryan78 > 2013-05-02 14:13 | Report Abuse

Bangla Naik party is playing with multiculturalism to mess up this country.

I somehow think that all multicultural countries have a ticking time bomb waiting to explode from within.Even highly prosperous coutries such as Singapore, UK and Australia, it's just a matter of time the balance will the tilted...

Multiculturalism is highly unstable topic for many countries.


127 posts

Posted by Jamesdean > 2013-05-02 14:13 | Report Abuse

Someone has to pay for this threats because it's against religion, culture and democracy....


127 posts

Posted by Jamesdean > 2013-05-02 14:16 | Report Abuse

Anti Christian billboard is not by BN....my ass it's not...
Did Zul Nordin not condemn the Indians on Mar 2013....watch the videos in YouTube
Did Ibrahim Katak not condemn the Chinese and Indians?
Did Mahathir not call Chinese racist.....?



558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-05-02 14:17 | Report Abuse


Calon DAP Cederakan Calon MCA Di Kuala Kubu Baru

May 1, 2013

Calon wanita DAP mula tunjuk samseng. Kita memang tahu bahawa DAP yang berfahaman ala komunis semestinya agresif dalam tindak tanduk mereka. Namun begitu kita tidak pernah terlintas bahawa calon sendiri mampu dan sanggup mencederakan lawannya secara terbuka.

Jessie Ooi merupakan calon MCA untuk kerusi DUN Kuala Kubu Baru telah membuat laporan polis bahawa beliau dicederakan oleh lawannya calon DAP Lee Kee Hiong (bekas setpol Lim Kit Siang) semasa mengadakan “walkabout” di pasar malam pada hari isnin baru-baru ini.

Ianya merupakan saat-saat yang cukup mencemaskan apabila calon MCA terpaksa berhadapan dengan calon DAP yang cukup samseng. Jessie Ooi telah membuat laporan polis pada hari selasa. Bahu beliau telah cedera dalam kejadian tersebut. Beliau telah mendapatkan rawatan di Hospital KKB.

Menurut Jessie Ooi , para penyokongnya yang terdiri kebanyakkannya wanita telah berjabat tangan dengan penduduk disamping memberi risalah semasa mereka bertembung dengan kumpulan calon DAP tersebut.

“Saya menghulurkan tangan bersalam dengan Lee dan bergambar bersama untuk pihak akhbar.”

“Tetapi semasa bersalaman, tangan kiri Lee telah menolak bahu Jessie secara berterusan. Waktu ini calon DAP tersenyum dan mencabar saya berdebat dengan beliau.

“Saya beritahu bahawa ini hanya membuang masa. Lee terus menerus menolak bahu saya. Ibu saya melihat kelakuan Lee oleh itu beliau menarik saya dari ditolak oleh Lee”

Memandangkan penyokong Lee kebanyakkannya lelaki maka saya telah berundur dan pulang ke pejabat MCA di bandar.

Beliau menyedari bahawa bahunya sakit dan merah. Apabila Lee dihubungi maka dia pun telah membuat laporan polis. Menurutnya beliau sekadar menepuk bahu Jessie sahaja.

Rencana The Star (30 April 2013) di bawah.

GE13: BN’s Jessie Ooi claims shoulder injury caused by DAP opponent

HULU SELANGOR: Jessie Ooi, Barisan Nasional’s candidate for the Kuala Kubu Baharu seat, claimed that she was injured after being “pushed about” by DAP’s Lee Kee Hiong during a walkabout at the night market on Monday

Ooi, 34, lodged a police report on Tuesday claiming that her shoulder was bruised in the incident. She sought treatment at the KKB Hospital.

Ooi said she and her supporters, mostly women, were shaking hands with residents and distributing flyers when they met Lee’s group.

“I offered my hand to Lee and we shook hands and posed for the press photographers.

“But while we were shaking hands, her (Lee’s) left hand kept pushing at my shoulder. During this time, Lee was smiling and challenged me to a debate.

“I told her it was a waste of time and she continued pushing at my shoulder. My mother saw Lee doing this and pulled me away,” Ooi told The Star.

Ooi said since Lee’s supporters were mostly men, she left the place and returned to the MCA office in town.

She said she realised that her shoulder was painful and noticed that it was red.

When contacted, Lee said she had also reported the matter to the police.

Lee said she had only “tapped” Ooi on the shoulder.

Besides the two, Yoong Tham Fook, Pritpal Singh Mender Singh and Nadarajah Subramaniam are contesting as Independents in the state seat.-the star

Sebelum ini DAP pernah bertindak samseng terhadap seorang warga emas bernama Simon Thong. Beliau berumur 62 tahun menceritakan bagaimana beliau telah dibuli.

Kata Cikgu Simon ““After my police report, they hung 20 posters of me at the boomgate and on the fence in front of my house. The posters have been there 9 days, and counting… It’s character defamation, of course. “No, things are not getting better. Still, this is my home and I won’t be chased out.”

Manakala DAP juga turut mengertak media “ “My wife and I are alone,deep inside Taman Kaya. [...] Only my wife and I stay here.Neither my children nor my grandchildren are allowed to come within 500 meters of this danger zone. That is our decision: to protect them from danger. Even former students have been urged not to visit as we fear for their safety. This Christmas and then, Chinese New Year, will be quiet festivals: nobody is coming.”

Budaya samseng yang menjadi asas perjuangan DAP patut dihapuskan bagi membolehkan rakyat Malaysia hidup dengan aman sejahtera. Mereka yang menjadi penyambung pemberontakan komunis di Tanah Melayu harus dibendung dengan sekeras-kerasnya.


127 posts

Posted by Jamesdean > 2013-05-02 14:19 | Report Abuse

Butor lah budak bangsat Ranger......crony and nepotism pun tak tau mau belajar hentam.... Pergh....si bodoh


176 posts

Posted by ryan78 > 2013-05-02 14:22 | Report Abuse

Multiculturalism is a very sensitive and complex thing.That's why I say it's a ticking time bomb waiting to set off in many multicultural countries.

In a multicultural society everyone plays safe and has to be very careful not to step on other people's mentality and beliefs.

In a monocultural society, everyone around each others think similarly and and are brought up to collaboratively. People can be very patriotic as everyone works towards the improvement of their nation. Less indifferences leads to more integration.


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-05-02 14:22 | Report Abuse

There u are. Just like most Pakatan supporters. Probably Jamesdean did not receive proper home education on mannerism from parents...poor u jamesdean. Pity u lah


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-05-02 14:24 | Report Abuse

Jamesdean..go take a nap la...I'm sleepy "talking" to walnuts...


127 posts

Posted by Jamesdean > 2013-05-02 14:25 | Report Abuse

Better than BN run low GDP and high debts......
Now I understand why bangsat ranger don't know how to read financial or understand our countries economics....read the below....

Apr 30, 2013 05:22 PM | Report Abuse

E&O closed low. What it means? Bearish lah jacko. U think I'm that stupid?

At least, I don't need to go to heaven with your help.


127 posts

Posted by Jamesdean > 2013-05-02 14:26 | Report Abuse

What is ranger doing in this forum??
He know nothing on share market as you can see fr his post......BODOH sombong


127 posts

Posted by Jamesdean > 2013-05-02 14:27 | Report Abuse

Ranger u better go and take care of ur new Bangla frens ok!


74 posts

Posted by AJ AJ > 2013-05-02 14:34 | Report Abuse

How about Bangla n Nepal civil servant in Malaysia???..monthly wage RM900


127 posts

Posted by Jamesdean > 2013-05-02 14:37 | Report Abuse

U must ask the shallow Hal Ranger the pig rider.....got whack and now running scared....kekekeke

Posted by Desmond Liew > 2013-05-02 14:43 | Report Abuse

PKR gave my friend alot of money,,, 505 is the date/month to change gov; themed of PKR & there are 3 main parties so he bought 5053. Magnum's 3rd prize came out 5053 & he won RM100k... Another of my friend won JP2 who also bought this number.. what a good windfall to them..


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-05-02 14:43 | Report Abuse

Jamesdean...please to back home and ask your parents to teach you some basic manners when talking to people. Probably your beloved mum n dad forgotten to impart this knowledge. Bingo, jacko too...all need to learn basic manners before involving in "kids" politics.


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-05-02 14:45 | Report Abuse

Hahaha, I know a lot of Bangla friends marrying local malay girls here. Sooner, malaysia become banglasia. Hahaha.


127 posts

Posted by Jamesdean > 2013-05-02 14:47 | Report Abuse

Ranger , I think ur parents failed u in ur education.......you cant count, u can't tell the diff in crony and nepotism, u don't eve know how much we are in debt and u know nuts about share market.......what are u doing in this forum?


127 posts

Posted by Jamesdean > 2013-05-02 14:50 | Report Abuse

Ranger...Pergh lah...u all want to cheat to win this election.....use lah proper ink....this also want to cheat....apalah


127 posts

Posted by Jamesdean > 2013-05-02 14:50 | Report Abuse

Or maybe ranger cannot tell the diff between right and wrong...


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-05-02 14:51 | Report Abuse


As aforesaid, go back home and learn more from your parents. U just lack manners...


127 posts

Posted by Jamesdean > 2013-05-02 14:54 | Report Abuse

Lack manner to low down monkey like you is ok....we respect those who are clean and invoked clean living....


127 posts

Posted by Jamesdean > 2013-05-02 14:55 | Report Abuse

If your parents teach u ,cheating, corruption and bullying is good and taken as good manners, I would rather do opposite and be called lack of manner....paham?


127 posts

Posted by Jamesdean > 2013-05-02 14:58 | Report Abuse

Aik...enough d ranger....sudah kena cukuplah Hari Ini....


64 posts

Posted by w2sin > 2013-05-02 15:07 | Report Abuse


Rosmah Mansor tidak membayar 2 saman AES iaitu pada 30 Januari 2013 dan 13 Mac 2013,
“Di negara-negara lain, perkara ini dilihat sebagai satu pertentangan prinsip (double standard) apabila keluarga Perdana Menteri sendiri tidak mengendahkan saman AES, sedangkan beliau (Perdana Menteri) beria-ia mempertahankan satu sistem yang ditentang oleh rakyat,


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-05-02 15:16 | Report Abuse

Sabotaj Sesama Sendiri Kem Pakatan di Seluruh Kedah


May 1, 2013

Pada tahun 2008, Pakatan Rakyat yang terdiri daripada gabungan PAS-PKR-DAP telah memenangi DUN Kedah dengan 22 kerusi DUN dan 11 kerusi Parlimen berbanding UMNO-BN 14 DUN dan 4 Parlimen. Bagaimanapun, Pakatan Rakyat kehilangan 1 kerusi Parlimen apabila Zul Nordin dipecat dari PKR dan 1 kerusi DUN apabila wakilnya melompat keluar dan menjadi ADUN Bebas.

Kemenangan besar walaupun bukan dua pertiga majoriti di Kedah, menyaksikan Pakatan Rakyat bercakap besar, terutama sekali dari kem PAS. PAS merupakan parti yang paling dominan di Kedah dengan penguasaan 16 DUN telah membentuk kerajaan negeri yang semua portfolio utamanya dikuasai oleh wakil-wakil dari parti tersebut.

Bagaimanapun, PAS hanya bijak berpolitik tetapi tidak bijak mengurus dan mentadbir negeri. Negeri Kedah merudum dan prestasi negeri sebagai penyumbang ekonomi Malaysia, ketika berada di bawah pentadbiran PAS Kedah, menurun secara drastik.

Kegagalan PAS mentadbir negeri dengan pelbagai isu termasuklah pembalakan, perlombongan pasir, perompakan tanah dan sebagainya membuatkan rakyat begitu gelisah dan marah. Agensi dan institusi yang ditinggalkan oleh UMNO-BN dan hanya perlu diteruskan oleh PAS seperti KUIN, berada dalam keadaan yang amat daif dengan pelbagai masalah termasuklah pembayaran gaji dan elaun selain kegagalan membawa masuk lebih ramai pelajar baru.

Namun kejayaan membentuk kerajaan negeri menerusi PRU12, telah menjadikan sebahagian besar daripada pimpinan PAS bercita-cita besar. Sebahagiannya berasakan mereka lebih layak berbanding orang lain untuk menjadi calon. Apa yang berlaku kepada UMNO ketika di puncak kuasa, kini bergelora dalam PAS dan begitu membarah memandangkan PAS walaupun sesama sendiri masih menggunakan isu agama untuk menjatuhkan lawan masing-masing.

Disebabkan itulah, Phahrolrazi Zawawi yang merupakan Timbalan Pesuruhjaya PAS Kedah melancarkan serangan peribadi terhadap Menteri Besar Kedah, Azizan Abdul Razak dalam usaha menggulingkan Pesuruhjaya PAS Kedah merangkap Menteri Besar itu. 11 orang ADUN PAS Kedah yang merupakan dua pertiga daripada kuasa sebenar PAS, dikatakan menyebelahinya bersama-sama Dewan Ulama PAS Kedah untuk mendesak Azizan meletak jawatan.

Sebelum hari penamaan calon pada 20 April 2013, Phahrolrazi telah meletakkan konco-konconya di semua tempat bagi memastikan Azizan tumbang. Phahrolrazi sendiri secara giat berkempen di Sungai Limau, kawasan dan kubu kuat Azizan untuk merealisasikan impiannya bergelar Menteri Besar Kedah.

Jauh panggang dari api, Azizan yang lebih berpengalaman dan mempunyai pengaruh yang lebih kuat walaupun Phahrolrazi turut menggunakan khidmat Mat Sabu, Timbalan Presiden PAS dan Mahfuz Omar, Naib Presiden PAS telah berjaya mewujudkan Jawatankuasa PEMANDU dari PAS Pusat untuk memantau serta menguasai Azizan Abdul Razak.

Apabila nama calon-calon PAS diumumkan, sebahagian besar daripada konco-konco Phahrolrazi termasuklah 11 orang ADUN PAS yang menentang Azizan, disingkirkan. Phahrolrazi terkontang-kanting. Dan biarpun dia dicalonkan di Tokai, dengan peruntukan yang terhad serta kekangan daripada Azizan Abdul Razak, dia lebih sibuk untuk menjaga kawasan barunya, berbanding melancarkan serangan terhadap Azizan.

Di sana sini, PAS Kedah bergolak dan bercakaran sesama sendiri. Nama-nama yang tidak dicalonkan semula termasuklah ADUN Bandar Baharu yang dilihat mempunyai pertalian serta sekutu kuat Phahrolrazi telah melancarkan pemberontakan, menzahirkan ketidakpuasan hati dengan menutup UPU-UPU yang menjadi nadi penghebahan doktrin PAS untuk PRU13.

Tidak sahaja di Bandar Baharu, di Sungai Petani, Merbok dan Padang Serai selain di Langkawi, Pakatan yang sebahagian besarnya diwakili oleh PKR, turut bergolak kerana proses sabotaj sesama sendiri. Lebih menarik lagi ialah apabila penceramah-penceramah PKR yang boleh bertutur dalam Bahasa Tamil dan Bahasa Mandarin, menggesa para pendengar ceramah mereka agar tidak mengundi calon-calon PAS sama ada di peringkat DUN mahupun Parlimen, sepertimana yang berlaku di pekan Selama Kedah beberapa hari lepas.

DAP yang kecundang dalam tuntutan penambahan kerusi yang akan ditandingi, turut melancarkan sabotaj yang sama terhadap PAS. Cakap-cakap bahawa DAP Kedah akan keluar dari Pakatan Rakyat Kedah, sudah kedengaran semenjak tahun 2008 lagi. Berbanding di tempat-tempat lain, DAP Kedah kurang mendapat sambutan dari kalangan warga PAS yang mungkin sudah dapat menjangkakan apa yang akan dilakukan oleh parti yang dipimpin oleh Lim Guan Eng itu.

Hanya beberapa hari sahaja lagi pengundian akan dijalankan oleh rakyat Kedah dan Malaysia secara keseluruhannya. Namun di Kedah, Pakatan Rakyat masih tidak menampakkan sebarang tanda-tanda yang mereka boleh bersatu. Malah semakin dekat dengan hari pengundian, semakin kerap pula mereka bertelagah serta bercakaran antara satu sama lain.

continue...see http://www.mykmu.net/?p=29729


119 posts

Posted by AlanT33 > 2013-05-02 15:19 | Report Abuse

This is for you ranger! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0Q5WJGtlxw


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-05-02 15:42 | Report Abuse

Batu Pahat Johor is ready for change! Although today is a working day, throngs of people have gathered in the afternoon to listen to Guan Eng's ceramah just now.


Posted by Junglestock > 2013-05-02 15:44 | Report Abuse

amazing. people are keen to see change...


560 posts

Posted by jacko > 2013-05-02 17:20 | Report Abuse

Ranger is our favorite beat up boy fr BN.....he continues to make us happy while he get hentam.....


560 posts

Posted by jacko > 2013-05-02 17:22 | Report Abuse

I too wonder what ranger is doing here......he knows nothing on share market. He claims if price goes down mean bearish......obviously here to incite hatred. Nah....10 cents Pergh main jauh jauh....

Peter Lee

347 posts

Posted by Peter Lee > 2013-05-02 17:24 | Report Abuse

screw up malaysia still talk nonsense,may god bless him after ge13


560 posts

Posted by jacko > 2013-05-02 17:26 | Report Abuse

Jamesdean whack the pig ranger black and blue just like the indelible ink now.....lol

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