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475 comment(s). Last comment by BalikZmSm 2020-06-03 20:57

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-05-27 03:38 | Report Abuse

Anything wrong?

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-05-27 03:55 | Report Abuse

Say, from Zoroastrianism, we must find yourself and take the decision to brave the path of righteousness.

Every ritual has its own merits. Ritual must not take over religion - else what was once spiritual, pure and simple, is going to turn into dogma which would only serve arrest growth; preserve what is known; and sadly abjure conscience itself, which explores the unknown ( thought, free thinking, free exploration and freedom of choice would be forbidden). Liberty is lost upon the alter of belief.

Dualism in Zoroastrianism is the existence of, yet complete separation of, good and evil. This is recognised in two interconnecting ways: Cosmically (opposing forces within the universe) Morally (opposing forces within the mind)

* (A very emotional thing is...............) Unless the intrinsic culture of a nation, people and race is reformed, its evils will only grow. Evil cannot be suppressed. No container possesses such tightness so as to restrain evil, for evil reposes as ideas put into nefarious action. It is the mind that must be amended, so as to contain evil. To reform a person, one must cleanse the mind with examples both kind and cruel.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-05-27 04:01 | Report Abuse

Cosmically (opposing forces within the universe)........................brings me to science of the two essence of forces of the universe behind the Big Bang and the Big Rip theories - dark energy (& its comrade) and dark matter (& its comrade)

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-05-27 04:19 | Report Abuse

Comes to health, sickness and medicine, I am 95% believer in modern medicine, 5% complementary

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-05-27 04:30 | Report Abuse

Spiritual health is not unlike physical, one may not just believe in megadose vitamin C and intermittent fasting, but also tabata and may be yoga or gym

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-05-27 04:37 | Report Abuse

In a simpler analogy is like choosing the best fruit.................

.........................(best is a complementary combination- richest in taste and nutrients)

Not sure if you understand

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-05-27 04:41 | Report Abuse

And.............instead of just cherry-picking to choose the best part of only one type of fruit to eat : seed/skin/content

Keep word= across the board


192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-27 06:55 | Report Abuse

yours indeed is a funny kind of care, which doesnt bother how one's words, actions n persistent dispute with your nemesis affects others in the forum.
btw how do u view your former nemesis now ? thks


192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-27 07:02 | Report Abuse

what r ur thoughs on seeing hundred of thousands meet unexpected tragic ends due to pandemic n more on their way to have their fickering life flames extinguished ?


192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-27 07:05 | Report Abuse

Is there any tinge/sense of sadnesss,pity, injustice,or compassion, at their untimely passing in your heart ?


192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-27 07:10 | Report Abuse

However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them?(Buddha)


192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-27 07:13 | Report Abuse

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness. Dalai Lama


192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-27 07:26 | Report Abuse

"Current problems, issues and challenges, cannot be solved effectively by outdated guidelines from scriptures of the past."

Is the BIBLE out-dated, not relevant to todys problems/issues or is it man's pride that chooses his own destructive ways ? itt

You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments. Jesus, Matthew 22:37-40 (Jesus)

Healthy people don't need a doctor - sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent. Jesus, Luke 5:31-32


192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-27 07:27 | Report Abuse

we reap what we sow...that is the natural law...

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-05-27 07:52 | Report Abuse

We need to care for humanity......

.....but from the point of quantum physics, the universe and its forces don't care

Do people care to accept these?

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-05-27 07:56 | Report Abuse

Do we really care to feed the young minds just the best knowledge? And protect them from falsehood grey matter tattooing?

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-05-27 08:03 | Report Abuse

Do we really care about their mental and psychological maturation (living thing, or wordy texrbooks (nonliving thing? Or cosmic forces?


Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-05-27 08:18 | Report Abuse

Or do we only care to label them as atheists or believers, and if believers- which one- and only one?

Or do we only care if they fear hellfire and attract to the image of heaven?


192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-27 08:25 | Report Abuse

U have evaded the Qn


56,242 posts

Posted by calvintaneng > 2020-05-27 08:27 | Report Abuse

Message on Holy Spirit Filling


Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-05-27 08:29 | Report Abuse

Do we only care if they understand something so abstract like the almighty? And righteousness itself doesn't count?

And do we only care if they are made to believe what yheir parents believe?


192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-27 09:37 | Report Abuse

U still try to evade the Qn. Do u see thtst the Bible is outdated, its precepts / msg is not relevant to u ?thks.


192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-27 09:41 | Report Abuse

"Current problems, issues and challenges, cannot be solved effectively by outdated guidelines from scriptures of the past."

Is the BIBLE out-dated, not relevant to todys problems/issues or is it man's pride that chooses his own destructive ways ? itt

You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments. Jesus, Matthew 22:37-40 (Jesus)

Healthy people don't need a doctor - sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent. Jesus, Luke 5:31-32

what is ur well researched view on this ? thks.


192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-27 09:42 | Report Abuse

It is U that have to decide on this important issue, that's why :

“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.”
― Gautama Buddha, Sayings Of Buddha

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-05-27 10:09 | Report Abuse

Obsolete or not......................Depend how a person think of my above dozen of questions? If they think they are relevant to today's global and local issues,...............


192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-27 11:11 | Report Abuse

As we now realised, everyone is Right, n U r right , ehen see frm ur perspectives n life experiences. The thing is we need to c frm BOSS’s pt of view ...itt


192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-27 12:56 | Report Abuse

The Qn u need to ask urself is who r u, on tht day, when life’s stage is no more n u need to decide if A,B,C ...(ur actions alrdy decided who u no ambiguity , no worries)Do u know who u r now ?


192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-27 13:15 | Report Abuse

“The Way is not in the sky; the Way is in the heart.”
― Gautama Buddha


192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-27 13:17 | Report Abuse



192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-27 19:18 | Report Abuse


Koleksi Lagu Raya Evergreen Terbaik


192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-28 11:34 | Report Abuse

Showers Of Blessing We Need - with lyrics


Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-05-28 18:50 | Report Abuse

In the perspective of humanity, it's all basically HUMAN-TO-HUMAN INTERACTION.......

.........beginning by education......of young minds to get rid f prasangka buruk

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-05-28 18:54 | Report Abuse

Just as when one points out intellectually about cracking the hidden astrological codes hidden inside an ancient/medieval text(s)....

.....many prasangka shouldn't be created.....worst of these is ....


654 posts

Posted by FoolsGold > 2020-05-28 18:59 | Report Abuse

minta maaf share research bloger ini (chiapiwo.blogspot.com) tanpa minta kebenaran dulu :

Jika benar cerita atas, maknanya dari zaman nenek moyang lagi, hubungan erat antara bangsa Cina & Melayu memang terjalin di Malaysia.

Apa kah sudah terjadi kini, macam dua adik beradik yg sering cari salah anatara satu sama lain ?

Boleh tak ambil kesempatan bulan mulia Raya ini utk benar-benar bermaaf-maafan, buang yg keruh & ambil air yg jernih ?

terima kasih pada bloggger chiapiwo...


654 posts

Posted by FoolsGold > 2020-05-28 19:00 | Report Abuse

Today, the phrase 'Maaf Zahir dan Batin' and the Ketupat became ornaments in a culture of Hari Raya. They are symbols without stories. I love the thought that the Malays and Chinese share such close historical and cultural roots. It is a shame that we forgot about the symbols that unite us but only focus on the ideologies that divide.
Posted 8th August 2013 by PiWo Chia


654 posts

Posted by FoolsGold > 2020-05-28 19:04 | Report Abuse

Posted by EngineeringProfit > May 28, 2020 6:54 PM | Report Abuse

Just as when one points out intellectually about cracking the hidden astrological codes hidden inside an ancient/medieval text(s)....

.....many prasangka shouldn't be created.....worst of these is ....

the answer is alrdy in John 14:6

U r free to crack the hidden codes or use the kiddie Holy Books, its ur choice...


192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-28 19:06 | Report Abuse

Speical thks to blogger PiWo Chia...(Posted 8th August 2013 by PiWo )Chia


192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-28 20:33 | Report Abuse

Minggu, 26 Juni 2016
“MAAF ZAHIR & BATIN” The True Meaning Of It



192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-28 20:36 | Report Abuse

Re-Claiming Our Culture



192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-29 06:42 | Report Abuse

Climate change is driving widespread forest death and creating shorter, younger trees


The issue of climate change, global warming,from destruction of Earth's beautiful environment, is also evidence of man's greed and neglect of duty to practice environmetal friendly policies. This has lead to extinction of precious wild life on Mother Earth,will man be the only one left eventually, with everything else destroyed or polluted beyond redemption ? (assuming WW 3 does not erupt 1st).


192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-29 06:50 | Report Abuse

Is it time now, for our spiritual and knowledgable leaders of the main stream Religions and political leaders, to give urgent attention, for the need to come together as ONE humanity, to put aside our petty grouses and seek Divince help from our Superheroes , the GOD that all claim to follow, in all humility and repentence ?
It is clear man has failed in his appointed task n duty to be a good steward of God's trust to care for all on Earth...


192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-29 06:53 | Report Abuse

as ALL religion claim GOD is Goodness and HE will answer the call from the helpness and needy.
The Qn is does man knows he is helpless, not able to cope with his own initiated problems and in need of Divine help ?


192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-29 06:56 | Report Abuse




192 posts

Posted by BalikZmSm > 2020-05-29 07:07 | Report Abuse

Revelation 2:21 KJV
Matt 3:8
Luke 5:32
Luke 13:5
Revelation 3:19


56,242 posts

Posted by calvintaneng > 2020-05-29 07:20 | Report Abuse

“As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.”
John 15:9 (KJV)

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