Publish date: Mon, 02 Jul 2012, 05:54 PM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
KLCI staying a little above 1600 ... today is not a good day for me. First day back to office for full-time work and stressed with tonnes of paper-work. The stress is tremendous ... and I was thinking of 'quitting'. I simply dislike paper-work!! I have to write testimonials to students, stating how good they behaved blah blah ... and I am not good in writing, I mean ... polished 'reports'. Then, there will be 'inspectors' to check on our paperworks(attendence, marks, reports, test papers, compilations of notes ... etc etc) which I seldom 'touch' on them. But ... all these are part of teaching ... I only like to teach, I want to teach well so that my students do well ... but, somehow ... colleges are running as business-entity and they need to keep up with status. Guess ... I am cornered and the only way 'out' is to quit as I did not do these recordings/paperworks well. Heck ... with the latest inclusion of ipad-teaching, technology-freaking way of teaching .... old-illiterate lecturer like me(in comfort zone) have to keep up with the latest trend or becoming obsolete.

The bad-moments continue ... i was late for staff-meeting(I thought it was 2pm, but it was supposed to be 1pm ... ouch!) ... and then was called up to boss-office ... telling me that a student's parent complained about the exam paper!!

In trading, in the my very busy moments ... I bought BIMB-cc at 0.34 and placed in my stock-watch(only 5k units done as my lower queues not done) ... the moment I was back to my table, it was trading at 0.36. So, I queued to sell 5k units at 0.365 ... done ... it went to 0.38. Just enough for tonight's dinner.
That was my 13th good trades on BIMB-cc but the smallest profit due to my busy morning!! Arghh ...

Also, I sold my Hibiscus-wa at 1.05(half) as I was collected(my tratle KA and TTS bought together with me. It was risky) ... we collected around RM1 level last week. Another dinner for me.

Also, I sold my Gamuda-wd at 1.06(bought 1.02-1.03) for small profits too .... shown and shared with my stock-watch last week. Gamuda mommy reaching 3.60 resistance again. I will be back!

Three free dinners for this week ... but ...

Arrghh ...  it is a bad day ...

SELL SELL ... I queued to sell today as I thought KLCI will run-up ... or such. KLCI is one of the best index around, ok?

Seeing it positively, I went to view a shop-lot for rent. Yes, finding a place for my tratle's nest!! It is time ... by next year, we should have our own comfortable place for lepaking, meetings, stock-analysing ... with resources(books, magz ... papers ...) to share. Once these are established, I do hope to get away from my full-time teaching job. I still love my teaching ... minus the paperworks, please.

Yes ... yes ... I must move on, out of my comfort zone, after 22 years of teaching Maths. I will still teach Math as tuition while putting more efforts in getting our tratles group to analyse and trade together!

Time for a nap.
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2 people like this. Showing 10 of 10 comments


Ya..I understand how you feel, really..the only difference is thta you are teaching in the college and am teaching in the high school. This is my 15th year, prior to this I was working really abroad.

Teaching profession is getting complicated nowadays though. I bet you have made some hefty earning from trading; however, CP Teh 'SiFu', if you can still hold on, keep hanging on. It is better to teach full time and trade part time rather than trade full time and teach part time. In trading, you will have some good months and some bad months, some really bad months sometimes. Well, in that case you will still have your pay check coming,

Psychologically you will feel much secure and make fewer mistakes. In addition, your Mrs will feel better because she can tell her friends that my husband has a regular job. Don’t make your spouse feel in secure – lots of negative side effects. Your friends respect you as a teacher. Your students love to see you as their mentor. Most of all, the satisfaction of nurturing the future of our younger generation could never be traded with $ sign. You have the passion for teaching; otherwise, you won’t hang on for 22 years. Teachers do not get paid very much now and then. If you are doing fine then everything is ok. But if you quit, the whole scenario will be different. I bet you will be venture more onto trading side. Not only the whole mentality will change, I can foresee that you will lose you patience when things are not going the right way though. Well, at least hang on for few more years, QUIT ONLY NAJIB KO retire as Perdana Menteri...hahaha...I bet his job is 100 times more difficult then ours. Don't quit before he does...

Hang in there, ‘SIFU’ Teh, I don’t know if we have chance to meet or not, but I really want to be in your class – I mean the very trading classes. It would be fun, makan-makan, drink –drink a bit. ‘Blow the canon’ a bit. Wah…nice…I want to meet with Bro ‘Namo’ also..it is going to be great for new friends in the making.

I am by no mean wealthy, not at all..I work like a cow to make a living. I don’t even have my own house yet, just booked two..will figure out how to pay for them later. Worse come worse, let go one and keep one lah. But I can still belanja ‘bakuteh’.

Take it easy, don’t worry about those management big shot…they are only humans..parents always complain there and here. Even half mark. They can quarrel with you sometime....goodness…

Tomorrow always a better…day..cheers

2012-07-02 23:23


Hi .... Ghee, u really read my rumbling. Haha. Thanks, yes ... I m back kicking, but still stack with tonnes of paperwork undone. I m letting go ... I hv to.

Yes,I love teaching and anyone knew me enough will know that. I won't mind teaching for free but I do hv bills to pay. So, my groups are supporting me. Why don't u just join my group. U r welcome.

Thanks again for our words. Just don't challenge me sifu or guru. I m just a novice, trying to learn from others and share with others needed help. Yes, I want to create a platform for many who really want to learn. In markets, as in lives, only 20% bother to learn. So, we could only help those who want to learn.



2012-07-03 12:46


Dear teh when is your next seminar I would like to participate if I am not tight w my work schedule. O

2012-07-03 12:55


No problem..honestly, I did lose 150k so far..no joke..I don't mind paying, really..THe forum like Bro Chong has is pretty good..tips and suggestion are good as well. SMARTAGE is good..going up..

2012-07-03 13:00

Jolly Mypet

wow!thats substantial and by the way do you know yourself i mean are you an investor, trader or speculator ?

2012-07-03 13:10


Hi Ingwong, please email me or add me in the Facebook. I will add u in. Thanks.

Hi yfchong, I do not have public talk but do add me too.



2012-07-03 14:51


To Jolly, I was just a greedy person..buy penny stocks with contra...million shares..when it goes down. I am a small investor (some counters I bought and still keep are ok). When started to buy big..It seems like somebody is watching me. No joke, with 500k of cash contra then I bought A lot..Now..buy small..hopefully I can keep my 350k rolling..thank you for questioning


2012-07-03 18:45


@ingwong May I know where you from? why not get some course to learn how to read chart? aiks.. sad to hear that you lost so much in market..

2012-07-03 19:26


opps ingwong sorry to hear about your losses. many players are having massive losses too including me in KNM,Megb and scomi.Much more than you and I don't even play contra or RC counters! I used to rely on Research reports from Cimb,osk,maybank etc and buy these companies when the target price was say 4.00 and the share was 2.00 and thought that if I load them up especially with their 'prospect' and sell at 3.50 you can make money right? NOOOOO -not that easy and infact they went the other way. so now I take it easy - slowly disposing all the lousy shares and buying into some good companies. saving some little bullets that I have now after the dust settle when ah jib gor call for GE! Just have to learn to be patient and listened to some good commentators here.

2012-07-03 19:57


You r right, just assume if these research house is make good prospect or proposal whom willnbe paying the last bid ofnthe counter I guess is the poor retail player so call trader or follower like us, .....

2012-07-03 22:46

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