from chinese, to china beijing to DAP and now vernacular school- all become bogeyman and punching bag. Taliban beat this ahpu nei nei record divisive, toxin 3R rhetoric.....
Vernacular schools are not the primary cause of racial divide in the country. On the contrary, the racial divide is the consequence of racial and religious extremism in the country. "
Cannot blame the old sith palpatine. Even much younger emeritus historian Teo ( or in short just call him toe for what he's worth) also cetek ilmu terencat akal fikiran also could only think vernacular school is the culprit
I3lurker, don't get the Chinese wrong. I got more Chinese friends than you. They are proud to be Malaysians, despite he gomen treats them unfairly as pendatang. They work real hard to build the nation, despite all the oppressive policies in place.
Any time I can respect them more than those who forsake their roots - born original but got arabised as copycat.
And don't get me wrong. I respect my neighbour Malays who proudly maintain their ori malayness. They keep their promises as the malay saying goes: kata ITU not. They resist arabisation as their sayings go: biar mati anak, jangan mati adat asli tanah asal
Yes, limhuiying is only good at makan gaji buta. She didn't roll out Have-it 88 module for the nons in response to hadithoon40.
And, yes, she should rebrand vernacular schools as schools of unity (free from the greatest divisive element in history i.e. toxic fundamentalism), meritocracy (nonkulitocracy), equal opportunity ( free from the influence of bigotry)
Here on Earth, everything is connected. When you eat food, drink liquids, or even breathe in the air, many of those atoms wind up getting incorporated to your body. When you sweat, exhale, and either secrete or excrete matter from your body, those atoms go back into Earth’s biosphere, where they can eventually wind up getting incorporated into other people’s bodies.
Do we share atoms in common with everyone alive today? With everyone who’s ever lived? With King Tut, Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, George Washington, etc.? The answer is fascinating: not only do we each have hundreds of billions of atoms that were once in everyone else’s bodies, but we have approximately 1 atom in our body from every breath that every human has ever taken
Anak cucu apanama pi Oxfart UK, america Olang putih belajar. golongan elite ingin kekalkan kuasa, belajar tinggi tapi seru semua rakyat tak kira bangsa sama sekolah nasional.
Mana this paper mill prof kangkung hendak letak muka as YB Aaron Ago Dagang frankly acknowledges and courageously points out vernacular schools have become elements that promote racial unity, not divide
Ini eseinya yang telah disunting kerana naratif asalnya merupakan satu naratif yang toksik, tidak membina dan memecah-belahkan, reflecting kesempitan fikiran, lapisan gray matter yang nipis dan kecetekan ilmu.
Kemurahan hati yang wholehearted membawa rahmat kepada negara
1. Apabila pendatang sebelum pembentukan Msia diberikan kewarganegaraan dan dibenarkan mengekalkan bahasa dan adat mereka dan juga sekolah dan mendekati orang asli sambil mengekalkan identiti akar mereka; maka negara kita dapat berkembang lebih pesat daripada kebanyakan negara lain di mana syarat dan sekatan yang opresif dikenakan.
2. Tetapi apabila naratif ini dihijack oleh ahli politik yang selfish (kurang murah hati), envious, jealous (cemburu dan dengki) serta berkepentingan sendiri, maka negara berbelah bahagi, ekonomi merosot dan kemiskinan melanda.
After losing badly in GE15, he is now working on hijacking education into politic agenda. In politicising education, he has ordered his lawyer khan to bring vernacular case to court
See.. premier power la ! some people here still think no need vernacular... because they think they dont need it. but if people really dont need it, why is it so popular?? Ethnocentric live in own cocounut ka
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
3,331 posts
Posted by chinaman > 2023-08-31 14:48 | Report Abuse
from chinese, to china beijing to DAP and now vernacular school- all become bogeyman and punching bag. Taliban beat this ahpu nei nei record divisive, toxin 3R rhetoric.....