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75 comment(s). Last comment by UMNO2HANGUS 2013-11-06 04:55

Posted by lotsofmoney > 2013-11-04 14:13 | Report Abuse

A lot of rubbish. This country is rich and could do better without the BN.


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 14:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by lotsofmoney > Nov 4, 2013 02:13 PM | Report Abuse

A lot of rubbish. This country is rich and could do better without the BN.

brother lotsofmoney, you said it 100% correct. In fact if we have a good government like Singapore most of us will be millionaires like the Singaporeans who had the most millionaires in the world per population.....yes, almost all Singaporeans are millionaires.

Yes, get rid of UMNO/BN government & everyone will enjoy a better standard of living and our Ringgit $1 may exchange Singapore $2....and mind you Singapore don't even have an oil palm tree, no oil, not a single rubber tree, no tin, etc etc but why is that the Singapore Dollar value is 2.5 times that of the Malaysian Ringgit??


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 14:25 | Report Abuse

Singapore has the world's highest percentage of millionaires, with one out of every six households having at least one million US dollars in disposable wealth. This excludes property, businesses, and luxury goods, which if included would further increase the number of millionaires, especially as property in Singapore is among the world's most expensive.[94] Despite its relative economic success, Singapore does not have a minimum wage, believing that it would lower its competitiveness. It also has one of the highest income inequality levels among developed countries, coming in just behind Hong Kong and in front of the United States.[95][96]

Acute poverty is rare in Singapore; the government has rejected the idea of a generous welfare system, stating that each generation must earn and save enough for its entire life cycle. There are, however, numerous means-tested 'assistance schemes' provided by the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports in Singapore for the needy, including some that pay out SGD 400 to SGD 1000 per month to each needy household, free medical care at government hospitals, money for children's school fees, rental of studio apartments for SGD 80 a month, training grants for courses



566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 14:27 | Report Abuse

Singaporeans Are The Fastest In The World To Become Millionaires

It takes most Singaporeans less than 10 years to become a millionaire. That is the fastest rate anywhere in the world, says a wealth report released by the Barclays Bank on July 5, 2013 in Singapore.

The Bank surveyed 2000 high net worth individuals globally in early 2013 to ascertain how entrepreneurs, business leaders and investors make, spend and share wealth. The respondents were individuals with net worth of more than $1.5 million. A fifth of the 500 interviewed were based in Asia.

While the popular belief is that the wealth of millionaires in Singapore has come from the dramatic rise in property prices over the years, that is only partly true. According to the survey, 72% of the wealth was made from personal investments, followed by 58% from property and 55% from savings through earning and bonuses. (Respondents could choose multiple answers).

The financial crisis too, despite its seismic economic, political and social fallout, the world over, enabled close to 50% of the rich Singaporeans to increase their wallet size. This was mainly on the back of a buoyant Straits Times Index (STI) that doubled in value from 2008 to 2013. Regional bourses in Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia showed a similar vibrancy. A quarter of Singaporeans interviewed said their wealth had jumped five-fold or more over their lifetime.

However, considering the highly -integrated nature of the island state’s economy, Singapore’s rich also experienced the highest fluctuation in their fortunes; more any other country. Almost 70% said their wealth was volatile and moved “a great deal” overtime.

When it comes to spending, despite headline grabs of $26,000 cocktails, Ferrari-speckled roads in Singapore, the survey reports that Singaporeans use 61% of their money for saving and investing, just a notch behind their Chinese brethren in Hong Kong at 66%, and ahead of mainland Chinese who would put 58% of their money to work in banks or the stock market. The second most popular use of money among Singaporeans was on travel and social activities (16%). Only 7 per cent spent on cars, jewelry or collectibles. This is in sharp contract to the new rich in India where 17% are spending on tangibles like cars, homes or jewels.

And what is the psyche of a typical Singaporean on sharing wealth? He would rather gain personal fulfillment and a sense of purpose in life. While 13% Singaporeans prefer to pass on their assets in inheritance, more than 50% want to give their wealth to charity. And they prefer to do it in their lifetime.



566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 17:14 | Report Abuse

Malaysia macham mana?...... saya nak tanya.


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 17:58 | Report Abuse

No more sugar in your kopi?
November 4, 2013

By Hann Liew

For Malaysians, perhaps the 2nd most important commodity (after petrol) that we use in our everyday lives is sugar. Naturally, we concern ourselves with the movement of prices of sugar almost as much as we do petrol prices.

In the Malaysia Budget 2014 announcement made in October 2013, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Tun Razak announced that in the interest of improving public health via a healthier, lower-sugar diet among its people (and improve public coffers in the meantime as well), the last remaining amount of sugar subsidy of RM0.34 per kilogramme (kg) was to be removed.

Prior to this, sugar (specifically coarse granulated white sugar) was a controlled price product in Malaysia, with the sugar subsidy having been reduced gradually over the last 4 years. Prior to 2010, the price of 1kg of sugar was set at RM1.45, but had since gone up five times, that is by 20 sen per kg on January 1, 2010, by 25 sen per kg on July 18, 2010, by 20 sen per kg on December 4, 2010, by 20 sen per kg on May 10, 2011, 20 sen per kg on 29 September, 2012, and finally the last remaining 34 sen per kg on the October 26, 2013.

Historical sugar retail price in Malaysia..SEE PIC HERE




566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 18:27 | Report Abuse

Selamat Tahun Baru 1435H


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 18:39 | Report Abuse

LATEST from DUN Sungai Limau by-elections in Kedah,

Wanita UMNO Officer...known simply as "SHIEDA", in a spat between UMNO and PAS supporters, claims that PAS Officer had...'PUNCHED' her...

UMNO/BN mainstream press ONLY shows her photo lying in an 'Ambulance' as seen from the photo here claiming she had to he 'rushed-off'...

UMNO/BN mainstream online press NEVER shows Ms. Shieda from UMNO...'CRYING' before being taken into the ambulance...

Sounds similar to a stunt gimmick once played by PUTERA UMNO's Chairman Abdul Azeez whom during the Ijok by-elections I believe, claimed to have been beaten by 30 people, later taking a photo of himself for mainstream press laying in-bed in some Private Hospital with a NECK-Brace only to show-up a the by elections a few days later WITHOUT a scratch.

Seems THIS remaining term, UMNO/BN is truly OUT of ideas and "RECYCLING OLD SCRIPTS"


5,266 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-11-04 18:44 |

Post removed.Why?


5,266 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-11-04 18:46 | Report Abuse


Wanita Umno branch chief punched in the face

(TMI) - Wanita Umno Bandar Baru Sentul (1C) chief Norsidah Abu Bakar was punched in the eye during a scuffle with a PAS supporter in Ulu Sedaka when she went to greet voters during the Sungai Limau by-election today.

The incident occurred when the 50-year-old refused to move away from the spot after being ordered to do so by several PAS members.

Norsidah, accompanied by Seputeh Wanita Umno chief Datuk Azizah Abdul Samad, lodged a police report.

Later at a press conference at the Yan district police headquarters, Kedah police chief Datuk Ahmad Ibrahim urged supporters from PAS and BN to adhere to instructions from the police and the Election Commission.

Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir expressed his frustration.
“This sort of provocation, whether by locals or outsiders, will affect the mood of the voters. BN will not to respond to such provocation. There is no need to,” he said during a visit to a polling centre at Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Besar.


5,266 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-11-04 18:47 | Report Abuse


Sungai Limau: Mukhriz calls assault on Umno Wanita member regrettable

(Bernama) - Kedah Mentri Besar Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir regrets that an Umno Wanita member was allegedly assaulted during polling for the Sungai Limau state seat by-election.

“The effect of the alleged provocation whether by an outsider or people in the constituency is the same as it impacts negatively on Barisan Nasional voters.

“We won’t respond in kind, no need to react. This stand needs great patience. PAS had loudly announced its peaceful political campaign and we had hoped it could be interpreted accordingly but the reverse occurred.

“We were not prejudiced, hoping the by-election will take place in a prudent and courteous atmosphere,” he said at Pekan Simpang Tiga, Sungai Limau here today.

Seputeh Wanita Umno Division chief Datuk Azizah Abdul Samad today lodged a report at the Yan District Police Headquarters over the punching of a Batu Umno Division Wanita committee member Norsidah Abu Bakar allegedly by a PAS Youth member at Sekolah Ulu Sedaka.

Meanwhile, Mukhriz said PAS was still using intimidations to deter voters from coming out to vote.

“The situation became uncontrollable. Four, five incidents which took place could have been avoided but they still took place to invoke fear on the voters,” he said.

He said another tactic used by PAS supporters was to go out in a big group and park their vehicles by the roadsides so that the place became congested to make it difficult for voters.

Mukhriz hoped police would taken immediate action to overcome traffic problems and prevent congestion.

Meanwhile, he told reporters at Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Besar near here today that there should not be any provocation in the by-election.

He urged voters to come out early to perform their duties.

Mukhriz had arrived at the voters checking centre near Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Besar at 10.50am.

He then stopped by at a food stall near Bukit Besar which was crowded with supporters of PAS. His presence was well received by them.

The Sungai Limau state seat by-election today saw a straight fight between Barisan Nasional candidate Dr Ahmad Sohaimi Lazim and Mohd Azam Abd Samat of PAS.


5,266 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-11-04 18:48 | Report Abuse


In Sungai Limau, Mukhriz claims pro-Pakatan crowds scaring away BN voters

(MM) - Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir appeared today to accuse the opposition of orchestrating crowds of supporters to block voters from casting their ballots in Sungai Limau, even suggesting that traffic snarl could cost Barisan Nasional (BN) the state seat.

The first-term Kedah mentri besar who was part of the BN team that culled Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in the rice bowl state during Election 2013, alleged that the crowds, some of which had reportedly turned rowdy, were frightening away Sungai Limau voters from casting their ballots.

“I’ve heard reports of fights outside some polling centres earlier and that the roads to all polling centres are jammed, both of which are tactics used by the opposition to deter voters from casting their votes,” he said in a brief press conference when he visited the BN Simpang Tiga operations centre here, just opposite the SJKC Aik Min polling centre.

He added that it was not surprising for the opposition to use such tactics to scare away voters, pointing out that if more were to turn up to vote, BN would have a higher chance of wresting the seat from PAS.

“I will advise our BN supporters not to react to the opposition’s provocation but to be more patient as we hope for the peaceful political atmosphere here to continue even on this last day,” he said.

He appeared to accuse PR of starting the skirmishes, even claiming that a PAS supporter had hit a female BN supporter outside one of the polling centres here.

“I had hoped for a peaceful polling day so it is disappointing that this is to happen today, which will negatively impact BN voters,” he said.

He also urged the traffic police to take control of the traffic conditions so that voters can get to the polling centres.

“We hope more Sungai Limau voters will come out to vote as the more voters cast their votes, BN will have a higher chance of winning,” he said.

As at 2pm, the Elections Commission spokesperson said a total of 18,843 or 69.22 per cent of voters have cast their votes.

Polling closes at 5pm and the EC expects to announce the results by 10pm.

BN’s Dr Ahmad Sohaimi Lazim is going up against PAS’ Mohd Azam Abdul Samat for the state seat which has been under PAS for five terms.

The seat was vacated after the former Kedah mentri besar Tan Sri Azizan Abdul Razak died on September 26. He had held the seat after winning it in 1995.


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 18:49 | Report Abuse

LATEST from DUN Sungai Limau by-elections in Kedah,

Wanita UMNO Officer...known simply as "SHIEDA", in a spat between UMNO and PAS supporters, claims that PAS Officer had...'PUNCHED' her...

UMNO/BN mainstream press ONLY shows her photo lying in an 'Ambulance' as seen from the photo here claiming she had to he 'rushed-off'...

UMNO/BN mainstream online press NEVER shows Ms. Shieda from UMNO...'CRYING' before being taken into the ambulance...

Sounds similar to a stunt gimmick once played by PUTERA UMNO's Chairman Abdul Azeez whom during the Ijok by-elections I believe, claimed to have been beaten by 30 people, later taking a photo of himself for mainstream press laying in-bed in some Private Hospital with a NECK-Brace only to show-up a the by elections a few days later WITHOUT a scratch.

Seems THIS remaining term, UMNO/BN is truly OUT of ideas and "RECYCLING OLD SCRIPTS"


5,266 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-11-04 18:49 | Report Abuse


A classic spin by Ambiga

FMT LETTER, From Yuktes Vijay, via email

I refer to S Ambiga’s comments published in FMT. Ambiga states her reason for withdrawing from the debate was because it was premature to discuss the tribunal’s finding when it was incomplete.

It is a lie. A classic spin.

In my first e-mail to the moderator, I had proposed the following title :

“Title of debate: TRIBUNAL RAKYAT 2.0

Subject: BERSIH’s People Tribunal had submitted its findings on GE 13. The findings indicate and suggest that but for a cleaner election the Government would have changed. Was this a fair or a bias finding. Discuss”

It is clearly stated there that “the submitted findings” is what I intend to debate. After the moderator informed me of her reason of not wanting to debate, I clarified with another e-mail that it is not the tribunal findings that I would like to discuss.

The true nature of the so-called Iron Lady can be seen with this quote from her published in FMT:

“But he kept insisting to the moderators later that he only wanted to debate about the findings,” she said.”

Firstly how can I insist when it was not even what I suggested in the first place?

And I had clarified her wrong presumption (now I know it is an excuse) through my 2nd email via the assigned moderator.

In short it is the “submitted findings” that I would like to debate about. Ambiga is trying to play with the word “finding” here in order to generate an excuse. However, sadly, those very DNA is in me too.

Why would I want to debate about Bersih or more like, what can we both debate about Bersih? Topics on the source of their fundings or the fact that Bersih actually consist of 60 unregistered NGOs does not appeal to me or has any benefit to any Malaysians.

Perhaps, we can debate on the links to George Soros, a convicted criminal and someone who has personally taken credit for creating chaos in various countries. The link to George Soros can be seen with NGOs like WAMI, SUARAM and Lawyers for Liberty who are part of the Bersih coalition receiving funds in the form of grants from George Soros funded NED organization. In fact Ambiga herself has admitted that Bersih itself receives funds from NED.


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 18:54 | Report Abuse

izoklse , NO NEED to copy & paste all the time from http://www.malaysia-today.net because of too much spinning.As I had said earlier too few Malaysian visit this lousy site and ONLY people like you, an UMNO Malay visit this site.

Don't believe? So please all members go & give a glance to this site and see if there are very few comments & visitors....so????


5,266 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-11-04 18:55 | Report Abuse


The Anonymous Legion Threatens Singapore Government

A person claiming to speak for activist hacker group Anonymous is seen issuing a warning throught a video circulated online to “go to war” with the Singapore government over recent Internet licensing rules on November 1, 2013. AFP

SINGAPORE–Activist group Anonymous hacked a Singapore newspaper website Friday and threatened wider cyber-attacks over Internet freedom, with government agencies reportedly on alert after the group said it would “wage war” with the city-state.

The website of the pro-government Straits Times was hacked early in the day by apparent members of the group, which is opposing recently introduced licensing rules for news websites in Singapore.

The attackers, using the name “Messiah”, took over the blog of a Straits Times journalist, saying she had distorted “our words and intentions” in a report on the group’s threat a day earlier to “wage war” on the Singapore government to protest Internet curbs.

“We oppose any form of Internet censorship among other things,” said a post on the journalist’s hacked blog, which has been taken offline.

The hackers urged the journalist to apologize within 48 hours “to the citizens of Singapore for trying to mislead them”.

If she fails to apologize, “then we expect her resignation”, the hacker added.

“If those demands are met we will be on our way. But in the event our demands are not met in the next 48 hours, we will place you in our ‘to do’ list and next time you wont (sic) be let off this easy.”

Asian media giant Singapore Press Holdings, which publishes the newspaper, said: “We have made a police report, and the police are investigating.”

The attack on the Straits Times followed a post on the video-sharing site YouTube on Thursday in which a person claiming to speak for Anonymous warned it will attack Singapore’s financial infrastructure if it does not rescind the new rules.

“We demand you reconsider the regulations of your framework or we will be forced to go to war with you,” a male voice said as a person hiding behind a mask appeared in the YouTube clip, addressing the government.

“Every time you deprive a citizen his right to information, we will cause you financial loss by aggressive cyber intrusion,” said the speaker.

Reacting to the YouTube clip, Singapore’s Infocomm Development Authority said: “We are aware of the video, and the police are investigating into the matter.”

The Straits Times, meanwhile, said it had learned that government agencies have been put on alert following the warning.

It said the alert directive came from the Government IT Security Incident Response Team, which was set up to coordinate responses to a cyber attack.

Blogs and social media have gained popularity as alternative sources of news and opinion in Singapore, where mainstream newspapers and broadcasters are perceived to be pro-government.

Singapore authorities have said the new rules provide clarity on existing standards for Internet content, and do not impinge on Internet freedom.


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 18:57 | Report Abuse

seems you bastard f#@king useless abnz aka izoklse copy the same article & news from this lousy web site so many times in so many days & it shows that you are run out of ideas or new news...same as UMNO/BN is truly OUT of ideas and "RECYCLING OLD SCRIPTS"


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 18:58 | Report Abuse

maybe this person is abnz aka izoklse sister?....recycling old news & items, haahaahaa

LATEST from DUN Sungai Limau by-elections in Kedah,

Wanita UMNO Officer...known simply as "SHIEDA", in a spat between UMNO and PAS supporters, claims that PAS Officer had...'PUNCHED' her...

UMNO/BN mainstream press ONLY shows her photo lying in an 'Ambulance' as seen from the photo here claiming she had to he 'rushed-off'...

UMNO/BN mainstream online press NEVER shows Ms. Shieda from UMNO...'CRYING' before being taken into the ambulance...

Sounds similar to a stunt gimmick once played by PUTERA UMNO's Chairman Abdul Azeez whom during the Ijok by-elections I believe, claimed to have been beaten by 30 people, later taking a photo of himself for mainstream press laying in-bed in some Private Hospital with a NECK-Brace only to show-up a the by elections a few days later WITHOUT a scratch.

Seems THIS remaining term, UMNO/BN is truly OUT of ideas and "RECYCLING OLD SCRIPTS"


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 19:00 | Report Abuse

Another Star...dirty UMNO politics?

Replika potong kaki permainan politik KEJI

JERAI - PAS menyifatkan tindakan pihak tertentu mengantung replika patung dipotong kaki sekitar kawasan Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Sungai Limau sebagai tindakan tidak beradab.

Pengarah Jawatankuasa Induk PRK Sungai Limau, Datuk Mahfuz Omar berkata tindakan tidak bertanggungjawab itu bukan sahaja menyedihkan seluruh penduduk di sini, malah paling terasa adalah ahli keluarga Allahyarham Ustaz Azizan Abdul Razak sendiri.

"Saya sangat sedih, ini tidak bertanggungjawab, pokitik keji, tidak bermoral serta memburukkan orang yang telah meninggal dunia. Kita mahu kekalkan politik damai ini.

"Tan Sri Muhyiddin sebelum ini juga sudah mintak maaf. Keluarga Allahyarham pun sudah maafkan. Kedua-dua pihak berjiwa besar," katanya pada sidang media hari ini.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika ditanya berhubung pendirian PAS terhadap isu replika patung kaki yang dipotong yang mencemar kepen hari-hari terakhir di Sngai Limau ini.

Mengulas lanjut, Mahuz berkata PAS bersetuju untuk membuat laporan polis, namun akan berbincang dengan peguam terlebih dahulu.

Ditanya berhubung kenyataan Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi bahawa tindakan tersebut strategi "reverse psychology" pihak lawan untuk memburukkan Umno, Mahfuz berkata hanya orang yang biasa dan berpengalaman berbuat demikian tahu perkara itu.

"Saya tak tahu siapa yang buat, tapi saya hairan dia kata reverse psychology. Hanya orang pernah buat dan berpengalaman sahaja tahu," katanya.

Mukhriz jangan bermuka-muka

Dalam pada itu, Mahfuz turut membidas Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir sebagai menteri besar yang bermuka-muka.

Beliau merujuk kepada kenyataan Mukhriz yang menggambarkan Allahyarham Ustaz Azizan tidak berbuat apa-apa pembangunan sepajang sepenggal memerintah Kedah.

"Saya gembira semua orang ucap simpati pada Allahyarham.

"Tapi Mukhriz kononnya simpati, tapi di belakang, menghina Ustaz Azizan," katanya.

Beliau berkata, rekod menunjukkan bagaimana Allahyarham Ustaz Azizan sebelun ini berjaya menarik pelaburan ke Kedah dengan rekodnya yang baik.

"Dia (Mukhriz) sebelum ini timbalan menteri waktu dia jadi Ahli Parlimen Jerlun, apa yang dia bawa (pembangunan) di Jerlun.

"Mulut dia jangan celupar sangat," tegas Mahfuz.


5,266 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-11-04 19:01 | Report Abuse


Adun Kadamaian Jeremmy Malajad keluar parti

KOTA BELUD: Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Kadamaian, Jeremmy Malajad hari ini mengumumkan keluar daripada PKR dan menjadi wakil Bebas yang menyokong Barisan Nasional (BN).

Jeremmy yang juga Ketua Penerangan PKR Sabah berkata perkara itu berkuat kuasa hari ini.

Beliau yang disertai oleh kira-kira 50 bekas pemimpin PKR Kadamaian berkata demikian dalam sidang media, di sini.

Menurutnya keputusan beliau keluar daripada PKR adalah bagi memenuhi harapan rakyat di kawasannya yang mahukan pembangunan.

“Sebagai wakil rakyat yang baru dipilih oleh rakyat, saya sedar tentang harapan tinggi rakyat di kawasan yang saya wakili untuk melihat perubahan dalam bidang pembangunan khususnya kemudahan asas seperti jalan raya, bekalan air bersih, klinik desa dan banyak lagi pembangunan luar bandar yang menjadi isu semasa yang sentiasa dilaung-laungkan masyarakat Kadamaian,” katanya.

Jeremmy berkata kejayaan BN menangani pelbagai isu yang dibangkitkan di negeri itu semasa pilihan raya umum ke-13 membuatkan beliau meneliti semula kedudukannya sebagai wakil rakyat PKR.

Saya sudah berjanji untuk menjadi wakil rakyat terbaik dalam memberi sumbangan dan khidmat yang diperlukan oleh rakyat, dan saya percaya rakyat di Sabah semakin yakin dengan pendekatan dan kesungguhan kerajaan BN dalam menyelesaikan isu berbangkit, katanya.

Sambil menyatakan komitmennya tidak berubah dalam membantu rakyat di kawasannya, Jeremmy berkata beliau mahu terlibat secara langsung bagi merealisasikan pelbagai program transformasi yang dilaksana oleh kerajaan BN.

Dalam pilihan raya umum lepas, Jeremmy memperoleh 5,877 undi berbanding penyandang Timbon@Herbert Langadan daripada BN yang menerima 4,988 undi dalam pertandingan empat penjuru.


5,266 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-11-04 19:04 |

Post removed.Why?


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 19:06 | Report Abuse

you bastard f#@king useless abnz aka izoklse read this & get into your empty head, lol

..so are you f#@king useless abnz aka izoklse NOT ASHAME? you got a skin as thick as an elephant or gajah????

One thing which we 'normal' NON-Racist, Pakatan supporting or 'Malaysian Malays' really HATE the most about UMNO MALAYS which makes us feel so DISGUSTED with them...

...is how 'UMNO MALAYS' mostly have NO SENSE OF 'SHAME' whatsoever! They have NO PRIDE and NO DIGNITY at all! Which is WHY most of us 'Malaysian Malays' would really love to get rid of them , haahaa... in-order to RESTORE the Pride and Dignity to the Malay race once more which UMNO has spoilt and ruin through its own behaviors and actions!

Hangus UMNO Hidup Malaysia.


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 19:08 | Report Abuse

bastard f#@king useless abnz aka izoklse, see this below..

This one says it all.....

Nak elak kencing manis kena kurangkan gula... Kalau nak elak dari kena kencing dengan BN macam mana..? Saja nak tanya...


5,266 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-11-04 19:09 | Report Abuse




Two PKR assemblymen become BN-friendly independents

(fz.com) - Kadamaian assemblyman Jeremmy Malajad announced that he has quit Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) to become a Barisan Nasional (BN)-friendly independent, reports Bernama.

Jeremmy, who was accompanied by 50 former Kadamaian PKR leaders, made the announcement at a press conference at the Kota Belud Rest House here today.

While Jeremmy was making this announcement, word is out that PKR's Matunggong assemblyman Jelani Hamdan will follow suit.

Jeremmy said he relinquished all his party posts, effective today, in line with Article 29.1.3 of the party constitution.

"As an assemblyman who was recently elected by the rakyat (people), I realise the high hopes of the constituents that I represent to see changes in development in our rural area, particularly with regard to provision of basic facilities like roads, clean water supply, health clinic and more which have become the current issue of concern of the community in Kadamaian," he said.

Jeremmy said he saw the BN government as being successful in tackling various issues in the state that were raised during the 13th General Election campaign including security and poverty, as well as in implementing the planned transformation programmes effectively.

He believed that the people in Sabah, particularly, were increasingly confident in the approaches and seriousness of the BN government, including appointing six leaders in Sabah as full ministers to the federal cabinet.

While stating his commitment to representing the constituents in Kadamaian, Jeremmy said he wanted to be directly involved in realising the various transformation programmes through politics, administration, economic generation and infrastructure development.

In the 13th General Election in May, Jeremmy won the Kadamaian state seat with a 889-vote majority in a four-cornered contest.


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 19:11 | Report Abuse

Unofficial result.Pas won majority 3245 votes.Tomorrow Utusan headlines....Cina tipu lagi! Ambil wang tapi undi PAS! lol


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 19:20 | Report Abuse


7.05pm: Unofficial results from Sedaka: PAS 702, BN 689, Majority PAS 13

Gelam Tiga: PAS 570, BN 326, Majority PAS 244

Matang Buloh:PAS 922, BN 709, Majority PAS 213

7.05pm: That is according to PAS' Sungai Limau election operations director Amiruddin Hamzah, PAS is currently leading by 1,000 votes according to their unofficial count.

7.00pm: Unofficial results from PAS operation centre in Padang Lumat reveals that the party has a slim lead.

PAS - 5,250
BN - 5,120
Spoilt - 36

6:57pm: Unofficial results from Padang Lumat: PAS 363, BN 413, Majority BN 50

6.48pm: Unofficial results from Bukit Besar polling station:

PAS 1,415, BN 94, Majority PAS 472

Dulang Kechil: PAS 39, BN 1,337, Majority BN 939


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 19:46 | Report Abuse



566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 20:03 | Report Abuse

Tak rasmi: PAS menang, majoriti kurang
6:43PM Nov 4 2013
Pusat pembuangan undi sudah ditutup dan kertas undi mula dikira di Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Sungai Limau. Keputusan dijangka diperoleh pada jam 10 malam ini.

(Malaysiakini bagaimanapun akan melaporkan tidak rasmi dari masa ke semasa.)

Siapa yang menjadi pilihan pengundi - sama ada Ahmad Sohaimi Lazaim (BN) atau Mohd Azam Samat (PAS) - akan terjawap tidak lama lagi.

Sungai Limau selama ini menjadi kubu kuat PAS. Ia dimenangi bekas menteri besar Kedah almarhun Tan Sri Azizan Razak untuk lima penggal berturut-turut.

PAS cuba mengukuhkan penguasaan mereka dengan menambah majoriti. Dalam pilihan raya umum lalu parti Islam itu menang dengan majoriti 2,774 undi.

Untuk itu, BN, dengan slogan "Berani Hijrah", disokong dengan kekuatan menteri besar baru Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir cuba merampasnya daripada tangan PAS.

Seramai 85.5 peratus (22,642 pemilih) daripada 27,222 pemilih dalam Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) itu menunaikan tanggungjawapnya hari ini.

7.35pm TAK RASMI: PAS menang di DUN Sg Limau dengan majoriti kira-kira 1,000 undi, menurut maklumat daripada pusat perjumlahan kedua-dua parti, PAS dan BN.


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-04 20:12 | Report Abuse

Kepada kekawan semua: Salam Ma'al Hijrah.
Di Sungai Limau BN letak harga tinggi. Mahal Hijrah.


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-05 01:12 | Report Abuse

Tahniah kepada seluruh kepimpinan dan jentera pilihanraya PAS di atas kemenangan dalam Pilihanraya Kecil DUN Sungai Limau!

Syabas juga kepada pengundi-pengundi Sungai Limau di atas keberanian dan kebijaksanaan untuk terus mendokong Pakatan Rakyat walaupun ditaburi janji jutaan ringgit!

Hidup Rakyat!!!


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-05 01:20 | Report Abuse

Another Star here?

Wait a minute, how come we missed this story!!!

Officials from Health Ministry caught on CCTV planting larve in a factory to extort bribe??? WTF !!!

We face petrol price naik harga.
We face barang naik harga.
We face electricity rate naik harga many times.
We face rumah sewa rate naik harga.
We face enforcement officers taking bribes.
We face robberies
We face snatch thieves
We face house break-ins
We face low salaries
We face cari makan susah overall
To top it off, we face sugar naik harga to improve our sex life.
NOW we face authorities extortion by planting mosquito larve???

We know all these bad "cari makan" enforcement habits have been passed down from one generation to another generation. C'mon lah, too obviouslah! Next time try to plant a crocodile... just something different to tickle our funny bones......HUH?

C'mon lah! Govt enforcement officers, why need to abuse your power to victimize ordinary Malaysians anymore? We have enough stress already lah! You need to eat, we need to eat too.

Something is really wrong with some of our Govt servants???

Watch Video here -

Ref Link-



566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-05 01:39 | Report Abuse

BN gagal di Sungai Limau walau guna segala kekuatannya

Barisan Nasional (BN) gagal merampas kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Sungai Limau walaupun menggunakan segala jentera kerajaan negeri dan pusat, di samping wang dan tokoh-tokoh besarnya.

PAS berjaya memenangi kerusi itu dengan majoriti 1,084 undi apabila calonnya Mohd Azam Abdul Samad mengalahkan calon BN Dr Ahmad Sohaimi Lazim dalam pertandingan satu lawan satu.

Kegagalan BN untuk merampas kerusi ini juga menjadikan Menteri Besar Kedah Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir kalah buat kali kedua dalam masa tidak sampai sebulan.

Sebelum ini, Mukhriz yang memimpin jentera BN di Sungai Limau gagal dalam usahanya untuk merebut salah satu kerusi naib presiden Umno apabila beliau berada di tempat keempat di belakang Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein.

Mukhriz memberikan tumpuan sepenuhnya dalam pilihan raya kecil ini dengan berkampung di Sungai Limau sepanjang kempen berjalan.

Beliau berada di mana-mana dalam kawasan pilihan raya untuk memastikan jentera Umno berjalan dengan baik.

Ayahnya, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, turut dibawanya untuk membantu kempen BN.

Selain gambar calon BN, gambar Mukhriz banyak digantung di sini.

Tidak sebagaimana pilihan raya kecil sebelum ini, gambar Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak tidak digantung oleh petugas BN di Sungai Limau.‎

Walaupun Mohd Azam menang, majoriti 1,084 undi adalah kurang berbanding majoriti 2,774 yang diperolehi oleh allahyarham Tan Sri Azizan Razak dalam pilihan raya umum lalu.

Kemenangan Mohd Azam, Penolong Pengetua Sekolah Menengah Agama An Nahdzah, Bukit Besar mengalahkan pensyarah Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Ahmad Sohaimi merupakan satu keputusan yang manis bagi PAS di Kedah setelah hilang negeri jelapang padi itu dalam pilihan raya lalu.‎

Kemenangan ini juga manis buat Pesuruhjaya PAS Kedah yang baru, Datuk Mahfuz Omar, yang menggalas tanggungjawab itu selepas Azizan meninggal dunia.

Ia bakal menjadi bekalan penting untuk Mahfuz dalam pemilihan PAS dari 22 hingga 24 November ini apabila beliau dijangka akan mempertahankan jawatannya sebagai naib presiden.

Kekalahan calon BN juga bermakna program Karnival Rakyat yang banyak mendapat sambutan penduduk tempatan tidak berjaya diterjemahkan dalam bentuk undi untuk BN.

Ia hanya menghabiskan wang yang banyak kepada BN apabila barangan seperti gula, beras dan Milo dijual dengan harga yang murah.

Walaupun kerajaan telah menghentikan subsidi gula sebanyak 34 sen dengan alasan untuk mengelakkan penyakit kencing manis, gula dijual dengan harga murah di Sungai Limau.

Tindakan kerajaan menarik balik subsidi 34 sen gula telah menyebabkan harga gula naik melambung kepada RM2.84 sekilo, namun penduduk di sini mendapat gula dengan harga RM1 sahaja sekilo.

Sekampit beras 5 kilogram hanya dijual dengan harga RM5 sahaja oleh karnival anjuran BN di sini.

Namun, terbukti ia tidak berjaya membeli undi penduduk Sungai Limau, khasnya di kubu kuat PAS iaitu Bukit Besar, tempat berlangsungnya karnival tersebut.

Hidup Rakyat, Hidup Malaysia, Hangus UMNO


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-05 01:40 | Report Abuse

SINCERE OR NOT? : 'Absent' Najib consoles Mukhriz

Datuk Seri Najib Razak said he is proud of the effort and spirit shown by the Barisan Nasional (BN) candidate and the BN election machinery in the Sungai Limau by-election although the BN failed to wrest the seat from PAS.

He said the hard work put in by the BN candidate Dr Ahmad Sohaimi Lazim and the party machinery succeeded in reducing the majority obtained by the opposing candidate.

Najib, who is also BN chairman, said he hoped the effort and spirit shown by the BN in the by-election would be continued and that nobody should be disheartened.

“I hope our fight will continue, do not give up. Our struggle is unfinished,” he said on his Twitter and Facebook sites tonight.

PAS retained the Sungai Limau state seat with a reduced majority of 1,084 votes in a by-election today. Its candidate, Mohd Azam Abd Samat,37, garnered 12,069 votes while Ahmad Sohaimi Lazim, 52, polled 10,985 votes.

In the 13th general election in May, the late Tan Sri Azizan Abdul Razak of PAS had retained the seat for the fifth term in a four-cornered fight with a 2,774-vote majority. — Bernama


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-05 01:44 | Report Abuse

Tahniah kepada PAS atas kemenangan PRK Sungei Limau....besuk utusan kata cina tak kenang budi! hahaha.




566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-05 01:50 | Report Abuse

Ah pek,lu tak kenang budi ke? Sudah kami kasi 2 juta untuk sekolah cina Apa lu mau lagi? lol



566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-05 01:53 | Report Abuse




566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-05 01:54 | Report Abuse

Nak elak kencing manis kena kurangkan gula... Kalau nak elak dari kena kencing dengan BN macam mana..? Saja nak tanya...


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-05 12:52 | Report Abuse

Hot : Ini Sebab Sebenar Kenapa Subsidi Gula Di Mahsuhkan. - Baca, Faham Dan Sebarkan.~1. Tony Pua kata subsidi gula dimahsuhkan bukan sebab nak jaga kesihatan rakyat.

2.Itu propaganda nak tutup isu asal.

3. Isu sebenarnya ialah kerajaan salah buat keputusan. Salah tandatangan perjanjian di mana kerajaan import gula yang lebih mahal dari harga pasaran. Ayoyooo

4. Ismail Sabri sign perjanjian import gula selama 3 tahun dengan harga US$26 setiap 100lbs.

5. Sedangkan time Ismail Sabri kontrak perjanjian tersebut, harga gula di pasaran ketika itu ialah
US$23.42 setiap 100lbs.

6. Tony Pua menegaskan ketika perkara itu berlaku dia dah keluarkan satu statement media dan meminta penjelasan. Aku sebagai saksi kejadian memang mengaku ada baca berita tersebut. Kalau ada printscreen dia neh pun bagus gak nak tunjuk sebagai bukti.D

7. Disebabkan tindakan melulu oleh Ismail Sabri [dan dia masih lagi seorang menteri selepas buat kerja2 yang merugikan negara] kerajaan terpaksa menanggung kerugian sebanyak 64 juta setahun.

8. Ketika itu juga Tony Pua memberitahu pada kerajaan bahawa penganalisis meramalkan harga gula mentah dunia akan menurun. Namun sayang, Mukhriz Mahathir dan Ismail Sabri masing2 angkuh ketika itu. Mukhriz membalas kenyataan Tony Pua dengan menyebut bahawa maklumat yang dia dapati ialah harga gula dunia akan terus meningkat.

9. Ismail Sabri pula membalas kenyataan tersebut dengan bercakap '
'biar saya ingatkan kamu bahawa kerajaan adalah bijak' <-- Ini kalau sesiapa rajin tolonglaaa cari dan printscreen. Lepas neh kita sama2 sebarkan oke tak?

10. Namun sayangnya kata2 Mukhriz dan Ismail Sabri jauh meleset. Nak tahu kenapa?

11. Ini kerana menurut Tony Pua ;
Pua berkata sejak Januari 2012, harga gula antarabangsa telah menjunam sehingga serendah US$16.70 setiap 100lbs pada September 2013 dan itu bermakna kerajaan telah membeli gula 55.7% lebih tinggi daripada harga pasaran bulan lalu.

Itu la pasal.

Sudah la bodoh, sombong pula tue.

Orang bagi ko idea. Bagi ko cadangan. Bukan sebab orang nak tunjuk pandai ma. Sebab orang sayangkan negara neh. Cuba fikir sikit. Kalau dana kerajaan rugi sapa yang rugi? Rakyat juga. Pembangkang juga rakyat. Kalau negara neh rugi, musnah, mana kami nak lari? Kami mana ada aset juta2 macam BN. Sana sini. Dalam dan luar negara. Ini satu2nya negara kami. Itu pasal kami takmo 'dia' rugi.

Pemimpin2 BN neh bukan saja berlagak bahkan bodoh sombong tak tentu pasal.

Kata pembangkang suka bantah. Macam mana tak bantah, orang bagi idea pun ditolak mentah2. Last2 jadi la macam sekarang. Rakyat juga yang tanggung beban akibat keputusan2 bodoh yang dibuat oleh korang seme. Ini sapa nak tanggung neh? Korang ? Jangan harap la.


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-05 12:54 | Report Abuse

Sungai Limau by-election results: Is this the end of Mahathirism?

When Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad descended on Sungai Limau during the last hours of campaigning on November 3, one longtime PAS activist from Alor Star described it as a “relief”.

“Many people in Sungai Limau come from a religious education background,” said the activist, referring to the community of teachers, students and parents involved in the area’s clutch of private and public Islamic schools, which are nationally renowned.

“They still remember how Mahathir used to run down PAS and our Islamic state concept,” said the activist of the former prime minister’s endless tirades against PAS in the few years before he resigned in 2003.

PAS and its Islamist credentials were a regular target of Dr Mahathir’s biting criticism especially after the party gained control of the Terengganu government and made major inroads into Kedah in the 1999 general election.

So it was almost like poetic justice when Dr Mahathir came down to canvass votes for Barisan Nasional from the people he had once slighted.

But if Kedah’s famous son had any influence on the campaign, opined analysts and activists, it was to sway those who were still undecided on voting day itself.

“I don’t believe that his influence these days is as great as the media exaggerates,” says political scientist Professor Datuk Shamsul Amri Baharuddin of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

“Maybe internationally, in places like Somalia, he is still well regarded but not so much locally anymore,” says Shamsul Amri.

Dr Mahathir’s continued influence was the subject of a blog post by DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang just a day before the polls.

In his November 3 post, the Gelang Patah MP speculated as to whether Sungai Limau would be the final blow to the man’s influence, with the headline, “Will Mahathir and Mahathirism suffer a third and probably final set-back...?”

“Religious school administrator Mohd Azam Abdul Samat, 47, of PAS polled 12,069 votes to emerge as the new Sungai Limau assemblyman yesterday.

Mohd Azam defeated former lecturer Dr Ahmad Sohaimi Lazim, 52, of Barisan Nasional (BN) by a majority of 1,084 votes.

Independent pollster Ibrahim Suffian of the Merdeka Center believes that Dr Mahathir’s influence would be the strongest among voters who are already BN supporters and impressionable youth.

“(His influence) would work for someone who had voted for BN in the past but who didn’t or is dissatisfied with the BN and is now confused over who to vote for.

“For this type of person, Dr Mahathir’s aura would still be powerful,” says Ibrahim, who in the past had done surveys on the influence of political personalities such as Dr Mahathir.

Ibrahim’s observations tallies with reports by Pakatan Rakyat activists who said Dr Mahathir mostly made visits to houses of former local PAS leaders.

“He visited PAS leaders who had recently been expelled by the party. We believe their intention was to cause confusion among PAS supporters,” said another Kedah-based PAS activist.

The thinking among PAS, said the activist, was for Dr Mahathir to confuse some PAS supporters into thinking those local leaders were now BN supporters.

“His presence could have had an effect. We don’t deny that,” said the activist.

But even Umno activists admit that Dr Mahathir’s influence is not what it used to be when the former premier routinely grabbed headlines years ago for his scathing attacks against his successor Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

“Maybe for the rank and file Umno members, he is a morale booster. But middle-ranking Umno leaders have gotten tired of his criticisms against the party,” says one Kedah Umno veteran.

Though Dr Mahathir’s venom may have been used up, said Shamsul Amri, the same cannot be said of Umno, or more specifically Kedah Umno under Mahathir’s son, Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir, who spearheaded the Sungai Limau campaign.

This is based on the fact that Umno managed to reduce the 2,774 vote majority obtained by PAS in Sungai Limau during the May 5 general election.

Sungai Limau, Shamsul Amri pointed out, is also a PAS bastion, which has been held by the Islamist party since 1995.

On May 5, Umno regained all the seats it lost to PAS in the 2008 general election. It also has a bigger majority in the state assembly compared to the previous Pakatan Rakyat administration, said Shamsul Amri.

“So while PAS and Pakatan could not do much during their previous rule of Kedah, BN Kedah can now call on all the funds from federal level to develop the state. And now Umno is making inroads into PAS strongholds.”

Just as how voters regard a certain personality may change over time, Shamsul Amri said, the same can be said of loyalties to once well-regarded political parties. – November 5, 2013.


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-05 12:56 | Report Abuse

DR M FALLING & FALLING: But don't celebrate yet, something WORSE could replace Mahathirism

Full article: http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=183372:dr-m-falling--falling-but-dont-celebrate-yet-something-worse-could-replace-mahathirism&Itemid=2#ixzz2jo5Iy5Ga
Follow us: @MsiaChronicle on Twitter


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-05 12:58 | Report Abuse

NSTM asked a banker about Budget 2014 and the reply was, "THAT WASN'T A BUDGET; IT WAS A LICENCE TO SPEND MONEY."

Sakmongkol AK47 agrees.

"The government takes it that the money appropriated by parliament as absolutely theirs, they can do as they like. Therefore stealing, skimming, falsifying prices, rent seeking, regulatory capture, manipulating tender awards are all permissible because, it’s their money not the rakyat’s money."



566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-05 13:13 | Report Abuse

DESPITE BN ASSAULT, 6th straight win underscores bedrock support for PAS still INTACT

Full article:



566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-05 13:20 | Report Abuse


“What the Prime Minister is telling the world is that while it is hunky-dory to make the glamorous pitch for moderation at international platforms, moderation takes a back seat to peace and harmony domestically.” ~ Tony Pua



566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-11-05 14:00 | Report Abuse

Umno hanya BODOHKAN melayu !!!

Posted by hangu2umnobn > 2013-11-05 17:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by akito > Nov 5, 2013 02:00 PM | Report Abuse
Umno hanya BODOHKAN melayu !!!


6,888 posts

Posted by 5894 > 2013-11-05 17:12 | Report Abuse

tengah fikir macam mana nak kaya, hari-hari pun fikir hehehehe

Posted by hangu2umnobn > 2013-11-05 17:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by akito > Nov 5, 2013 02:08 AM | Report Abuse
Hasil kekayaan Brunei dikongsi bersama rakyat Brunei. Di Malaysia, 80% masuk poket menteri, yg lain baru dikongsi rakyat
Nak elak kencing manis kena kurangkan gula... Kalau nak elak dari kena kencing dengan BN macam mana..? Saja nak tanya...

Posted by hangu2umnobn > 2013-11-05 17:33 | Report Abuse

You will never see such pictures in Utusan,Star,Straits Times,Malay Mail.RTM 1 to TV9.The reality on the ground is many malays voted for DAP in Gelang Patah or else Lim Kit Siang would have lost.


UMNO macham mana, nak tanya

Posted by hangu2umnobn > 2013-11-05 17:36 | Report Abuse

I have a solution for the well being of Malaysia.Remove BN!

Posted by hangu2umnobn > 2013-11-05 17:39 | Report Abuse

You will never see such pictures in Utusan,Star,Straits Times,Malay Mail.RTM 1 to TV9.The reality on the ground is many malays voted for DAP in Gelang Patah or else Lim Kit Siang would have lost.


UMNO macham mana, nak tanya

Umno hanya BODOHKAN melayu !!!

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