Posted by Grambo > 2013-07-24 12:02 | Report Abuse

This is a sad reality that the citizens & commoners like us (all working class) have to endure the exposures to robbers, theft and murderers while the BN Goverment and politicians continue to play their politics. If this is allowed to go on, the Malaysian police will dictate that the only way to resolve and reduce crime this is through a police state. Imagine this, even with opposition and so called democracy, ppl or more rightfully accused law breaker die in police custody. The police are blaming the dismantling of EO as the reason and are justifying their action when death arises in the lockup. Now EO, death in police custody and criminal activities are all separate issue. The police want to argue that they are trying to reduce crimes by beating the hell out of potential or accused criminals and that they are not wrong when these ppl die in their custody. Is this preventive or murder? The person they made an example of can be innocent. So now, they are saying these ppl are guilty until proven innocent.? How often do we see police negotiating with traffic offenders. We ourselves have experience this before. Do you think criminals are spared? They too are given this privilege of negotiation because the police livelihood depends on their contribution. How often do we hear fr the police, whether we want to contribute or pay the summon which may be 10 times more. Our police have already given themselves reasons to take this contribution, to negotiate and to use hard interrogation tactic when most of the time is not required. Are they afraid to give fact in a trial or are they too low mentality and want to resolve method the easiest way ie take contribution and cut hassle of court or writing report. This low mentality is also seen in our politician when they defend certain quarters without investigating first. Are we democratic that way? They BN ministers and politician and the police claims they need this veto power to curb criminals and develop the country. Ae they sure.???? Which minister was it that allowed foreign workers in such a large number to enter the country? Which BN minister in Malaysia who don't own a banglo or a few houses? Do you know the salary of a PMis just abt RM 20+k. So you can guess the ministers salary. How did we get to this state of a country that is very dangerous, lack of security (as what we saw in Lahad Datu), undemocratic, laced with corruption, unsolved murders........? They will push for Police State with EO, coupled with Sedition Act,.....and the citizens will soon face the brunt of this. Remember, in Malaysia, if a thieve breaks into you house and you defended your hse and yourself with a gun, ou are liable for murder if you are not able to defend your case well. So in short, as citizens we don't have much rights, when even the judiciary is owned. In the 90s, Mahathir amended the constitution and gave outright power to the AG to determine the case (to proceed or NFA) and the court level where the case is to be presided.

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7 comment(s). Last comment by Grambo 2013-07-29 21:03


385 posts

Posted by Grambo > 2013-07-24 12:08 | Report Abuse

I wrote this after reading some of the crime happening and what owners are doing....

There is another one at kampung Sungai Ara where the seafood restaurant hires armed guards.
For the case of KK mart, how is it possible to be rob 11 times in 10 days. Where and what are our police doing? Still blaming the owner??


259 posts

Posted by Grandma > 2013-07-24 22:44 | Report Abuse

Grandma thinks its the education long as you are in denial, nothing will move. Take a look at the photo in the link and read the words.....


135 posts

Posted by gkheng > 2013-07-24 23:24 | Report Abuse

Police State? more to Islamic state


385 posts

Posted by Grambo > 2013-07-27 23:41 | Report Abuse

Ghent, police state first with Sedition Act.
Just read a shocking news!!

Crime watchdog chief, a very prominent guy in keeping the PDRM in check has been shot !


681 posts

Posted by max8 > 2013-07-28 00:35 | Report Abuse

For sure Malaysia is oredi a state with very few Real Police.


259 posts

Posted by Grandma > 2013-07-28 01:02 | Report Abuse

Ohhh this is indeed bad! Hope Sri survives


385 posts

Posted by Grambo > 2013-07-29 21:03 | Report Abuse

Grandma, more killing.....if you thought that was bad...what do you all think needs to be done to avoid this....police state?

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