9 people like this.

41 comment(s). Last comment by WilburR2 2014-04-04 09:07


571 posts

Posted by optimus7 > 2014-04-01 12:38 | Report Abuse

uncle koon, u r rite. trust is very important for anything to be possible. however in stock mkt where there r a lot of sharks. we need to exercise caution and discounts whatever we read or heard or see until we do our own research.
fool don't even trust themselves how can they trust anybody else? wakakaka.

Hong Hero

30 posts

Posted by Hong Hero > 2014-04-01 14:42 | Report Abuse

until now, I still see a lot of people do not trust your intention are honourable. Surprisingly they include some young men with no good track record. They are sceptical on everything.

Mr Koon, I wish you all the best on what you are doing. We have lot to learn from experienced veteran like you.


Posted by duitbesarxxx > 2014-04-01 15:09 | Report Abuse

Gua punya ori nickname kena ban lagi. So, abang susah payah register yang baru Bukan apa, abang cuma nak beri teguran dengan Uncle Koon. Jangan bawa politik kat sini. Abang masak benar dengan propaganda Uncle Koon. Tajuk dia memang sedap, lu baca isi tak ada kena mengena dengan tajuk. Ini taktik masam Uncle Koon. Macam 'How to be super investor', lu baca lain isi, cuma nak iklan JTiasa pulak. So abang memang marah kalau taktik ni dibawa masuk untuk mengelirukan supaya nak racun propanda politik pulak. Abang cuma nak cakap, lu boleh tipu semua orang seketika, tapi lu tak boleh tipu semua orang tiap masa.


205 posts

Posted by lohman > 2014-04-01 15:18 | Report Abuse

I don't think that readers who often doubt are necessarily less intelligent. They could be much less experienced in evaluating people and therefore arrive at hasty conclusions. When they find their conclusions to be incorrect, and that you are the real deal, they may turn out to be your staunchest supporters.

Posted by Tey Tian Foo > 2014-04-01 15:25 | Report Abuse

Trust is very positive but in this world, you would need to check and verify first before trust. Trust the wrong guy could be painful.


29 posts

Posted by qj1512 > 2014-04-01 15:36 | Report Abuse

i like Mr Koon. He is kind, intelligent and righteous.and many more.....


61 posts

Posted by estan3874 > 2014-04-01 15:41 | Report Abuse

This article make me confuse....


61 posts

Posted by estan3874 > 2014-04-01 15:47 | Report Abuse

I don't think those so call intelligence will just trust ppl like that, without any skeptical or doubts.

What I do agree is, those intelligence will keep open mind, they will accept everything but use their mind to filter without blindly follow or trust. For those lack of knowledge and less of intelligence to make judgement, will simply avoid what other ppl told, they just try to avoid and missed all the opportunities that passed by.


6,166 posts

Posted by leno > 2014-04-01 16:01 | Report Abuse

The first thing any conman will do is to gain your trust. They will even tell u that if u dont trust them, u are not intelligent. They even paid people to tell others to trust him. All these is nothin new. Geneva gold scam did this. Madoff scam, seaweed scam, car rental scam, all operate using the same method. BEWARE lor ... especially individual who has linked with mudajaya company. Remember how mudajaya do a spinning trip accounting to fool investors ? Dun say i dun warn u all hor.

Soo Cheng

17 posts

Posted by Soo Cheng > 2014-04-01 16:52 | Report Abuse

Had never invested directly in stock market. After discovering Mr. Koon's blog, I divested all my mutual funds etc and invested based on his recommendations. You can say I trust him and his sincerity. Also enjoyed reading some of his political thoughts.

Pak Lah

197 posts

Posted by Pak Lah > 2014-04-01 18:01 | Report Abuse

If you don't believe that Uncle Koon is honest, then buy the stocks based on your own analysis. If you don't trust the company you are investing, then start your own business. If you have no faith in your staff, then do all the works yourself.


66 posts

Posted by gnat > 2014-04-01 18:05 | Report Abuse

I beg to differ. The converse is more likely to be nearer to truth. Even The Enlightened One encouraged His followers to question and discover by themselves, rather than follow blindly. Even the statistics/data can lie


215 posts

Posted by saydon > 2014-04-01 18:08 | Report Abuse

Words of wisdom from Pak Lah...hahaha. Make sense.

Posted by Jonathan Keung > 2014-04-01 18:37 | Report Abuse

respect & trust is earned (not by chance ) but through your own deeds


196 posts

Posted by nsk82 > 2014-04-01 18:46 | Report Abuse

Learn from Uncle Koon, he is willing to share his wisdom without any charges.

It is not all about what company stock to buy; we should learn his stock picking techniques, something that will benefit us in the long run.

But, you need to do the convincing work by cross referencing with published reports available from BURSA. Once you are happy that you found a growth company stock, you may decide to start collecting the stocks in small quantities or bulk buying PROVIDED you are confident the price cannot goes south.

Posted by Fung Chee Fui > 2014-04-02 09:22 | Report Abuse

Brilliant sharing, Mr Koon. I think it is down to whether you choose to "trust first" or "doubt first". Trusters are often positive and optimistic, hence it is not hard to have a happy life. Doubter, on the other hand... well, you know the story.

Trusting others does not mean trust blindly, but that's another topic.


848 posts

Posted by WilburR2 > 2014-04-02 10:31 | Report Abuse

"Without intelligence, one cannot be rich unless he has valuable inheritance" Mr. Koon, can luck, or fortunate, ie right place right time ect, be included? Just only my 2 pence.


848 posts

Posted by WilburR2 > 2014-04-02 10:41 | Report Abuse

May I suggest that "without due diligence" would be a better phrase that "without intelligence" in you subject content? Again my 2 pence worth. :-))


235 posts

Posted by Alphabeta > 2014-04-02 10:49 | Report Abuse

Uncle Koon has done what he had said, transparent on his interests and openly admitted his shortcoming as a business man. If you still has doubt on his intention, i have nothing more to say.

Posted by Koon Yew Yin > 2014-04-02 11:01 | Report Abuse

WilburR2, please tell me what is luck? After I know your answer I will tell you what I think. I am very happy that my article has generated a lot intelligent discussion. It is really thought provoking.


120 posts

Posted by candlewick > 2014-04-02 11:37 | Report Abuse

Mr Koon, I beg to differ in my opinion on the research as it was done in US and the European countries. What about Malaysians and Asians in general?


379 posts

Posted by Ayoyo > 2014-04-02 11:40 | Report Abuse

On a deeper level, I can easily relate to what Uncle koon has said to the Law of Attraction at work ie you will be attracted to what you are, think and see.

If you are an inherently positive person, you will immediately recognise the positive traits of the person or people whom you will come into contact with. Conversely, if you are surrounded by negative thoughts and suspicious feelings, it will be these kind of people who will come into your lives and you will continue to negate any positive energies that is being emanated by the good Intent of that person to you.

And there are a lot of such people like that in this forum. Lambasting blindly when someone with a good intent makes a wrong call. When you begin to reliase that the self is the root of the problem, only then will your lives be impacted for a change, and a positive one at that.

Therefore,if you want to change your lives (and your trading or investment success), you must start with the man in the mirror. Change your thoughts, attract positive energies and see how this will attract the same back to you.

I am quite fortunate that I've met many noble people or mentor in my life that has shaped me. They did not directly impact my trading style but because of their energies, attitude and mental fortitude, I've learnt to shape my thinking... To see the positive side of things (hence attract more positive people into my life) and to hold a a positive attitude (no matter how many times I've lost my pants in the market) that I've begun to trade profitably for a living.

Reflect on this,

Just when I thought life has deserted me on something good, it has actually prepared me for something better.
(How many people can think this way in the face of a negative situation?)

Thus, to change your life, change your mindset and you will begin to attract the right things into you.

On another note, I'm very amazed at uncle koon's persistence and perservance in continuing his generous imparting of knowledge and nuggests of wisdom despite all the unwarranted abuse. He is a true angel

Posted by Koon Yew Yin > 2014-04-02 11:44 | Report Abuse

candlewick, your question requires a very long answers which is out of the scope of this forum. In any case, I am not a politician and knowledge in world politics is very limited.


848 posts

Posted by WilburR2 > 2014-04-02 12:52 | Report Abuse

Well, Mr. Koon, my "pea" understanding of luck, would simply this, a poor guy just buys a lottery ticket and viola, a millionaire over night.

Wikipedia's definition:
[The definition of Luck (or chance) varies by philosophical, religious, mystical, or emotional context of the one interpreting it; according to the classic Noah Webster's dictionary, Luck is "a purposeless, unpredictable and uncontrollable force that shapes events favorably or unfavorably for an individual, group or cause". Yet, the author Max Gunther defines it as "events that influence one's life and are seemingly beyond one's control".]

Looking into the life of Nikola Tesla, the guy who gave us the AC(alternating current) which the whole world now uses;

["Although he made a considerable amount of money from his patents, he spent a lot financing his own projects. He lived for most of his life in a series of New York hotels although the end of his patent income and eventual bankruptcy led him to live in diminished circumstances"] wikipedia

Was Nikola Tesla at the "wrong" time? Or was "luck" not with him? Wasn't he intelligent? (I'll think Mr.Tesla was a class above the rest in intelligence during him time.)

Only my 2 pence. E&O

Posted by duitbesarxxx > 2014-04-02 13:03 |

Post removed.Why?


2,248 posts

Posted by sunztzhe > 2014-04-02 14:03 | Report Abuse

Mr Koon,
What is your definition of Intelligence with reference to your article above? There are basically two types of Intelligence and these are EQ(Emotional Intelligence) and IQ(Intelligence Quotient). High EQ people tend to be more successful in business whereas High IQ people tend to be more successful in academia/research.

When one look around in this society one will notice certain characteristics of entrepreneurs and will eventually ask ...

" Why are "A" students working for "C" students?"...Are "C" students more intelligent than "A" students or are "C" students driven relatively more by materialism? Does this mean that "C" students are more intelligent than "A" students? Does "C" students possess the intelligence to do forefront research work?? Who lives a happier life.....the "A" student or the "C" student as both eventually cannot carry their wealth to their graves.

What is your take on these questions???


235 posts

Posted by Alphabeta > 2014-04-02 15:07 | Report Abuse

If one IQ is as high as Tesla who had invented the AC and had gone bankrupt, the logical deduction is that he could be a stubborn man on his own rigid assumptions. He could have burnt all available funds without producing promising commercially viable results subsequent to his previous success. High IQ people seldom listen and tolerate opinions contradict to their belief and conviction.

If you want to be successful and happy, understand your own strength and weaknesses. Learn to leverage on strength of others to alleviate your weaknesses. You cannot be master of everything, one must learn to communicate and listen to others for continuous improvement. You cannot blame anyone for your own downfall if you close your mind for new ideas.


848 posts

Posted by WilburR2 > 2014-04-02 16:20 | Report Abuse

"One cannot be rich unless he is intelligent and more trusting in what he reads."[Mr. Koon]

My further humble suggestion, ..unless he is intelligent and more DISCERNING instead of more trusting in what he reads.


: able to see and understand people, things, or situations clearly and intelligently
: showing insight and understanding : discriminating <a discerning critic> [Merriam-Webster online dictionary]

I taught my child not to trust at first sight be it new ideas or people.
We only trust after doing our due diligence. So then there is no blame but only ourselves when things go wrong.We are all responsible for our own decisions ultimately, that is the law of nature.

Posted by Koon Yew Yin > 2014-04-02 17:09 | Report Abuse

WAH! I am so happy that I have created so much of intellectual and philosophical discussion. WilburR2 has his various understanding of "LUCK". According to Seneca, a Roman Philosopher LUCK is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.


848 posts

Posted by WilburR2 > 2014-04-02 18:55 | Report Abuse

Hmm Seneca, interesting. I wonder what he would call it when there was no preparation and yet opportunities come rolling in or "avalanches" in measures that are over filling? It can't be luck per se if Seneca's take is to stand as it involves preparation.


848 posts

Posted by WilburR2 > 2014-04-02 19:10 | Report Abuse

Seneca 4BC-AD 65
I don't mean to say he's wrong entirely, but over time one can see some deficiencies.

Hence the modern day definition is more persuasive? ["Luck is "a purposeless, unpredictable and uncontrollable force that shapes events favorably or unfavorably for an individual, group or cause".]

Soo Cheng

17 posts

Posted by Soo Cheng > 2014-04-02 20:22 | Report Abuse

Mr. Koon, other than being savvy investors, there are some among the group who are well read, philosophical and able to discuss intelligently. I think there is no such thing as luck. A lot of what we reap today is the results of what we sowed earlier. When the 'luck' manifests itself, it is due to previous conditions which has ripen.


848 posts

Posted by WilburR2 > 2014-04-03 08:58 | Report Abuse

G.Morning Mr.Koon.Nice to hear that you are so happy. Cheers!


26 posts

Posted by obk4695 > 2014-04-03 09:02 | Report Abuse

Mr.Koon, What about some people who are not intelligent and do not trust people easily,but are very sucessful because their father or grandfather business passed to them.


205 posts

Posted by lohman > 2014-04-03 10:19 | Report Abuse

'Luck' comes when an otherwise independent set of fortuitous circumstances happen to cross paths at one random point in time. You did'nt plan or put it into motion, it just happened. Yes, there is such a thing as luck in business or investment. However, you have to be present at that random point and be able to seize the opportunity when the perfect storm arrives. I have seen it happen to an old friend after 10 years with a struggling business he took over.


135 posts

Posted by Wantanmee > 2014-04-03 10:43 | Report Abuse

Apparently, all these variables are not in constant state. There are always moving from positive to negative relationships; depending on the circumstances and individual.

The deciding factor is your core value that governed your behaviour with your ownself and ot


135 posts

Posted by Wantanmee > 2014-04-03 10:43 | Report Abuse



5,284 posts

Posted by ktsk88 > 2014-04-03 16:27 | Report Abuse

Well said on this acticle and i do agreed on it although not 100%. All boils down to individual intelligent and how much they trust themselves with wealth and happiness goes hand in hand.


4,326 posts

Posted by upsidedown119 > 2014-04-03 16:51 | Report Abuse

Mr. Koon, I am very disappointed with you. I read somewhere that you professed to be a Christian. But now you have become a proponent of lies purporting to be based on research. If you are really a non-Christian, I withdraw my remarks. Otherwise consider the following verses from the Bible: Jeremiah 17:5 - 'Cursed is the man who put their trust in mere man...'; Psalm 118:8 - It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man ....; MIcah 7:5 - Do not trust in a friend, do not put your confidence in a companion. Whom shall we trust then? Proverbs 3:5,6 - 'Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not unto thy own understanding; in ALL you ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths'. Remember: Hell are full of intelligent fools, some much more intelligent than us, but fools nevertheless!!

Soo Cheng

17 posts

Posted by Soo Cheng > 2014-04-03 20:48 | Report Abuse

one must have trust to be able to lead a happy life with friends, family members etc. I don't think religion should come in to determine our relationship with the society at large.


848 posts

Posted by WilburR2 > 2014-04-04 09:07 | Report Abuse

After a short digression, let me just requote you(Mr.Koon) about your pre conclusion for the sake of clarity;

["After having read all the commentaries of all the articles I posted on this forum, I have come to the conclusion that less intelligent readers often doubt and intelligent readers are more trusting. I also found that some of those people who often doubted, very quickly realized their misjudgment. Surprisingly I also see that some of the readers who abused me changed their attitude and become more supportive."]

1. IF, the less intelligent readers doubted, and yet some(less intelligent readers) very quickly realized their misjudgment(in your pre-conclusion),my question to you would be; won't you think that the "less intelligent" are really intelligent? How else then did they realize their misjudgement if they are "dumb"?

2. On contrary many less intelligent people often don't doubt what was given to them, be it facts or non facts(as in some high pressured sales presentation)if we talk of things outside your context.

3. Many intelligent readers do not take in information directly unless they do their due diligence.[diligenc; Careful and persistent work or effort, Oxford dict.]

Maybe a rewording/revision of your conclusion will bring more clarity.

No malice intended, I assure you Mr.Koon. Only my pence's thoughts.

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