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2 comment(s). Last comment by Tobby 2022-02-28 14:52


5,395 posts

Posted by LALA > 2022-02-28 14:49 | Report Abuse

There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn't even jump puddles for you.


7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2022-02-28 14:52 | Report Abuse

Anwar Ibrahim spending too much time talking about his experience in jail! Come on, voters already pass that! They want to hear what Anwar can do for rakyat! Not another round of empty promises like last time!
Instead only Najib spend his time talking about what he can do to help rakyat!
Harapan leaders need to bury their vengeance mentality! Instead learn from Bosku! He is able to swing votes because he talks about what rakyat want to hear!

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