My Trading Adventure

Trading groups

Publish date: Wed, 04 Jul 2012, 04:56 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
It is 3.30am now ... I just woke up as I slept early, about 9pm. I was simply too tired after a long day. Yes, I am struggling to complete the tasks in hands ... and could not find the time to even take a look at my blog or read other blogs.

This blog is my personal journal, not only in my trading but ... my daily routine and things going-on. I simply like to pen-down some of events happening ... in and off markets. But .... time ... becoming a commodity. The demand of my attention in various things I m handling, trying to cope with my hectic schedule. So ... time management(which I am bad in) becoming crucial.

It is July ... I needed to start my e-learning by weekend, I still have few e-mails regarding it to reply and placing things in order. I am such a dis-organise person, I admit. Time to make a change in that too ...

It is July ... I am having a larger group of stock-watch after a few rounds of 'promoting' myself here, so I do need to look into the stocks I m trading. These days ... due to bullish sentiments, I am moving into short punts in call-warrants

CW : Bought Bimb-cc at 0.37, sold at 0.40(10k units ... so, only RM300 profits) and grabbed Maybulk-cc at 0.115, sold at 0.125(50k units ... so, RM500 profits). That was my punt yesterday in my very busy schedule. Bought another call-warrant yesterday, holding to 3 call-warrants now. It is fast ... and I did try to record every of my trades or trades I am going to take in my stock-watch. I do not encourage anyone to punt call-warrants.

It bullish of markets, call-warrants and warrants-in-play will give us better profits, tho the RISK is very high. The trades should be taken as short-term. And cut-loss in call-warrant punting is a must.

DOW up another 70+ points,we are reaching 13k levels now. KLCI testing new high again.

We are seeing .... new high soon once the current resistance broken, new high ... new beginning of bull-rally. Indeed, we should be proud that KLCI is one of the best index around. And we should be proud with the large IPOs ... PChem, MHB ... GasM ... then the giant FGV(only to lose to facebook? haha) ... and IHH coming in. We have a large SKPetrol merger ... but but ... these are all supported by local institutional funds. Do we really attract foreign funds flowing into our markets?

HSI is recovering well too ... and my CNOOC(I have sold at 15.02, it dived to 14 level before shooting back, broken 15.25 resistance and at 15.70 level now. Once it breaks 15.85, I will grab back!) ... but my Qinfa is in paper loss(grabbed more at HKD1 recently when it dived). I am too busy to check on others ... and I do know I have 'wasted' plenty of opportunities here.

Gold and Silver are recovering too ... crude oil rebounded above USD85 again(it went all the way to USD77 levels) ... and we shall see USD correcting from here?

FKLI ... I am simply too busy to add these into my checking at the moment, and I will give a skip. But it is good to prepare to short the KL-index which at the high. Be prepare to learn to short that.

It is 4am now ... my mind is full with things I need to do and complete by this Sunday!! Yes, everything seems to cramp inside my head ... never really learn to use the organisers or ipad(tech) to help me in my increasing amount of things I need to look into. Need more kit-kat ... taking a break!

Teaching Trading

Why teaching trading/investing if one is good enough? That was being asked by many(including myself, when I was newbies too).

Many of those professional trading or investing courses costs thousands of dollars. I still could not understand why, but some said ... it is financial-knowledge. It is supposed to be expensive. Imagine that if I could tell you to BUY a stock, then it went up 20% in one year(or less) ... and you have invested RM100k into it, that is RM20k profits. It could easily covered the course-fees, right?

The main issue with many who attended those course ... they have wrong mentality. They THOUGHT that by paying few thousands of dollars, they could gain it back. They THOUGHT that in that few days of training or workshop, they could master trading. That could be their main disappointment, actually. That is too un-realistic and as newbies, majority do not know what is logical, what is right mentality ... and of coz, we dont know how market works!!

So, if you ask me ... I will still say "YES", you should attend the training if you could afford. If you can't, then be persistent  ... check markets in daily basis, join a 'free' trading group, learn from those willing to share some knowledge. Cheap knowledge may not be good, tho. Just be careful if you are in noisy forums. Be smart ... do not simply buy into a stock simply because someone claim it will shoot up very high.

So ... why teaching trading? I do plan to teach trading even before I know what market is. Yes, in case you are new and don't know me, I am passionate about education!! I do like teaching ... seeing someone dont know anything much, then ... they learn and they started to understand ... and benefit from the knowledge impart. That is called SATISFACTION. To me, no amount of money could give me this 'good satisfaction'. I have been in teaching line ever since I started giving tuition when I was form five. Professsionally, I have been in teaching line for 22 years(my 23rd now) ... and still love my teaching!! You wont believe that I still get excited teaching those Further Maths ... a complicated subject, yet I made it simplified for students to understand. Those came for my tuition classes benefit from my teaching too .... and yes, they do get results. I won't be humble here ... I am one of the best Further Math teacher around. I am quite sure of that.

But ... teaching trading? Am I good enough? I do plan to try teaching trading 5 years ago. This is my 5th year in market, I had my cohort-1 last September!! One may read my post one year ago to check on how I actually 'accidentally' started. Haha ... I was reluctant!! I still feel I am not good enough, tho I am doing very well with my own trades. Trading it yourself and teaching trading is different. If you know how to do a Math question, doesnt mean you know how to teach, ok? Same here ... a good trader may not be able to teach well, ok? So ... I do think I have the advantage here!!

Comes to think how my tratle-group started is amazing ... I have a drink with BL yesterday, one of my first tratle(he is the person who coined the word 'tratles' as I called my students as 'turtles' then --- based on Turtle Trading). He has one year plus experiences in markets now. And still trying to grasp the volatility and concepts in markets. Yes, my group is growing ... and many more experienced traders/investors are joining the group, helping many of those 'newbies'. That is something I am glad about ...the sharing and helping of each other. I appreciate those so willing to help other newbies in the group. That is my whole objective of teaching and creating a trading group!! It gives the newbies, novices a platform to fall-back to. Information, trading strategies ... techniques .... and such. Simply amazing ...

Then, my e-tratles ... another platform I am trying to form for those who could not attend my classes in person as they are staying 'outstation'. I will want to have this platform in place and checking more 'newbies' to join my group. What is the advantage? I was asking them to join my stock-watch after learning some basic(6 months with me now) ... and do REAL trading!! Yes, that is needed too ... by reading reading ... that is certainly NOT enough. We need to take real trades to gain experiences. And we need at leat 3 years to understand and if we survive(not losing too much), then ... I will be confident they will be doing OK with trading in further.


We need to allocate some of our time to learn about trading before we have intention to be in markets. With that, it will increase our knowledge and knowledge gain is always yours!! Money you spent wisely(not by buying those thousands dollars of software etc etc) ... to educate yourself will help you to navigate yourself in the rough path ... in trading/investing. If it is THAT simple(buy here, sell there ... buy low ... sell high ... you know, those being advertised or if you attend some previews) ... the trainers are multi-millionaires and DO NOT need to fly all the way from Spore, tell us how he profitted from forex in daily basis. THINK logic ... I am still having a full-time job, if I am a millionaire, will I be teaching? Hmm .. yes, actually

Hmm ... even if I done very well ... I will still teach ... Maths and Trading. It is called PASSION. I dont know how to explain to others ... it is cultivated? I dont know ... I am an individual, I do hope I could create a 'teaching team' in trading one day ... some of my tratles, reaching out to teach others. Helping others ... and guide. That is my goal ... and I am working hard to achieve that. It is beyond my own goal to achieve financial-freedom. It is education to me. Seeing others appreciate your teaching and hard-work, it is worth it.

It is almost 5 am now ... time to sleep again. The best feeling ... curl back to hug my wife and kids.

Good morning. It is bullish ... grab the opportunities.

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3 people like this. Showing 1 of 1 comments


Good one bro Cpteh. I have also benefited from your teachings and advices. How can I know more about your e-tratles group?
Thank you

2012-07-04 07:16

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