My Trading Adventure

Oil and Gas rallying

Publish date: Thu, 02 Nov 2017, 12:02 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Morning ... I know I have not been blogging for some time. Lazy-ness is one of the excuses I could give .... or busy with classes (students sat for final exams last week ... I m kinda free this week onwards).

Monday was a very good day when I managed to do few very good trades ... so, I took a break and visited my friend (his father passed away). Well ... Bentong ... nice wheather there, not hot-humid unlike KL. But, we didnt hunt for durian. haha.

Yes ... I want to write a little of what I shared during few recent e-meetings regarding O&G which are in play ... but we have to pay more when we pump petrol la. haha.

Trading O&G stocks in my short-term list : Armada, UMWOG, Hibiscus and Senergy(diving today ... some funds selling la)

Krono : As I m 'speaking' here, Krono hitting new high 1.26 ... today. Bought at 1.11 breakout, added 1.15 breakout, today to add again. and HOLD?

Where am I?

Oh yes ... lazy to blog. haha ... prefer e-meeting. And STILL prefer here rather than my newly created blog ...cpteh50. hmm ... old man prefer comfy old home, indeed.

My friend (who is trading FCPO) asked me to write a book regarding my trading set-ups and how I picked the stocks.

For example  : How do I knew in DEC 2016, we should focus only in tech-sector for 2017 ... while I left the whole construction stocks which I was trading in 2016 (OKA, Econbhd, Suncon, Gamuda etc)?

How do we pick O&G sector to rally from here? Which one should we take? What is the time frame like? Any idea on why it is rallying ... and how long would it last? Is it sustainable?

I was collecting UMWOG at 30cents after the right-issues ... then, it stopped me out when it went below 29cents!! Now ... it is back in play at 34 (I chosen Hibiscus, instead liao) . Resistance 35.5 and 39cents next. Check out Armada too.

Armada is going to 77.5cents resistance again ... so, I wont chase leh.

One goreng-news out regarding ex-Ramunia ... read somewhere that Yinson might rescue them?

I see chart ... read some news and trade accordingly. Not analysing on the details of the fundamentals. But ... personally I feel the current rally is NOT sustainable. We shall watch how it ends by end of Dec.

MRCB : I bought MRCB after the right-issues ... it was at 90cents level back then, but I sold too early at 99cents and 1.03 (most of my trading members sold there too) ... but guess what ... it flew off above RM1.10 the day after ... crazy. So, I wait for retracement to support RM1.03, bought yesterday and sold RM1.06 ... now queue to buyback at RM1.02. See if could be done today.

Trade at own risk ... analyse all they want. I need to learn to close all the noises around me and to learn to trade well.

Trading workshop : Confirmed to have a one-day basic (for newbies/novices) charting-technical workshop on reading charts/indicators ... trading plan and do real trades. Next Saturday 11th Nov. Do contac me at or message me 012-821 0129. EVeryone has their own set-ups and trading strategies ... so, I could only teach/guide my own way of trading.

So ... join me in my trading group ... or if u wish to learn the basic of trading, you can attend my workshop (twice a year ... only when I m having my holiday)

Have nice trading week.

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Focus on tech stock in 2017???never heard such fm u until today....i thought u were busy preparing for market crash?????

2017-11-02 13:12


yea, he spoke of the crash, but continuously doing trading.. how interesting

2017-11-02 13:36


ya lor, last time everyday say crash crash crash. no crash lah.

2017-11-02 16:02


just do opposite what cp do.
he say buy O&G, we sell O&G.

2017-11-02 16:06


O n G starts to drop, really look like a horse-behind-cannon type of noob talking.

2017-11-02 16:28


Krono : As I m 'speaking' here, Krono hitting new high 1.26 ... today. Bought at 1.11 breakout, added 1.15 breakout, today to add again. and HOLD?

Now 1.13 minus 0.12....cut loss?

2017-11-03 10:12


Give him a chance to defend his points....... let's come back in a year time.....time change.... perception........?

2017-11-04 07:12

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