MCCBCHST says the move by the education ministry to introduce the subject in schools nationwide is unconstitutional.
The Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Taoism (MCCBCHST) has come out strongly against any move to introduce a subject on a collection of hadith (sayings) of Prophet Muhammad in schools nationwide.
The council said it was "deeply concerned" with the launch of the module "Imam Al-Nawawi's 40 Hadith".
News portal The Malay Mail had earlier reported that the module would be implemented at government and government-aided religious secondary schools before being distributed to schools under the education ministry next year.
"Thus, it will include national-type schools that include students from different religions," MCCBCHST said in a statement.
"The hadith are clearly part of the religion of Islam. There appears to be no provision in our Federal Constitution that allows such Islamic teachings in national-type schools. This may be carried out in Islamic religious schools."
Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek said the module was to foster values contained in the hadith compilation.
"I have no problem with the values in the hadith being brought to schools, and at the same time, we have a great commitment to see our Muslim children truly appreciate the 40 hadith," she reportedly said.
But MCCBCHST said the constitution's Article 3(1) clearly limited Islam's status as the "religion of the federation" to rituals and ceremonies.
"It does not include Islam as an all-embracing concept, as it is normally understood as a comprehensive system of life."
The group said the module should only be taught in religious schools.
"But in national schools, it may be unconstitutional to do so," it added.
MCCBCHST warned the education ministry that any unilateral enforcement of the module would invite court action.
"National schools must be a place where unity is promoted and not divisive policies introduced," it said.
In 2019, MCCBCHST opposed the education ministry's move to teach khat – a form of Arabic calligraphy – in schools nationwide.
The group had then said the teaching of khat would contravene Article 12(3) of the constitution, adding that it amounted to compelling people to take part in acts of worship of a religion other than their own.
"MCA president says the use of the term ‘to be expanded’ at the introduction of the module raised questions about whether all students would be involved."
Yes, MCA is DAP 2.0
TQ WKS for speaking up for the nons who have every reason to be concerned about the recent news about introducing new text into national schools.
Clearly the nons couldn't let their guard down and carelessly allow their children to be brainwashed into belief which is incompatible with their parents' one.
This is the worst case scenario because of its irreversibility - forcefully by laws
What the prologue/sessions/ chapters/epilogue like?
Let one session be dedicated to discuss the key element to crashing down is disunity. And the main cause here is pushing too much of the historically and scientifically evidenced key element to divide the people i.e. religiosity
- Educators are unnecessarily being overburdened with paperworks which do not translate into better teaching standard in the classroom or lecture halls. And the top ones are there because they are dedicated enough to take care of their personal file, the students' learning and progress.
PMX fail big time in healing the believers of his faith. They seriously need to recover from pas virus that has infested their brains for ages, making them believe that their religion is too vulnerable (for this, he just simply needs to brainwash them that it's eternal invincibly cannot be destroyed - minimal budget required). Not under attacked - nothing so great is afraid of vulnerability or being 'attack'
While hadiff 40 for mus, I can help LHY to develop Have-it 40 Module for the Nons.
But I know the Chinese are allergic to the number 4 BCOS it sounds like doom or die; so I would modify to their favourite number of 8
Have-it 88 module for the Nons:
88 :
A.1.1 to 1.8
Till H: 8.1 to 8.8
A. Brain Manual
The manual that every nons could wish to be presented from the time they are very, very young (born). Imagine if your brain is the hardware, this is literally the only crucial software it needs to run effectively to help you to grow to the fullest potential you deserve.
1.1 Whole-brain Child Mind Development Program by Siegel and Bryson
You are a child. And childhood is a time of tremendous neural growth. Your brain literally changes shape in response to everything it encounters, from new experiences to people to relationships. Your brain development is very much dependent on adults to try to influence that growth in a positively progressive or irreversibly toxic direction.
Strategy #1: Connect and Redirect. Your right hemisphere of the brain (emotional and nonverbal) develops earlier than the left hemisphere (logical and linguistic). That’s why you frequently dissolve into a flood of feelings that can seem to overwhelm any way you could manage them. In the middle of a meltdown, you need adults who first connect with you through their own right brain—feeling your feelings empathetically (yes, to help you to develop empathy), soothing, and naming the feelings—before trying to reason, threaten, blackmail emotionally or punished. When you “feel felt” and cared for, you are quicker to recover and re-establish cooperation with your parents.
Strategy #2: Engage, Don’t Enrage: Appealing to the Upstairs Brain. Your frontal cortex (what Siegel and Bryson call the “upstairs brain”) is responsible for rational self-monitoring and decision-making, and it isn’t fully developed until our mid-20s. But the “downstairs brain,” which monitors hellfire threats and expresses emotions, is active at birth. Good parents would help you to build the “staircase” between the two throughout childhood by looking for opportunities to teach you negotiation, compromise, reason, creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving.
Strategy #3: Exercise Mindsight: Getting Back to the Hub. Mindsight is the ability to understand one’s own mind as well as the minds of others. Use the “wheel of awareness,” where the hub is our calm, receptive, and clear Self, and around the rim are the transient feelings, thoughts, and memories that flicker through our mind. . The result is a healthier, more holistic perspective that shapes the brain for the better, since “neurons that fire together, wire together”: In the folds of the brain, those positive feelings become intertwined with the child’s general thoughts about that activity. Many adults continue to suffer throughout their whole lives and have a hard time controlling the focus of their thoughts and feelings, to the point that they may not believe such control is even possible. But imagine how much easier the practice becomes if you cultivate it from childhood!
1.2 Study effectively : Know how memory bank works
1.3 Curiosity - the most powerful weapon for life: Preserve it, yet use it with care & this is why
Beware of its nemesis & estinguishers
Be happy to say I don't know
Be careful of adults who are arrogant enough to tell you to believe them because they know everything and the ultimate truth of everything
1.4 Hippocampus and You
Amy Owen's report (The hippocampus has several important functions, including spatial, contextual, and episodic learning and memory. The hippocampus may influence the generation of attention and emotion through connections with the amygdala, and moderate cortical arousal and responsiveness through interconnections with the amygdala, hypothalamus, prefrontal cortex, and other areas. Global cerebral atrophy occurs as a result of aging, but atrophy rates differ between brain regions. Rates of atrophy for the hippocampus have been found to accelerate during late life. Research indicates that hippocampal volumes may be affected by exposure to fundamentalism and elevated cortisol in response to stress of fanaticism.
Consciousness is linked to self-awareness. Consciousness is considered as a highly specialized function of the brain, which ensures encoding of personal information as communication messages. From birth to the first year of age, children present a minimal level of consciousness. The basis of consciousness is the communicative function, and discuss relations of consciousness to other cognitive processes such sensory detection, decision-making and emotions.
Ancient viruses gave us a gene called "Arc" — and it may explain consciousness. The Arc gene evolved from an ancient retrotransposon that inserted itself into the germline of an ancestor around 400 million years ago in the first land-based vertebrates. Arc is important for turning experiences into long-lasting changes in the brain. Arc protein has retained some of the ancestral properties of the retrotransposon that allows it to form virus-like capsids that are released from neurons in membrane-bound vesicles, altering the strength of synapses on neighboring neurons that receive them.
40-80% of the human genome was developed thanks to ancient viruses. Unlike bacteria, which simply live in the body, viruses make active changes to your cells, injecting their own genetic code - occasionally we end up with useful modifications. Mutations in the Arc gene is linked to autism and schizophrenia.
Here on Earth, everything is connected. When you eat food, drink liquids, or even breathe in the air, many of those atoms wind up getting incorporated to your body. When you sweat, exhale, and either secrete or excrete matter from your body, those atoms go back into Earth’s biosphere, where they can eventually wind up getting incorporated into other people’s bodies.
Do we share atoms in common with everyone alive today? With everyone who’s ever lived? With King Tut, Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, George Washington, etc.? The answer is fascinating: not only do we each have hundreds of billions of atoms that were once in everyone else’s bodies, but we have approximately 1 atom in our body from every breath that every human has ever taken.
1.8 Oneness of & for All:
We are all interconnected & interrelated (not just via food chain or evolution)
Universalism of One-Electron & One-Consciousness Universe
2.2 The philosophy of mindframe trapping dilemma ( Gain insight into the deepest meaning with the allegory of Plato cave, obstacles to optimal mind development and the real meaning of enlightening journey through cessantless curiosity, courageous exploration and objective self-examination process)
2.3 Begin your spiritual journey by using Socratic method (Do this, be sceptic and you'll never live your whole life in gullibility and easily fall prey to modern day's scammers)
2.4 - 2.8 : The vulnerable brain - protect it!
Ideological Viruses and Mental Parasites
While biological viruses are infectious agents that self-replicate inside living cells, ideology viruses are destructive pieces of mentality code that insert themselves into the mind and change the actions of a person.
Fundamentalism feeds off it and changes its behavior in ways that benefit its own existence, reducing one’s ability to think critically or independently.
Although in moderation, religion can be great for a person’s life and mental well-being, the belief in the absolute authority of a religious text or leaders—is never good for any child because this kind of fundamentalism hijacks the immature brain and discourages any logical reasoning or scientific evidence that challenges its scripture, making it inherently maladaptive.
In our world, there are many religions and they all preach that their story is the right story.
Spirituality sees the truth in all of them and strives for unity because the truth is the same for all of us despite our differences.
It focuses on the quality of the divine message they share and not on the differences in details of the story they speak.
When we analyze them bit by bit, we’ll notice common patterns and ideologies in most religions of the world. The truth is only one and it can take different forms, but its essence will always remain unshakable.
Spirituality embraces different perspectives. Whatever perspective resonates with you, then that becomes your truth. Whatever perspective causes a disturbance within you, then that is not your truth.
3.1 The universal natural history, challenges and crisis intervention measures for hetero relationship
3.1.1 Puppy love
3.1.2 Plutonic love
3.1.3 Romantic love
3.1.4 The anatomy of a love elationship (what emotion and changes to expect from courtship to after marriage; from lust to commitment; from oxytocin to responsibility)
3.2. Compassion for & Understanding of the psychobiologic basis for homo
3.3 The Beauty and blessing of Monogamy
3.4 Male or female Just Say "NO" to Polygamy - all about love, faithfulness and discipline
3.5 Sexually Transmitted Infections and diseases: Acute to Lifelong Complications ( from infection to inflammation to infertility as well scarring of fallopian tubes and it's future risk of ovum got stucked in the tube causing ectopic pregnancy; cervical cancer from young sex due to papilloma virus infection
3.6 ABC of Safe sex
3.7 Immunity for Safe sex (from mental strength to vaccine)
3.8 Sex determination, SRY-gene and the driver behind accelerated sapiens evolution
What had driven sapiens' superfast evolutionary process to be the 'chosen one'?
The story began 300 million years ago with development of progressively sophisticated sex determination via DNA, as one of the autosomes mutated and acquired the SRY gene--Sex-determining Region Y--which is the master switch for creating a male.
*The SRY-bearing chromosome became the Y chromosome (and its SRY-deficient partner became the X chromosome)
Background: Sex was not always determined by DNA. In many reptiles, the temperature at which the eggs are incubated determines the sex of the offspring. But when warm-blooded mammals with internal reproduction arose, sex determination by temperature became problematic. Shortly after mammals branched off from reptiles, approximately 300 million years ago, a regular pair of autosomes began evolving into what would become the modern X and Y chromosomes.
In a manner of super-efficient sex gene expansion of how X and Y diverged, evolution occurs in leaps and bounds. The sex chromosomes became so different, evolving from a pair of identical chromosomes into X and Y in several discrete stages as below over 300-million years.
Over time, X and Y stopped recombining--the process of swapping bits of genetic material between a pair of chromosomes during the formation of eggs or sperm. Recombination is essential to maintaining genetic identity between X and Y. Without it, the two chromosomes would diverge into distinct forms. But, recombination between X and Y was suppressed in a step-wise fashion during evolution, so that discrete chunks of chromosomal material suddenly were unable to recombine. Today, the human X and Y chromosomes hardly recombine at all.
Each piece of the chromosomes that inverted added to the length of DNA that could no longer align and recombine. On the Y chromosome, this led to degeneration and shrinking, since deleterious mutations were able to build up faster on this non-recombining chromosome. By contrast, the X chromosome retained its genetic integrity and size, since it could continue to recombine with its partner (the other X) in females.
4.3 Use Or Abuse the Brain (harmful substance like drugs, alcohol, vaping, etc)
4.4 Detoxification for all addictions : Standard Modus Operandi (refer to this if you got addicted to something later in life- including digital/screen addiction!)
4.8 What the hell!? Why overworry? Wolfgang's Food for thought
There are only two things to worry about, either you are healthy or you are sick. If you are healthy, then there is nothing to worry about. But if you are sick there are only two things to worry about, either you will get well or you will die. If you get well, then there is nothing to worry about. But if you die there are only two things to worry about, either you will go to heaven or to hell. If you go to heaven, then there is nothing to worry about. And if you to go hell, you'll be so darn busy shaking hands with your friends you won't have time to worry.
Tackling 21st challenges with 6th century approach????
Overload with myth. HOw to battle modern day's challenges of corrupt practices, dishonest management, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity, stomach ulcer, depression, etc with fakeducation?
Prophet Ethan Siegel: the typical human body has 4 × 1027 hydrogen atoms and 2 × 1027 oxygen atoms in it! If each of us accumulates atoms randomly, that still means that each of us, on average, have hundreds of billions of atoms that were, a year ago, inside each and every other person on Earth. Hundreds of billions of atoms are in your body not only from me and everyone else on Earth, but also from dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago.
From sun and moon worshipping to astromyth and subsequent plagiarised version
Virgo rises at Midnight and represents the Virgin Mother ( Virgo Virginis in Latin means Virgin) - also known as the House of Bread.
The longest day in the Northern Hemisphere is on Jun 21 and then, as the Sun continues his southerly course, days tend to become shorter. Happy Birth Day of the Invincible Sun as today is celebrated worldwide as the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti ( Today Dec 25 )
At the time the story was written, the sun was considered to be born in Capricorn ... around December 25th. This is where it begins it's annual ascent traveling up through the ecliptic and into Aquarius, the Water Bearer. Aquarius is where the story begins. The rainy season begins, the first step towards the recovery of the annual harvest process. Within the church, the Sun visits John the Baptist (water/Aquarius).
The nons must not be blamed for being sceptical about the sudden big promo of the Syrian's 12th century hadithoon 40 in national schools.
Understandably, they have all the reason to up ante and safeguard their children from 1001 potential mental parasitism.
That's why the nons must go all out to preserve vernacular schools as the education & mental development sanctuary of choice for their children, grandchildren or great grandchildren.
Dec. 22, the day of the Winter Solstice (definition is to stand still).
The pagans observed and tracked the North to South movement of the Sun, that on this day DEC 22, the sun entered its grave. The North to South progression of the Sun can be likened to a swinging pendulum.
For three days, after the sun reaches its solstice, it appears to stand still. This period of pause, between the Suns descent and ASCENT, wrought paralyzing dread and fear into the hearts and minds of the pagans.
Over time, they established rituals and traditions concerning this period (DEC 22 to DEC 25). They passed the word through oral tradition, and eventually, after their societies established writing, wrote it down, concerning their Sun God: the sun shall lay in a grave (point of solstice) for 3 days. But after 3 days the sun shall rise, be resurrected, (according to Webster’s Dictionary, the word resurrect is linked to the word resurge, which means "To Rise Again", to revive), and ascend toward heaven, (progressively ascend northward to the position of the summer Sun).
And when the sun completes its ascent upward toward the point of its summer solstice, it will comfort us and bless us with warm weather and long days and will save us (be a savior) from the ravages of winter.
When the pre-Christians spoke and wrote of the resurrection of the Sun; they meant exactly that. It did not refer to a person, but to the SOLAR SUN. And they regarded the SUN as their God's creation i.e. God's son
Many innocent children continue to endure the oppressive systems of toxic racism. Many unjust systematic oppressive systems in the ancient past are still very present today. The only real remedy is to acknowledge and dismantle the structures of racism that has been embedded in workplace culture and the education, healthcare, political, social, criminal, religious, and economic systems of any country that wants to excel in the new millennium.
Racism hurts all people regardless of race or ethnicity, and fighting for equality is all of every mature, kind and intelligent grown-up's responsibility.
In minds, two viruses take their course, One biological, one of mental force, One replicates in cells, unseen, The other in thoughts, a dangerous machine.
Ideology's virus, a cunning game, Embeds itself, altering life's aim, Fundamentalism's its favored host, Dulling the mind, reason it engulfs the most.
Religion, in balance, can provide, Mental well-being, a comforting guide, But when it's extreme, in dogma's grip, Young minds suffer, reason they strip.
Absolute belief, a perilous creed, Hijacks the young, it's clear indeed, Inhibiting reason, science denied, In this clash of viruses, logic's side.
Let's seek the balance, the middle way, Where faith and reason both hold sway, For in moderation, we may find, A harmonious, enlightened state of mind.
The manual that every nons could wish to be presented from the time they are very, very young (born). Imagine if your brain is the hardware, this is literally the only crucial software it needs to run effectively to help you to grow to the fullest potential you deserve.
1.1 Whole-brain Child Mind Development Program by Siegel and Bryson
You are a child. And childhood is a time of tremendous neural growth. Your brain literally changes shape in response to everything it encounters, from new experiences to people to relationships. Your brain development is very much dependent on adults to try to influence that growth in a positively progressive or irreversibly toxic direction.
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MCCBCHST says the move by the education ministry to introduce the subject in schools nationwide is unconstitutional. The Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Taoism (MCCBCHST) has come out strongly against any move to introduce a subject on a collection of hadith (sayings) of Prophet Muhammad in schools nationwide. The council said it was "deeply concerned" with the launch of the module "Imam Al-Nawawi's 40 Hadith". News portal The Malay Mail had earlier reported that the module would be implemented at government and government-aided religious secondary schools before being distributed to schools under the education ministry next year. "Thus, it will include national-type schools that include students from different religions," MCCBCHST said in a statement. "The hadith are clearly part of the religion of Islam. There appears to be no provision in our Federal Constitution that allows such Islamic teachings in national-type schools. This may be carried out in Islamic religious schools." Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek said the module was to foster values contained in the hadith compilation. "I have no problem with the values in the hadith being brought to schools, and at the same time, we have a great commitment to see our Muslim children truly appreciate the 40 hadith," she reportedly said. But MCCBCHST said the constitution's Article 3(1) clearly limited Islam's status as the "religion of the federation" to rituals and ceremonies. "It does not include Islam as an all-embracing concept, as it is normally understood as a comprehensive system of life." The group said the module should only be taught in religious schools. "But in national schools, it may be unconstitutional to do so," it added. MCCBCHST warned the education ministry that any unilateral enforcement of the module would invite court action. "National schools must be a place where unity is promoted and not divisive policies introduced," it said. In 2019, MCCBCHST opposed the education ministry's move to teach khat – a form of Arabic calligraphy – in schools nationwide. The group had then said the teaching of khat would contravene Article 12(3) of the constitution, adding that it amounted to compelling people to take part in acts of worship of a religion other than their own.