Posted by Chrollo > 2014-01-03 17:53 | Report Abuse

Hi all, this group is created in order to discuss value stocks. Talk anything here! muahahha

42 people like this.

3,626 comment(s). Last comment by chinesetea 2018-03-12 08:11


1,390 posts

Posted by chinesetea > 2014-02-14 19:41 | Report Abuse

invest1818, when market is hot and you lack of fund then I suggest to catch the train for fast moving stock. When market is bad, then stick to those slow moving one as it preserve your cash and still going up slowly at the same time.


1,143 posts

Posted by Chrollo > 2014-02-14 19:43 | Report Abuse

chinesetea, why u so good wan got uncle top up for uuuuuuu


675 posts

Posted by asamlaksa > 2014-02-14 19:53 | Report Abuse

Invest1818: I will suggest you to wait for the coming Q reports for all your counters. Scruntinize and analyze properly each and every one of them, then rearrange your strategy. Your new gen Proton Perdana (a.k.a Honda Accord)can only carry 4 to 5 wives. LOL

Chinesetea: Great one !! Looks like I bought at the same day as your uncleT did. Too bad I don't have uncle to buy for me, everything done manually. Latitud might be the next golden goose. Up 40 cents in a single week.


1,390 posts

Posted by chinesetea > 2014-02-14 20:07 | Report Abuse

invest1818, I agree with asam, most of the counter you have are very good. I can see why you have hard time to choose :-). All reports are out soon.

Also keep an eye of the pandemic news and prepare to buy rubber related stock like glove stocks and karex


675 posts

Posted by asamlaksa > 2014-02-14 20:09 | Report Abuse

Guys regarding Datasonic if you guys think don't have sufficient tickets can always top up. Dsonic might replicate last year's price movement, maybe in a milder way, thus explaining the purpose of split. I see big funds are collecting slowly. This year they might give another bonus issue, perhaps June or Sep. RHB will update their TP after results announcement. More contracts in the coffee brewing machine.

I am commenting here as I dislike the chaos at Datasonic thread. All speculators come and shout for over-ambitious target price. Some even ridiculously recommend other counters there. This is a priviledged executive lounge, I enjoy discussing here. Because we are all value investors. haha.


4,251 posts

Posted by tewnama > 2014-02-14 20:41 | Report Abuse

Chrollo, u hantam 2.93 ? Best lah u. Beli new high. Nak simpan long term atau main katak lompat lompat?


1,143 posts

Posted by Chrollo > 2014-02-14 20:49 | Report Abuse

asamlaksa, true story bro.. normally alot ppl will shout when Dsonic go high same happen last year when its Rm8++ rmb? i was still newbie that time so i sold when i profited no hold.. haha btw today our portfolio breach 10%!!!

tewnama, long term bro, i didnt buy for contra.. dah insaf sejak bulan lepas. satu bulan lebih 20 trades.. menang pun tak cukup cover =.=.. so skrang dah insaf main parking and study since college dah mula.. i start long term since sumatec.. but too stagnant adi.. so decided to buy some in 2.93 for 5 lot first coz no $$ and then if go down/up buy again.. aiya u pun buy new high before ma haha if i main lompat katak sure wont buy 2.93 at sell price..

i decided monday to sell more Suma shares, and enter Latitude since it broke out.. Any advice on this??


1,143 posts

Posted by Chrollo > 2014-02-14 20:49 | Report Abuse

bulan November yg trade lebih2*


1,390 posts

Posted by chinesetea > 2014-02-14 20:50 | Report Abuse

Totally agree with you asam. A lot of people just talking nonsense and think that their comment can influence the price. From the stats I gather in my blog only roughly 1000 read it. For comments I think it is below 100. Out of this 100 only few are huge investor. No way they can move the price. We only see price movement when major newspapers like star, nanyang, sin Jew that report a stock.

No need to set up a fund, just put money in Dsonic this year will be enough.


1,143 posts

Posted by Chrollo > 2014-02-14 20:52 | Report Abuse

chinesetea, u have blog? share share la =p btw Dsonic if next Q earning meletop, PE will fall and IF their plan on expanding overseas really is put into action, like UncleZ said, Rm2.60 is plain cheap


1,390 posts

Posted by chinesetea > 2014-02-14 22:28 | Report Abuse

My blog


675 posts

Posted by asamlaksa > 2014-02-14 22:38 | Report Abuse

Chrollo: Personally I agree. Leave some shares there you spent so much of efforts there. But don't come back hentam me if Sumatec suddenly surged 30% on Tuesday. Need to psycho a little bit. hahaha.

Either Datasonic or Latitud, both should works well. Preferably buy fast, bullet train wait no one.


4,251 posts

Posted by tewnama > 2014-02-15 00:01 | Report Abuse

Chinesetea, kalau u ialah unclez, guna ID unclez untuk comment la. Baru ada ommph. Hari ini kasi comment, besok saham akan naik. Semua orang gembira


1,143 posts

Posted by Chrollo > 2014-02-15 00:15 | Report Abuse

lol chinesetea lololol u made me laugh HAHAHA ya la i removed so far 40% funds from sumatec now waiting to enter Latitude again.. i dunwan jump in an out very tired and straining.. =( so i guess i jump in latitud monday. its ok la if up i find u give me tea only HAHA


1,858 posts

Posted by Siva68 > 2014-02-15 00:36 | Report Abuse

asam bro, reading your earlier comment, agree with you totally. Had some good participation and thoughtful feedback at DSonic forum before split. Now at this blog, all kinds of unwanted things are coming in. Perhaps need to open a new one.


4,251 posts

Posted by tewnama > 2014-02-15 07:50 | Report Abuse

Ok la. Jangan serious sangat. Walaupun sini sudah banyak orang cakap, tapi ada pun comment comment yg baik. Ada yg cakap kosong tapi itu tidak apa. Baru meriah ma. Lagi pun, bila banyak orang beri comment, makna nya sentiment adalah baik. Tengok benda kena tengok 'both side'.
Participate perbincangan kerap sikit, baru lah kira exchange idea. Bukan nya hanya terbang masuk sekali kala aje dan dah nak complain.


1,143 posts

Posted by Chrollo > 2014-02-15 10:06 | Report Abuse

tewnama, good say.. many newcomer terus cakap buruk.. tapi takpe, cakap buruk boleh dicounter dgn yg baik.. kalau kita tau company itu, boleh kaunter and tidak senang tergerak..


1,143 posts

Posted by Chrollo > 2014-02-15 10:51 | Report Abuse

btw, has anyone been keeping watch on SCABLE? the recent announcement on the acquiring of shares..


478 posts

Posted by invest1818 > 2014-02-15 11:09 | Report Abuse

Yeap bro assam and bro C.Tea, im waiting for the Q report then will scale down some. Dsonic, im planning to move in more on Monday as I bought quite little earlier.


675 posts

Posted by asamlaksa > 2014-02-15 11:48 | Report Abuse

Chrollo you read properly who's replying you. Lol. Invest1818 purse so thick right, can top up anytime he wanted to. But bros make sure reload data immediately on Monday ya. Because I predict price will surged up the next day after results announced end of this month. Tickets getting expensive day by day. Those counters that surged up suddenly like inari, latitud and data you know 99% the results will be excellent.


1,143 posts

Posted by Chrollo > 2014-02-15 11:54 | Report Abuse

Chrollo you read properly who's replying you. Lol. << what means >.<'.. asamlaksa, but it has gone up for few days non stop, will it be dangerous to hog new high again? but will keep a close eye on it.. thanks bro asam!
who wanna be the new high buyer at Rm3 a.k.a Rm15? recorD!


1,143 posts

Posted by Chrollo > 2014-02-15 11:56 | Report Abuse

All here purse so damn thick la =.= walooooooo anything can top up lol unlike me to top up need sell other holding which has less potential compared to the few counters mentioned..


1,143 posts

Posted by Chrollo > 2014-02-15 12:01 | Report Abuse

I feel everywhere in the forum counter there will always be noises.. when go up everyone will come and scare people.. when go down everyone will come and become super invest advisor professional level 99.. up down also got noise.. memang susah life nowadays lol


4,251 posts

Posted by tewnama > 2014-02-15 12:06 | Report Abuse

Ini lah yang unclez tulis bulan dec lepas... saya pegang kukuh apa yg beliau cakap.
Bagi mereka yg malas baca tulisan panjang nya, saya petik satu statement dr tulisan nya : "It is expected that it (Datasonic) will rise further for the next 2 months." Post blog ini ditulis pada 22hb Dec 2013. U respect dia tak? I tak tahu u, tapi i respect.


1,143 posts

Posted by Chrollo > 2014-02-15 12:08 | Report Abuse

thanks tewnama, it is always a pleasure to read uncleZ posting eventho i have read it few times..


675 posts

Posted by asamlaksa > 2014-02-15 12:11 | Report Abuse

Means I am the one suggesting you to transfer fund from sumatec but not him. Later the Nigerian-based fund manager blame me for doing so. Haha.

Chrollo you should not take profit last time. You are still young, so hold for another few years. Even if correction also keep calm ok. General is brother-in-law of Tun M. So do you think mycard contract will simply give to other party like iris? This counter is backed strongly by big guns, will it get UMA like ecoworld and hlcap did? Better think again. But don't too greedy go gadai all assets in your house ijust to whallop all tickets ya. Like I told Siva previously, those reaching peak will scale another heights. Money back guarantee if share price of datasonic, inari and latitud on 1st March is lower than today. Lol.


4,251 posts

Posted by tewnama > 2014-02-15 12:11 | Report Abuse

Tak apa chrollo, biar kami sendiri syiok sendiri asalkan kami sendiri gembira. Bagi i untung rugi itu salah satu proses pengalaman hidup aje. Yg penting gembira.


675 posts

Posted by asamlaksa > 2014-02-15 12:14 | Report Abuse

Bagus, leftenan tewnama!! Semua investors patut pegang kukuh dan sentiasa ingat apa yang Unclez pesan.

Sometimes I really like the way Unclez write. Very impressive skills of writing, very logical thinking and his rich experience can foresee future if not close. Reading his article is much more enjoying and beneficial than reading economic news of the edge.


1,143 posts

Posted by Chrollo > 2014-02-15 13:33 | Report Abuse

OH YA U SUGGESTED THAT HAHAHAAHAH WRONG PPL OMG ! LOLLLLL yes i really regretted, my first buy is actually Rm6.91 i think if i rmb correctly.. now? adi surged 100 over % in just a matter of? MONTHS!!! when think back its sad but its still part and parcel of the journey.. but still i so damn sad le!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tewnama, i suka u punya quote, menang kalah adat permainan, paling penting janji gembira..


4,251 posts

Posted by tewnama > 2014-02-16 00:22 | Report Abuse

asam, i setuju dgn perenggan kedua kamu.


224 posts

Posted by 3stan > 2014-02-16 15:27 | Report Abuse

...will consider adding in on reversal day soon...with this kind of superstock I'll just stick with it until the trend fades. It's time to let profit runs and clear those poor performing ones d...wish the steroids power it on...


224 posts

Posted by 3stan > 2014-02-16 15:28 | Report Abuse

...wish the steroids can power it on bull run...


4,796 posts

Posted by tonylim > 2014-02-16 15:29 | Report Abuse



4,251 posts

Posted by tewnama > 2014-02-17 12:22 | Report Abuse

dsonic sekarang 3.08


2,168 posts

Posted by zoomboom > 2014-02-17 13:16 | Report Abuse

Hello abang2 value investors sekalian, harap harap "virgin" post saya ni takkan di bambu semacam dalam Dsonic thread... dashyat betul post2 macam2 di sana...

I memang tabik dan respect bros di sini and mereka yang pegang teguh pada pendirian + tidak kedekut ilmu untuk share dgn orang ramai analysis and opinion mereka yang sincere. Kudos to all of you ! (actually, virgin post kat ECoworld, tapi macam takde orang layan
;( sigh - mungkin soalannye terlalu bodoh kot...

Sebenarnye, I've been following your thread, dan telah sepertimana yang tewnama pernah cakap "swim dgn shark pun swim lah - janji gembira ! " :-)

moga everyone berjaya dan kami semua naik kuda "wood horse" yang awesome throughout 2014 and beyond.


1,390 posts

Posted by chinesetea > 2014-02-17 17:20 | Report Abuse

Welcome zoomboom. No worries about the reply in ecoworld, a lot of them talk rubbish.


1,390 posts

Posted by chinesetea > 2014-02-17 17:23 | Report Abuse

tewnama, don't want to answer you question in dsonic forum.
Already uncle lah ;-)
I have been working here for many years lah in investment bank. That's all I can tell, don't want to get into too details.


4,251 posts

Posted by tewnama > 2014-02-17 17:25 | Report Abuse

no prob bro... sama sama kasi saham naik naik sudah ok


1,390 posts

Posted by chinesetea > 2014-02-17 17:26 | Report Abuse

Chrollo, congratulations to your new buy on DSONIC. Now you know why we don't play penny stock, just wait for too long. DSONIC and Ecoworld both fly high today. All you need to do buy in correction and wait for few weeks or days then you will see the result.


1,390 posts

Posted by chinesetea > 2014-02-17 17:36 | Report Abuse

Do you see other counter behave like this?

ECOWLD may be one in the list, do you agree?


4,251 posts

Posted by tewnama > 2014-02-17 18:03 | Report Abuse

Unclez tepat betul. Presbhd sudah naik 7 sen hari ini. Tanya lah unclez apa lagi counter yang berkelakuan macam Presbhd.


1,390 posts

Posted by chinesetea > 2014-02-17 19:17 | Report Abuse

UncleT has recommended a stock that has broked out on Friday and have taken some position. I will add some tomorrow. Not many people the stock and undervalued by more than RM2.

Will let you know tomorrow. Watch this space :-)

Posted by makankangkong > 2014-02-17 19:23 |

Post removed.Why?


1,143 posts

Posted by Chrollo > 2014-02-17 19:28 | Report Abuse

Thanks a lot chinesetea. .yes I asked few of my frens in promise that they can hold can ady. .end up they both bought at rm3.06 but still happy haha.. I have started my class today so didn't monitor this afternoon but overall I'm happy with all my selection hehe.. chinesetea hehe okok will watch for it =) why u didn't add today?? and btw ur latitude still holding chinesetea?? What's ur view on today?


1,390 posts

Posted by chinesetea > 2014-02-17 19:43 | Report Abuse

Chrollo, Yes I am still holding latitud and has added more today when there is minor profit taking as expected. It holds up quite well if you see how it bounces back in the afternoon.

I normally ignore price fluctuation daily as I am long term investor. I will give this stock at least 6 months and revisit it when the Subsiadiary profit is added to Latitud report. If I see any correction on the way such as two weeks ago when tapering was announced, I will buy cheap as long as klse index is in tact. I only switch to other counter when I see the potential is nearly reached and I found a better counter.

Concentrate on your class and you don't want to end up watching trading screen everyday. I know lot of traders in my company and most of them a grumpy

Use it as a long term investment tool, like what mentioned in unclez post and invest while you are young.


1,143 posts

Posted by Chrollo > 2014-02-17 19:44 | Report Abuse

Sorry not my selections, I meant to say stocks that I bought.. hehe all the selections is from u all seniors =)


2,168 posts

Posted by zoomboom > 2014-02-17 19:44 | Report Abuse

Thanks chinesetea for the warm welcome.

All of your (Unclez, asamlaksa, tewnama, chinesetea)view and opinions have definitely helped in my decisions on my stockholdings. I do enjoy reading your respective postings.


1,143 posts

Posted by Chrollo > 2014-02-17 19:45 | Report Abuse

yeap zoomboom u sure will enjoy their posting and experience..I'm still learning from them


1,143 posts

Posted by Chrollo > 2014-02-17 20:03 | Report Abuse

Thanks a lot chinesetea.. If possible hope to meet up one day with everyone altho u are from UK and so Coincidently unclez also in UK hahaha
yes I'm hoping to be as good as u all in future.. If u all feel comfortable to add contacts or create WhatsApp group I would be very happy to create it.. Thanks for your motivation and advice!

Posted by kkpan13113 > 2014-02-17 20:08 | Report Abuse

thanks all the sifu give a good discussion really enjoy.. i'm a small holder for Dsonic and Latiude looking forward to learn more from you all.

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