My Trading Adventure

e-meeting : Trading Mistakes

Publish date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014, 02:08 PM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

How to join? Get a facebook a/c ... make sure you are a real human who want to LEARN. Do make sure you are a NEWBIE and/or NOVICE. Otherwise, will be bored to death. Haha.

Like my page here :

I will try to re-activate my website which I started about 1-2 years ago, and dormant now. I will also have a closed blog for my members only.

I do have another FB group which meant for my blog readers. So, that will be used for sharing educational materials and updates.

So, I will be busy with my own closed-groups(stock-watch and tratles) and only interested to guide newbies ... hopefully they wont be "suckers" and trapped with BAD habits in gambling.

Trade well.

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1 person likes this. Showing 3 of 3 comments


newbie easy to cheat....this is all the paid group main target !

2014-11-18 19:02


his result is sucks!

2014-11-18 19:10


I thought this guy had declared he will never come to i3forum anymore. but he still post his blog here. Is he trying to fish innocent and ignorant newbie? beware !

2014-11-18 23:21

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