My Trading Adventure

Stock Talk : Alam

Publish date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012, 10:47 PM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Alam : As we bought at 0.50, and most of us sold at 0.55-0.57 in that one day gap-up, shot high ... it is a SELL to me. That is my trading system, using common sense, some news analysis ... technical analysis, and checking the fundamental too.

Well, there are many new readers ... who do not know me well enough as they are NEW.

Do you know what is RA in my blog?

Nope, not the tele-com stock(KZen) ... I only wrote about her once as it was penny and gorengable? If you do not know what RA means to me, you are a new reader.

RA = Rojak Analysis.

If you read my blog about 2 years ago, you will see the components of my analysis. Then, you won't jump into the conclusion that I m pure technical person, or pure punting-kaki ... worse of all, thinking I just bull-sh*t here and I do not trade. Hmm ...

RA = FA + TA + NA + PA + HA + SA

Now, the SA is a new component I just added in. While the weightage of each component has changed, the basics remain the same ... trading is THAT difficult, but we should have our own trading system, then ... improve the system, consistently analyse our weaknesses and maintain what is working ...

It takes years to work it out ... so, do you think it comes cheap? Think again.

I am going to have my cohort-8 coming NOV. Those interested to join our group(no lose money group, ok? ... ask many in the group why they so excited to come for meetings?) ... please e-mail me

You need to have GOOD mentality. Those who like to yak in forums, those egoistic(will not learn well, as u r too good for me) ... those think that cheap is not good, tho not willing to learn and thought trading is what they heard in advetisements(see how we catch 20% profit in E&O recently ... or see how our software trigger a buy-call in Orient at RM4 before it doubled to RM8) ... those LOGICAL traders ... are welcome. Newbies are encouraged to join(so that you wont LOSE money), novices could learn from the whole tratles-group ... and those experts need not to bother, but welcome to join us for yam-char and talk about stocks/trading!!

So, I spelt it out those should join us(no experiences --- less than 3 years --- those losing money, those dont know technical analysis or fundmental analysis).

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3 people like this. Showing 3 of 4 comments

paris hilton

what do u want actually, if you want us to follow you.. what is the TP? u sound just to make us all confuse with your confuse rojak formula na+ta+fa+ntah heheheh LOL

2012-08-26 01:40


Can get Nobel Prize in Bullshitology! :)

2012-08-26 10:46


Hi jpleow

U do give some good comments. By why these bs things here for?


2012-08-30 13:49

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