The article posted by KC on FVI and also his answers to a number of sceptic comments , put up by fellow i3investors members, is well written and deserve my complement . I salute him for his passion in departing his hard earned knowledge in shares investment, even with little fees, which I think is very reasonable . I strongly believe KC is a level headed scholar with passion in helping people to make money in shares. KC, please Keep up with your good work, and I will soon be a student in your online investment course:Ir Ching Chin Meow 5/1/2017
Sometime ago KC posted his 2013 picks & I asked why not 2016 picks. Now I began to see it needs 2-3 year to see if the picks bear fruit. I did not ask for free lunch but then just my shallow understanding of stocks. Still learning & KC, just keep up with your good works. I agree with your senior on you.
Posted by 稻田·* 粒粒芳香 > Jan 5, 2017 08:47 AM | Report Abuse One "auto correction" spotted Certainly. Akan dating >>>>>> Certainly. Akan DATANG
Thanks, corrected.
Akan "dating" for those in love. Akan "Datang" for my next article on FVI.
John Lu is like a love deprived, insecure small kid crying for attention. Hello bangang, this is a one year contest lah, not 2 days. See where u end up by the end of the year.
Posted by John Lu > Jan 5, 2017 08:44 AM | Report Abuse name appear in the article. Famous liao See my 2017 stock pick 2 days 5% profit. Haha
Congrats for your fast profit.
Please note that I used your previous comment to give me a good opportunity to present my articles in i3investor posted in 2014 to show documentary proof that FVI works as demanded.
We do have different opinions on many things, but as long as we don't get into personal attack, it is okay. Isn't it?
Posted by valuelurker > Jan 5, 2017 10:08 AM | Report Abuse Old man chong, dont pick on mathematically and conceptually weak posters who have posted months ago, but choosing instead to remove my comment on your 2017 stock pick, a very valid one as is usual So again - you preach and state that diversification is the only free lunch in the world (even as recently?? as when you were attacking old man koon in your defense, now dont get me wrong, im not even close on his side, just ask the flbhd people), and yet in your 2017 picks, you choose only 5, and all in one sector - exports. So tell us, which is which or are you another false prophet that preaches one thing, and does another
Is this the comment you are talking that I have removed it?
valuelurker has left a new comment on portfolio "Stock Pick 2017 - kcchongnz": I have never believed in 'diversification the only free lunch in the world' because why in hell would you invest in your 6th or 7th or 8th best idea - we all know dilution gives rise to average returns. But I didnt know you believed in it too...
For your information, I have no power to remove any comment in i3investor. Also for your information, I have never even flagged a single comment in i3investor.
Your comment is actually a good comment, as Warren Buffet used to say the same thing. However,please note that there is only one Warren buffet in this world.
There is no right or wrong in this, whether to have a focus portfolio, or a diversified one. A few investors, including Warren advocate focus portfolio, but few know he has a very diversified portfolio of businesses. Most other super investors such as Walter Schloss, Joel Greenblatt, Pete Lynch, Mohnish Pabarai etc. have very diversified portfolio of investments.
My only 5 stocks in 2017 stock picks only export stocks?
"are you another false prophet that preaches one thing, and does another"
Oh, I didn't realize that there are all export stocks at all. But definitely your perception of diversification is different from mine. It is okay as everyone has his own opinion.
Isn't 5 stocks good enough for RM100,000 investment layout?
Okok...low profile abit. Some people dont like to see i gain 6% in 3 days...LOL
Beary 306 posts Posted by Beary > Jan 5, 2017 10:00 AM | Report Abuse
John Lu is like a love deprived, insecure small kid crying for attention. Hello bangang, this is a one year contest lah, not 2 days. See where u end up by the end of the year.
ignorance is bliss ma..... many 'think' they know what they are doing - it cant be that "everyone" knows what they are doing in this almost zero sum game.
Kcchongnz, it is unfair to show only few years track record. To be honest, any Dom dick harry can make money pass few years. How about showing some track records of at least 10years or even 97,98? Then you can maybe say your results proven that value investing works. Even so, 20years track records doesn't make your theory truth. To have your theory proven, you need whole universal data, since day ,one stock mkt started in whole world. So did you have tht? Even my university professor with PhD also won't make a comments like value investing works. He will just say based on this and that ,for particular timeframe it works......OK?
Agreed. All talk on their passed few yrs records . Why not show us last 10 20 yrs records especially during economic crisis. Last 5yrs everyone earn money from stocks and property. Many ppl quote , last few yrs simply tikam simply earn money.
Those stupid ppl, no study off from secondary school, simply follow ppl buy house with dibs scheme now already multi millionaire
Posted by paperplane2016 > Jan 6, 2017 12:11 AM | Report Abuse Kcchongnz, it is unfair to show only few years track record. To be honest, any Dom dick harry can make money pass few years.
Me: "any Dom dick harry can make money pass few years"?
Really ah? Below was what I said in this article,
"Total drop of the broad KLSE index was 10.5% from beginning of 2014 to end of 2016."
Or look at the 2016 i3investors stock pick challenge, how many people make money? How many people makes any excess return over risk free rate?
If you have other statistics, please show.
"How about showing some track records of at least 10years or even 97,98? Then you can maybe say your results proven that value investing works."
Me: I will do that soon.
Even so, 20years track records doesn't make your theory truth. To have your theory proven, you need whole universal data, since day ,one stock mkt started in whole world. So did you have tht?
Me: Yeah kah? Have you done any academic research before or not, and understand what is significant results?
"Even my university professor with PhD also won't make a comments like value investing works. He will just say based on this and that ,for particular timeframe it works......OK?"
Me: That is the problem. Most academicians believe in random walk theory, and the efficient market hypothesis. They don't believe in any investing strategy which can earn extra-ordinary return from the stock market. i hope you understood what you have learned in University.
Don't get it wrong, even if you lose money in 97, 98, if you lose less than the benchmark is consider good. This is what KcChong meant (and he repeatedly said that).
Mr Chong, nobody is comparing against the benchmark (which is really the 101 thing), that means your teaching has long long way to go.....
Looking at your previous picks (that didn't meet expectations), I guess the "news" effect got to be put in place, say M&A, big player investment, management change, etc, i.e, exciting element is needed to kick-start the momentum.
if all academicians agree on efficient market theory , stock market is certainly not badminton.
the shuttlecock only reacts to the forces acting on it, the stock prices react to human decisions and human decisions in turn reacts to other human decisions.
I am forced to say, a record of superior returns is meaningless as each day is a new day.
Posted by stockmanmy > Jan 8, 2017 08:27 AM | Report Abuse kc if all academicians agree on efficient market theory , stock market is certainly not badminton. the shuttlecock only reacts to the forces acting on it, the stock prices react to human decisions and human decisions in turn reacts to other human decisions. I am forced to say, a record of superior returns is meaningless as each day is a new day.
An accountant is "forced to say" that guessing on what the next course of action the players in the market, hue number of them, will react to be the better investing strategy, rather than relying on proven records on how the company has been performing, whether the business has been making money or not, how the management has/has not created shareholder values all these years?
Weird, isn't it? Looks like there is a failure of the training you have gone through, if really you are an accountant.
Posted by stockmanmy > Jan 8, 2017 09:08 AM | Report Abuse kc someone posted here stock market is 1% about what is bought and 99% about behaviour. ....and I agree. Never a more true statement.
So someone's statement here is more true than proven successful methods by super investors like Warren Buffett, Water Schloss, Seth Klarman, Mohnish Pabarai, and all these people below who had made super extra-ordinary return from investing in the stock market.
the exact sciences...maths, physics, accounting, statistics..has taken over education of the young
People can try to duplicate the methods employed by successful investors by using the exact sciences, Warren Buffett has tried for decades to produce a duplicate of himself to be a successor but he has so far failed.
and on the frontier of successful investors, here in Malaysia, we have a guy called KYY. He tried but failed so far to reproduce another super investor. His CFA nephew failed miserably.
Can the exact sciences find the true value of stock so that its proponents can benefit from it? Maybe, maybe not but 99% of the results boils down to the behaviour of the participant.
when a stock price is out of synn from its "true" or fundamental value? Is it risk or opportunity? Is it due to some unknown factors? known factors but unknown to the guy? Is it due to ignorance or false and fraudulent information? Is it time to buy or sell? And if everybody acts the same way when faced with the situation, where is the value in the behaviour?
Never thought that you treat accounting as "exact science". Even as an engineer, I don't even treat engineering as an exact science.
We don't need to be Buffett, as a multi-billionaire. No one needs to be a Buffett to be successful in investing. All he needs is to follow some of his principles in investing, and make decent return over long term.
a person can be rich for various reasons, not necessary from prowess in investing. Drug dealers, politicians, Ah Longs, stock market syndicates and manipulators etc. are all very rich too.
If you say someone is so rich from investing from the proper way, you have to show records how his calls were, the prices of those calls in published forums etc to show proofs that one really got rich from prowess in investing, not how much money he has in the bank account.
The CFA guy failed in investing, as I have said, is probably not because he had too much investing knowledge, but rather could be like you, worship of some stock gods and follow blindly, most probably following the advice of using huge margin finance.
let's say You have ROIC, enterprise value, cash flows, EBITA, ROI, ROCE, cash balances, alpha, beta, omega, cost of capital, Du Pont formula, eps, PE, NTA, gearing, these might help you to understand the company a bit better, if you know what you are doing.
But are these necessary and sufficient conditions to make money?
The more rules, the tighter the rules, the likelihood is a portfolio of the same characteristics. Does it make one fat and lazy and a false sense of security based on a mumbo jumpo of accounting jargons?
and what are the implications of a portfolio based on accounting jargons? and their limitations?
what are necessary and sufficient tools in the tool box? and if everybody uses the same tools to arrive at the same conclusions, what is the value of such conclusions?
Posted by stockmanmy > Jan 8, 2017 10:46 AM | Report Abuse FA like rice You need enough to survive Too much makes one fat and lazy TA like vitamin You need a little bit to perform at optimum Too much is poison to the body. Rudimentary knowledge of FA and TA enough to thrive in the stock market jungle.
Show documented proof please, rather than talk 3 talk 4.
Posted by stockmanmy > Jan 8, 2017 11:12 AM | Report Abuse let's say You have ROIC, enterprise value, cash flows, EBITA, ROI, ROCE, cash balances, alpha, beta, omega, cost of capital, Du Pont formula, eps, PE, NTA, gearing, The more rules, the tighter the rules, the likelihood is a portfolio of the same characteristics. Does it make one fat and lazy and a false sense of security based on a mumbo jumpo of accounting jargons? and what are the implications of a portfolio based on accounting jargons? and their limitations? what are necessary and sufficient tools in the tool box? and if everybody uses the same tools to arrive at the same conclusions, what is the value of such conclusions?
An accountant thinks ROIC, ROCE, cash balance. PE etc as accountant jargons? It really confirmed my suspicions.
Does everybody uses this "accounting jargons"? Or more like following rumours and stock touting in internet?
The main reason why 90% of retail investors lose money, for me, is undoubtedly the later as promoted by you.
there was a time when Jesus and Buddha can talk from the heart without the presence of lawyers and documentary proofs and people listens. I love those times, Don't you?
Posted by stockmanmy > Jan 8, 2017 11:17 AM | Report Abuse I guess, if one intend to hold the same share for 5 years or more, the more accounting jargon the better. But, is this what people do? Do people hold a share for 5 years or more or just days and weeks and at most one or two quarters? After a few days or a few weeks or a few quarters at the most, how do you feel holding the stock? These are very relevant questions.
That answers your previous question; most people like you hold shares just a few days, and follow your apa itu "pivotal moment", lose money. Those who invest for long term as shown by my documented proof, make good compounded annual return.
KC is my forever sifu in FA, life experience & etc. I have learn a lots of valuation method on "how to find an undervalued stock through magic formula".
Thanks to KC hard work & effort on his sharing, keep it up, bluefun will always support you :)
Buy low EBIT multiple, high ROIC, high EY & high CY
“If you want to have a better performance than the crowd, you must do things differently than the crowd.”- John Templeton
When the ship near the bridge, The bridge will become straight
I know. All sifus talk long term, that is their insurance policy. Just like all those fung shui masters who can take you for a ride for 8 to 10 years. But, are their customers holding the same shares for 5 years or more?
============================= That answers your previous question; most people like you hold shares just a few days, and follow your apa itu "pivotal moment", lose money. Those who invest for long term as shown by my documented proof, make good compounded annual return.
6) DRB-HICOM (Election GE14 by Year 2018 April) 7) BPLANT (El Nino & La Nina Till 2018) & all other plantation stocks 8) THPLANT (El Nino and La Nina Till 2018) & all other plantation stks 9) CBIP-Warrant (El Nino & La Nia Till 2018) 10) HTPADU (RM580 Million revenue translates to high dividend) 11) MRCB (Election GE14 by Year 2018 April)
These are for 10 year holding
12) Pm Corp (Can hold forever.) 13) Mp Corp (only for those with heart of steel) 14) Mulpha (By 2026 MRT Station in Gerbang Nusajaya) 15) UEMS (Same as Mulpha) 16) KBunai (Till Pan Borneo Highway reaches Sabah 10 yrs) 17) Other stocks not mentioned with High NTA & selling at rock bottom prices. Too many to list here.
Ask them they make money or not..?..ask them whether they intend to hold the same shares for 5 years or more..?....those are totally different set of questions.
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This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
Chong Chin Meow
223 posts
Posted by Chong Chin Meow > 2017-01-05 05:02 | Report Abuse
The article posted by KC on FVI and also his answers to a number of sceptic comments , put up by fellow i3investors members, is well written and deserve my complement . I salute him for his passion in departing his hard earned knowledge in shares investment, even with little fees, which I think is very reasonable . I strongly believe KC is a level headed scholar with passion in helping people to make money in shares. KC, please Keep up with your good work, and I will soon be a student in your online investment course:Ir Ching Chin Meow 5/1/2017